HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-05-17, Page 4LEGAL. CARDS.
1ioitar, Notary Public, Hensel, Ontario,
At Ziri;ich (Zeller's oftioe) every Mon-
risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc.,
Clodorioh, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C.
R. C. Hays. 0, F. Blair.
Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario.
Office over T. & M. Johnson's Store.
Night calls at T. Johnson's residence.
ed Auctioneer for Huron said Perth. My
rates are reasonable and I will guarantee
the best of satisfaction. For the con-
venience of my friends in Hay and
Stanley, dates and terms inay be ar-
ranged at THE HsaALD Office, Zurich,
tioneer for the Counties of Huron and
Perth. Farni stook sales a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All
orders left at Lot 23, Con. L., Bay, or
addressed to Hensall P. 0. will be
promptly attended to.
sluate o,,". the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At
Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon-
day. 1-2h
FRIDAY, MAY 17th, 1907.
The Berkshire is stated to have
assumed a fairly uniform and de-
sirable type about the year 1825; It
was at that time a fine appearing
animal, very hardy, of good size
and length yet Without coarseness.
Unfortunately owing to a fashion
which prevailed some years after-
wards, the Berkshire was develop-
ed into e, thick, short animal with
heavy jowl, thick and fat back.
Later this style of hog became un-
popular and the attention was again
given to developing greater length,
symnetry and fleshiness. As now
found the Berkshire exhibits de-
sirable qualifications as a packers'
Tbe history of the Chester:,
White is extremely interesting. It'
is said to trace back to a pair of
white hogs imported into Chester
county, Pa., from England in 1816,-
This importation made a change
in the swine of the district with
the result that the Chaster -White
rapidly grew in favor. In its early
years it wee a fairly lenghty type
of hog but for many years past it
has been classed as a corn belt hog
of the thick backed sort. A few
breeders in Canada., the bulletin
states have sought by selection and
management to develop the form
and quality of the animal looked
npon with favour by the packers
and to some extent they have boon-
snenesaf nl .
Tbe Poland -China and Duroc--
Jersey have during the past ten
years grown less and less popular
in Cr.nadn, according to the author
{ of the Bulletin. In 1006 only eight
members of the Dominion Swine
lareeders' Association bred Poland -
Chinas and three bred Duroc-J'.er-
sevs. t,
With the description of. etch
breed is published a scale of poir'its
by which, with the illustrations`; of.
typical animals, a valuable service
is afforded in teacl).ing the correct
ideals to be looked far in selecting
breeding animals. The author of
the Bulletin is Mr. J. B. .Spencer,
B S. A., who has in this work pre-
sented a systematic study of swine
that should be highly 'appreciated
not only by students of-animalhus-
bandry but by swine raisers in all
parts of,aCanttdea Opines of the ,
bliAlVt1n:, rn n] tAIHSXh by a plying T"t•otat- i#;ynt $2,74'3,(24 ahtxw
to the Live Stock Comn11ssio er at dren between '5 and 21. 1232 ; ch11
Ottawa. dren between :i and 1a, 891; rattle
RURAL TE ALkIL+'±1S' SALARIES. tion 3878 ; number of dogs 403.
Lot me mail you free, to .prove
As there seems to be a oongiilor- merit, samples of my Dr.` F,hoop's•
able degree of uncertisinty in the Restorative. and my Book on either
minds of many as to the arnend- Dyspepsia, The Heart, or the I id-
Notary Public. De e ds , Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care-
fully and promptly prepared. Office—
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
CLERK. Village and Farm Property
insured. All the leading Companies
represented. Agent for Accident and
Sickness Insurance.
Court of Revision.
.urich. Herald.
tam► + +M3-+ 44.4N+if 49-44 m
The Boise of Refuge Committee
is aalvertising for both a keeper
The dentists of Huron county
purpose forming; an association and
se i'neeting will shortly be held in
Clinton for this, purpose.
NOTICE is heroby given that a Court
of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the
Township of Hay will be held in the
Town Hall, in the Village of Zurich, on
WEDNESDAY, the ith day of JUNZ,
A. D., 1907, at 10 o'clock, a. rn., for the
pxrpose of hearing and settling complaints
against the said Assessrnetit Roll. Per-
sons having business at the said Coart will
guide themselves accordingly.
Zurich, May 14th, 1907.
43-3t Clerk.
and a matron and assistant for the
Rouse of Refuge, which means the
acceptance 'of Mr, French's resig-
nation and the retirement of Mrs.
M. Robinson, of the Rattenbury
House, Clinton, bas sold' out to IL
Mr. Laird, from near St. Thomas,
who tirkes possession as soon as the
transfer can be made.
