The Herald, 1907-05-17, Page 1Vol. V11., N
The Official Organ qf , Zwie
.110.301••••=1:3142 NIIIIMPOIMM100•1101111111.11‘n
Clinton Business College
(Affiliated with Wingbam B 0)
Individual instruction.
Write for handsome catalogue.
Geo Spettoo, Principal.
•••••r•••••••••••••••••".••••••••• wormpan-11••••••.46* ••••••••••MOI••••
•t LOCAL NEW -c,,
You can buy 100 rods Ideal fee:ic-
ing for $25,00 cash, All No. 9 coiled
spring wire, at Hartleib's.
We have a special close price on
corrugated iron reefing. We handle
only the best quality. Get our
prices. J. Preeter.
The 13th -annual meeting cif the
West Huron Teachers' Association
will he held in Exeter on Wednes-
day and Thursday, May 22 nnd 23.
Judge Holt of Goderich presided
at the sitting of the Division Court
held in the Town Hall here on
Monday. Four cases of minor im-
portance were disposed of. Messrs
R. J. D. Oook-e, of "[Jensen. F. W.
Gladrnan and L. H. Dickson, of
Exeter, barristers, attended the
Mr. Henry Wnrm, Sr., died oti
Thursday morning after en illness
of some, months duration. He had
reached the ripe old age of 97 years
5 months and, 26 days, and for a
ena.n so old was still vigorous entl
healthy before taken down with
his last sickness. The funeral takes
place on Sunday afternoon et 2
o'clock at the house. In one next
issue we will publish.a description i ping bY their parents,
of his life.
J. Torrance, of Clinton., license
inspector for Smith Huron was in
the village .on Tuesday.
All coiled wire end fencing. at
redneed.prices for cash at Hart -
Mr. S. E. Faust is nursing a bad-
ly lecereted hand, which he in-
jured lust Thursday at St. Joseph
by Coming in contact with some
barb wire.
Wouldn't it be a wise act to give
tbe fire engine a good. test some
evening. It should be kept in the
beetpossible condition for instant
use in any ethergency.
The weather last Friday was
somethine unusual for the month
of May. rit-snowed nearly all day
toad the temperature eves very low.
It has since turned warmer and
the trees. and lawns are becoming
green and fresle looking.
Mr. Andrew Thiel. village con-
stable, wishes to state net bicycl-
ing ou tbe side -walks in the village
is prohibited. The first offender
after this notice will be summoned
to appear hereto the magietrate.
A quiet wedding was celebrated
at Lonaon on Monday, May Gth,
when Miss .Joie Elbert, daughter
of Mrs. P. Bender, and Mr. Herbert
Axt, son of Mr. and. Mrs. E. Axt.
of this village, were united in mar-
riage. We join in wishing Mr. and
Mr. Axtmuch happiness and pros-
perity through life.
Once more NVP desire to impress,
upon the ernall boy tlaat it is against
the law to shoot rohinta• These
birds lire too valuable to the farm-
ers and fruit growers to be removed.
The noes who are. using air gems
and elieg shots in shooting theme
birds shoal(' be given a good etreen
The break at the power hens*
1 VMS more serione than was nit first
The weekly shoot of the Grin I theinght, and one of the dynemos
Club was held onTuesday evening, bed to be sent to London where it
ie being. repaired The village 1108
been in pertial darkness as a re-
, field ley tt, scoee of nino• The re- stilt, but itis expected that the
J. P. Ran still retains his grip on
tbe•- again' defeating the
• P tati' ° .1.r11.
• . . Uia(b) w 1 1 ttn e -settl
F W Hess 0101101110 tactory eerence be continued.
E Zeller ' 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 Conneninion services will be held:
• Treetneer....0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1. 4 in the Evangelical chnrell next
O Fritz.... ....1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 4 Sabbath. Rev, L. H. Wagner, P.
.1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1, 1 8 E., will officiate. Prepare tory
W (-1 Hess 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 gtArvi neg will be held on Saterday
W O'Brien 0 0 1 0 1 1. 11 0 1. 0 afternoon st. 2 :10 o'eleek. The
J Deicbert . 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 5
P Sipple
service on betruelley evening will
Leen nt 7.30 o'clock. The Smulay
Seeped will he held on Bentley
As the at. season has been VPr' afternoon at 2 o'clock.
severe on the ' bees. (about • 50- per
cent being ]ost) the spraying of
trees at the proper time should be .
more carefully done than is usnal, 1
Spraying when the trees are in fell !
bloom is harmful to the fruit, and !
by poisoning of the bees, the fruit.
grower is destroying tho principal
agent in fertilizing the blossoms.
