HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-05-24, Page 5HOTELS,
0 * 0 ce 4) e THE
ra t131 1$1 ti) CO 7. uRicH
Strictly up-to-date in modern im reD
provements. Dining rooms is 81119 -
plied with only the very best. 11 if 2
Bar contains ehoiee liquors end
cigars. ¶ ¶s
Excellent Sample Rooms
for Commercial Men.
This House has recently changed
hands, and is now one of the
mostorderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
;No getter Nable in the pominion.
R. R.Johnston 8z,Son,
i'loptilar i
re for 1907 ,
,1•111••••=1MOMM. 410111•1•LIMMEMen...1.1.1SDODOS f
• The people have shown
by their increasing patron- f
age during the past year i
that they folly realize that
this is place to buy their
Dry Goods, Groceries, cf
Boots and Shoes, Hard-
ware, Paints and Oils, f
Etc... at the :right, price, -
and also the right quality. ,
Thanking our many cus- 1
toniers for past favors, we
ask for a continuance •of
the same. u
'Cir a
R. N. DOVIglaS9
to offer
rates with
• Daily
I p.
clubbing 1 NN
4 25
$ '
4,25 0
1,75 N'y
1.60 Nc,'
2.50 '-
2.25 te
1.50 al
2.25 w
1.25 „ss
1.25 "
have made arrangements
the following low
Trim IIvatarao ;
Globe . .
& Empire
Globe . .
Mail & Empire
.Tournal (German)n
Herald. & Star
Montreal Herald
-ail t
rain in the head—pain anywhere, has itd cause.
Pain is congestion, pain is blood pressure—nothing
else usually. .At least, so says D. Shoop, and to
prove it he has created a little pink tablet. That
tablet—called Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet --
coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers,
Xts eff edis charming, pleasingly delightful. Gently,
though safely, it surely equalizes the blood circles
If you have a headache, Ws blood pressure.
If it's painful periods with women, same cause.
. If you are sleepless, restless, nervous, it's blood
congestion—blood pressure. That surely is a
certainty. for Dr. Shoop's Hen dacha Tablets stop
It in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute
the unnatural blood pressure.
Bruise your finger, and doesn't it get red, and
swell, and pain you? Of course it does. It's con-
geStiOn. blood pressure. You'll elle it where pain
is—always. It's simply Common Sense.
We sell at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend
Dr. Shoop
the' Zurich
The weather still continues coel.
W. Hall, our blacksmith, has
enlarged his property by purehas-
ing the lot which adjoins it.
Several of our Sabbath School
workers attended the convention
held in Henault on Monday last.
Wm. Finlay paid a visit to his
old home in Bruce Co. during the
earlier part of this week.
Our teacher is attending the
convention held in Exeter this
Mr. and Mrs. J. Haugh visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Haugh on Sunday last.
Samuel Willert, of Niagara Falls,
N. Y., is at present visiting his
parents and other relatives in and
around this place.
Rev. A. D. "Gischler, of Zuriob,
occupied the pulpit in the Evange-
lical church on Sunday last. while
Rev. L. K. Eidt oonducted the
quarterly 'sleeting service in Zurich
Mr. Schmidt of Sebringyille, au.
companied by the Misses Nicholson
and Best, of Zurich, visited friends
here on Saturday.
We are sorry to learn of the ill-
ness of John Kraft and hope ere
lou g to see him around again as
Miss Trasa Miller spent Sunday
rith her sister, Mrs. Witmer, of
ear Zurich..
Peter MoIsaac conducted the
uneral of Mr. McGinnis of Shipka
n Monday.
Mrs. J. Kuntz is on the sick list,
R.is also Mrs. Haug. We hope
hey may soon recover.
C. Finkbeiner and family spent
unday at the home of W. Brown,
Mrs, E. Tiernan, who has been
isiting her sister, Mrs. Ireland of
tratford, returned to her home
n Monday evening.
Malcolm McEwan attended the
uneral of his niece, Mrs. Fetch, of
A special meeting of the Stanley
ouncil was held last Friday to dis-
-ass the cement arch at Diehl's on
he ltith eon.
D. H. MoNaughten had a success.
ul barn raising bee one clay last
Mathew Penhale and daughter,
f St. Thomas are visiting with R.
enhale at present,
Mrs. Peck, wife of Richard Peck,
f the Goshen Line passed away on
rechiesclay. Deceased had been
iling for three years. Among
hose who attended th e
uneral on Friday were Rev. L.
nd Rev. H. Diehl, brothers of the
An addition will likely be built
the foundry, as the premises are
o small at present.
The Presbytery of Huron hold n
. S. convention here this week
large number of delegates were
resent and a most profitable time
as spent.
Arthur McAllister and Wm.
eiger are home from Toronto
here they have just completed
-siting on their first year medical
'W. Moore has moved into his
sidence ou the corner of Nelson
at Oxford streets.
Quite a inamber of new residences
ill be erected this summer in the
On Wednesday of lest week Jos.
bson, of this -village, and Miss
nisa Dabus, formerly of Zurich,
re united in marriage at the
me of W. Hildebrandt Rev. Mr,
ith performed the ceremony.
