The Herald, 1907-06-14, Page 44 LEGAL. CARDS. 'ICJ, D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- liciter, Notary Public, Heusa11, Ontario. At Zarich (Zeller's offaee) every Mon- day. PROUDPOOT, BAYS & BLAIR, BAR- ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderi Dh, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. 0. Ufaya G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. E. W. STOSKOPF, VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario. Office over T. & M, Sohnson's Store. Night calls at T. Johnson's residence. -S. HARDY, EXETER, ONT.. LICENS- ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. My rates are reasonable and I will guarantee the best of satisfaction, For the con- venience of my friends in Hay and Stanley, dates and terms may be ar- ranged at THE HERALD Office, Zurich. T', S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Farm stook sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or nn pay. A11 orders left at Lot 23, Con. 2; Hay, or addressed to Hensall P. 0. will be promptly attended to. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- rluate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day, 1-2li E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e d s , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fully and promptly pr=epared. Office— Miler block, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW HESS, DIVISION- COURT CLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Insurance. MMANUEL CHURCH varagelicai Association SERVICES Ai; D MEETINGS WILL BE HELD IN THE EMM Ami UEL EYANGELIOAL CHURCH. ZURICH, AS' FOLLOWS Sunday School at 0.30 p. m. ; Preaching Service, clertnan, 10.45 a. m. ; English Service, at 7 p. m; Senior Alliance, 8 p. n1. Tues- day evening ; German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; Choir Practice Thursday evening at S o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 0'0]0 1,;. , .BBV. A. D. (nISCHLER, PASTOR ....The.... Annual Meeting —of the— South I-Iuron Farmers' Institute will be held in Miller's Hall, Hensall, on Tuesday June 18, at 1 oclock In addition to the usual Nosiness an address still be given by Prof. Reynolds, 0. A. C., Guelph, on the subject "General Farm Drainage.' , W D SANDERS, R GARDINER, President. Secretary. Local Salesman at once for Znrinh and sur• ronndine districts. HIGH CLASH SPECIALTIE8 in t'rrtit and Ornamental Brock grown and for sale by CANADA'S 6Ri.O 3t NURilIMS .A 1'Fr•tnenent eituetinn for the right party. Liberal mlncernent:i ; pay Fveeklr. [nm4 o ue free outfit. Write .for terms and cata- logue, and send 25 cents in stamps for our POO .tCT MAGNIFYING GLASS (.Jr 30 conte for our HANDY HACK Stone & Wellington, F'ONT:HILL NLRtaERIES OVER 800 CRE's Toronto Ontario Sovereb u aa, of Canada Money Orders, Sterling Exchange, Letters of Credit, Colledtions, Savings Depart- ment, General Banking Business, 1nterdt paid 4 times a year on Savings Deposits. ZURICI-; J. Snell, Mgr. PUBLISRED BY E. ZB',LInen. FRIDAY, JUNE 14th, 1907, EVAN. LUTHERAN SYNOD OF CANADA. The 47th annual synod of the evan. Lutheran church of Canada met in Pembroke, Ont., beginning on Thursday, May 30th. The open- ing service was condeteted by the president, Rev. E. Hoffman, of Berlin. On Friday evening Rev. Dr. Ni^.um of Rochester, N.• Y., aild. Rev. 11. Bielinaky, of Philadelphia, Pa., delivered interesting addresses on Home and Foreign Missions. The service on Sunday morning was conducted by Rev, Veit of Sebastopol ; in the afternoon by Rev'ds, Gruhn of Jlambnrg and ILLtehn of Stratford, and evenings byjRev'ds. Neudoerffer of Norman- dy Township, and Wiegand ` of Logan Township, The closing service on Monday evening Was conducted.by Rei*'ds. Holo of Wellesley, and Lirioke, of Conestoga. President E. Hoffman expressed his wish to retire from that office which he has so ably filled for some years, and Rev. H. Renibe of Hamilton was elected in his place. Rev. A. Eggers, of Hespeler, was elected vice-president, anal H. Wie- gand, of Logan, secretary. The other officers were all re-elected, The following were appointed as delegates to the meeting of the. General Council to be held at Buf- falo next September ; Bev'ds. Rem - be. Weigand, Veit, Neudoerffer and Messrs. Schmidt (Stratford) ; Wege- ner egener (Toronto) ; Hess (Zurich), and Bar teoann (Hamilton). The synod will hold its meeting in 1908 in Hamilton, W. C. T. F, INCREASE OF TEMPERANCE. The Chicago lnter-Ocean says. that there ie no doubt that the average of temperance ie increasing and it thinks that this is not due to the nperation of .statute laws, but much of it to moral' and relgions influence and to ecunginie and social pressures. "Modern competition carries on a constant temperance crusade The dten ki,ng man finds. it i1ncf ii5izisly. ;bander to get or keep a job. He sees himself the last to be hired and the first to be; lot go in dull times. Be finals! that drinking does not pay." Blit when did the drinking min ever find that it did pay? , Drunkennese has always been notoriously the cause of proverty. Married. HEY—Seetwx—At the home of the bride's parents, Babylon Lire', Hay, by Rev. E. Schuelke, on June 12th, Miss Annie, danghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey, Sr., to Edward Stelck, of 11th con, Hay. EIDT—WAGNER—At: Lisbon, Ont.. on June 11th, by Rev. G. Wag- ner, Miss Lovina Wagner to Rev. L. I.L. Eidt. of Dashwood. Born. Fosene—At North Boundary, Sten - hen, 011 June 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Foe ter, a son. SaE1.NArr--At St. Joseph, on the 9th inst., to Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Srcenen, a son. TONIGHT. If yrm would enjoy tociorrow take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight, They pro.. duce un agreeable laxative effect clear the head and cleanse the stomach. Price 25 cants. ; Samples freta at .l' T Merner's store. New ads -13'. Well, Sovereign Bank, Farmer's Institute Meeting. A large number of the boar, of trustees in the country are instal- ling libraries in their respective schools. The government this year crakes a grant of not more than $5 to the board expending not less than $10 in books. Many a roan with splendid abili- ty gets on the rocks because his ability is not well directed. The finest ship rn the navy without a. rudder and a mind to direct it is only a menace to human life. There are many people who 'work hard enough, but they.never get- out of the "dog trot" of life A moderate amount of ability is all that is needed to get on in life. When to this is added a mind to work and a straight aim to get the combination. that wins out every time, There are so many with ability and ca- pacity to work wviio mover "get there." They don't get fan` enough. They fall by the way, They never finish anything and make .a clean job of it. There are hundreds; of those who make a bluff at a job to one who Carries it through to a satisfactory completion. • That .is why the proportion of suttees in life is its small as it is.w-ttOanadian Balker and Confectioner, Zurich Herald. CUNTY NEWS. The :trustees of 5 S N'o 1, Stanley are putting a library into their school as required by the school laws and regulations., P. Ilartman, of Sarepta. J. Ziler of Stephen, and Jon Eidt, of )ashvrood. have pill:phased the Harrison flour mills "tat Parkhill. R. Strang, M. A., ';principal of the Goderiah Collegiate, bad the degree of L. L. D. conferred anon liinhy the senate ofToronto Uni- versity on June 7th The.CJlinton town council have passed a, by-law to guarantee bonds of the Clinton Thresher, ;Company to the an,nnnt of $20.000. ' and the electors will vote on it :Time 24th. Richard Welsh has disp Sed of his farm in the township `'4f Ste- nbPn,. being lot 13, onn,'1. to John Farmer of Exeter. Mr. 'Welsh tak- itle jn part exchange Mr. Farmer's residence. - ThemarringP took place on Wed- ./legally- of lest week wIt Hensall of Miss Alma Beatrice Rerslaire, den- srhter nf Mr. and Mrs Win. Kers- lake of Cromarty. to 'Herbert W Cnlriii:hnrt of Stratford. , They will reside in Stratford. Alex Robinson, wi o occupied tiie Rattenbury Hotel, Clinton, at the time it was destroved by fire some time narn, has pnrcbesed the Com - mercini hotel in Bayfielcl of which be took possession on Wednesday of this week. It is expected that the new (1. P. R. line between Gnelpll and Gode. rich will be completed in a few months, and a,rra.tigem ents are being made to celebrate the Donn. my of the lire with e, demonstra- tion at the Goderiell: end. The Clinton Knitting Co. is hAr•- ine constructed on the roof of their building. an irrrmense tank 12x12 