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The Herald, 1907-05-10, Page 5
1 HOTELS. **(nes4cde:' *o-3****ata'aeitDtbcscdrD**0::., 0 E(] * €d * e3 i ete * * Cal ® 0 CCMMERCI I., HOTEL 9 41 t6 ZURICH 4'+ C8 a r£s bonovvimi ta+ tis eb 6;r Strictly up-to-date in modern im proveinents. Diningrooms is sup- plied with only the veru best. it 11 Bar contains choice liquors airad, cigars. If 11 T l( 9f 0 0 Excellent Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. e8 J. P. RAU, FROPR!ETOR. • 0 anlalsIntrInowlefiselow Ube ominion 'bonze. momonaotarAnduo This House has recently changed , hands, and is now°one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. i o setter able in the p,orninion. R. R.J ohnston &Son, PRor•tuETOUS. DRYSDALE. The following is the report of 1J S. ti. No. 1, Ray and Stanley, for the month of April. It is based upon regularity, punctuality, good conduct and general proficiency. Sr IV. Joseph De LaFr. anier, David Oesch, Gerald Snider, Henry Dowson, Jr IV. Milton Johnston, Harold Schilbe, Lorinda Dowson, Fihtrl Schilbe. Sr III. Mamie Johnston. Sr II. Gordon Johnston, Pearl Schilbe, Noah Hartman. Sr pt II. Irene Pollock, Bessie Snider. Jr pt II. Annabel MacDonald, 'Minnie Johnston, Arnold Sohilbe. Pt I. Verna Jacobe, Louis Hart- man. Evelyn A. Berton, Teacher. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Miss Allie Peck spent a few days last weeks with friends in Seaforth J. Sparrow has returned from the west, where he went with a carload of horses. Mrs. J. Rayner, of Georgetown, last week visited her mother, Mrs. Jas Thomson, who is still in a weak state of health. On Wednesday of last week Rev. E. I3. Salvers performed the cere- mony at the home of Miss Isabella McNeil, 'when she was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Henry, of Egmondville. They will reside on their farm in Stanley, HENSALL A movement is on foot to have the nitinicipali.ty purchase one of The Popnlar the hotels, place a first class man in it, and give accornodation to the public. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. W. McKay over the sudden death of their little daugh- ter, which took place on April 25th. Store for 19 7 l�t'r The people have shown by their 'increasing patron- age during the pat year that they fully realize that this is place to buy their Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hard. ware ,• Paints and ()i]s, Etc.. .s.ti. the•.•right price, and also the right qualify, Thanking our many cns- toiners for past favors, we ask for a continuance of the same. 14 c4 \ R. Ne Douglas, BLAKE. Clubbing rtes. "We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE IlRitALD : Daily Globe , . $ 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 NI eekly Globe 1.75 „ Mail & Empire 1.ti0 Berliner Journal(German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.50 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2. 21 Farnun; World 1,2:1 Weekly Montreal Herald 1.25 Weak �$ To weak and ailing women, there is at least one way to help. But with that way, two treatments, must be combined. One is local, one is constitu• Lionel, but both arra important, both essential Dr. Sheep's Night Cure is the Local. Dr. Shoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. The former -Dr. Shoop's Night Cure -is atopical raucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. sheep's Rostorativo is wholly an internal treat- ment. The Restorative reaches throughout the entire system, seeking the repair of all nerve, all tissue, and all blood ailments. The "Night Cure", as its name implies, does its work while you sleep. It soothes soro and inflamm- ed mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses and discharges, while the Restorative, eases nervous excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition, builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed strength. vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop's Restorative -Tablets or Liquid -as a general tont. .to the system. For positive local heli, use as well 3. 