The law also prohibits spraying
when trees are in full bloom and
subjects the offender to a, fi.Be of
$5.00 or imprisonment fer 30 days,
Readers, be cautions when epply-
ing your next spray, and save the
little busy bee from being altogetbe
er wiped out.
A quiet tho pleasing event was
solemnized at the Evangelical par-
sonage on Wednesday evening,
May 15th, when llsfr. Jacob Weido,
of near Dasbwood, was milted in
wedlock to Miss Annie Rummel,
of Zurich. The ceremony was per-
formed by the Rev. A. D. Gieehler
in the pregence of a few friends
The bride was prettily gowned in a
white silk waist with skirt and het
to match, while little Miss Beetriee
Elizabeth Gischler, dressed in
white acted as flower girl. The
removal of the bride from Zurich
will be much regreted by her
friends, but they will join in wish.
ing Mr. and Mrs. Weido a long and
happy married life.
The following; particulars have
been culled from the assessment
roll of the township of Hay for the
year 1007. Acres of land in town.
ship, 52,486; cleared land. 41,638
Ores ; wood land, 3,0116 acres ;
slashing •130 notes; swamp lam',
6, 722 acres; valne, of 'buildings.
$850,495; value of land, 1,433,$70;$
business tax, 23,076;$income tax,
$1550; total population, 3,175 ; male
persons, ages 21 to GO, 714; children
age4 5 to 21, 1114; children, ages 5
to 16, 841; total assessment, $2,307-
000. The population according to
the 1906 assessment roll was 3243,
thus showing that Hay has decreas-
ed. (38 in population since a year
ago. "
and Hay TOWnship.
AY, MAY 17, 1907.
$1. Per Year.
Tallman Wilma kpciat' Sunday in
Detroit, Miola.
E, Appel is iinproving the looks
of his residence ,by.' fiXing up his
Mr. T, Wing and Mr. 14e0ann, of
Shipke, were visitors en the village
on Suiad ay,
Yon can ge that best quality
half round envetrongh. the 7 et
kind at J. Preeter's for 5 eta per
foot. Give us
Potatoes Wanted—Any quantity
good potattroes wanted before Mttv
25th. Bring them. in at ones to J.
Preeter, Zurich.
The mernbtos of the 14th ecu.
Evangelical ohfirch have' beautified
the grounds ed3oining the chereh
by planting trees And RI:mg up the.
lawn. • 5!:.`1)
The bye -election l'er the Provi12.
tial House ineWest York to fill the
VI-lea/my cansql by the death of the.
late Hon. J. A. St. John will take
plece on June let .
The past Winter and late spring
has been hard, on the bees'. Mr. ,T„
Pfaberer reports that quite a num-
ber of his colonies died feet, owing
to the continued cold Weather, and
the outlook fpr a large Isom- crop
this season ieenot of the• brighteete
Regulationre being framed by'
the minister,of edneation with the
object of preventing the spread of
tnbercelosieln the Schoole of the
province. ahe minister is also
considering.;the advisability of hav-
ing lessons,.6n the subj.e'ct included
in the public school curricalurn.
A. Robin . n
Robinson, who•ooenied the
Inatt enbrtry Hotel: Clinton, whieh
was total .,11. destroy, od" bv fire en
Monday, had sold orst to MaLeird.
of St. Themes, and the transfer of
the tagIn'eSs Wile, under way when
the firer, 'ore-lir/1;d stepped
the peeeeedinge. Mr Robinson is
a lienvy lone. .., •
e Mr': and Mrs. A. Treselesh. of
Berlin, celebrated their sileen wed-
ding. hit Friday evening, , Abort!.
'salmi ed, ce Sae sliteltie,40..rmtlece
the ventan agreeable. and nleastint
event. Mr. (Ind Mr, Weseleh were
married on May 10th, 1882. by the
late Rev. J. B. COOk, in Glenwil-
Hama, SliT)CP their -marriage they
have resided in Ai sh we) Z111(1611..
Hensel]: and daring the lest eleven
yeere in Berlin. A Suniptimus
weddinsr repnet Ives served, after
!which Mr. and Mrs. Weseloh were
I presented. with n handsome gift,
land a suitable address read.
..., • ^ ^
Spring time will,$oon be here. My stock for spring
is almost complete. it will pay yon to visit toy store
and see all the latest Designs I have to show you.