At the Methodist parsonage,
nsall, on Wednesday, May 15th,
v. S. Toll performed the cere-
mony which united Miss Elizabeth
Clark, eldest daughter of James
Clark, and Arthur Anderson, of
the 2nd con., near Kippen, in mar-
riage. They have taken up their
residence on the groora's farm.
The writ to quash the local option
by-law will bo argued in Toronto
on the 23rd of this month,
The Court of Revision for the
assessment roll for 1907 will be held
on May 27th.
A large quantity of cement walk
will be put down in the village
this summer.
Rev. H. MoTavish of Granton
preached in the Methodist church
last Sunday. Rev, Toll preached
anniversary sermons at Granton.
.It is reported that J. E. MoDonell
has leased the open, house for a
A large aoerage of flax has been
put in by the flax growers this
, G, S;Acican has moved into thq
house of 3, Hawkins on, Main
Mrs. Yager left last week for
Swift Current where she will spend
the sunarner with her two sons.
It, is reported that 1b Jackson
has purcheaed the old weaken mill
building and contents and the
house and lot at the river from the
Muir estate.
R. N. Taylor had the misfortune
to have the end of his index finger
smashed between two con. wheels
one day recently.
Thos. Cudtnore one of Exeter's
most highly respected citizens and
one of Usbornes former well-knewn
fatmers, died on Saturday. May
11th. His wife, two sons, and
three daughters survive hipi.
Mr. and Mrs. Wni, Davis, of
Exeter north, are both ill of pneu-
The annual meeting of the share.
holders of the Exeter Salt Co. will
be held on junco 11th.
A fine large steer owned• by C.
Perkins of Ushorne dropped dead
while being driven to the depot one
day recently.
Mr. Kirkpatrick, governMent in-
spector, was here last week making
a report on the proposed breakwae-
er for Bayfield harbor.
Mrs. Wamsley is having a new
house erected, the foundation of
which is already completed.
Rey. Mr. Davidson of Varna is
having a number of new cottages
erected on the property recently
purchased from D. Galbraith next
to the White City.
The Women's Institute " held an
interesting meeting at the home of
Miss Park on Thursday,
J'as Ma.cdelnald has returned from
Washington, D. C., where he spent
the winter.
The continued cold weather has
greatly retarded the growth of the
pastures and cattle are suffering as
a result.
Geo. Eilber, who intended lea-
ing, lent week • for New Ontario,
where 'he had engaged with,the T.
NaOS railway
taken ill with pteun cnia and has
since been confined t his bed. We
hope to eee him aron d again soon,
The Crediton and xe ter lod.ges
of the I- Ct. F. are arranging. for an
excursion to Niagara ]i'alls about
June 30th.
W. McMurray, of Winnipeg is
visiting friends and relatives here
for a few 'weeks. •
A meeting of the W. 0 T. U.
was held in the Town Hall on
Thursday evening,.
A. Hodgins is back to work
Mr. Harris, of Parkhill, is assist-
ing his brother, Fred, at the paint-
ing here.
E. Warm attended the funeral
of his grandfather at Zurich on
It is reported that a number of
business changes will take, place
hero in the near future.
0. Calves and daughter, ef Mor-
rison. visited his brother hero last
On Satnrday evening, May., 110,
•another of Stephen's -pioneer
dents in the person of Caroline
Veil, relict of the late Samnel Bro.
kenshire passed awa.n. She lived
on the farm' on which elle resided
for fifty years. Deceased was a
native of England, having been
born in Cornwall in 1831, conse-
quently she was in her 75th year.
Her husband predeceased her one
year and four months. Six sons
and six daughters survive het.
Let me mail you free, to prove
merit, samples of my Dr. Slioop's
Restorative, and my Book on tither
Dyspopsiu, The Heart, or the atlas
neys. .Address me Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis. ' Trocibles of the
Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, are
merely sympteres of a deeper. ail-
ment. Don't enake the °salmon
error of treating symptoms only.
Symptom treatment is treating the
result of your ailment, and not the
cense. Weak Stomach nerves—
the inside novves—Mealle -Stomach
weakness, always. And the Heart
and Kidneys as well, Ilene {their
controlling or inside nerves. Weak-
en these nerves, and you inevitably
have weak Vital organs. Here is
where Dr. Sheep's Restorative has
made its fanie, No °thee remedy
even elaims le treat the "inside
nerves,'" ofor bloatinc4itu
nos, bea breath or Gem:1)141bn,
use Sboons lass t or ati Ye. Wed te
for my free Book now Ors Sheep's
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
NOTICE is hereby given that a dividend of one andlone-half per
oent. (1 1-2 p. oa for the current quarter, being at :the rate of six
per cent. (6 p. ea per anianna on the capital stook of this Bank, bus
been declared, and that the same will be payable at •the head ofBee
and at branches on and after Thursday', the 16th day of May next.
The transfer books will be closed from the 1st to the 15th May,
both days inclusive.
By order of the Board.
