HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-05-10, Page 81. 12:1====wigina= CLEARINC! LP SAL CONIN419NCINCI Thrsiay, &,;:r 11t $10,000 Stoke to be turned into Cash in Fifteen Days. This is a GENUINE CLEARING -UP SALE at such prices that wi11 make the people of this vicinity "Situp and take notice." Not old shop-worn goods but every article in the store, including all the latest Spring Novelties in Dress G6ods, Prints, Etc., going at ACTUAL COST, and in many oases a good deal LESS THAN COST. We Need the Money set's Get Together. . You Need the Goods • If you want to fit out the Family for spring now is the time to do it at a fraction of the regular cost. We mean what we say. All goods at and under cost. Put us to the test and you will not find us wanting. It will pay you to come 25 miles to this sale. The knife is right in to the hilt and wont be drawn until the last dollar's worth of goods is sold. All goods marked in plain figures. NotNote Some of the, Prices New 12?o Prints all colors at 10ets.; New 10c Prints all colors at Sots. Dross Goods in Tweeds, Iroiiles, Henriertes, Armures, 60c for 3licts: 75o for 54ets; $1 for 76o - Ladies Skirts $5.00 for $2.49.Men's Suits from $2.00 to $12,00. Boys' Suits from $1.27 to $5.75. a Y.t,!IM ,N..✓AMNM'..-sv4 th.a .4444,.. . ,...44. TALKING Men's Underwear $ 1 00 and 1 25 for 7Sc 75 and 85 for 490 40 and 50 for 29c 25 and 35 for ltsc Overalls and Smocks $ 1 00 and 1 23 for 83c 75 and 90 for 63c 2 25 and 2 50 for 1 73c Fine Overcoats 5 00 to S 00 for 3 50 Shirting 16c for 13c 12ic for 09e Cottonades 25c for 20c 20c for 17c !AN"xfu4 4,44 V +e:w.ea 40444.a , Ladies' Cravenettes $ 8 50 for 5 75 for 10 0)for New Muslins 10c for 12 for 22 for White Wear $ 1 50 Underskirts for 1 20 3 00 " 1 75 il3rawers 90c for 630 50 for 39c Corset Cover 40e for 340 White Waists $ 2 75 for 9:19 2 25 for 167 $ 6 00 3 75 7 50 one 10e 17e THIS SQUARE 0 PHONE 26 Cash or Produce W. J. Satisfactory -Store; RHENSALL 11AR11,ONICAS * IMPERIAL ROHNER and The best 25 cent Mouthorgan made. A. full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. F. W. HESS • • Jeweler. Before you buy a Cream Separator, Plow, Cultivator, Seed Drill (both disc and hoe), Disc Harrow, Scuftler, Mower, Rake, Binder, Buggy, Carriage or Wagon exam- ine our stook. We keep a full line and only the beet and our prices are as low as the lowest.—Fred. Hess & Son. T KThiMlf.M1's::2 k"'vic1:: 3 B EENB FiR7ivT.• x: LOCAL NEWS • Jos. Rau, a gnear Dryadal +, has twelve live weeks-o]d pigs for sale. If you want cheap eavetron£l•, we can supply you air 4 eta per foot. Oar good kind is 7 cts. At Hart- leib's. Dr. John Watson (Ian Maclar en) the celebrated author. died, at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, on Mottdty. Dr, OVENS, M. D.. London, Surgeon eye. ear and nose, will be et the Queen's Hotel, Rensall, on Thursday, .Tune 6th. Hours 4 p. Til. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly fitted for relief of failing vision, gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf CHERRY BROWN BETTY. Put a ]oyer of finely chopped, well -sweetened cherries in the bottom of a baking dish; cover with fine bread -drums dotted thickly with bits of butter. Put" in more cherries, more sugar, etc., continuing until dish is full. Rave the top layer of buttered arurns. Cover and bake for an hour ; then remove cover and brown. Serve with hard sauce favored with nut- meg- The Delineator, for June. i 4+4SeeEa•£+•Ea-CE+aCae80 E+•£ .-CseEe,w+3a +3e.43e¢30-tee 3►+3-+3s-43' +3++3.'4 .4111 Zurich's Leaadin . Shoe Store . . fi ck E Have Received ` a lime Lot of Spring ,t e4 m +?s SHOES AND BOOTS They are UP-TO-DATE in Style and we have more 13 coming every week. We can show you A riagnifice:it A3sDl t rent, at Prikt s that will Sw11 prise you ,ialpialtaryalonkmallrn „x . Y -� .� ti "rte tl urri.ch +"�`"ieV; aall,ls x- e ,y"0 a ,Ys...s`i i niDsc'N_5,30:t vRu�`;exl-i+.iEgl r' zo cry}��a�ef..cizt'%`ttxs..9 +''.s.,.:`�N.S Siih xiOiiviA om n Sacrifice sale Is Stip fleki. puarters For Millinery f iWWinery Openings on Saturday, flare, 3oth and I1onday, April 1st. Miss MacDougall has again charge of our Millinery Department with the largest and host up-to-date stock we ever carried. Give her a•:call and, be convinced. We do not advertise the largest stock but we do advertise the clean— est and best bought stock. We pay spot cash for our goods therefore our competitors cannot compete with us in prices.; PRINTS A full range of light and dark Prints, all new patterns, regular 12:4e now 10c a yard. SATEENS Regular 12:10 now for 10c a yard CURTAIN MUSLINS and ARI' SATEENS Regular 10c, 12-}e, 15e, 20e now 8e, 10, 124 -co TUCKED APRON LAWNS egular 25c now 20c a yard. TABL 1 LINENS, bleached and unbleached 1 piece 2 d wide, regular 65c new 50c a yard 1 piece 1* yd