HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-05-17, Page 5The Zurich eld.
K t Q th Vt THE tg es of 01 a °J
tIt tic $i to ZURICH
0 a, *G`
Strictly up-to-date in modern im
provements, Diniugrooms is su -
plied with only the very best. "j ¶
Bar' contains choice liquors and
cigars. ¶ ¶
• Excellent Sample Booms
• for Commercial Men.
O _N_.._,.m._._•IM.. sa
Y)*.Et :g9tD* btiAginrf 300, D+S 00e0elaMe®
This House has recently changed
hands, and is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
opctter Table in the neminion.
R. R.J ohnston &Son.
Te .Ir
Store for 19
The following is the report for S.
S. No 6, Hay, for the month of
Sr IV. Arthur Haugh, elera
Eisenbach, Milton Haugh, Moses
Jr IV. Antonetta Foster, Willie
Sr III, Alvin$ Baechler, Adeline
Buechler, Lailretta Decber, Flossie
Howald, Cornelius Foster, John
Jr III. Lizz ie Eisenbach, Cora
Haugh, Adlehert Smith, Winfred
Regier, Koletta Foster, Herbert
Hey, Beatrice Rennie, Albert. Hey.
Jr II. Jacob Gingerioh, Edward.
IIey, Robert Eisenbach, Christop-
her Baeohler, Herbert Witmer.
Pt II. Isidore Smith, Hurley
Sr pt I. Philip Eisenbach, Louisit
Regier, Pearl Witmer.
Jr pt I. Teglo Smith, Herbert
Dabus, Willie Witmer, Clayton
Wildfong, M. E. Parsons,
The people have shown
by their increasing patron -
,age during the past year
that they fully realize that
this is place to buy their
Dry Goods, •Groceries,
Boots and Shoes, Hard..
ware, Paints and Oils,
Etc, at -the R,he Tight ` price-;
and also the right quality,
Thanking our many cus-
tomers for past favors, we
ask for a continuance of
the same.
R. N. Douglas,
Clubbing rates.
ene–We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with THE HeRALt) :
Daily Globe . $ 4,25
Mail &..Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe . 1.,75
,, 11/Iai1 & Empire 1.60
Berliner Journal (German; 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1.50
Daily Advertiser 2.25
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 1.75
Farmer's Advocate 2.25
Farming World 1.25
Weekly Montreal Herald 1.25
To proveimcuostionably, and beyond any don't*
'Ghat Catarrh of no nnso and throat tion be mod,
Tam furnishing patients through druggists, small
free Trial Boxes of Dr. Snoop's Catarrh Cure.
1 do this because Tam i so certain, that Dr. Shoop's
Catarrh Cure will brit actual substantial help.
lvothing certainly, i:; so convincing as a physical
test of any article of real, genuine merit. But that
article rnust possess true merit, else the test will
eondentn rather than advance it. Dr. Shoop's
Catarrh Cure is a snow white, healing antiseptic
balm, put tip in beautiful ni 2ke1 cappod glass Jars
p.t 600. Such soothing omits as 011 Eucalyptus,
Thymol, Menthol, oto„ are incorporated into a
velvety, cream like Petrolatum, imported by Dr.
Shoop from Europe. If Catarrh of the nose and
throat has extended to the stomach, theta by all
Means alsogso internally, Dr. Shoop's Restorative.
Stomach distress, a lack of general strength,
bloating, belching, biliousness, bad taste, etc.
surely tall for ))r. S1mon's Restorative.
For uncomplicated catarrh only of the nose and
throat nothing else, however, need be used but
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 8, Hay, for the month of
April. It is based on attendance,
conduct, and general proficiency.
Sr V. Bessie Cochrane.
Sr IV. Willie Gram. Maggie V'il
son, Wesley Caldwell, Willis
Wilson, Sophy Fargnhar.
Jr IV. Robin McAIlister, Ada
Gram. Mande. McAllister, Annie
Cochrane, Orville Taylor.
