HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-06-21, Page 8I-RAR11ONpCAS IMPERIAL RORNEP, The best 25 cent Mouthorgan made. A full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. and F. W. HESS - - Jeweler. ... aewo.w,wr* .mu..ao�m...Am..s..r,. �':?tn35%"Pd'�:"�5 JESEE FEeM2 :t'i;zrsL!!!:G' rr %fig That New Spring Suit. When looking for your now Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a ettll. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. W. N. ©FFMA Tires Sett While You Wait. The New Way No burned or blackened tires. First-class work and satisfaction guaranteed. gorse -shoeing and Repair- ing 'pairIng promptly attended to. Your Patronage Solicited Louis Prank �TJI'CiCr's — ONTAIlIO 44, 1 a ExPErnENcEi Tads Manes a e Dl:StGIVS Coley:emigre lac. Anyone sending a sketch end description may e nleldascertain ,certain ourw opinion free betber an invention 1sprobably patentable. Communist.. 'ions strictly routldon Llai. Handbook on Patents Sent tents taken through • fur securing Co patents. special notice, without charge, 14 the ' Riverkka+nno t handsomelyiltttstrated weekly. Largest c' -r, dation or any scientific journal. Terms, $.3 e yr@r:tan, .,,maths, $I. Vnh byailcwsdeniers. MINN & CQ,3Cisreadway, Ne, sJ York %anon Oitlee. Weshir r,.ten.r. G LOCAL NEWS it New ads—L Prang, Bosseuberry l3ros., H 0 Doan. J. 3. Merner returned yesterday from hie trip to Tests. Hay Council meets in the Town Hall, Zurich, neat Wednesday, at 2 o'clock, p, m. Messrs. P, Bender and Nelson Wurrn took in the circus at London on Monday. For fifty cents we will send Tnz HnRALD-to the end of 1007 to new subscribers. Give it a trial. Miss Ella Ronnie and Masters PE and P. Paulin, of Goderioh, visited at the former's home here over Sunday. Dr, and Mrs George Schellig, of Detroit, Mich., use visiting the former's parents at the Goshen Line south, at present. A. disastrous hail storm passed through a section of Stanley town- ship on Tuesday evening. Windbws were broken and crops damaged. Fanners— Remember that damaged,. we have in stock a full line of binder twine. The Deering brand, strong- est and longest, Leave your orders early. F. Hess & Son. The Silver Jubilee Band has been, engaged to furnish music atKippen for asocial to bo ,given under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church of that place on the even- ing of June 28th. Then large poplar tree at the south west corner of the Dominion Hotel was laid low last Thursday. This was the last one of a row -which used to stand on the east side of the Goshen Line. It is said to have been planted nearly fifty years ago. SCHOOL PICNIC. The school pionio and civic holi- day celebration, hold on Tuesday, at Grand Bend, proved, to be a successful and interesting event. The weather was fine, although the heat in the afternoon was extreme, but a shower in the evening made things more comfortable.. A number of other school picnic's were also held on that day and these with the crowd that weiat from Zurich made the attendance a large one. The Jubilee Silver Band helped to enliven the proceedings and the splendid music furnished was e,a_ joyed by all. Of goods things to eat there was plenty and more and all did justiee thereto. It is wonderful wliat'iln appetite a picnic will elexelorn ,, In the afternoon the sports tool: place and these were all keenly contested by pupils of the Z. P. The tug-of-war was one of the best. events, as the sides were nearly. evenly matched, and the winning side had to earn their prize. The baseball match between two picked teams was of the star variety and a number of the players are think- ing of joining the Eastern .league clubs next season. The long drive into centre out -field made by W. O'Brien startled the spectators. The side captained by Chas. Fritz didn't win. As evening drew near all gather- ed around the tables onto more, end soon after the picnickers start - eel for home_the older people first and the young folks at n. later hour. The day 'would have been more pleasant with a few degrees of less heat, but then real picnic weather must be hot to be most enjoyed. The following are the receipts and expenditures for the day: Ro eeipts --- Carryalls $22.45; Badges $1.15 ; Collections $37.56 ; Total 161.18. Disbursements—Guenther $9.50; Jarrott 4.75; Murdock 4.75; Welker 4.75; basket wagon 3'25; grounds 2.00: ribbon 3.93 ; printing Snots ; prizes 6.90; band 10 00; To- tal $50.33. Balance in treasury $10.83. fit"e+*Gf+-"C-h<4.4z}"18+, 4"€+-4Ei„<£h's2,Q0'F�`'1-434"+3*,h3a-'¢3-0 ^y + +W3s'g3+,42�.,,..}3.,,,"� t.�j,] rkh'LeadingM ; CIS Shoe tore aCr/l ".1 F��, kl �iiS�19ed� t,JE a ave Received a Fine Lot of Spring 'E BOOTS a • They ai'e UP -TO -DATE t: in Style and we have more coning every week. 4 We can show you A £iagnificent cent, at Plric s that 45 wits Sw p.. se you BEN ' . , Zurich ' , tyf, fe ..Se Se 9 eSe lee 1.