wide, rag .60c now 45c a yard 1 piece 11 yd wide:, reg 50c now 35c a yard 1 piece, red with floral design, reg 500 for 35u DRESS GOODS We have a large- stock of Dress Goods to offer. We can assure you a Bargain.iu every yard of Dress Goods we sell, .A furl range of BLACKS, BLUES, BROW NS and that new GREY that everybody wants this spring. We have it,. Call early and have first choice. LINOLEUMS 'FIRST QUALITY 4 yds wide regular $2.00 now for $1.50 2 yds wide regular 90ets now for 60ets TABLE OIL CLOTHS Regular 35e 011 Cloth for 250 a yard Regular 25c'Oil Cloth for 200 a yard io,000 Stock of Merchandise to be Sacrificed LAWN S Regular 10c, 12-ic, 15c, .90e, 25e, now 8c, 10e, 15o and 90c a yard. EMBROIDERIES and LACES To be cleared out at reduces, prices. TOWELLINGS For 4c a yd and upward BED TICKINGS Regular 28.a and 25e now 90c a yard Regular 15c now for poets a yard. BEST SALRTI\ G Made, We are selling them at Elie a yd COTTON 4 DES Regular 28c and 250 for L>•3u a yard OIL CLOTHS 2 yds wide regular 60ots for 43ets WALL PAPERS A Big Snap in 'wallpaper and nice new patterns to choose from. Regular 100 Wallpaper for 7c Regular 15c Wallpaper for 100 Regular 20e Wallpaper for 15e Regular 25e Wallpaper for 18c Odcl lines of Wallpaper to clear out at 3c a roll LADIES' FUR COATS This is your chance for Ladies' Fur Coats, only a few left. 1 only regular price $30.00 for $18.00 1 only regular price 2S,O0.for 15.00 Dutch Setts and Produce taken Filr`kNELL+' lTE )3LANK1+`TS I egular• $1.00 for 75ets each • COMFORTERS and W0OL BLANKETS At a ]1G`IEEDUCTION in price. WINDOW SHADES 10 dozen window shades regular 35e, 400, 45; to sell at 23e. A 131G SNAP IN GROCERIES lits best select Raisins for 2.:, cent; 4lbs best cleaned Currants for 25 is 10 lbs best Oatmeal for. 23 cents 3 boxes Corn, Peas and tomatoes 95e 4 boxes of Starch for 25 cents Best. roasted Coffee '9 lbs for 25ets Best green Japan Tea per Ib 25cts 3 boxes Yeast Cake for 10 cents 7 bars Comfort, Bee ,live Sunlight or Goo:l;v.11 Snap for 95cts Best Baking Powder 1 i- Ibe for 25c 5 gals genuine American 0.1 for 75e. in exchange At.EADY-MADli; and TAILOR-]tlADE CLOTHING We hare a full range of Spring Suiting, all ncw.patterus. Our stook of Ready -:\lades is complete. We guarantee a fit and save you looney. MEN'S NEW SPRING HATS Caps. Dress St.irts, Cellars and Tice to bo sold at a Blg Reduction. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Liss Me,Dotig 11 is with ns vain this season and We have a large Kt0'k of Millinery Goods which will be sold at a aIG DlbCOUNT. CROCRERY, GLASSWARE, CIIINA- WARE and PARLOR LAMPS A large stook of Crockery, Glassware, Chinaware and Parlor Lampe to be cleared out at a Big Reduction. J.,. ERNE Maas aasaa; alleaa .aw.�.'�..aa:;W's moo . saaaya a tarn., aaael.yXa... aaa Large frame dwelling, with kit- chen, and twelfths of an acre of land situated in Zurich, for sale. Frame barn on property and good hard water well. Price reasonable. For particulars apply, to Andrew F. Hess, Zurich The day of cheap newspapers is drawing to an end. The post office .department has :decided to refuse second class rates of po5tzige to papers and nta.gazines furnished below cost and. riving premiums to secure subscribers, and the re- cult will be death of many papers run only for advertising purposes, The world's record in rapid type weitine• was broken in London, E'tgland, recently by a young man fawn Neweastle.on-Tyne, who ata complisbed the astonishing feat of typewriting 2,500 words from dicta. tion.. in thirty minutes, and of oopying from typewri tten "manu- script'4.€00 words in one hour. The half hour's typewriting from d citation was clone at the -rate of nearly eighty-four words a. minute, or eighty-two words a minute not counting word:; in which letters were incorrectly typed. The hour test worked out at eighty woryls a minute decl.ecting mistakes. Pre- viously re- i usiy the best. authentic 'record was the t made lay a, young' t7nitrd States typist, Miss Rose L, Frits, u plot at the Chicago. Coliseum, wrote for ]talc ,a:n hour at the rate Of soiy sovet worda a Lnitlttte. ; U ICN 1.4 fi<to NWM iitIffM4IMA`l i7CIg'(6RWff -st we D Look Here F you are not one of our customers, the loss is yours as well as ours. We were never in better shape to serve you than now. Never had we such a large stock of Hardware and Harness to choose from. And every - bought before the advance in prices took place. In Wire Fencing We have the IDEAL, all No. 9 hard steel coiled wire and the Pittsburg welded Hog and Chicken Fence. No lock to slip, and all at last year's prices, We also stock coiled spring wire stays and locks, called the lock that will not slip, guaranteed. Call and see. C. HA''TLEIB Zurich. Thu Pewter; Hardware and Harness House 7.10 gas eas tat ;era rr�i� u r 1NWPv! aA11>l'1 J,YNJUiiUMA7V