Sr III. Annie Wilson, Arthur
Reichert, Gordon Love.
Jr III Doris Elmslie, Myrtle
Taylor, Ila Johnston, Hazel Red
mond, Maggie Porterfield, Berge
Redmond, Mary B. Consitt, Purc3
Gram, Da.vicl Kuepfer.
Sr II, Eldon Jarrott.
Jr II. Edison McAllister, Jamey
Forest, Pearl Consitt, Harry Dietz
Allis Kuepfer, Norman Elmslie
Addie Green, Casio Troyer.
Jr pt II. Lucy Redmond, Ceci
Johnston. Solomon Kuepfer.
Sr pt L Gracie Love, Marini
Poterfield, Vieta Green.
Jr. Olive Elmslie.
Number on roll 80. Average at
tendance 32. J. A. Cameron,
Council pet opMay 6th, W. J.
Stinson being absent. The chief
business was tide ceusideretion of
building a cement arch on con. 4,
and letting contract for cement
tile, 'which was secured by J, Foster
and Thos. Keys, who ,gave good
satisfactionalast year,
A. Dunkin left last week for the
Larder Lake goldfields where he
will join the army of. prospectors.
His brother Joh'i Dixnkin of Lon-
don cleared up several thousand
dollars in his ' operations in the
Cobalt district.
Mrs, Chas. Logan received'. word.
lacet week of tie death of her broth-
er Robert ;McAuley, which took
place in the Hospital at .Da°liphin,
An Epworth League has been
organi'i ed in connection with Gosh-
en Methodist church.
Geo. Stephenson'of Babylon Line
is remodeling his barns on the
. On May 5th, the spirit of Miss,
Jennie Quanoe took its flight -a De
Ceased,had;beena-i11,fottw rsoya?ucs •.
and her eleath was not unexpected`.
She was unconscious for the past
three weeks, during which • time
she took no nourishment. The
funeral was held on Tuesday.
The South Huron school teachers
hold a convention here next weak. '
A big time is promised to those
who will attend the Victoria Day
celebration bore next Friday.
T. Handford and R. Pickard left
last week on a trip to the west.
Mr and Mrs. G. K. Heaman left
last week for Regina, where they
will reside in future.
Enoch rollick has sold his pro-
perty on the town line to W. W.
Wainer .
The Exeter band has been re-
organized, and gave the first open
air concert one evening last week.
W. G. Bissett has had the front
of his store, south of the Central
Hotel, renovated.
W. J. Statham, confectioner bas
installed a gasoline engine to oper-
ate his ice cream freezer.
Division Court was held here on
Wm, Greenlee has moved his
household effects to Exeter.
The 24th of May celebration at
this place has been called off, A
game of baseball will likely be
arranged with some outside team
for that clay to be played here.
Mrs, J. McMartin and children
left for their home in Bairie last
[fcrom.an.�lttaek taf T,tltuiiiey.
Colnmunion service wu.s held in
Carmel chnech:last Sunday.
W. J. Wilson has Moved into the
dwelling vacated by Mrs. Simpson,
who has moved to Erin.
Win. D. 13onthron, who holds a
good, situation in Chicago, is visit-
ing his parents here.
The W. M. S. of the Methodist
churcl:'held their annual meeting
last week and elected. officers.
Another assembly was held on
Monday night, avhich was well at.i
tended. Messrs. F. Bossenberry
and L. Weber, of Zurich. furnished
the music.
The howlers Have reorganized,,
The officers are : Hon. Fres., G:
McEwen ; Pres., Dr. Sellery ; , Viee-
Pres., D. A. Centoion ; Sec. Treas.,
H. J. Billings ; Managing Commit-
tee, P. Sin lacombe, F, Matins.
Dr. Ferguson, A Brandt and H.
Hensall will be without hotel
acoomodation of any kind in a
short time, according to rumor.