Allen McGinnis, a farm laborer
of near Shipka, wasip'alking on the
railway track between Lucan and
Lucan crossing when he was struok
by 'a trails going west to London
andinstantly killed.
Piles get quiok and certain relief
from Dr. Shoop's Mltgiio Ointment.
Please note it is made alone for
Piles, and its rrction'is positive and
certain. Itching. painfnl, protrnd-
f n or blind piles disappear like
megio by its use. Large nickel -
capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by
J T Merner.
Jasper Brindley was sentenced.
to 24 hours in Goderich jail by
Judge Holt. Tlie reason for the
lightness of the sentence is that
Brindley, having received legal ad-
vice to the effect that the divorce
secured by his first Wife in Detroit
set him free to marry again, could
not be t'considered to have acted
with criminal intentin so doing.
Sunday School at 9.30 p. m. ;
,Preaching Service, German, 10.45
a. m. ; English Service, at 7 p.
m.; Senior Alliance, 8 p. nt. Tues- meats to the school law made dur- nays Address me 1)r. Shoop,
day evening ; GermanPrayer meet- ing the recent session of the Legis- Racine, Wis. Troubles of the
ing, Wednesday evening at 7 :30 lataire, in so far as these amend- I Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are
o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, mems relate to the salaries of merely syrnptomsof a.deeper ail•
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; teachers in rural sections, the fol- ment. Don't make the csmmon
Choir Practice, Friday evening at lowing will be of interest as an, error of treating syuiptorns only.
8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur- explanation of the changes that Symptom treatment is treating the
day afternoon, at. 3 o'clock. • have been imide. The compulsory result of your ailment, and not the
Rtrv. A. D. (iPRBILL^R, P Asroe minimum clause, based on assessed cause. Weak Stomach nerves—
( values, which was passed at the the inside nerves—means Stomach
session of 1906 and which created weakness. always. Aird, the Heart
so much antagonism, has been and Kidneys as well, have their
Rnbt.1✓res'dale of Ilousall visited dropped. Townships are now re contirollin * or insiCIe nerves. Cireak-
friensl in the village on Monday. (Fared to make a grant of °300 to en these nerves, and.,you inevitably
II L p±dtnrclt hos started snaking each school section employing one.'• have weak vital organs. Here is
cement tile for Hay Township. 1 teacher and x1200 additional where where Dr., Shoop's Restorative lies
an assistant is employed, and it is made its fame. No' other remedy
provided that the whole amount of even claiins to treat t11e "inside
the township grant shall be applied nerves." Alsofor bleating, bilious -
to the p'iyment of the teai+her's miss. had kireath or r..oraiplesion,
a1'ir' In addition to this, it is use •I)r. Shoop's Rsstorative. Write
provided under the new law that for my free Book now Dr. Shoop's
there li'dl1 l' paid from the Pro-- Restorative sold by, 0'. J' Merner.
vincial treasury 40 per cent of the
amount of the salary paid in any ROD AND GUN EOR MAY.•
rural school sectirn in excess of
$300 end not exceeding t11600. Stili
fnrther, an a dditi'nal allowance
will he reedit from the Provincial
treasury where teachers stye em
pioyed who hold certificates above
third class. The changes mean
that a much larger spm will be
paid out of the funds of the .Pro-
vinee towards the maintenance of
rural schools.
van.gelica1 Association
Let the send you free for Catarrh.
just to prove merit, a Trial size
Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy
It is a snow white creamy, healing
antiseptic balm. Containing stiob
healing ingredients itS.011 Eucalip-
tns, Thymol, Method, etc., it gives
instant and lasting relief to Catarrh
of the nose and throat. Make the
free test and see for yourself what
this preparation c,can and will ac-
complish. Address Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents.
Solcl b4 ,7 J Merrier.
The following are statistics taken
from the 1907 assessment roll of
the Township of Stephen : No. of
teres of land cleared 5150.4;• No of
acres woodland 5294; Total aster age
in the township 56798 ; actual tialue
of real estate $9,040.210 ; value of
buildings $673,390; taxable income
:1,400,• .busi7w3 asaessamelit $28024e
!dtRNESS, heavy and light
Blankets, Bells, Whips, Truuks,
Suit Cases, Purses and Ladies'
Schram Ro:kers, Fancy Rockers,
Morris Chairs, Easy Chairs.
High Grade ORGANS and PIANOS
• WELL . _
= Z rich, Ont.
lie Old and Reliable
Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Mills....
I wish to thank niy customers for their patronage
during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am
on hand with a largo stock of Hastings Brand
persons from 21. to 60, 810 ; poptila-
and all binds of Building Material. It will be to your
interest to call and see me if you are going to build.
It is my aim to combine good work with good
material. I also do
CUSTOM saw: c and PLAMMC
Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday.
Mills 14th'•Con.