-4Ci o. My t,s d Sacrifice SaSale Is Still barters For ,Millinery ifli fiery O.enings on Saturday, flan 3oth and flonday, April 1st. Miss ‘MacDougall has again charge of our Millinery Department with the largest and ln(est'up-to-date stock we ever carried. Give her a'catl and be convinced. We do not ; advertise the largest stock but we do advertise the clean- est and, best bought stock. We pay spot cash for our goods therefore our competitors cannot compete with. us in prices.; PRINTS` , , A full range of'light ,and dark Prints, all new patterns, regular 19 -hu now 10e a yard. SA.TENS= Regtilar:12- o non for t o a yard CURTAINMUSLTNS "and ARE SATEENS Regular 10c, 124e, lee, 20c now 8c, 10, 12:: cc 'TUCKED APRON LAWNS Regular 25c now 90o a yard TABLE LINENS, bleached and unbleached 1. piece 2 ycl wide, regular .05c now 30c a yard 1 piece 14 yd wide, reg 60e now 45e a yard 1 'piece 1- yd wide, reg Ho now ase a yard .1 piece, red with floral, design35 a 50c for .,areg c DRESS GOODS We have a large stock of Dress Goods to offer. We can assure you a Bargain in every' 1 and of Dress Goods we sell. .A fait range of BLACKS, BLUES, BROWNS and that new GREY that everybody wants this spring. We have it. Cali early and have first choice:. LINOLEU1t1S FIRST QUALITY 4 yds wide regular x;9.00 now for $1.50 2 yds, wide regular 90ots now for 60ets TABLE OIL CLOTHS Regular 35c Oil Cloth for 25c a yard - Regutar 950 Oil Cloth for 90c a yard $xo,000 Stock, of Merchandise to be Sacrificed LAWNS Regular IOc, 1240;15c, .20o, 25c, now 8c, 10c, 150 and 90c a. yard. .EMBROIDERIES and LACES To be cleared but at reduced prices. TOWELLINGS For 4c ayd and upward 13ED TIMINGS Regular 28o and 25o now 20e a yard Regular 150 now for 10ots a yard BET SHIRTING Made. We are selling them at 124e a yd ('O TTON A DES Regular 98e and 25e for 92C a yard Dutch Setts and Produce taken I ; exchange OIL CLOTHS 2 yds wide regular 60ets for 45ets WALL PAPERS A Big Snap in Wallpaper and nice new patteI'ns t0 choose fi'oni. Regular lOc Wallpaper for 7c Regular 15c Wallpaper for 10e Regular 90e Wallpaper for 15e Regular 25c Wallpaper for Igo Odd lines of Wallpaper to clear out at 3c a roll LADIES' FUR COATS . This ie your chance for Ladies' Fur Coats, only a few left. 1 only regular price x+30,00 for 818.00 1 only regular price 28.00 for. 15,00 ANNE:LLE;),?, itANKETS "'Iegtilar11.0(3"f"►t. "facts .eat:h COMFORTERS and WOOL BLANKETS t a.BIG REDUCTION in price. WINDOW SHADES • 10 doelt window shades regular 350, 40c, 45e,. to sell at 25e. A BIG SNAP IN Gli'.,OCERIES 3 lbs best seleut Raisins for 2) cent, 4 lbs best gea're'd Curr•auts for 25 is 10' abs best Ovnieat for 25 Bents a boxes Corn, Peoe and tomatoes 25e 4 .boxes of Starch for 23 cents Best roasted Coffee 2 lbs for 25cts Best green Japan Tea per 1b 23oti ,boxes Yeast Cake for 10 cents 7ebars Comfort, Bee Hive Sunlight or Goodwill Souls for 25ets Best raking Powder 14. 1h. for 95c ;i rads genitive American 0,1 for 75o READY-MADE and TAILOR,.!1ADE CLOTHING . We have a full range of Spring Suiting$, all new patterns. Our stook of Ready -Made$ is complete. We guarantee a fit and save you ropey. .MEN'S NEW SPRING I CATS Caps. Dress SI.iu'ts, Collars and Ties to be sold at a Big Reduction. MILLINERY DE1'AR CENT Miss 3•tcDoug-tll is with us again this season and we have a large Atoek of Millinery Goods which will be sold at a it1G DISCOUNT. CROCRERY, GLASSWARE, , CHINA- WARE and PARLOR LAMPS A large stock of C'rvvkerr, Glaeswarc, Chinaware and Parlor Lamps to 1,e cienrcd out at a Big Reduction. ul Messrs. L. Prang and Dan Mc! Istaac visited friends in Goderich on Sun day, .'Last Saturday three freight oars broke from a train of 14 pars in the middle of the lower steep arch bridge, and pliinged"into 'the rap. ids 250 feet below, atlelia;gaia Fltlls. In leaving the track the ears dam- aged the upper and lower docks Rlf the bridge to aconsiderable ex- tent. When they strucic,the water they were not badly damaged, but the eur.<eut of the rapids carried them to the whirlpool whore; they were broken, in pieces. A. brakes., Lunn had narrow escape. On Saturday lest the : death oc- curred of Adana Snaith. at the ripe old Age of 86 years, 5, months and 21 days. The. deceased had been making his Lome with pie'son, W'endel Smith, Goshen Line south, for the Iastereers. He was taken ill on Friday and on Seturday pas- sed away. Re formerly lived on the old horneeteatl farm on the 13abylon and has been u. resident of Hay Township for many years. Ifr, Smith was highly respected by all who knew him. The only sur- vivingmember of the family is the son, Wendel Snaith, who with the other relatives, has the sympathy of the cominnni.ty in his less. The funeral was held on Teesday morn- ing interment 't:l:itlg place in the Et, 0, cerneter r, Zeraoh. s:s:ttztilh i4 wt mma � 1 i Look Here c eke., F you are not one o� our customers, the loss is yours as well as ours. We were never in better shape to serve you than now. Never had we such a large stock of Hardware and Harness to choose from. And every - bought before the advance in prices took place. In Wire Fencing We have the IDEAL, all No. 9 hard i Leel coiled wire and the Pittsburg welded Hog and Chicken Fence, No lock to slip, and all at last year's prices, We also stock coiled spring wire' stays and locks, called the lock that will not slily, guaranteed. Call and see. C. HARTLEI - Zurich. The People's Hardware and Harness House IMMPRARMEIMPAMMMIVMMWAMMA tee Us eote