Toronto, 30th March, 1907.
Zurich Branch
General Manager,
J. S ell, Mgr.
• Tho Huron Regiment goes into.]
Camp at London, this year, on
June 4th with Captain Combe at
Clinton Company ns junior major. I
In consegnenee of this the coin.
manci of ,the Company will very I
largely devolve upon Lieutenant
The Ontario Departinent of Agri-
culture, desiring to encourage a
high standard in crop raising, has
decided to offer financial assistance
to those Agricultural Societies
throughout the Province which
will undertake to carry on a com-
petition in "Standard Fields of
Seed Grain."
A train load of the buffaloes,
which the Dominion government
have purchased from Montana will
pass thru Calgary within the next
week. There will be eighteen cars
in the train and about 200 head of
the old prairie kings on board. The
second. train will leave some time
in August, and will take more
animals than the one coming thru
this week. It is expected that there
aro nearly 500 head in the entire
herd, which is being shipped to
Canada. The buffaloes will he
shippedto Lamont on the Canadian
Northern, near which place their
range will be.
A well known young farmer,
near Lnoknow, had a large white
cat, which acquired an overruling
passion for fresh raw eggs. In
consequence the farmer killed and
skinned the oat, cutting of the
head part entirely. Lately a Jew
dealer came that way and was in-
duced to purchase the skin for that
of a white fox that bad been shot
by the farmer while on a trip north
He lamented the loss of the head,
saying, he would have paid. $7 more
if the head had been left on. When
'the bargain was closed the farmer
11411426 in irtehreenda$4 it goods foe
his citt skin.
• Do you know that the mere
painting or stamping, of the name
of the manufacturer on a wagon,
binder, thresher, piano, or similar
article or implement is equivalent
to the registration of a chattel
Mortgage against the same. Of
course you don't. There is not one
in a thousand knows this, but it is
a fact just the same, If you buy
any second hand implement, on
which the name of the manufactur-
er is lettered, and on which the
payments due the manufactnrer
aro not coMpleto, yon as the second
purchaser can be held responsible -
to the makers or the balance due
by the first parchaser.
Why do people publish births,
marrierges and. deaths? is a questien
sometimes asked. Because to be
born, to be married and to die are
the three must important events
that 'happen to individuals, and
bemuse the interest of the com-
munity in these three events is
second only to that of the individ-
ual. And because the publishing,
of these events may furnish most
important evidences hereafter in
-oases of disputed sum:laden to
property. As a matter of fact there
is nothing shore interesting in any
local paper than its birth, death
and marriage column. It contains
news of interest to everybody.
A rea.otionary storm period is
central on the 28th. 20th and 30th.
The center of the Venus period is
on the 29th. If storms and storm
conditions do not continue from
the preoeding period, look for such
to return on and tortohing tbe 28th
and 29th. In this event. a prolong-
ed spell of threatening, stormy
weather would prevail from near
the 23rd to the end of the month,
One thing is sure—whatever con-
aitions may exist at this time, will
have been foreshadowed by pre-
vious conditions in the Mars period
and these conditions will reach a
decided crisis of seismic perturba-
tion will return on and within two
days of the 27th. • Keep your ear
ot the world's telephone and see,
A mire may be effected by ap-
plying Chamberlain's Salve as soon
asthe chfld is done nursing. Wipe
.it• Off with a soft eloth before al-
letviog the child to num), Many
tined nurses use this salve with
je best results. Price 25 cents
er box. Sold by J J
WE keep in stock a
full line o fr esh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own.
Give us a call.
General Blacksmith
liStill at the old
stand and busier
than ever. Our
work gives satis-
handle all
the genuine
plow points. Also
can get machine
repairs for all
makes of mach-
Your Patronage Solicited
Local Salesman
at ones for Znelch and sur-
rem:tiling districts.
in Fruit and Ornamented
Stook grown and far sale by
CANADAS fiREATE3in ?0,512,11',5
A permanent situation for
the right party. Liberal
itaincements ; pay weekly.
Pandsorne fret outte.
Write for terms and cata-
logue, and send 25 «meta
in stomps for our Poore
MAG.:4'11'YMa GLASS or 20
cents for our HANDY HkaliC
Stone e_c Wellington,
Tho difference between Hitting and Missing is thedlf.
Carcase between an Accurate and an inaccurate Arm,
Choose wisely—discriminate I Get a STEVENS
Forty years of experiencels behind our trira and
'rowed line of
rearar,s, reseroas, SEXOTGITNS
Rifle 'Telescopes, to.
Askyourdealerand insist
on the STYWHIsTS. !fru*
cannotobtain,we shipcii•
rect. exisresx.proare,en contents points on thoot•
receiptofcatalog price. ing,. Ammunition, Tito.
Seo,1 pa in Manna for 540
page catalog describing
the entire STEVENS line.
licautith) tbroo•oolor Aluminum Ilonfrot will beton.
startled for so cents in stamps.
saavans AIMS AHD TOOL CO.,
P.o. Box 4o9s
cmcorng vAtts, MASS.. U.S.A.