HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-06-14, Page 8UARrIONICA.S IMPERIAL RROHNER The best 25 cent Mouthorgan made. and A full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. F. W. HESS - - Jeweler. tereamm That New Spring Suit. When looking for your new Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are es cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a Large nnmber of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. W. H. HOFFMAN LOUIS PRANG General Blacksmith ¶Still at the old stand. and busier than ever, Our work gives satis - faction. ¶I handle all the genuine plow points. Also can get machine repairs for all makes of leach-' inery. Your Patronage Solicited ztiRicI ONTAPIO 50 YEARS" EXPEaiENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyont tending a sketen and description may gntckly ascertain our opinion free whether an invent inn Ie probably patentable. con,rn,nkka. :tons strictly con Ild et; Nal. Ilandlwok on Pat mita sent free. Oldest n geney for securing patents. Patents takon through Munn & Co. teuetvo apcci ! notice, without charge, tune cit ummmc . merlon. !'handsomely illustrated 'week!'. Larizcst oir• cu!atlon nr any solentlfr ;ourual. Terms, g13 a your ; four &.months, $L Sold by ail newstirralr.rs. MU CQ 361Oroadwav,New York Rrauc'a Ohlfa r!t<' .' St- Nti•nehinrztou. Z. C. .61 LOCAL NEVV'S A number frotn tho village are, attending the convention at Hen- sall being held to -day. We publish in this issue another interesting letter from R, F. Stelek of Edmonton, Alta. Quite a number from the village attended the Hey—Stelok nuptials at the Babylon Line on Wednesday. John Schuettler is busy this week building a cement culvert on the Sauble Line opposite E. Dodman's. John P. Becker, representing the Berliner Journal, of Berlin, vele looking up business in this section, this week. We have put in stock all kinds of cistern and well pumps of the best makes at lowest prices. Call and see them at Hartleibs. The '. executive of the Huron Weather Mutual Insurance Co;, met in Zurich last Saturday f<r the transaction of routine business. A notice which is tacked up on the big block at St. Joseph states bleat the property will be sold at sheriff's sale at Goderieh on Sept- ember 28th next for taxes. The first band concert of the season was held last Saturday night and many came out to hear the band play. If the weather is suitable another ooncert will be given this Saturday evening. A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of the bride at Lisbon, I Out , on Tuesday, June llth, when Miss Lovina Wagner wasunited in rnarriage to Rev. L. K. Eidt, pastor of the Evangelical church, Dashwood. Rev. George Wagner, of Listowel, brother of the bride, performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. H. Dierlamm. We join with their many friends in wishing Rev. and Mrs. Eidt a prosperous and pleasant married life. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The meeting of the Huron Coun- ty Council whieh was held at Gode- rieh last week, closed on Friday, Many important matters were dealt with and the session was a busy one. Robert Mutch was ap- pointed keeper of the House of Refuge, Mrs. R. Mutch, matron, and Mrs. W. H, Simpson, assistant matron, Mr. D. French, the late keeper was voted an honorarium of $100 in recognition of his faith- ful services, Among the grants made by the council are the follow- ing : $75 to the Huron county league for prizes ; $20 to the Hensall horse fair, and $50 to assist in/ re- pairing the Blyth lockup.– . .The' estimated county expenditures ', for the present year reaches the sum of $73,120,83, making the county rate about the same as last year. It is expected that about $25,820.83 will be required for roads and bridges alone during the present year. HICKS' FORECASTS. The third regular storm period in June will prove one of the most decided times of turmoil. It is cen- tral on the 15th and will come to its culminating stages during Sun - dee, the 15th to Tuesday the 18th. A Iow reading of your barometer at this time will be an admonition of danger, which no one should ignore, especially those who Iive in the tornado and fined regions. Storms at this and other June per- iods will frequently reverse their usual courses and move in un- looked-for directions. Let no one, under any circumstances, take shel- ter under green trees during these vicious thunder storms in June. Look for an excess of lightning, some of which will he dangerous, but most of which will be harmless and sublime. The lightning of an on -coming thunder storm is a dif- ferent proposition from the harm. less sheet lightning which bla.zas all round the heavens in the June nights, iti9..c+ .€4, Si.+E+-9- a4£+..t+-,E4.-•E+-.E+ t. �• �3a + +3� w3� +3¢ a3��3. ►^,s +3 X34 . r k -+- 'at" SHOES AND BOOTS`°�. that 45 Zurich's Leading S l e Store C�1 LE Have Received a Fine Lot of Spring 0 They are UP-TO-DATE in Style and we have more `l' corium,' every week. We can show you Y if A flagnificent Assortment, at Prices 4 will Surprise you 45 Jii ;}�1�T]u�rich. x fa4£+ .F'4' lEi<4Esete-ateaf.vnesa^ireeeewe lea e.Ilirlvls +3* 43.434.0,43* 4+11 ilei 4".rM1: `kA°~coipr�...". lxi iotx.no."ka°yw4,a';,v.zice6.afw r,sRG..ad v "3,v'm,tik ' '-.