.A. full range in Meek, Red, Blue,
Green and (reys. The Greys are
stronger than ever for the coming
A large range of prints, all pat-
terns and several German prints.
A full range and different t,olors.
!just what you want.
tiw stook of Lace Curtains,
'atfferen t prices.
Tapestry carpets, in 8 patterns
and different pr ces.
Wool carpets, 30 inches wide at
low prices.
• . • • •
4 yds wide and 2 yds wide very
pretty patterns.
Floor Oil Cloth 2 yds wide and 1
yd wide.
I have some lovely wall peper do.
not buy before you call and gte my
stock. They are of the newest de-
signs. I also have some wall paper
which I am selling out at 5 cents a
Theee papers are all high
priced paper. You will get a sna
on them,
A full line of Dices aue, Em-
Fresh stock of Geocaries always
on hand.
We will handle Dutch Setts again this sps-ing.
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange.,
u s t
. ..:a„,,,-............;ne.e.e____....,..ele..,..0,..,..nee...., .._......`se.-Cee.-oee...a....,._,:e....._.'ne,.,.......,-,,,..: e._._.0_,....._,_..ea.vee..,..e.......,...,...e.e.e. ea,
.. , 0 fo .2.-7.7 0 ..,-,7-,,,--, 5 7 - .., - - -",--0.-: .-0.7,--,--, „, .- - 0 - 7 .0-...--- .,- - - .--,:....,--e..-.., ,,,,--5-..a,--,20.-----,--...w.-.•el
' a 110
Shoe Scatis. -fa.ctioll VP
i.. 0
Our alai to supply our customers with nothing q);)
but first-class Shoes has given us a good reputa'-. ?)Qp
tion, and the result has been, that our sales have `11./)
increased wonderfully, Whether you want tut up- is -4 Sane of the latest style or leather, or a •S' i7
\ Li
..4.\ ''''',Shoe for every day wear we can suit vou. Our -4,
yoy '..): .. j i i ,..ti
,Thr.e.S are as ]ow a- any and it will pay you to 0A,11 1/9
1 A
ons 'before you 1,113,. klii
' o.b ......, vl
df'&,04,.-- ron e r
ko . nii:17-13-6 0, f,tiops.. -e-mitriltor wear r‘fill ' -
sou be complete and your inspfctal; of Fatale :!k?
Z i's re.spectfully s'ilici..ed.
Butter end Eggs takzn in exchange. To
CFRITZ, The Shoemain. , .
Ladies' Mantlezn,
and Cravanettes
We have a nice assoet.ment of the
above lines, and it will pay you to see
them and get our prices. They are
moving out rapidly. Ont. lieht tweed
patterns at *0.00 and *8.00 nre epeend
' values. We also have them in dark
eir'rcyn, neW,!nt styles and close prices.
We have lar,ge stook ef Carpets,
Ion deems, FIooi Oils, Tapestry, blooe
Rugs, ill different sizes, Lace Curtaine,
Roller Blinds, Curtail' Poles in hrds.,
and wo,v1, and a large assortment of
Tapestry Curtainf, Cretons, Art, Mite
lies, etc.
Potatoes wanted=
Parties having po=
tatoes to dispose of
shoe bring them
here before May 4th
i) bmicts.T.v
A Corsets.
1) (Ye A Cor:a s ate stylish and eene-
foriabl , and hold then. sesnee
what you dare ter a onstom male ror-
set atel your money boys 1)1(11.' than
if a portion of it, bought a 1) S.; A.
They are made of ihe best quality of
hands,Itnely trimmed with and
xvilhont hose snfil,orler... 1;1 whdc ur
drah. You eau get t nem at any
'Our 81.00 liltO, witl hoNe.stii.port,rs,
js, 'special vaki. Try a phir 1 c )t,-
: \ince O)5(11 1.
"We are headqttartere for 11;trtl ware.
Give ns a tail if you noel
tile lh.te of Bui•iiing
ha 1 neighing. We ca2 give yort
ciose viten on Above as we boqtrht. onr
befele pH, es advseneel and we
gtve Oil the 1A=. (fit, oi' pqrclia4v.
A)1 other linen of Hardware in propoi-
3 sett of Slings
f, only Post Hole Digger.
Big Redretion in Price
to clear diem
Cm.1.29 Att.CtTrair2go
Wire Fencing
Ply only the best fenoing
anlli that is the PEEhLESt!;,
with tho lock -that cannot
0 wire No bard stk,el
" tt 10d
avetroni ing at 5 .ter
au(1 other goo(1,4 in p:
C) 1