HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-05-17, Page 2AN EXTINCT TRADE. e Dealer Says There's No Longer a Demand for His Leeches. The leoehes, like hairless black eater- ' sill1iar, clung to slam reeds that protrud- ed above the water in the aquarium. They were torpid, as though h'ypno- efared, but when the dealer put one on a finger it fell to work as busily as a rata.ria mosquito. It could be seen swelling and flushing. "That'll do, you little rascal," and the 'dealer removed the leech hurriedly, then •Woe is an extinct trade," he sighed, "fie that of the armorer or the sundial &esk-er, and I can't make a living out of it any more, But in the past—why, great Scott, in the past leeches were so small usea by doctors that a doctor ted to be called a leech. "I used to eel( to one 'hospital in this 'Morn 50,000 leeches a year. I had on my (hooks 200 doctor, each of whom I sep- ia/1 regularly every morning with a a zees leeches. They carried them about an lit r , c.c' Past's, as they now carry rpodermic syringes. "My father had a leech farm for some +sari.. He raised the Hungarian speckl- ed lee-eh—that's the beat—in a New Jer- pend out 3latawa n way. Ile did r. He got an annual crop of 25,000. "l;seeehes are no dormer used because bleeding is no longer believed in. You arszxldn't boast bleeding a bit, eoull you, in: the paper? I might make it worth soar w'hile."..Philadelphia. 1 n:1h:tin. tr.i� rw' This coil -water starch gets ironing -dn y over i gtiic xer, e'ith less wear on the goner's muscles and far .; dews on the starched pieces. Gives a } ber,atiful gloss. Needn't be. T ret cannot tick. It's a etheeley ou'il like. T ;lo as f. 1 2C2 �Cezing for the Fishing Rod. . All rods should have the greatest care 'be they of solid wood split bamboo, or steel. Wet are not all inclined to send them to the red maker every season for examination and repair; we would ;gather do that ourselves arteseld timers; Serape the rough "pieces: eareftilly mos •h' the sharp edge of a piece '&f broken glass, then revarnish with good coach or piano varnish laid thinly on with a seamed -hair brush. Examine carefully, that no crack or opeuieg is seen in the bamboo and that the silk is not frayed nr untied. If the latter, some fine ref alk twist eare'fully wound will replace 'che frayed parts. If the thin part of the do shows weakness, extra ties can be around over it, and if the guides are Looe, .,they should be retied; also the ftrruleh, if only slik11tly loose, should be taken rut, reset and reglued then true casting is made nrore sure. Per- sonally, I think the plated or silver . nonnting3 are a mistake. I do not keep mine polished bright, for the reason that the flesh iu the set of casting scares both trout and bass, especially on bright, sunny days and low water. The time is near, I hope, when makers will produce a rod with mountings of a sem- , her color.—From "On the Care of Taekle" by Louis Rhead in The Outing :iegazine for April. a-� }"fiiriard'e Liniment Lumberman's Friend. What Bread is Made Of. The schoolmistress had been attempt- ing in vain by means of a lengthy lecture to make her scholars grasp the names of flee various ingredients that go toward the making of a loaf of bread. ,At length she sent one of the children to the village baker to fetch a loaf, and en its arrival she held it up and began once n;ore to describe its manufacture. Then, after half an hour's earnest talk, else ventured to question them on the subject. "`Charley," she said to the boy nearest icer, "tell me what bread is made of." Tete boy instantly obliged. "Please, miss," lie answered eagerly, "holes and erumbst" The "Unwritten Law." (Chicago Chronicle.) They are a little more careful about enforcing the "unwritten law" in Geer - than in Virginia. Judge Loving in gi.nia killed a man for an alleged sarong to his daughter and then discover- ada that no wrong had been alone his dieughter. Perhaps that was the reason that L. D. Strong, of Macon, (in., who aareeused a man named Smith of wronging tete sister, consid rrate•ly waited un.tii the +and Jury had found a true bill against with, and then emptied five barrels •of revolver into hint. As a reward for fate feel£ -control the coroner's jury took sat five minutes to- discharge hili, Even there is to be an "unwriten law" there ese ria use in enforcing, it too matey. /baric for Minard's and take no other. so-so 41 fear this will (to hard with me," mid the egg as it fell into the boiling Watch mm.rris DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Teaches Drees Cut- ting end Making in all its branches by mail (8 lessons). The