3. MERNER. A quiet wedding took place at the Carmel church manse, on .April 270., when Rev. E. M. L. Smith united Miss Esther Corbett of Hay township and Chas, 4,._ Perl.ey, of Winnipeg, Man,,. in marriage. On 1in.y 1st another interesting event to;ik place. This was the enttrriage of Miss Alice Drover and Wm. E: Pfaff, which happy event was cele- brated at the home of the bride's mother. Rev, E. M. L. Smith. offi- ciated, Last yen r South Huron had. 28 hot - tel and shell liceneess.tlxr.s year re- d -1166S treia to f The Opera Manse block was pur- chased by Mrs, W. J. Miller, John Jackson and Jays. Ross re- turned last week to their homes in Rodgerville from a trip to British Columbia, San Francisco and other Western points. Mr. Ross has since left for a visit to his home in Liverpool. England. Ira Bice had a snccessgul unction sale last Saturda i-, He has moved to bis former home near Clande- boye. CREDIT©til Work has been commenced on the brick and tile yards. Rev. S. F. Brown, who has been visiting relatives here, left last week for his appointment in the west, J'. ti4 ind has returned from De- trit, where lite was looking after the interests of his yon -in-law, Mr. liiistele, who is recovering from injuries received in an automobile accident recently. A. Cunningham has moved into the dwelling lately occupied by 1.1. Winer. The acetylene gas machine bas arrived and -work has been COM. nienced on a building in which the• machine will be placed, and also on the laying of the gats mains. Mrs, It. Huxtable has returned to her horse in Hamilton, after a few weeks visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarke have left for Islay, Alta , near which place Mr. •(llaarke has taken up a home- stead. F. Young nets is Toronto last week consulting an eye specialist. He injured ore of his eyes sonic titne ago, Mrs. C. Zwicker visited her sister, Mrs, Hallman, of Berlin, last week, Jas. Clarke has moved into the house formerly occupied by his father. Master • Victor Iiestle, who re- cently had the misfortune to have his leg broken, is able to be out again. STOMACH TROUBLE. Mrs. Sue Martin, au olcl and highly respectedresident of Faison - Miss„ was sick with stomach trouble for more than six months. Chamberlain's Stoniaoh and Liver Tablets cured her. She says : "I can now eat anything 1 want and ane the proudest woman in the world to find such a good medicine" For sale by 3 J Merner., , EX'T E!'t' Dr. Malloy intends having .his office in connection .with his resi- dence • and is preparing for the same. B. Meakins has moved unto the Nem which he purchased from E. ()bristle. 5 M, Sanders has sold his 100. acre farm in Stephen, being idt 25, con 2, to has brother, D:13 Sanders, who gets possession in the fall. Mr, Edgar 'Willis, barber, and Miss Elizabeth Willis, daughter of Thos. Willis, were united in mar- riage ;at the Methodist church parsonage on Tuesday of last week. A happy event was celebrated at London, on April 24th, when Ida C., eldest (laughter of. Mr. and M, 33', Rk. mhe bride ofrsT H. Welshongio, forbecanrerlyoe the Exeter: They -will reside in London. Robt Sanders left last week on a trout fishing expedition to Bruce county. John 13. Herdinan of Hurondale has purehneetl the W. H. ,Pones farm in Usborne toe nship. A baseball tearer 1 s been organs= zed. .1 The 11th animal iconcention of. the 'Women's Miss: .nary Society . Exeter district w a be held a. Granton on May 14th. The Exeter, Canary<a, school, and the Exeter, England, school, have made arrangements to exchange flags. About Edmonton, Alta. Ed reenter:. 'May 1, 19017 ,, To the Pupils of the Z. P. S. Dear Friends -About four weeks` ago there appeared on the main therefore of the city an outfit well worth seeing. Four large huskies harnessed to a sled Iaden with furs and driven by a full-blooded Indian who held brot theta from the far North over' many miles of frozen lakes and rivers by way of the lonely trails which lead to the land of the Midnight Sun. His peck of furs contained the skins of the boar, the beaver, the mink, the sable, and the moose and was val- ued at $500. Three years ago the appearance of such outfits in the city would have at'tranted little or no attention, for ur. to that time many Indians , emit ;4,M -breeds as well as white trail't;l'rs brut their season's catch dt,tia to the fur trading post here, bat of late years the large fur companies send their buyers into the Northland and the furs are brot down by freighters. The Indians now seldom come nearer than Athabasca Landing with their dog -teams and sleds, Thus you sop, this ceases to be a frontier town and the Landing which is 1130 miles north of here will for a few years hold that posi- tion until the steady advance of civilization again moves the fron- tier still farther northward. A short dcscript•ion of the husky may not be oat of place. He is a large powerful dog, resembling a wolf, of a light grey color, some of thein being almest white. How he manages to pull such a heavy load and live on one ureal of fish a day, is a wonder ! What travellers and trappers would do without the faithful husky, no one can say for in the frozen north he is the beast of burden But it is chiefly of the early his- tory of this city that I wish to write. The origin of the name Ed- monton seems to be lost, at least I have been unable so 2 far to trace its origin ttitho I have talked to many of the pioneers., In the lat- ter part of the eighteenth nen tory the central trading post of. the Hudson's Bay Co, was known as Chesterfield House, this Was on the Bow River over 200 miles south of here ; but the 131ackfeet ,Indians who were among the most bloode thirsty of the North West tribes made a raid on Chesterfield and burned. it to the ground. Then the 11. 13, Co. changed its chief trading point to where now stands the cit.' of Edmonton House or Fort Ed- monton, The most likely ex plana- tion is that the man who establit:h- ed this poet gave it his name as did Mr. Jasper who established the far -trading post at the entrance to the Yeliowhead Pass auc. which still.goes by. the name of Jasper House. True! there wore Indians'here is well as on the Bow :giver btit these wore the Stony Plain, Indi ars and the Creese both, enemies of the l3lackfeet. The date of the building of the fort by the H. 13. Co. is placed at about 1190 altho this is also un- certain. At that tune the North West Far Co, had £i post some miles down the river. Until the ad vent of the North West Fur co, the II, 13. Co. stayed in the vicinity of Hudson's Bay beet to save their trade they were forced. by -this flew Go toestablish posts thr.nout the wast Noe th` eWestern , o'ilderness aworp.mmanaglaxavxmasstuumummemagassomomwougmarmamme....� ... The Sovereign Bank of Canada, NOTICE is hereby given that a dividend of one endlone-half per cent, (1 1.2 p. 0.) for the current quarter, being at ,the trate of six per cent. (6 p, 0.) per annum on the capital stock of this Bank, has been declared, and that the same will be payable et the head office and at branches on and after Thursday, the 16111 day of May next. The transfer books will be closed from the 1st to the 16th May, both days inclusive. 13y order of the Board. Toronto, 30th Mauch, 1907. Zurich Bra ch D. M. STEWART, General Manager. J. Snell, Mgr. with his hundreds of Indian tribes and its countless herds of buffalo. For considerably over half a cent- ury life at the fort was very ranch th.aarsii»le, the principal event being the arrival of the mails once a year. It took almost 2 months for the freighters with their Red River carts, laden with supplies, to make the trip from old Fort Garry, now the hustling city of Winnipeg. Mr, Harrison Young, inspector of fisheries for Alberta, and who has been here since 1869, informed me yesterday that he had once made the trip on horseback in 21 days. In the early sixties the discovery of placer gold on the shores of the river brot many miners from the lootenay and Cariboo alines in B. G, these were followed by the Mounted Police in 1874 and by the settlers in 1881. The North West Rebellion of 1885 under Louis Reil brot very little disturbance in this quarter, the location of the Mounted Police at.Fort Saskatchewan may probab- ly have accounted for this. The 'nearest point was at Frog Lake 'about 120 miles East of here. The, Indians belonging to Big Bear.''s band rose in the early morn- ing.of