°+t oN2 . Sacrifice Sale Is Still Headquarters Por gy l : iiinery Openings on Saturday, Mar. 3oth and flonday, April 1st. miss MacDougall has again charge of our Millinery Department with the largest and most up-to-date stock we ever carried. Give her a`call and be convinced. We do not advertise the largest stock but we do advertise the clean— est and best bought stock. We pay spot cash for our goods therefore our competitors cannot compete with us in prices.! PRINTS DRESS GOODS A full range 'of light and dark Prints, all net r patterns, regular 1240 now 10e, a yard. SATEE N S Regular 12:?rc now for 10c a yard CURTAIN MUSLINS and ART SATE.ENS Regular 10o, 122o, iSe, 20c now 8e, 10, 12?, -0c TUCKED APRON LAWNS Regular 25c now 900 a yard TABLE LINENS, }leached and unbleached piece 2 yd wide, re 'alar file now 50c a yard piece 1- yd wide, reg 60c now 45c a yard 1 piece 1a yd wide, reg SOc now 85c a yard piece, red with floral design, reg 50e for 350 1 1 We have a large stook of Dress Goods to offer. We can assure you a Bargain in every yard of Dress Goods we sell. A full range of BLACKS, BLUES, BROWNS and that new GREY that everybody wants this spring. We have it. Call early and have first choice. LINOLEUMS FIRST QUALITY 4 yds wide regular $2.00 now for $1.50 2 yds wide regular 90ets now for O0cts TABLE OIL CLOTHS Regular 35c Oil Cloth for 25c a yard Regular 25c Oil Cloth for 20c a yard $10,000 Stock of Merchandise to be Sacrificed LAWNS Regular 10c, 12,c, 16c, 200, 255e, now 8c, 10e, 15c and 20c a yard. EMBROIDERIES and LACES To be cleared out at'reduced prices. TOWELLINGS For 4c a yd and upward BED TICKINGS . Regular 28c and 25c now 20c a yard Regular 15c now for 10cts a yard BEST SIi1RT1t G Made. We are selling them at 12c a yd COTTON-ADES Regular 28c and 25c.for 22c a yard OIL CL' OTIS 2 yds wide regular allots for 45cts WALL PAPERS A Big Snap in Wallpaper and nice new patterns to choose from. Regular 10c Wallpaper for 70 Regular 150 Wallpaper for 10e Regular 20c Wallpaper for 15c Regular 25c Wallpaper for 1.8e Odd lines of Wallpaper to clear out at 3c a roll LADIES' FUR COATS rl'his is your chance for Ladies' Fur Coats, only a few left. 1 only regular price $30.00 for 818.00 1 only regular price 28.00 for 15.00 Dutch Setts and Produce taken in exchange FL, NNELLETTE BL Az KETS 7~ igtilar'$1.00 for Mita .each COMFORTERS and WOOL BLANKETS At ai BIG REDUCTION in price. WINDOW SHADES 10 dozen window shades regular 35c, 40e, 45c, tosell at 250. A BIG SNAP IN GROCERIES 3 lbs best select Raisins for 93 cents 4 lbs best cleaned Curralits, kir 25 is 10 Lbs best Oatmeal for 25 cents :3 boxes Corn, Peas and tomatoes 25e 4 boxes of Starch for 25 cents Best roasted Coffee 2 lbs for 25cts Best green Japan Tea per lb 25ots 3 boxes Yeast Cake for 10 cents 78bars Comfort, Bee [live Sunlight or Goodwill Soap for 25cts Best Baking Powder la lbs for 25c 5 gals genuine American 0,1 for 75c READY-MADE and TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING We bave a full range of Spring SuitingJ, all new patterns. Our stock of Ready -blades is complete. We guarantee a it and save you money. MEN'S NEW SPRING HATS Caps. Dress Shirts, Collars and Ties to be sold at a I3.g Reduction. M ILLINE RY DEPARTMENT Miss iFleDougtlll is with us again this season and we have a large wlo-k of Millinery Goods which will be sold at a BIG DIbCOUNT. CROCRERY, GLASSWARE, CHINA- WARE and PARLOR LAMPS A large stook of Crockery, Gfassw:ire, Chinaware and Parlor Lamps to be cleared out at a Big Reduction. J. '' 6 ZURICH • Dan afc[saac spent Sunday at his home in Dashwood. A complete line of..' White Shoes for summer wear. See mine before you buy. C. Fritz. The rain on Tuesday helped the vegetation wonderfully and crops are growing rapidly, Mr. and Mrs, 1. G. Nichol of Hickson :are visiting friends 'and relatives in this vicinity atpresent. Jos. Bedard of St. Joseph was in Goderieh this week acting as a juror at a sitting of the county court. a „ The contract for building the cement abutments at the bridge south of St. Joseph. has been awarded to Mr. Wetherspoon, of Azisa Craig, The Potty 1 -lours' .Devotion per. Woes held in the R C church Ibis week were well attended. Father Dancer, of Hessen, and Fiedler Loiselle, of Drysdale, assisted Father Stroeder in the work. The report of the department of the interior for the ln.st fiscal year shows that of the total nutnber of homestead entries in Canadian west over 12,000 were Canadian, 700 odd of whom wore Canadians returning from the United. States, And of the total number of Canadians 7,11184 came from Ontario and only 3.201 from the rests of the Domin- , 1 . WIRMAMIWAMMIMAWANI Look • Here F you are not one of our customers, the loss is yours as well as outs. We were never in better shape to serve you than now. Never had we such a large stock of Hardware and Harness to choose from. And every - bought before the advance in prices took pace. In Wire Fencing We have the IDEAL, all No. 9 hard steel coiled wire and the Pittsburg welded IIog and Chicken Fence. No lock to slip, and all at last year's prices, We also stock coiled spring wire stays and locks, called the lock that will not slip, guaranteed. Call and see. C. ARIL I B Zurich. The People's Hardware and Harness House itc ,PRIMPFRAMMWWWVIMMVIANMPA