HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-06-07, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich oaa Hay 'Township. • Vol. VII., No. 46 ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY JUNE 7 1907. $1, Per Year. er School A special course of instruc. tion during July and August for Public School Teachers. Enter any time. individual instruction. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON PRINCIPAL ctr-Armm,tr-?4-mra..4-zs,4-vA-ibA-v4-v4-s 0 L0L NEWS. eracteaareer'eeseara4-se-ealtaeseeeteena Samuel Rennie visited relatives in Goderich this week. A, Stoskopf, of Sebringville, visited his son here over Sunday. We have the best sprayer in town for only $1.25 each, at Hart- leib's. Peter Lamont is attending a meeting of the Huron County council, which is in session at Goderich this week. The band concert did not take place last Saturday evening owing to wet weather. If the weather is favorable a concert will be given to -morrow evening. A telegram was received by friends on Monday, conveying the sad news of the death of Mr. Wil- liam Demuth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Justus Demuth of Ashland, Wis, Mr. Demuth left Zurich . with hie . :Parente ebout ten .yea rg age and - engaged in the bakery business in the city of Ashland, and it was re- ported did a very prosperous trade The news of his death will be re- ceived with regret by this communi- ty, and the parents will have the heartfelt eympathy of alarge circle of friends, in the loss of their only son. THE Thateen did not learn the cause of his death, and it ap- pears that the relatives here had no intimation of any illness in the FALL FAIR. The directors of the Hay Branch .Agricultural Society met in the *Town Hall, Znricli, on Monday evening. .A number of chazigei- were made in the prize list, juthres appointed, and the dates selected for the Fall Fair, which will be held on September 18th and 101h next. A committee was also Ate pointed to arrange for some special attraction, such as speed. contests, ete. WEEKIY SHOOT. On Tuesday evening the MOm. bers of the Gun Club held their weekly shoot. Yungblut happened to hit ten straights and carries the • medal. The score : F W Hess 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 9 Fritz J P Rau W G Hess S E Faust E Stoskopf P Sipple , .0 1 1. 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 (i 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 E 11 1 0 0 11 0 11 7 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 6 E Zeller .... 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 6 • Mittelholtz0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 W O'Brien 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 7 H Yungblut1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 10 J Schnettler1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 J Deiohert 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Truenaner I. 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 SCHOOL PICNIC. Last Tuesday evening the busi- ness men of Zurich met and fixed Tuesday, June 18th, as the (tete of the civic holiday and school picnic. The folliwing committee will at- tend to sports, etc,: J. Preeter, W. O'Brien, Chas. Fritz, E. Zeller, W, Hoffman, H. Yungblut, Dr. Wilson, At our best picnics all ate at e common table like we did last year so let us do so again. Those going in carryalls should bny badges from Mr, McLeod, who will arrange the loads. First COMO, first served. The loads will be made up as last 'year. School load, badges 25c. A middle load, badges 400. An old people's load, badges 45e. As this is the best picnic in Huron county, all should make arrangements fo spend the tiny at the Bend in Le Ntett's grontids. 30 sets of harness at rock bottom prices. At Hartleib's. D. S. Faust has a supply of to- mato and celery plants at lOcts, e. box. A very pleasant and enjoyable party was held at the home of Miss Annie Hess on Wednesday evening. Hy. Bossenberry of Grand Bend passed through Zurich on Monday on his Way to attend the races at Wing ham. Mrs. M. McCormick has purchas- ed the residence and property own- ed by J. D. Merner, of Elmira. Mrs. McCormick has secured a nice home. John Schuettler and his mother, attended the funeral of the latter's brother, the late Henry Pfaff, whose death took place in Rodney, where he had been making his home with his daughter. The funeral took place from the resid. ence of Wm. Pfaff, 16th con., on Sunday, interment in the Goshen Line cemetery. tr7-1-0•00,-.1041)--r041D-41)-4:2 • ZURICU'S CIVIC HOLIDAY and SCHOOL PICNIC ON TUESDAY, JUNE 18TH, 1907. At Levett's Park, Grand Bend. All business plaoes in Zurich will be closed on that day. All are invited. John Dumert, formerly of this place, is taking a bnsiness trip through the western provinces. All our fencing and coiled wire at greatly reduced prices to clear out halftnce. Coiled wire at $2,90 per 100 lbs cash at Hartleib's. Mr. Win. Miller, wishes to in- form HicitAan readers that on'f Thursday *Tope 13th, he win.