April 23, 1885, and :murdered the entire population of the Frog Lake settlement with the exception .of two white women and one white man. Tho man who escaped is W. B. Cameron -editor of the Vermilion Signaal, Big Bear and his followers were routed by Geo. Strange and Ciel: ' Steele and ho 'VMS sent to Stony Mountain prison, Manitoba. He died in 1887 shortly after his release. His youngest son still resides on a reserve near Battle - ford while his other son popularly known as Little Bear, and who was the real instigator of the revolt, still roams about Montana with a remnant of the old following of his father, _ ee eesiel 4elee To watch the Indian today as he quietly tramps down the street or the squaws picking up old rags and bones in the back alleys, one would scarcely dream that but 22 years ago these people were a, menace to the entire white population. Now my young friends ! this is all for this time, I may have more of interest to write later on. Should any of you wish to know more con- cerning the \Vest either hand the questions to the editor who I ant sure would gladly publish them or write a letter tti Box 1244 and I shall clo my best to answer. Yours, R. F. Stelck. -04-.nC7t 0 �11m�1 W. C. 1'. IT. A PRACTICAL PROHIBITIONIST (Concluded from last week) "VS'hen are you going to leftvo here?" he asked. "When I get good and ready," was the surly response. "I am :ping now," laconically retorted Stevens, and so saying he drew from his pocket a. mammoth dynamite cartridge, scratched a match on his c'?rdaroy trousers. ignited the fuse, threw the missile • of destruction behind the bar, and ran. The saloonkeeper decided that he was quite ready to go also and clicln't argue the proposition. In thirty seconds the :shack was blown to pieces and business was not resumed at the old stand. "Soon after this a mien appeared': in the camp carrying in a big tin receptacle which he had ou his back s considerable. amount of whiskey, which lie sold to tho men. 13e had been in business only a, short time when o sharpshooter, acting under Mr. Stevens' orders, pingged the can lengthwise while the owner was carrying it on his back. The bullet made "two holes in the can. The whiskey gurgled • dolt, and the thoroughly frightened owner was convinced that, he was. up against a most effective anti - saloon law- r1hat was the end of the whiskey. business in that eainp.' Born. Il,etr-At Sauble Line, Stanley on April 26th, to 111r. and Mrs. Hy. Rau, a daughter. B1. Avlalt--At South Boundary, Hay. on May 3rd, to Mr. arc. Mrs. S. I3eaver, a son, HOW ARD -At Blake, on Sunday, April 5th, to Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Howard, a daughter. That New Spring Suit. When loolcinr for your new Spring Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices aro as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large nnmber of Samples to select from. 'Laundry in connection. w. �• DEEM 4.5 a a a RJR R tLY e r a MEAT MARKET 111E keep in stock a v' full line o fr esh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted fortheir, tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sautiages. Give us a call. YUNO,.9}ffL. DEICAIERT. 1 WHEN YOU SHOOT i You want to HIT what you are aiming at -be it bird, beast or target. Make your shots count by shooting the STEVENS. Far .tr years STEVENS ARMS have carried off PREMIER HONORS for AC- CURACY. Our line: r9 Rifles; Sholons5 Pistols Asir your Dealer -in- Send 4 cts, in scamps list on the .T1V5t s. for r4o-page Catalog if you cannot obtain, of complete output. A ire shin direct, es- valuablebookoirefer. press preDaid, unnn anon for present and rcrelntnfrnta:ngnri-a nrosnc:t,ve shooters. Beautiful three -color Aluminum Hanger will be forwarded for zo cents in stamps. !, Stevens Arms & Tool Co" I'.0. Boxhe9S CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS„ U. S. A. LOUIS PRANG General Blacksmith ;Still at the old stand and busier Haan ever. Our work gives satis- faction. t handle all the genuine plow points, Also can get machine repairs for all lakes of mach- inery. rg77��Your Patronage Solicited p/� O .Lp�AiI IO i ,12 r. , ..,.A.ogramuum.et. mom.