HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-05-24, Page 44 LEGAL (^ARDS. H. 3., 11, COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO - Water, NotaryPublio, Hawaii, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. P13,OUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., (ioaberich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair, BUSINESS CARDS. DR. E. W. STOSKOPF, VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario. Office over T. & 11I. Johnson's Store. Night calls at T. Johnson's residence, S. HARDY, EXETER, ONT...LICENS- ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. My rates are reasonable and I will guarantee the best of satisfaction. For the cou- venience of my friends in Hay and Stanley, dates and terms may be ar- ranged at THE HERALD Office, Zurich, 1s S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED AUC- tioneor $o;< the Counties of Huron and Perth. Farah stook sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at Lot 23, Con. 2, Hay, or addressed to Hensall P. 0. will he promptly attended to. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- rluate of, the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-2(i E. ZELLER. CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages, 6' Wills and other Legal Documents care- fu}ly and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW KESS, DIVISION COURT OLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. A11 the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Insurance. • Court of Revision. NOTIC.L is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Hay will be held in the Town Ha11, in the Village of Zurich, on MONDAY, the 3rd day of JUNE, A,D.,;1907, at 10 o'clock, a. in., for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against the said Assessment Roll. Per- sons having business at the said Court will guide themselves accordingly. Zurich, May 14th, 1907. FRED. IIESS, S1.., 43-3b Clerk. Meeting of Huron County Co cel.. The council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, in the Town of (,oderich, at 3 o'clock, on Tuesday the 4th of June, next. All accounts against the county, requiring settlement, must be placed with the Clerk before day of meeting. W. LANE, Dated May the 20th, 1907. Clerk. STOMACH TROUBLE. Mrs, `ne Martin, an old and highly respected reeident of Faison - ht, Helots.. 'MLA sink with qtr il:aLrh trouble for more than six months, t Chamberlain Stonianh and Liver Tablets cured her. She s::y:l: can now cat anything 1 want and am the proudest woman in the world to find snclr a good ane::Ueiue" For sale by J .T :denier. 11Z DI la TAU PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY, MAY 24th, 1907. GOOSE PROPHET DEAD. Philadelphia, May 20. — Elias Hartz, who enjoyed a national re- putation as a "goose -bone" weather prophet, and was for years one of the unique characters of Reading. is dead, in the Friends' Asylum here, at the age of 92 years. When a young man be learned the science of reading the markings on the breastbone or a goose and foretel- ling the weather for the winter months. It was his custom to take a healthy, well-fed goose of the spring hatching and have it served for his Thanksgiving Day dinner. The breastbone was then carefully cleaned to show all the marking, and fine lines. From his readingsof these Hartz foretold the weather from that day until Easter. and, strange as it may appear. abont 90 per cent, of his "guesses" were good. Owing to ill -health he made no predictions during the last two years of his life. THE RACE WEEK ATTRACTION The Toronto Press Club has a Strong Production. The theatrical attraction that. will draw most attention in Toron- to during the spring race meet is the production of "The Importanceof Being Earnest" an English comedy that is to be seen at the Princess Theatre on May 30, 31 and June lst. The Toronto Press Club is producing the play with Mr. Douglas A. Paterson and Robert Stuart Pigott as the leading men. Both are seasoned actors of pro- minence on the American stage and are supported by a very com- petent cast including Miss Berenice Parker, a well-known artist. The play will he preceded by "Gringoire the Ballad Monger" a clever play- let; ilinstra ting the times of Louis• TI of France. The Press Club's; anneal theatrical performance has become a social function of great importance in Toronto and th9 coining; prndnotiou promises to exceed its predecessors in artistic quality. On Friday night, the officers of the Canadian Press As- sociation will receive their fellow craftsmen from all over the Pro• Vince ,• RULE OF