HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-05-24, Page 8i -i, R1'1O1, i C:AS IMPERIAL IIORNER The bust 25 cent Moutborgan made, A full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. and F. W. HESS - - Jewelers w+,r;avYtaeva ,t .;tMalriMENI That New Spring Suit. When looking fur your 118W Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a call, We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, •etas, to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection, �.HOFFMAN l$ MESEEKRItS9 SECOND-CLASS ROUND -TRW a;. EXCURSIONS TO DATES MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Excursions leave Toronto Ta rsdarrs. June 4,18;aitaay2,16,30;August 1..0, 24 Sept. 10 anti 24. Tickets good to return within sixty days from going date. Are the sante from. all poinf.rinOnt .^.rio. ranging from 532.00 roamI-trip to ` rnnrpeg to *.:•12.51) rnun,l•tria to Ed- mcntcn. Tickets to ail points in titeNorth-ue&t.• • TOURIST SLEEPERS- A limited nntnber of Tourist Jieeing Cars sill be 'ran un on each excursion, fully cr,u;ppe l with 1+e,1.1•rr.ate., smart porter in change. Bertha Hanot he -.c r urea and paid for through Intal agent at :east sta days before excursion leaNee.. COLORIST BL,Y:E 9.3In which there is no extra charge for berths, paoocnrers supplying their mvn bedding, will be used as far as possible in place of ordinary coaches. Rates and full information contained in frr:e Homeseekers' pamphlet. Ask nearest C.P.R. agent for a copy, or write to C.13. FOSTER, District Pass• Agt., G.P.R., Toronto - 5O YEAR CS' EXPEAILINCE 441 kVA TRADE Mamas 04 'CrIPYRIGiii.a &C. Anvnnt armor- a skein nand descrtntion :raw :tlntcdy ILscartain our 'pS1 irnt free wlrr't'rer no rtte:tnLton is probably p» ter•.table, Commun;r.,. ,tens.t.rtr tl7wandef:ttat. Iiaudttook on t :.rents sant t ren. Oldest ewcnoy fur 9(U119 patents. t'aterrts taken through Asan &:'Co. rseetve medal atttie:e, without charge, lu the .Scientific. American. 1 tLenuanmei7 illustrated '.r'rk!y. TarveJt Mn culatinn oY nny Resent sur, ,,+, arnr i. 9 ern #';. a rear :,�fffo��uggrgg��nr •the, fir- hand Lr all nett r•it,•,rl er 4. i NN & (`r58.1nroadway, ,A•an.'h (Alice. h. - ',t.- Wvaehirr/:!on. ]:', {• Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera Hoa Diarrhoea remedy. ?Ogees fails. Buy it now, It =ay save life. ed Cedar New runswick White Cedar.... In abundance Ciuff \ Sons Planing Mill and Lumber ��YaQ�rd g� t1-3 SEAFO tRTH to LOCAL NEWS it Mr. G. Schmidt, of SebringvilIe, visited friends here and in Blake over Sunday. The Gnn Club held their regular hone on Tuesday evening. O'Brien harries the medal this week. Each member shot at ten birds. The score : T. P. Rau 7. F. W. Hess 4, W. O'Brien 8. P. Sipple 3, W. G. Tless r, C. Fritz 6, H. Yungblut 4, E. Zeller 4, J. Deichert 6, J. Truem- ner 7. Zurich is well protected as re- gards the cow nuisanecl. No cows are allowed to run at large on the get:vets, end in this respect our town is far ahead of Hensall, and even Exeter, where the bovines are allowed to run at will. A by- law should be passed prohibiting the keening of hogs within the corporation during the months of ,Tune, Tnly, Alienst ancl Septem- ber. This would be a move in the interests of the public health. .A -enol. option campaign for Hay Township, was begun on Thursday evening last. by the W. C. T. U. and Lndies'Airl societies of Zurich. The nleetinx in. the Town Hall was preceded 1'y a splendid Bulmer given in t7tr11nbac'h's old stand. and several hundred; attended .boils sumer and meeting... T.he.'spettker+s of the evening were Rev's - Urqu:. hart of Kipren and mean of Credi- tor). and both handled the liquor tra.fio withrtrt cloves. A pleasing feature of the