HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-06-21, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.
'Vol. V11., No. 48
$1. Per Year.
A special course of instruc•
tion during July and August
for Palilie School Teachers.
Enter any time.
individual instruction.
:Mrs. and Mrs. Owen Geiger, of
Uensall. spent Sunday with relativ-
es in the
Mr. T. H. Brownlee of Bayfield
will:have charge of the entrenace
examinations here next week.
The Sunday evening service in
the Evangeliee.l.church, will begin
at 7.30, duilirigetbe slimmer months
begining next Sunday.
The entrance -examinations
be held next week. Six pupils of
the Z. P. S. will write on theexami-
Miss Phoebe Rickbeil, who has
been assisting in a millinery shop
atExeter, has returned. to her home
Mr. Wesley Kibler, tra.veller for
tire NiTillittrn Shoe Co , Brampton,
$071t,F..rdialr and Satrirday..of last,
Weett'at.the home of 0, Fritz.
Mr. and Mrs .Tecobs, Mr. ,f, Stns.
kopf and Miss Stoskopf of Sebring.
ville were visitors at the home of
Thos Johnson over Sunday.
Mrs. (Rev.) Joseph Towne. of
Steamboat Reek, Iowa. and Miss
Polly Geiger arrived in town on
Friday and will spend a few months
-with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Abraham Geiger.
Miss Gertrude Lachence. teacher
in Separate School No. 1, Hay. has
been appointed by the Daughters
of the Empire as one of the exam-
iners of the essays for the prizes
given by this Society in Goderich.
Dr. and Mrs. Campbell -visited
friends and going via steamer Grey-
hound from Goderieh. Dr. CAW-
thorpe. of Texas. formerly of TTen.
still, attended the doctor's practise
during bis absence.
1?. Kalbfleisek is making a start
towards moving his flax Mill and
planing mill to this village from
the 14th con. A quantity of stone
is already 'on the ground and a, stnrt
on the foundation will he made in
a few days. This will be a good
addition to our town.
Mrs. (Rev.) Whiteside will give
an address at the W. C. T. U.
meeting evitich will be held at the
home of Mrs. Williams on 'Wednes-
day afternoon, June 26th- All the
mem hers are urged to attend this
meeting. Come and bring yortr
friends with. you, _Meeting corn-
reAnCOS at 2.30.
Last Tuesday did not pass off
without a nurnber of accidents.
Mr. M. Drysdale was driving to the
Bend in the forenoon and when a
few miles front that place a tug
hroke causing the buggy to swerve
and upset in the ditch. Luckily
the two ladies who accompanied
him escaped injnry as did also Mr.
_Drysdale. The ton was considerab-
ly cl a in aged.
While Mr. end Mrs. C. Welker
were starting for home from the
park, the here inede a few plunges
and. Mrs. Welker jumped out of the
rig,, sustaining a badly sprained
Mr. Chas. and Rosie Either were
driving hems in the evening and
while passing another rig the
wheels caught and they were
thrown into the ditch by their ling-
gy upsetting. They were slightly
'bruised. Chas. managec1 to stop
the horse from getting aysay.
The weekly shoot was not held
on Tuesday evening.
Miss Minnie Price, of London,
visited at her home over Sunday.
Leo Charlesworth of Petrolia was
a yisitor in the village on Wednes-
Mrs, 0. Wagner of Guelph, is
paying an extended visit to relativ-
es in this vicinity.
Mr. Arthur Well left on Tuesday
for Saginaw, Mich., where he has
secured a good situation.
Public School Inspector Tom of
Goderioh paid an official visit to
the Zurich school on Monday.
The band concert last Saturday
evening was largely attended and
everybody was delighted with the
music. No concert will be given
to -morrow evening,
A post card received from J. ,T.
M.erner last week. who is visiting
Texas, states that the natives of
that state were busy digging up
potatoes at the tine of Writing.
The Jubilee Silver Band is open
to accept engagements for furnish-
ing music for lawn socials, garden
-Parties, etc. Charges reasonable.
For particulars write tor. W. Hess
leader, Znrioh.
The Children's Day services in
the Evangelical church on Sunday
were well attended. The afternooxi
and evening meetings were espec-
ially interesting., and the addresses
given were much appreciated.
Among those from this village
who are visiting Niagara are:
Mr. Adam Faust, Miss Lily and
Master R Pietist, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Ran, Mr, Jacob Deieherb and moth-
er, Mr. and Miss .Addie Witwer,
The annual meeting of South
Huron Conservatives will be held
in McDonell's Opera 13onse, Hen -
sell, on Friday, June 28th at 2 p,
me for the election of officers and
the transaction of other business.
The meeting will be addressed by
B. B. Gunn, M. P., H. Eilber, M
P. P., and others.
In the case of Cochrane vsitfay
ToWnsilipt .W41011--e-reislia.4
against the plaintiffs at the time of
the trial in May 1206, judgment
was given last week in the applicua
tion for a new trial, The ease was
argued before judge Holt u.t. Gode
rich on Monday of last week and
the Judge has given his decision
that a. new trial is unnecessary.
Glean:an & Stitnbury. of Exeter,
noted for the township, and Proud -
foot, Hays and Blair, of Goderich
for the plaintiff.
Mrs. Heist, who tinderWente ttai
operation recently is recovering,
Reht. D'englas, Sr,, of S. la,'
Stanley, is itt with alt attaok. a
pneumonia. ,..
Mrs. Pee -stint?. Yolland returned
O London.
home et ' 'a Pleasant visit -with
;,4nliih;t1141: from the village at,
, 4drfthe'Seaforth races on Wed:
pe s ttY, and, Thursday.
e Have.You got v cream separator?