- Wen'. jAreetileldbiel*ar#000'444,, sizes from 2% to 8 inch. A anniber of cattle are still rnn- ing at large, especially at night, and it seems that nothing short, of a close from the magistrate will stop the practice. There are now a good many properties in town without front efences, and if the owner of the cattle is caught he LIMY ve to pay a bill of damages Its well. reeseeerree. Miss Louie Schnellman of Cen- tralia is visiting friende, here this week. k The FertyHours' Devotien ser- vices begin in the R. church. next Sabbath. • Mr, and • Mrs. Sehatelietier of Rostook are visiting at this home ofQ. Welker at prefeezit. All those who desire to ,have display advertisements in the Hee- Fall Fair prize list are reqeested to communicate with MHZ FIZRALD lj onc$. I hereby notify ,,owners of cattle trespassing on me* property that I wilt from this on , ;impound such cattae without further notice. P. Koehler. Dr. F.' Godfrey was elected by it majority of 2400 over it socialist and an 'Ilindependent n the bye, electiontast Saturday to represent West Yolk in the Ontario Legisla- ture. eltr, At thetWest Huron Liberal con- vention held at Goderioh on Mon- day, Robert Holmes, ex -M. P., editor of the Clinton New Era, ryes una,ninsdkeily chosen to eolest that ridink feet the Federal home. Owing to certain rumor e which have been ciroulated throughout this section of the conntry by newspapers and others who ere ignorant of the financial standing of the Sovereign Bank, ninnypeop- le have become uneasy regarding the solerency of the Sovereign Bank, These rumors are without the least foundation, as we are in- formed upon reliable authority that the $3unk is in- the best of standing,land is rapidly ceining to the frozab of the chartered hanks in Canada. The Sovereign Benk was the first institution which brought the convenience of bank- ing fp,eilities within the tench of the common people and thratigh its agency interest is now added four tuneet a year anstead of onI3e once as formerly, and it *es' netinly • tough the Soveeeign, )3tftehat oy order tateEptQ I 3. 103 were rearteed to the present, cheap scale.besides milby 19ther' conveniences. Although the stook of' the Sovereign Bank is somewhat depreSsed at the present time, rna,ny believe that in a short time it will have advanced to a fair margin above par. Other stooks have decreased nearly as' much, and this should not alarm the pub,- lic, es Cho depositors are well pro- tected in any event 1W.5,1441,,e Pt. itt 44 44. WW1!, IV Clearing Sale F-4‘' M LA, IN E PY HATS All Hats in the Millinery Department At Half Price Commencing, Saturday, June 8th. This is your chance while the season lasts. • Produce taken in exchange .1116.6.1=401111.111•1110•101.411211•Sial auste Shoe Satisfaction Qur aim to supply our customers with nothing VP but first-class Shoes has given us a good reputa- tion, and the result has been, that our sales have • increased wonderfully. Whether you want an tollate Shoe of the latest style or leather, or a e Shop.for every day wear we can suit you. Our pric'eS are as low as any and it will pay you to call tib stli• . V ,0 le ..,,..„ ,;.,. ,!,:•'. For ...surri, ,,,01-i, 1.4 doMplete and Tour inspk:tion of sanie Lii)* . --,,y,i,,,1 ,:,,,,,,,:x„,: Obi, ',!7) ...,. tliutter'',, Wear ''[Will''' A, ;, is respectfully solicited. on us:before you buy. 01, Outter and Eggs taken in exchange. C FRITZ, The Shoeman. Qi Ladies' Mantles .and Cravanettes We have a nice assoetment of the above lines, atid it will pay you to :see. them and get our prices. They ere moving out rapidly. Our light tweed, patterns at $(3.00 and $8.00 are speei# values. We also have them in 'dark Greys, newest styles and close prices. ouse=cleaning Time. We have a large stock of Carpets, Lmoletuus, Floor Oils, Tapestry, Floor Rugs, in different sizes, Lace Curtains, Roller Blinds, Curtain Poles in brass and wood, and a large assortment 'of Tapestry Curta,inf, Cretans, Art Mei,"ee lies, etc. Potatoes wanted= Parties having ,o= tatoes to dispose of should bring them here before May 4th RL: D Sic A Corsets. D & A ColTels are stylish ii‘n,lo com- fortable, and. bet 1 their shape. 1 ay what you dare for a custom . made cor- set and year money bays no more than if a portion of it Nought a D & A. They are made of the beat quality of email, handsomely trimmed with and wiehout hose supporter i4.13 white or drab. you can get thcni it any price. Our $1.00 line, with hose seeporters, is special value, Try A pair and con- vince youreetf. ard NV a ni,D We are headquarters for Hardware. Give us a will if you need anything, in the line of Building, Material, Roofing and Eavetroughieg. We can give you close prices on above as we bought our stock before pti..es advanced and: we give you the benefit of our purchase. All other lines of Hardware in propor- tion. 1 sett of Slings 2 only Post Hole Digger. at a Big Reduction. in Price to clear them out. Wire Fencing Buy only the best fencing and that is the PEERLESS, -with the iock that cannot- slip. G wire No 9 hard steel coil 29(.., 7 4 6 4 4 Z't rod Me 8 " 1 rod :37c Eavetroughing at 5 ets per foot and other goods in pro- portion. /OH :411, n VC31'‘/41 A •