F.ls. Ralhileisch. of the 14th con..
was an eye witness of the big Sire
at Clinton on Monday afternoon. '
Mr. E. W. Stoskopf. V. S.. visit-
ed his home in Sehringville ''n
141onday and Tuesday of this wi'ek,
Ont of the 59 young veterinary
s.nrgenra who were sent loony var-
ious parts of Canada to Chicago
during the past winter to take a
+onr i' in meat inspecting in that
city. US have passed the examina-
tion after one months study. Tbe
object of the course was to qualify
tb.o students to act as meat and
food inspectors tinder the new act
passed this session. It is nxpeetett
that some 40 of the snccessful
-candidates will be appointed by the
Government to cover food inspec-
tion throughout the Dominion.
A reactionary storm period is
central on the 18th, 19th and 2011i
On and touching these ilii tes look
for rapid and great change to fal-
ling barometer and warmer. A
probable cycle of daily rain,. wind
and thunder storms will set rn
about this time, repeating them-
selves for many consecutive days
A regular storm period is central
on the 23rd, oovering the 29nrl to
the 20th. The center of the liars
period is on the 95th, within three
days of the center of the Venus
. period on the 20th. No careful'
student of these forecasts will
ignore the fact that the 23rd, 24th,
25th and days next to them, are
dates of probable danger. Mani'
destructive hail storms are almost
certain to attend the storm about
22nd to 251h, with sudden revulsion
fron2,eztrenae warmth to unseason-
able cold following. .
A few doses of this remedy will in-
variably cure an ordinary attack of
It can always be depended upon,
even in the more severe attacks of
cramp colic and cholera morbus.
It is equally successful for summer
dierrhom and cholera infantum in
children, and is the means of saving
the lives of many children each year.
When reduced with water and
sweetened it is pleasant to take.
Every man of a family should keep
this remedy in his home. Buy it now.
Patee, 25c. LARGE SXzS, 500.
Fishing is the subject uppermost
in the minds of all sportsmen at
the opening of the beautiful month
of Ilay, and as the never failing
interpreter of the sportsmen's
wishes and feelings, the May ntrm-
bei' of Rod and Giin and Motor
Sports in Canada, published by W.
J- Taylor, at Woodstock, Ont„
contains many fishing stories. No
fishermen should set out on his
trip without this companion, and
whatever may be, his experiences
in fishing he will gain touch from a
perusal of the pages of this bright
magazine. tie may read of fishing
experiences in five of the Provinces
of Canada; lie inay also note the
defence of the, dog advocates a-
gainst the onslaught of those who
asoribe'tlie vanishing of our deer
entirely to the dogs ; and can furth-
er find interest and recreation in
perstiiii,g hunting stories. An illus-
trated forecast o'f some of the trips
the members of the Alpine Club of
Canada will take' on the occasion of
theirsecond annual camp in July
is given. wlilei the descriptive ac-
count of the' Automobile, Motor
Boat, and Sptirtsinen'es Show at
Montreal—The only one this year
in the I)oininion—with boating,
trap shooting, etc., will provide a
varietyti hits tho sportsman can
find 'i1o'w11
varied fiat
peal to al"
y s ; c 3 "y'. . ","1S`" s rr')w> -„ ,?p x *iS ..,air •ta,<otaro o i 1, cr''S' ti"
am ezgalgw,a
We, beg to announce ,that :we have
a d )taplete : line ` of Garden and Field
Seeds. In Garden Seeds we handle.
the celebrated L L Ma,y & Co seeds.
They are the good kind and always
give satisfaction.
5 packages Garden Seeds for 10 cents.
We;also have a good of Field Seeds.
Turnip and Cla.ngold seed at lowest prices
Try us for a your
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Stock Foods,
etc., we can supply your wants.
Giveus a call.
Sdrnu& de
V.., t 1'c1nya ic1:A&lidat i
• rgg
* International arvestera;
'0 else. The long and
ise of :the contents ap
sportsinen and many
general ref Tera as well.
• • implements. plements.. •
'iVe keep in stock a fall line of the
above celebrated make of Karla. Im-
plements. They are used iii every
civilized country in the world and are
giving universal satisfaction. Bay
no other.
We handle the Magnet Cream Separa-
tor, the best ort the market. Metal
Pig Troughs, last much longer than
wooden ones, in fact we handle e , exy-
thing in the line of binders, mowers,
plows, etc., etc., atla repairs of all:
Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. -°r.
Cutter see our lines before you =o
buy. They will please you..
F Nei °
n} ® ESS ,. SON,
Rickbeil'siOId Stand - - ZURICf• e.
y ' yyam ., .,e. yy± , yy yyi .. y y. y. , ,! y
die* 'i- 7ic'******.''e.*circ•*'** 'Qr ******