If not buy the leading machine,
ipfagnet" loWast peice Hess & Son:
- Monday and Tuesday were very
hot daysa he hottest this year, teat
othen itp.,been cold long enough.
MisdA Lila Wenzel and Mr. 'Me
Finkbein Of Crediton were guests,
at the honki, of Mr. C. Eilber on
Sunday. :.•:12`7', :•• •
Five .hunclred home -seekers,
niestlyef4ni Grey and Bruce coun-
tieslfe11.0 west left Toronto on
A - '
You' ne haying tools now.,
Deering n%bwers., 'rale, loaders,
tracka, to# ,,,a, slings, etre.. etc., best
makepabheliep at Hess &Son's.
Mr. JohnLoveof Stephen town-
ship has puecha,sed a, new sewing
machine fe0n. Mr. Cyrus Colosky,
who has beetfi selling machines in
this vicinity for fifteen years.
Mrs. M. ItcOormick is getting in
a fine line die colored picture post
cards. She 'also has in stork some;,retty souvenirs of Zurich, such'
as writing. tablets, thermometers,
Tallman Wtirm, when:has been
engaged witlitayj. Preeter as clerk
for some yeater, severed his con-
nection with that firm last Satnr-
day and intends leaving for De-
troit in a fent weeks.
Thousands of city people are now
countingethe hours when they cep
leave for'anerne lake or river for an
outing, -Where they can fiarht mos.
quitoes and bugs for a 'few
undiperbitps get drowned: It is a
rettt i' ut 1114UP'":4!,,,T•E;10;cle.R-
what a vacation et an 'Orating meant.
A number wh9 attended the ,pfe-
nic at the -Bend on Tuesday erijoy-
ed a moonlight excursion to ;Hay-
field in the evening via the fishing
tas "W H Selkirk" of Port -Enron.
They expected to land at. St Joseph
but the lake was too rough and con-
sequently had to go on to •Bayfield.
They returned to Zurich the not
morning via a livery rig.
4;1 o",tm.,10.141/11, VW' hri'V;IsPOVE` • ',MAO...4,
soropertmerramaacorturace,n‘nnorr.v.weemvoa.mmasatraerama...nonrznnewonnookago uvorkrworranoxicaVinwer.a.aptcrstntll.M.,a-anartaCragnakovrarara,./.1..Ten.
All Hats in the 'Millinery Department
At aIf Price
Commencing, Saturday, June 8th.
This is your ,.thance while the season lasts.
Produce.. taken fri exctharl.ge
Jo So Fa st, 7:a rich
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hoe Sa.tisfaction
4A Our aim to supply Otir customers with ltothing
but first-class Shoes has given ns a good reptita-
tion, and the result has been, that our sales ..b..Pve p
8 T
•, increased. wonaerfully, Whether you 1Vailt an
'.oks to -date Shoe of the latest style o leather, or a ge.
. v.. Shoe for every day wear we can suit yob. Ou,I.:
A. '..,prices are as low as any and it...wili pay , ell. 1 (*.) Cali ,•;:9
-an. us -before you ]my. /
•.• .
0 ''• ' rne er . NV ar
• csa,•;' •
0 vores78rs.iiiiiiibi,i.. Vrel.'• ':will 'V
Soo -;:i be complete andloilF In peotion of i s'ame ','1'.•
• itri.
4.6 is respectfully solicitea.
C . FIVIZ9 The Shoeman. ‘g
a.& Butter and Eggs taken in exchange.
Ladies' Mantles
and Cravanettes
We have a nice assoetment of the
ehove lines, and it will pay you to Lsee
tbem and get our pricee. They are
moving out rapidly. Oer light tweed
patterns at $0.00 and $3.00 are special a
values. We also have them in darkea
Greys, newest styles and close 'prices;
House=clea hg
We have a large stock of Carpete,
Innol emus, Floor Oils, Tapestry, Floor
Rugs, in different sizes, Lace Curtains,
Roller Blinds, Curtain Poles iv. brass
and and a large assortment 1of
Tapeetry Cartainf, Cht0,M, Art Mt
Potatoes wanted=
Parties having po=
tatoes to dispose of
shouhd. bring them
here before May 4th
D & A Corsets.
D d 2 Copees are slylitTh xxii ou..-
fortabl,„>, and hot t their shape. Pay
what you (tare for custom made cor-
set'and your mon4 bays no more than
if a portion of it !,iought & A.
They are made Of the best quality OE
canal, haudeinnelytrimmed with ani.
without hose Sepetneer , in whqe or
drab. You min ,gat them as any priet.
Our $1.00 line, Vail hoee,
is J)ec1a1 val no.„:,,rtey a 1„n• awl e'ira.
vinoe yourself. •
ti a rdwa re
We are headquartersfor HardWa;e.
Give us a teall if you need anything in
the line of Bailable. ?if:tn.:Hal, Rooting
and Eareiroughing. We can give pal
close 1i'i'i ii above as we bought tut'
stock before nrinee telvenced anil iv'.
give yoii i,ei,efit of our putelmee.
othealtina of nardware itt eropor-
1 sett ,of Slings
2 only Post Hole Digger.
at a Big Reduction in Price
to clear them out.
• Wire Fencing
.Buy only the best fencing
and, that is the PEERLESS,
with the that cannot slip.
G wire No 9 bard steel coil 2
7 L ” a rOd •36c,
8 a rod 3':".%
Eavetroughiug at 5 cts per
foot and oth(..r goods in vro-