HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-06-07, Page 8exacivampsomatmmotaressussmasawastasremanammumworamma HARle1ON %CAS IMPERIAL HOHNER and The best 25 cent Moutlaorgan made. A full line of W ATCIES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. F. W. HESS - • Jeweler. J•' That New Spring Suit. When looking for your new Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, ete., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large nnmber of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. W. H. HOFFMAN Ittoramsetzesomnausemenseend LOUIS PRANG General Blacksmith 1Still at the old stand and busier than ever. Our work gives satis- faction. ¶T handle all the genuine plow points. Also can get machine repairs for all makes of mach- inery. Your Patronage Solicited ?URICIl — ONTARIO 50 YEARS' EXPER1ENc1= ;' RADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly uncertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. XIandbook on Patents Boot free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Aiunn & Co. receive -special natter', without charge, to the Scientific slinerican, f handsomely illustrated weekly. Lnreest tars eulation of any srientlde journal. Terms. F:; pyy�eea��rgg;ppffoo�,uuqr �.aonths, 51. Sold by all newen eel ere. lY8tbi4N & ao,36t3roadwaq, e1 i 'o'h1 Branch Office. K+- s4 c:'aallivaton. S.. Yo., Red Cedar New Brunswick White Cedar..... hi abundance y o CLff ons Planing Mill and Lumbez Yard 44-3 SEAFORTH Ma4isoi§!:{tai.:aNle `C':MWARi i{gaTX LOCAL NEWS NISREMAMIMMIEVANTANGliMOVANiM Go to H. Well for your lawn croquette setts. We have in stock 6 kinds of washing machines to choose from. At Hart]eib's. F. W. Hess, W. O'Brien and W. G. Hess are spending a few days at the Pinery. Miss Ida Sipple, who has spent the winter in Detroit, has returned to her home here. A special announcement is made by the Clinton Business College this week. Read their ad in this issue. Miss Minnie Doan, who has been staying in Winnipeg, has left that city and is now in Minneapolis Minn. Hy. Zimmerman is able to be, out again after being confined to the house for some weeks on account of the runaway accident. Invitations are out for the wed- ding of Miss Annie Hey, of the Babylon Line, to Mr, E. Stelck, of the 14th con., which takes place on Wednesday. June 12th. All Liberals in poll No. 3, of Hay Township. are invited to attend the meeting in the 'Town Hall, next Wednesday evening, for the purpose of selecting delegates to attend the convention at Exeter next Friday, when, a candidate to contest the riding for the Dominion Parliament will be selected, REFORM CONVENTION OF SOUTH HURON. A Convention of the Reformers of the Electoral District of South Huron, as constituted for Dominion purposes, will be held in McDon ell's OPERA HOUSE, HENSALL, ON FRIDAY, JUNE 14TH 1907, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of selecting a candidate to contest the Riding in the Reform interests. HON. A. B. AYLESWORTH, K. C., ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CANADA is expected to be present and to deliver an address in the afternoon, A large attendance of delegates and friends of Liberal principles is requested. Meetings will be held in each municipality o n WEDNESDAY,, JUNE 12th, at 8 p. m., for the election of delegates. (See bills.) HY, SMITH, J. Cr, STANBURY, PRII,SIDENT, SECRETARY, 45-2t Exeter, Ont. -.£-e.C-e.e"-€a.'£4..(.4,e €i'.'C-0.-tEo. Sy'.,.„m1,, ,,434^, ,." ,", ,,., *'a3+-4,_~r,.`c h''3""3''t?'.',1 ! Zurich's r 4e d i ft) e ta ri 4D They are UP-TO-DATE in Style and we have more coming every week. We can show you 41, A Magnificent Assortment, at Prices that will Surprise you P. BEN ER, Zurich oe Store E Have Received a Fine Lot of Spring SHOES AND ACTS otos in industrial settlements"' was , the v errnon'G to a depth ex awe or six inClies Aedquarters For I" lfll ry i lillinery Openings on Saturday, Nat. 3oth and Ilonday, April ist. Miss MacDougall has again charge of our Millinery Department with the largest and most up-to-date stock we ever carried. Give her acall and be convinced. We do not advertise the largest stock but we do advertise the clean— est and best bought stock. We pay spot cash for our goods therefore our conipetitors cannot compete with us in prices.j ' n�`A b t t ahem. W. sTs # ysrk �T'""' �'�Y w<?`YYS'':K AF„'iA 1 •(owl�Pd�. `,31 deawA>p R a� �i'M4 'i'ti +..vv,,., kc 'c4�R... i_'KLS.!�i! �"v �LZM,�Q.�G,+�ava... t: 4,YiyvT� < � k� .