THREE. Three things to govern—temper, tongue and concluct. Three things to cultivate—cour- age, of a tion and gentleness. Throe things to commend—thrift i n1ristry endpromptness. Three things to despise—cruelty, arrogance and ingratigs tude. Three thinto wish for—health, friprRl.. end contentment. Three things to admire—dignity, gracefulness and intellectual pow- er. Tree ree things to give—alms to he needy, comfort to the sad and arppreeiation to the worthy. NIhirerAa`iK.JEL C4 URC111 varagelical Assciation ,:FR icEs EET1NGSWILL Ba1flELI) 1N T1!1.1 1:113IANUE', EVAN EITtiA Cfitraeu, ZCRIGfi, AS EOLLclVS? :a: Sunday School at 5.30 p. rn. ; Preaching Service, German, 10.15 a. xn. ; Loutish Service, it 7 p. m ; Senior Alliance, 8 p. rn. TM' - day evening ; German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at, 7;i0 r .'c:.tork ; .English Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; Choir Practice Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; ,Tumor Ailia nue, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. RNs. A. D. GTSCHLER, PASTOR DMIETM L Z.a A few do: cs of this rexnedy will in- variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhoea. It can always be depended Tipon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantum in children, and is tlx:+ means of saving the livesof many children each year. When reduced. with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take, Every hien of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Bey it now. PRICE, 25c. LAROB Sus, 50c. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for l'ilt's, and its action is positive and certai-n. Itrlan:;, painfnl, protrnd- ing er blind piles disappear litre n'rugin by its nap. T.erge nickel- rltrppc'aglees jars 50 cents. Sold by T ,; 1llernor. Born. MoBernr.:—In Stanley. on May 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roht. McBride, a son. M11.r.rrn—At 14th con., Uav, on May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Mil- ler, a daughter. MOOLINcline—In. Stanley. on May 20th. to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc- Clinchie, a sone GILL —At Grand Bend, on May 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Gill, a son. Ks* LY—In Hensall, on May 10, to Mr. and Mrs, T. B. Kelly, a son. 50 cents pays for Tent HERALD to Jan. 1908. 'Give it a trial. The rain on Wednesday night has helped the vegetation wonder- fully. D. M. Stewart has resigned as general manager of the Sovereign Bank of Canada, Mr. Jemmett has been selected to succeed him. Let hie send. ,you free for Catarrh just to prove .merit, a Trial size Box of Dr, Shoop's Catarrh Remedy It is a snow white creamy, healing antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingredients as Oil Eucalip- tus, Thymol, Method, etc., it gives insta.nt and lasting relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and -see for yourself what this preparation can and will Ito, complish. Address Dr, Shodp;• Raeine, Wis. Largo jars 50 cots, Sold by J J Merner, 'url,r `1... j4e'raiC COUNTY".., EWS. Thio now posffice ngha.my will be forna:tllytoopenedatWion Ma 31st. The Willis Shoe Oo.,. of Seaforth, has obtained a :ehr. iter. The Co. iscapitalized at $4'0,000. Many cattle in Bruce are dying after the long winter siege. They were stabled in poor condition and as yethave no grass. Dr. Gunn and Mrs. Gunn of Clin- ton leave this week' on a trip to the. Old Country anc't will be absent two months. A visit to Ireland, the Highlands of ScotIand and Paris will also be naade. The well known grower of roses, Registrar Coats, of Goderich, who reoently received from England 300 roots, 150 different kinds two of each, has placed them all in genial soil and :Tone shouid. see some of the prettiest roses in this part of Canada. A public meeting; was held in Industry Ball Blvth, to consider the proposition of Elena Livingstone to the village. for assistance of $3,000 to build a new factory. The council will hold a special meeting On Monday, when tile' by-law will be rend, as the proposition was ace cented as a good ' one The vote will he taken in a,,;tnonth's time. Last Thursday morning fire broke clot in the Star Roller Mills, Gode- rich, owned by N, Dietrich & Son. The fire was not discovered for sonxe time and before the firemen could get there the whole building Was a mase of flames. The plant, valued at $15,000 was destroyed but is fully covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown. Farmers near Exeter suffered some severe lasses by the cold 'snap Reeve A. Q Bohipr had in the tieighhnrbond of 50.000tmmqto •trouts frozen. These he had