best system ever in- troduced in Canada. Cost of full course to now only $15, includ- ing one of the most perfect fitting systems in use given free. Adopt this method and increase your in - c o m e. Satisfactory bank references given as to your safety In remitting money to us. Iron full particulars write to -day. it ELITE DRESSMAKING SCHOOL Pries Valens, Instructor P. 0. BOX 91 CS UP (ice Ent an� y ami 11� nr. . Nonsense About Dead Oysters. The value of a watch -dog is not mea- sured by the frequency of his bark. Whatever may be the service which Dr. Wiley, chief chemist of the Department of Agriculture, has rendered the cause of pure food he does ,actual damage by making such unjustifiable statements as that "a dead oyster is a no-good oyster," and that oysters should be shipped only in the shells, and he is properly taken to task by the Ilrialgsport (Conn.) Stand- ard. That paper ciea+tures that for more than fifty years opened oysters have been sold in bulk with no signs of trou- ble', dissatisfaction, or dietese of any sort. "it was doubtful," the Standard says, "whether the statement was in- tended as a piece of plateentry, or as the few end presioes word.; teat wisdom utters, till the doctor Was pushed from his perch ini'cnt;mealy and took a back :sash witbnut new has no ohjostion to the r - 1 , Sian of opened cl;ien; in ball. if u c.,'t it;ons are sanitary, end. only v, uta tl-e law en - fore: rl against the 'UFO Oi p. !ani pre- servatives and the g siersniau of pto- maines in ov s c r s, as if t rinse things were the pnrti t t it and express purpose for which the oyster business is carried on.—Leslie's V+71 0.71y. •c3' 0 0• — Worcester Up -to -Date. Son—"Does the dictionary include ev- ery word?" Father—"Oh no, my boy. New words are being brought into use every day." Son—`'Is that so? Well, then, what's the last introduced?" Father—"Ask your mother. She al- ways has the last word."--P.ire. • ease' . .. M1111, ,. , A Haat Siivs.'`:. himself, needs no talcum — no witchhazel-no "cream" -if he uses ,i "Royal Crown" tch=l zed Toilet Soap The witchhazel in the soap allays all irritation — takes away. the smarting and burning—heals the cuts—leaves the skin soft and smooth. Not a shaving soap — but cooling and delightful after shaving. 3 cakes for 25C. L At Brunies and Dealers. 4_4 Rem.arkable Self -Control. (Tit -Bits.) "There's one thing I will say," remark- ed Mr. Millions, "and that is that my daughter Arabella has a fine disposi- tion." "Indeed?" "Yes, sir. The way she can listen for hours to her own 'slaying on the violin shows remarkable self-control" LONGEST TE ` , GRAPH•,sCIRCUIT,. Row the Id izom London lf4 .. Teheran is Worked. Probably the longeee telegraph circuit in' the world has been la opem'atic➢n for over a year on te' lines of the +Indo- EuropeanTelegraph Company, , between Londor, and Teheran, Persia's capital. This circuit is 4,000 miles in length, and in its coarse it traverees'th.e Nag}'th Sea for 200 miles and passes, through Bel- gium, Germany, Russia, Tstrkey in Asia system of transmission, dad s'eeeption is employed' on the circuit, By this system messages are transmitted at to rate of from 80 to 400 worde a minute, ac- cording to the nature of the circuit, as against 26 to 35 words by manual Morse transmission. On the London -Teheran circuit there are ten ',iiutomatie repeating stet -lows, snamely, at Lowestoft, Emden, Berlin, Warsaw, 'Roane, Oda+ss,a,;.Kertoh, Sul: - hum "Cala, Tiflis and Taiiris. The bus- iness for and, from Msnehestrr and Liver - poll is also handfed direct with Teheran. It will be understood tha".t automatic repeaters virtually take the place of operators at the ` repeating stations. In the case of the circuit udder eonisides-a- tion there are repeating instruments and batteries at each of the ten repeating stations, As the line fe divided into ele- Fronz St. Martin's -le -Grand... roe dis eases 11 '{t 'i" )>a a Horse Gets Hurt Fellova9 Lee kV 's Essence 73ut don't wait until an animal is injured. GET IT NOW—and you have the remedy that CURES all lameness in horses. If your dealer does not handle it, send 60c. to National Drug & Chemical Ce., Limited, MONTSEUL 13 Yids +tango w'n :wv:,cu,a:t Minard's Liniment Co., Limited: Dear Sirs,—Your MINAI1D'S LINI- MENT is our remedy for sore throat, eoldis and ail ordinary ailments. It never fails to relieve and. cure promptly. CHARLES WIlOOTEN. Port •111uigray.e. Bull Tights in Teras, (Chicago Chronicle). It is with unfeigneal pleasure that The Chronicle reports the result of a bull- fight in El Paso, Tex. The matador was dreadfully mangled and fatally injured and all the picadors were ,more' or less injured. It is pleasant to see the bulls themselves discouraging this brutalabutil o f the bulls do not put a stop to it the legislature of Testas ought: to lose not time in punishing bull fights ,as sev- erely as holdups or env other'- chime whatever. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. Antf-Friction Roller Axles. To the Editor: Referring to an article published iu your last issue, under the head "Will, Anti -Friction Andes ever come into gen- eral eneral use?" have blrc,ig*ht it would be in- teresting tc> .raft«reuterasto knew that an anti-fritti, tt ;'°,, .1,, atria, elaiuiia;,• a 1,l' the features spolein 'ts.f as being neces- sary in the said article, will be on the market this year. They are being nian;%' ufa,etured inHamilton, but as the corn:' pany is also manufacturing bearings for ether purposes, they wall only have three or four tlhem:a id sets for de1'ivgery this year. I ureieiutaanrl ng the trade has been Waiting fox the+; axle for some time, and the different manufacturers have arrang- ed to divide up this year's output, so that each dealer may have at least one jot=egtcipped with what they believe will be the future axle. It is said to be very simple iu construction, that the rollers sage conical in shape, and that the ,objec- tioral cage is eliminated. The low price is also one of the strongest features, as well as the fact that oiling is seldom necessary, and even then the wheels do not have to come off. Thanking you for your valuable space, I am, yours truly, A Dealer. Did Not Fit the Case. "You shouldn't . have hit that !mall who called you a liar." ",Shouldn't, heav?" "No, you should have demanded the proof, and if he could trot lmoduee' it he Would have been branded as the falsifies'. "That's all right ethically, but I knew 11e had the proof." G1"i'4 a 6`°ra'• Manse, 'Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured fn 31i minutes by Wolferd's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by druggists. rp Tire Editor Refutes a Slander. (hometown, Pia., Banner.) The .editor sof the Banner was not knocked down on the street on Thum- clay lhus--d'ay hast by Henry 1 nolvlton, the gro- cer, as las been asserted by an envious clique. We aent our editorial can to the grocery 'to be filled and Mr. Knowlton sent back a very impudent message. We called on him anal told him what we thought of a nran who ,was afraid to trust a country editor for 14 cents and then 'walked off. No assault of any kind took enlace. Wanted an Undditstanding. (Philadelphia 'Ledger) . "You 'have alienated say wife's aaffec- tionsy" said the visitor; and there was At glint in his eye. "And," said the menaddressed, with a eovert szieer, "yea propose to seek fin ancial salver "Salve nothing," reviled the visitor. "I carne merely to offer aympathy and to remark that if my house is broken tip the bull pup is my, personal property and don't Tett; forget it" Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields —the richest grazing land -,are in this Province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates, etc. Local representative wanted in each county. TRH &GOOD - Eastern Sealing Agents 200 CORISTINE &WILDING MONTREAL Sad Waste of Eyesight. (Beeston Herald.) The secretary of the New York Asso- ciation for the Blind reports that there are 05,000 blind people in. the United States, and then make, the astonishing statement that `two-fifths of the blind M our country need not have been blind." This ea worth verifying. If that can be done an educational campaign should be begun the coaautry over to put an end to such needless waste and suf- fering. Of course, some cases of blinclne=s are due to accident and to other causes that could nut be avoided. But ovary i•y conceivable preventive which the alive. - tion lu -- tion of parents as well as of rhii.e:: a can provide should be the subja<;t of legislative action. o� ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Reneovee all hard, salt or calloused lueaps and blemishes from horses, blood. Tavel, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifi� 1, sprains, sore and swollen throat, Boughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one brittle. WVar- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure aver known. Sold by druggists. Valuable Time Wasted, (Cardiff Times.) "Tommy,," said mamma (who had noticed severe bruises in his face), "you've been fighting again." "Yes. mamma." "And didn't you promise me that when you wanted to lilt anyone you would always stand stili and count a hundred?" "So I did, mamma, and this is