°Yiy,. aE. `'P! °X;'�"� r�e,4 ��.r: •.,� �7u..,s a4.v�e1 s°�' s,vr.m.a.ct. �. cf .w vs a R'4 z* fi PRINTS A full range of light and dark Prints, all newpatterns, regular .124c now 10e a yard. SATEENS Regular 121c now for 10c a yard CURTAIN MUSLINS and ART SATEENS Regular l0c, 12 •e, 15c, 200 now 8c, 10, 12:fee TUCKED -APRON LAWNS Regular 25c now 20c a yard TABLE LINENS, bleached and unbleached 1 piece 2 yd wide, regular 65c now 50c a yard 1 piece 14 yd wide, reg 60c now 450 a yard 1 piece lg yd wide, reg 500 now 35c a yard 1 piece, red with floral design, reg 500 for 35o DRESS GOODS We have a large stock of Dress Goods to offer. We can. assure you a Bargain in every yard of Dress Goods we sell. A full range of BLACKS, BLUES, BROWNS anti that new GREY that everybody wants this spring. We have it. Call early and have first choice. LINOLEUMS FIRST QUALITY 4 yds wide regular $2.00 now for $1.50 2 yds wide regular 90ets now for OOcts TABLE OIL CLOTI-IS Regular 35c Oil Cloth for 25c a yard Regular 250 Oil Cloth for 20c a yard $o,000 Stock of Merchandise to be Sacrificed LAWNS Regular 10c, 12i0, 15e, 20c, 25c, now 8c, 10c, 15c and 20c a yard. EMBROIDERIES and LACES To be cleared out at reduced prices. TOWELLINGS For 4c a yd and upward BED TICKINGS Regular 28c and 25c now 20c a yard Regular 15c now for l0cts a yard . • BEST SHIRTIN G Made. We are selling them at 12.ie a yd COTTONADES Regular 28c and 2,5c for 220 a yard OIL CLOTHS 2 yds wide regular 60cts for 45cts WALL PAPERS A Big Snap in Wallpaper and nice new patterns to choose from. Regular 10c Wallpaper for 7c Regular 15c Wallpaper for 100 Regular 20e Wallpaper for 150 Regular 25e Wallpaper for 180 Odd. lines of Wallpaper to clear out at 3c a roll LADIES' FUR COATS 'This is your chance for Ladies' Fur Coats, only a few left. 1 only regular price $30.00 for $18.00 1 only- regular price 28,00 for 15.00 Dutch Setts and Produce taken in exchange FIANNFT,LETTE BLANKETS � � egular 41.QO for .75c,06.7a0 COMFORTERS and WOOL ',BLANKETS .At. a 1310- REDUCTION in price. WINDOW SHADES 10 :dozen window shades regular 35c, 40; 45c, to sell at 250. A BIG SNAP IN GROCERIES 3 lbs best select Raisins for 25 cents 4 lbs best cleant,d Currants for 25 is 10 lbs best Oatmeal. for 25 cents 3 boxes Corn, Peas and tomatoes 25c 4 boxes of Starch for 25 cents Best roasted Coffee 2 lbs for 25cts Best green Japan Tea per Ib 25cts 3 boxes Yeast Cake for 10 cents 7�bars Coinfort, Bee Hive, Sunlight or Goodwill Soap for 25cts Best Baking Powder 1 E lbs for 25c 5 gals genuine American Oil for 75c READY-MADE and TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING. We have a full range of Spring Suitinge, all new patterns. Our stock of Readv-lades is complete. We guarantee a fit and save you money. MEN'S NEW SPRING FIATS Caps. Dress Shirts, Collars and 'Pies to be sold at a Big Reduction. MILLINERY DEC ARTMENT • Miss Mcl)on;ill is with us agaiu this season and we have a large stook of Millinery Goods which will be sold at a BIG of. CROCRERY, GLASSWARE, CFIINA- WARE and PARLOR LAMPS A large stock of ("rockery, Glassware, Chinaware and Parlor Lamps to be cleared out at a Big Reduction. .• E z U ICH ti, Y e{. se?� z< x f e : �a Fiate.a .ti.teell.e 4't. 4t.ti>..e A... � ti�S.r.�diY4r., v- ss�p. e�;e�4. �s-..a�.d.<k..1L�:� v.Y .��:J h°.`��k.4 �fw°.ice. �. h 9� e a � F'�S� t � w e .,Ni��, i tobeasaimrow Mr. N. M, Cantin spent a few days at St. Joseph lust week. Mrs. Jarrett and. Mrs. Vanhorne of Hansell visited friends in the village last Friday. It is reported that J, 10, McDonell of Hensall has bought' the big brick block in St. Joseph and in- tends tearing it down and moving the material to Hensall. Dr, Ovens. eye specialist, of Lon- don, who visits Hensel! profession- ally every month, is taking a, trip to British Columbia where he ex- pects to remain several months. Hay Connell have mad© arrange- ments to gravel the Zraich Road west of Zurich with lake gravel. This ought to make a big improve- inent to the road wheal jompleted. The answer to the question of the man who had $100 to invest, which appeared in last week's issue is as follows : He bought 94 geese, 1 sheep and 5 calves, in all 100 head. Mrs, R. O'Brien, of Holinfield, Man., and Mrs. McPhail, of Bran. don, ldan., are visiting at the home of Wnr, O'Brien, of this village, at present. They intend visiting re- latives in Ontario and Michigan for a few months before returning to their homes in the west. (Adeitjona,l looa'ls on page 5.) asaseeretaaareeeseseealleaeXiCKeeeeseseseteal 4NMANINVINAMAAMMNANAAAMANN Look Here F you are not one of our customers, the loss is yours as well as ours. We were never in better shape to serve you than now. Never had we such a large stock of Hardware and Harness to choose from. And every - bought before the advance in prices took place. n Wire Fencing We have the IDEAL, all No. 9 hard steel coiled wire and the Pittsburg welded Hog and Chicken Fence. No lock to slip, and all at last . year's prices. We also stock coiled spring wire stays and locks, called the lock that will not slip, guaranteed. Call and see. C. HARTLE1B = = Zurich. The People's Hardware and Harness House &WWWWWWW.MWAMAAMMAPPAMNIMA��l,�t�t�6 1ap����a`11AAMMAr'lf-1�-, 1i'y Ultilf�"1 n'indetiNiuiti. rrs..vinmea I�.