set out in the noon field, preparatory to meeting the early demands of the Exeter canning faotoru'. Seve- ral other .gardeners and farmers had early plants out for the same plumose, ancl, of course, they shar- ed the same fate. Messrs.Edge and Guttridge cef Seafnrtil have once more boon nwavrinrl Dirge contra is for work by til e C P. R Com nano. .This summer they will build a general Ma+lush, ryntl ratan rr summer„:5ta.ti.;nW f ]3ii,i 1VtriglrrvTra. T1ipv•c�i11 tr1e1 hnild f:1rr+ Ftation' and other bnilcl- in^'s on the new line hptween'Bvng Inlet axlr1 'Parry Ro;, d. end the tnnkg ennui pumninr: st.ttinns be- tween Durham and Walkerton. Mnntenrnerv. Davis, of nenx ehisellmrst, met with a, very nain fol and serions accident at K'ippen nue Senrlav evening reeentl:r. He had driver, in to attend the eserine service in Flt. Andrew's church and when trnhitnhing his hnrse from the butes smie part of the harness ac)t oath bt 031 the shnfts. frighten- ing the animal end causine it to kick vieinnsly. It struck hint on the ler. breaking the bung$. Mr. Davis wee ren,nved to the manse and medical aid sent for. Mesgee. Chirrie Lamont. Wi11er•t and EngineerPatterson of the Hui'nn en,rnty cnirneil met a ennr- in`tftee of the Perth connnil at the Sa ible end the two ennrrhitteee '*1' lined the bridge that erneses ,The bnnmlar e between P1 iron and Milclleucee. The bridge is an old one. and tire u`pitedcommittee agreeed that it was clangorous, and inn old in ba rnnaired, end appnint- nd Messrs Patterson of Enron and T.ri,lbot of Perth, to prepare plans and specifications. A young farmer named Beal tie,, who lives near Seaforth, narrowly escaped serious injury in a run- away accident the other day. He had finished sowing and had start- ed to roll a field when something went wrnng with the harness. He went between the horses to fix it when the team took fright. Mr, Beattie clung to the tongue of the roller and managed to get over the baek, of one of one of the horses. Seeing that he Could not stop the tee* he throw himself from in front of the roller and escaped un- injured. The team became entang- led in a wire fence and were extri- cated by neighbors. Fire' on MondiY of last week, clestriteeecl an old' and familiar land- mark at Devon, 2.1.2 miles South of Exeter, when the old hotel was completely burned, The fire is supposed to have originated in the upper•portion of the: building, and :when the fiances Were. first noticed et was too late to save any portion 'of the structure. The hotel was built about thirty.f ve years ago by a 'Walker and, was used fox some, time as a store. It was of ter- `yVards ,,, converted into a eountry hotel and contintxod'as snob. until a1,1, of t ten years ago �; Signer" then it houhaiSise; bcern' run , as L teti, perance „ HARNESS, heavy and light Blankets, Bells, Whips, Trtuiks, Suit Cases, Purses and Ladies' Satchels. Schram Ro.k rs, Fancy Rockers, (orris Chairs, Easy Chairs. BEDROOM. SUITE'S, SPRIGS and L ATTRESSU5, SINGER SEWN MACHINES. High Grade ORGANS and PIANOS ft WELL, = = = = Zurich, Ont. The Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw ec. Piani :g 1 wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past 'year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a largo stock of Hastings Brand B. C. RED CEDAR SHINCLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM S aiWIRIC and PI -AMMO Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. O. KALBFLEISCH, Mills 14th" Con. ZURICH _Z-tYAT,MITers1,124W7417: Met si,..i. tvxl e LC 4t • 8! We beg to aunounce that we have 4 s cDnanlete line V... Garden and Field Seeds.' In Garden. Seeds we handle the celebrated L L May & Co seeds. They are the good kind and always give satisfaction. 5 packages harden Seeds for 'to cents. We:also have a good line of Field Seeds. Turnip and fla.ngold seed at lowest prices Try us for your Groceries, Flour, Feed, Stock Foods, tiN etc., we, eau supply your wants. ar F`c Give -us a call. lie ttel .vim ew el ep ..i zeitat ' �`'i **********g************** *.`iY**%i•sh'chcr';C•`irks*K-*.****3 ***) ** * o,» �•yo * o� 0 0 * * International Harvester implements. . . We keep in stook a full line of the above celebrated snake of Far'ni Iln- pletnents. They are used in every Civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Buy 110 other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer than wooden ones, in fact we handle e ,-ery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. Wan. in need of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. • FRE S 1 ickbeil's OId Stand - W ZURICH. *?i•`;** o* 7*e °x*. $* * ***r ***�i��**P *