A largo quantity of onion seed
has been sown by our residents
this spring. F, Smallacombe has
put in five.. acres near the race
track. This means that about 400
lits of seed was used in ,sowing by
A now boiler has been installed
at the eleotrie light plant and, as a
result the town has been in dark-
ness for a few nights this week,
except for the coal oil lamps.
• A strong effort. will be made to
quash the local option bylaw which
went into force on May lst. The
council has been served with. the
necessary papers and the matter
will be argued:in Toronto shortly
Five charges of supposed irregula-
rity are made .Against the passing
of the by law.: Bensall hen." had
local option for S. little over two
weeks now and the majority seem
to think it is a failure. In a few
more weeks there will be no avail-
able hotel aocoinodation which
will put the travelling public to tt
great inconvenience. A stibscrip-
tion list was passed around 'with
the object of pturclsasing one of the
hotels and run it as a temperance
house but it is said only $50 was
Mrs. 0, Zwicker visited her sis-
ter; Mrs. Hallman, at Berlin, last
Wnl. J. England has been ap-
pointed agent for the Dominion
Life Insurance Co. of Waterloo.
School re•openecl last week and
the smallpox scare has nearly pas-
sed away.
On Tuesday, May 7th, Mrs. M.
Doyle passed away at her home on
the 1.2th con. of McGillivray. She
was i11 only a short time and her
early demise has cast a gloom over
the community. The deceased was
a sister of Dr. McCue, of this vil-
Mrs, Whiteman and sister, Miss
Emma, Morlock, have returned to
their home in Benton Harbor,
Geo. Hirtzel recently caught a
pike which was Si feet wrong, 22
inches in girth and weighed 20 lbs.
It was a big fellow.
Chamberlain's tour;, oca ir`, atta
Diarrhoea i2.cmedj+.
I/ever fails, hulk it now, .IR baa arse 1if•�
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
NOTICE is hereby given that a dividend of one andione-half per
cent, (1 1.2 p. c,) for the current quarter, being at ;the rate of six
per cent. (6 p. o,) per annum on the capital stock of this Bank, has
been declared, and that the stone will be payable at the head office
and at branches on and after Thursday, the 16th day of May next.
The transfer books will be closed from the ist to the 15th May,
both days inclusive.
By order of the Board. D, M. STEWART,
Toronto, 30th March, 1907, General Manager.
Zurich Branch J. Snell, Mgr.
David Pollock, a former resident
cif this section, died at Prince Al-
bert, Seek., on May 1st, aged 54
years, Ho left here in the eighties,
A number from hero drove over
to Clinton on Monday to see the
ruins of the fire.
The death of Mrs. Thus. Stinson
occurred on May5th, who had been
stricken with paralysis. She was
living with her son, Thomas, at
the time of her death.
A petition to have Miss Gardiner
relieved of her duties as postmist-
ress is being circulated in the vil-
Fire At Clinton.
The most disastrous fire in the
history of Clinton started on Mon-
day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock in the
Clinton Thresher Co. works. A
most terrific wind was blowing and
it is thought the fire originated by
a spark from the Thresher Co's.
smokestack, For a time it looked
as though the whole town would
be destroyed as fully twenty build-
ings were on fire at one time and
with the fierce wind blowiug the
firemen were practically helpless.
The Stratford and Blyth fire brig-
ades were asked to assist and it is
to these that much of the credit is
due in stopping the fire's progress.
Tne flames leaped from the foun-
dry to their office, then across the
street to some buildings at the rear
of Wesley Methodist church and
'for a time this splendid structure
was in groat danger, but although
fire caught in a few places it was
eventually saved. Cinders and
sparks were carried over to Elliot's
livery stable, but the fire brigade
prevented them from doing serious
The Itattezrbereal otos a r eea
to lie.ve'caught fire in the third
story,: and it being an entire
frame structure, it fell a prey to t
the flames, as did the adjoining
m le rooms
Jas. Moore has nce rly recovered
A cure may bo effected,<"'hy ap-
plying Chamberlain's Salve as soon
as the child is done t4urei ". Wipe
it off with a soft clo
lowing the child to
trained nursee use thi
the best results, Rr;.,
More al -
tive with
25;: °exits
sa p
Dr. Evans' house and stable were
completely destroyed, and it was
with difficulty that the Davis liv-
ery barn, Dr. Gunn's office and
residence, else the residences of C.