what Jacky Jones did while I was counting." Crime costs the City of New York 134 per annum:. dory,. , 1110.110.1101 ISSUE NO. 20, 1907. Wolves in a Game Preserve. After having spent $1,400 to rid the company's game preserve en Grand la - land of a wolf which was playing have* with the deer, the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company has discovered evldenee that three other wolves have evaded the vigi- lance of the gamekeepers and are work- ing havoc among the game on the is- land. The island le stocked with moose, earl- buo, elk and other species of the deer family native to Ailmerica, and with do- mestic and foreign game birds, and it ie efared that there will be a heavy Slaughter before the wolves can be got rid of. An organized hunt for the marauders is now in progress, but a big swamp in the middle of the island makes wolf- hunting difficult. It took thirty men thirty days last mounter to round up and kill the first wolf that entered the pre- serve ,and during the time it was being charred the wolf slaughtered a sere of deer. After this wolf finally had been killed the company stationed gamekeep- ers about the island in an endeavor to keep away the wolves, which cross from the mainland on the.iee.—Marquette cor- respondent of St. Paul Pioneer Press. Everyone Run D w depressed --with headaches, indigestion, constipa- tion, boils, tumours, scrofula or other meths of impure blood—can fid speedy relief in 6a Elea Tonic. It draws out the poison from the blood and tons up :^maedi, liver, kidneys and bowels. Pere, safe, ieelstable—contains the medicinal virtues of sestesse herbs which act in a natural menYc• on the -e`:.la. Price, $1 a-bottle6 for $5. s: -"a shako k oesse—or from The Ch.w.hto Co. of C.:.n a' , L1 steel, iiamiltan—Torcrto. -r se et a.Ew135in elf. Machinery in Abyssinia. So far owing to the difficulties of transport. but little m achinary has found its way into Abyssinia . Early last year two traction engines were suc- cessfully brought into the capital by the Emperor's orders, for the purpose of road -making and two more have reach- ed Adis Ababa during the present month. The head of an important Brit- ish fins came personally to interview the Emperor on the subject, with the result that the machines were adapted to the country and the best to be obtained. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. stn♦ Realism on the Stage. "rrhe most realistic (play I have ever green." "What is there so r'ealistio about it?" "There are four acts and they are sup- posed to occur on four successive days." "Well, did you not notice that they havo a different servant each sot?" Gave ^ Plenty of Notice. ((Baiktworo ,11montoan.) " Isid your ark give you any notice that idle was , oing;t,o leave?" "Oh, yes; eisa'brak.'two windows, one of any nkat costly: .aanents, three dinner Oates. a whorls(. xWale tea service and the sledge, 1rTMEhMtECts A Tame it ✓!1 se isadead. less. It costs as much to keep a lame horse, as it does a horse in Harness — and the cripple brined nothing in. You can't afford to su port idle stock. That's why you can't afford to be without I's 5p v i nn Cul.re It takes away the pain and stillness from Sprains and Bruises—draws the soreness oat of Strained Muscles and Tendons—CURES Spavins, Soft Hunches and Swellings. Used for two generations by two nations. KerlaraSE Sg &eros, Oers., Dee. 15, '04. "I have use Kendall's Spavin Cure for a Bone Spacial of 4 years standing, which has entirely cured the lameness and graktly reduced the Another bottle of the Spavin OW i ore, will complete ale cure." Writefor e f faino'is too91.984 k- Treatise On The Sold orse."ers You will find"a need for it everycopy day. our Qat Ia. J. I ENDALL CO., ENosgUcta FIALLE, VERMONT, U.S.A.29 '4>tti••¢..tl>v`Y`,.�5.'wF�ii4�9�R�'L•.Y,r��:�fiz-b�a�'.�t"�w�.5t'. ,, * ...,... la "'Mee astaisilsea SE( YOUR DE LER FO DUCIVSS and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies Rock Rib and Hercules School Hose Strong as Gibraltar Limit of Strength PrinCe5S Epyptiaa Lisle For Children's Fine Dress Little Mrarling and Little Pet For Infants Lambs' Wool and Silk Tips All Wool fads© 144, levy Manufactured for the Wholona:te Trade by the CHIPMA1I W LTON KNITTING GO., UNITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO. /SH• ,,, ,,,4,.R' = ••mJ7 II74% LI :.On:'i VIV251AEIZIMIRgSOW1 VI In three and six-foot rolls, is unexcelled for all building and lining yfur- poses, inside walls of summer houses, refrigerator plants, eta GET OUR PRICES„ I a.•.,i,„,,!-,.LL-,se, The E. B. E HULL - Agencies in all principal cities. Limited CANADA P4JaWrOV.1