Anal ten feet dean, capable of bnld- inp five thonsnnd gallons of 'ma ter. This is connected with each flnnr. and suitable hose provided. sn that in nate of fire, the;' contingency would be provided. for. A pretty wedding wes neinbrete-I at Rnmisels on Tune 4th 'when Rev. A n.rt united in ;onrriaae Miss Lottie Jean Brown. dantehter o14,.nrl n Mrs, Gen. Rrnw, Brest sg-a9k.aPd rr. J, Leslie Err, er%ifitsl i f the Bl-th Standaarcl, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H Kekr, of the 'Brussels Post. Word' WAS reeelveci last week at Centralia, from Saskatoon, Sask., of the Heath nf. P. Carvin, a former well 'known and, resnected resident of Centralia. Mr Onrtin with his family left A few weeks atm for the west and his nisnv friends were surprised and shocked when the news of his death became known. Watford Gnide :—An agent is wonting in Western Ontario re. pairing sewing machines. Hs car- ries all sorts of castings which are needed for machine -repairs. He works his game by slinpina in broken parts he has with him in place of good parts on the machine He charges the people as high as 10 or $12 for renairs. and then leaves the horse and drives away. •Look out for him. In the report of the operation of the License Acts ,for 1906 there were in Huron county i'n 1874 150 tavern licenses and 38 shop licenses issued. Ten years later. in 1884, the figures were 108 tavern and 11 shop licenses. In 1885: 1886 and 1887, the Canada Temperance Act was in force. In the year 1888 the same number were -issued an in 1884. By 1898 there was a further reduction to 83 tavern and G shop licenses. The latest figures given are for 1905, when 73 tavern and 5 shop licenses were issued. The year 1.007 will show a still further reduetlon when the figures are a- vailable. .t. fern doses of this remedy will in- variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhreaa. It can always be depended upon, even in the reore severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera 'itfantutn in children, Midis the means of saving the lives of many chiidren.each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. DYery man of'a family should keep thi, oinetlyin his home, ,Buy it now. LAHGE SIzT, 500. For. a First.ein.s Article i n Harness oil, Dressings, Pastes, Gall Cure, Hoof Ointments, Axle Grease, Coach oil, Sewing Machine oil, Furniture Polish, call on H. WELL, = = Zurich, Ont. High Grade ORGANS and PIANOS The Odd and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Mils. Shin!les! Shingles! Parties needing any shingles would do well to see my stock They are the B. C. SHINGLES, the best kind, and the price is right. Come at once if you need any as they are going fast. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds. Contracts taken and satisfaction guaranteed. It will be to your interest to see me before you build, as my motto is good work and good material at a reasonable price. Custom Sawing and Planing. "Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBFLEISCH, LEISC , Mills 11th. Con. ZURICH 55 sy �. ,,'yy,,,, }�{,Pp_' 1.5 �'•�' r ( - ti�1 �Qii, �1r G _ YSd6':l i.Ll - "..�i'Si s :.:(,'t'�4). �� :i' � r iSEEDS! SEE We bag to announce that, .*re have a complete line of Garden and Field Seeds. In Garden Seeds we handle the celebrated L L May & Co seeds'. They are the good kind and always give satisfaction. 5 packages Garden Seeds for to cents. Rig 07. �:;1 r i - : 5r �i��. s,rg� ' �L' ,. ,y, ,a ' sjii�>, ERICA5 , � � i . ;.�.. MIS We also have a good line of Field Seeds. Turnip and Mangold seed at Lowest prices Try us for your Groceries,1 Flour, Feed, Stock Foods, etc., we can supply your wants. Give us a call. Sa iue tvoi le•i * * * o. 0 0 * '1Jc****c*hC,h-C* *****°*ai'C*.o•***** 0 A ?*C 4 International Harvester *Implements. O We keep in stock a full line of the above celebrated make of Farm Im- plernents. They are used in every 'civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Bay no other. \Ve handle tlio Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer than wooden ones, in fact we laanclle e ; ery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. Whsa in need of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. F ED. ? EAS & 5 ' N9 Rickbeil's Old Stand - - ZURICH. -. 0 0 * * ** *** Tri * ** * Tri. , 0 o • O O. O! 3'0