0, Rance, Jos Copp, Mrs Smith Mrs
Pratt, H Hill and others were
saved, although the contents of
most of them were removed and
suffered considerable damage,
The losses are : Clinton Thresher
Co , $60,000 on buildings and con-
tents, insured for $20,000; Batten -
bury House, owned by J. Rattan -
bury, was valued at $8000, insured
for $2000 ; Mr. Robinson, contents
of Rattenbury House valved at
$2000, insured for $1000 ; Dr Evans'
loss will be 61500, insured for $700,
besides many minor losses, in all
amounting to about $75,000. Seven,
tv men ere throws out of work by
by the destruction of the founclry2
which will be rebuilt as soon as
The examinations for junior and
senior matriculation, junior and
senior teachers, commercial specie::
ist and art specialist, all begin on
July 2.
The annual Provincial report on
the operation of the Liquor License
act was issued Saturday. It points
ont that the license for the hist
license year were decreased by 1.45
as compared with the previous
year, The fines for the same period
increased by $201,606 22. The
total number of liceisscs issued
was 2,438. There were 4,216 coln-
mitnlexits for drunkenness during
the year, 1,923 of them being in
Toronto and York county.
The man who wrestles with the
cow and learns the calves to suck,
who casts the corn before the swine
is now in great luck ; for butter is
on the upper grade, veal's higher
than a kite, pork is climbing up
the scale, and beef is out of sight,
the eggs he gathers every clay from
his Poland chicken c001) are almost
worth their weight in gold and we
are in the soup. His grain brings
him a fancy price, its rising every
da,y, toad he rakes in all kinds of
money for half a load of hay. The
fanner is in the saddle and when
he comes to town the rest of us, by
rights, should go away back and
sit down.
.+» anAe'.•.qaivo
That New
Spring Suit.
When looking for your new
Spring Suit, do not forget to
give us a call. We have a fine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc,, to choose kom. Our
prices are as cheap as any.
Suits made at short notice.
We also have a large nnmber of
Samples to select from.
Laundry in connection.
W. It HOFF¢ y N
VI i a MO i M 0 N a
B keep in stock a
full line o fr esh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Saubages .
(lige x.s. a call.
HeasetiAN—est 14th con,, Hay, on
May :lth, to Mr. and Mrs. John
General Blacksmith
TStill at the old
stand and busier
than ever. Our
work gives satis-
`I handle all
the genuine
plow points. Also
can get machine
repairs for all
makes of mach-
Your Patronage Solicited
Anyone sending a nket< h and description may
gnlekly t$, erUnn our opinion fres whether su
Inventinn Is P1'ehnbly ;tatcntnb10, Coimmnhien.
ticnalerleHyeenddettb,l. Ti ndbeelc00Patents
Beet floe, oldest tnn'itey fur eteuring patents.
PM nets t11:00 ihreu, b than, a (.n. re..0.7
specie// i,icv, without w ,r o h the
3 I 3C , r ? vy yQ+�
��t�tr'�data �l:x't�ta t���
r reseasme:y ltlnarrated woody, I nrrter: 4'r.
relation . r my rrterttn i.ilt n:l? 1 t.t t 5,,. a
e,trtyfree e..ntbt>3,..1. d..0. byall nendc�ifnrge,
PRP �' ,t'o;fu lCrn.uinsy'ilY ii g orlt
11ap .r„.h t..,...i7.,.i3O. r, ('
Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and
highly rospecteclresident of Faison -
Miss.. was sick with stomach
trouble for more than six months.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets cured her. She says: "I
can now eat anything 1 want and
am the proudest woman in the,
world to find styli a good medicine”
For sale by J J Verner,`