evening was the singiri, of Mr Alf. Peine rf Lon- don, a Znrielt. ''old boy." Mr. Peitte'.t kin:>i11n was ranch appre- nittted and Tttn13ER:tr,n is pleased ire pay tribute to his ability, A dnett be i1lissee Rsnnie and Wil- liams is werfhv of mention, and tbe "Diems" 1y the wee tnts and the fee drill wprt3 well performed, Mrs (Rev) Whitsides of Ottawa, another native of Zurich and a sitlentlid elnc.nrinnist. and Miss Pearl Wnetz of Zurich, both gave recite ti onsR hieh were much a.p-. rrc'n it''ntl lav the large andience, Miss Ve're Murdecl., music teacher. nf Tieneall, aceeinnenied Mr. Poiri'e nn the -Diann acid did her part well. The campaitrn hits been started eerlv and well, but whether the Ant can by carried here under the three fifths majority clause is rather clon1tfnl. Rev, A, D. G i schl er presided over tbe meeting and rave every. satisfaction. The ontlience was dismissed about ten n'r.lnek by the smiting of the National Anthem. The ladies of Zurich had so bounteously- provid- ed for the inner man that a ten cent dinner was given owl Friday evening. when e good int of the "leavings" was disposed of, fiM1 eEseeeci••4...94-49t•e e -04.4.a.o 4,css,a0,.'a34-e3e+3*-.a'3•-+3•¢34-e3ef3.43.-43•43.51 Lunch's Le Shoe tsre ding ,T1 1E Have Received I a Fine Lot of Spring SHOES AN BOOTS S They are UP-TO-DATE in. Style and we have more coming every week. We can show you A riagnirice it Assort d ent, at Prices w li Surp se you til that P.#,D ENDER, Zurich Qat i'i'i, + 8i4Eh4E ,4Eh494- -.4 � eta ' .41.. .A .•,. 1:. un 9 ............. w, +5.ro e: �" sa .yaw, teiC VZK L;I mOZOZ � reg om���at•�} se ws A >:,+i �vr -$t *ya11 se51:Mi a, Y'. ea•', r ...� �g �L:a!�zi. aF�.:v :4,�ti+e .c ttv d�a epi x�. satsn,.��`.awo,. .+�..S�..tw aeuc*y.�.�c'2.fw�:��et�wv�.:.�.t'��a�1•.'� _ n • 4., e :tc! Sale IsOn d u.: rter A or Millinery Millinery Openings on Saturd; y, far. 3oth a ;d no day, April ist. Miss MacDougall has again charge of our Millinery Department with Ile largest and most up-to-date stock we ever carried. Give her a"call and be convinced.. • a: We do not advertise the largest stock but we do advertise the clean— est and best bought stock. We pay spot cash for our goods therefore our competitors cannot compete with us in prices.] PRINTS A full range of light and stark Prints, all new patterns, regular 12:o now loo a yard. SATEENS Regular 124e now for 10c a yard CURTAIN MUSLIN'S and ART SATEENS Regular 10c, 1.2•.0,'15c, 20e now 8c, 10, 121ce • TUCKED APRON LAWNS Regular 25e now 20o a yard TABLE LINENS, •bleached and unbleached 1 piece 2 yd wide, regular 65c now 500 a yard .1 piece 1 yd wide,.reg 60c now 45e a yard 1 piece 1-- yd. wide, reg 50c now 85o a yard 1 piece, red with doral design, reg 50e for 35u DRESS GOODS We have a large stook of Dress Goods to offer. We can a,ssure you a Bargain in every yard of Dress Goods we sell. A full range of BLACKS, BLUES, BROWNS ams that new GREY that everybody wants this spring. We have it. Call early and have first choice. LIN OLEUMS FIRST QUALITY 4 yds wide regular $2.00 now for $1.50 '2 yds wide regular O0cts now for 60ets TABLE oil, CLOTHS Regular 35e Oil Cloth for 25c a yard Regular 25c Oil Cloth for 20c a yard $109000 Stock of Merchandise to be Sacrificed LAWNS Regular 10c, 121re, 150, 20e, 23e, now SG, 10c, -15c and 200 a yard. EMBROIDERIES and LACES To -be oleared out at reduced prices. TOWELLINGS For 4o.a yd and upward BED TICKINGS Regular 28c and 25e now 20c a yard Regwtar 150 now for loots a yard BEST SIlIRTI1 G Made. IVe are,salling them at 12.1c a yd COTTON A DES Regular 28e and 250 for '33c a yard OIL CLOTHS 2 yds wide regular 60ets for 45cts WALL PAPERS A Big Snap in Wallpaper and nice new patterns to choose from. Regular 10e Wallpaper for 7c Regular 15c Wallp .per for 10c Regular 200 Wallpaper for 15e Regular 25e Wallpaper for 18e Odd lines of Wallpaper to clear out at 3c a Toll LADIES' FUR. COAT'S This is your chance for Ladies' Fur Coats, only a few left. 1 only regular price $30.00 for $$18.00 1 only regular price 2S.00 fur 15.00 Dutch Setts and Produce taken in exchange irfS:ItiTIV LLETTL"13LAN KETS Regular $1.00"for 75ets each COMFORTERS and' WOOL BLANKETS Ata ]31G REDUCTION in price.. WINDOW SHADES 10 dozen window ,shades regular 35e, 40e, 45e, to sell at 25c. A 13IG SNAP IN GROCERIES 3 lbs best select Raisins for 25 cents wn 4 lb:i best clo«d Unrrants for 23 is 10 lbs best Oa,lmeal for 25 cents 3 boxes Coin, Peas and tomatoes 25e 4 boxes of 'Starch for 25 cents Best roasted Coffee 2 , lbs for 25uts Best .gtten Japan, Tea per Ib 25ets 3 boxes Yeast Cake for 10 Bents ribtrs Comfort, Bee Ifive, Sunlight or Goodwill Soap for 25e1s Bast Baking Powder 1 lbs for 25c b gals genuine,American 0,1 for 75e READY-MADE and TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING We have a full range of Spring Snitings, all new patterns. Our stock of Ready -Males is complete. We gu rrantee a fit and save you money. MEN'S NEW SPRING iIA'1'S Calls. Dress Shirts, Collars and Ties to be sold at a 13.g Reduction. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Miss 3leDongtil is with is again this sensori awl we have a large stock of Millinery Goods whiell will be sold at a 61.G UIrCOUN`I'. CROCRERY, GLASSWARE, CHINA- WARE and PARLOR LA111'S A large stock of Crockery. Glassware, Chinaware and ParlorLamps to be cleared out at a Big Reduction. • �� e �� _ __ �•.�....�.... N . �:. K4' �,-Vii?..''.: fESsi?u� ,..°.>" w�vaw !�„�,....°�: . .. r� �..•. ° p..,!.e..4y,�..`•2 j 11•A7014.ff MM. New ads—N, Linff & Sons, Meet- ing of Huron County ` Counoil, C. P. R. Tho road grader has been doing good work" on the Zurich Road west, A coat of good gravel should now be applied and when this be- comes packed he road way should be in fixate' atssbape: A change in the Ontario law that shall give rattle protection from dogs similar to that enjoyed by sheep, is said to be under prepara- tion by G. 0, Ju tries, deputy Minis- ter of, Agriculture, Dr. ".OVENS, M, ;:, London, Sargeori,;eye, ear and nose, will be at the iontinercial Hotel, Hensall, on. Thursday, May -30th, •'Hours 4 p. tn. to 9 it. m. Glasses properly fitted for :relief of failing vision, gestrain„headaches, ate. Deafness and nasal catarrh treated. 23tfstat- A. despatch from W.i'nnipeg es: It is surntised, from reports GDming in from all o 'or . the coun- try, that front 85 to f10 por cent, or practically all of 'bite . wheat is sown. A deorease ot., rom .10 to 15 per cent, of the 'ailadttnt so'an last year is estimated r,Y�"ut it is thought that the clecrci4ir'11.,not materially affect the farr eiS,:.xts it has been proven in fd riser years that;;'tvit1i good weather tlier'otop '. that \t+eio lute sown ttlriied,oi-,t ap average yield. : d I 2i14666MxMWxNVdANYMI Look Here F you are not one of our customers, the loss is yours as well as ours. We were never in better shape to serve you than now. Never had we such a large stock of Hardware and Harness to choose from. And every - bought before the advance in prices took place. In Wire Fencing We have the IDEAL, all No. 9 hard steel coiled wire and the Pittsburg welded Hog and Chicken. Fence. No lock to slip, and all at last year's prices, We also stock coiled spring wire stays and locks, called the lock that will not slip, guaranteed. Call and see. C. IiART LEI B = Zurich. The People's Hardware and Harness House ��� g�,(� g�� �� �g� gyp. s lt`11 '"U L VU 1 4�' lV"1)�`. morales,c,.pw •