HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-05-10, Page 44 >1�I 1'f:D. COOKE, BARRISTER A Reiter, Notary Public, Rense11, 0 At Zuvieh (Zeller's office) ever day, 1'R0•U'DF00T, HAYS & BLAIR, J3AR- ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Go(:erich, Cacada. W. Proudfoot. R, 0. Hays. U. E'. Flair. BUSINESS CARDS. 1)R, E. W. STOSKOPF, VETERINARY Surgeon and Dentist, Zurich, Ontario. Office over T. & M. Johnson's Store, Night calls at T. Johnson's residence. S. HARDY, EXETER, ONT.. LICENS- ocl Auctioneer for ;Huron and Perth. My rates are reasonable and I will guarantee the best of satisfaction. For the oou. venienee of my friends - in Hay and Stanley, dates' and terms may be ar- ranged at THE }E n tr,n Office, Zurich ll. S. PT -FILLIPS, LICENSED AL'C- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Perth. Farm stock sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at Lot 23, Con. 2, lay, or addressed to HensaIl 1'. 0. will be promptly attended to. O.R. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA - duate of the Royal College of Dental ,Surge=ons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University, Painless estraetion of teeth, Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-:,6 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public, Do e ds , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care- fulIy and promptly prepared. OL'lce— Zeller block, Zurieh, Ont. ANDREW HESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village and Farm Property insured. All the leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and Sickness Insurance. MMANUEL CHURCH vangelica! Association 81 EVIC3:5 AND :iIBETIN:ti4 WILL EI.I11LD 1N THE Mit ANVEL EVANCELILIAL OBtfl Cil, ZURICH, A3 rOLLO S : Sunday School at 9.30 p. m. ; Preaching Service, German, 111.45 it. m. ; English Service, at 7 p. In; Senior Alliance, 8 p. In. Tues. day evening ; German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock ; English Prayer .meeting, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ; Choir Practice, Friday evening at 8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Rev. A. D t�IaCCi,mCli,,,? 1s, STATIONARY ENGINEERS' l CERTIFICATES. The LRgislati r•e of Ontario at its recent session pat.;,sed an act re- '+pee1ing stationary engineers in which engineers and employers are alike interested. Briefly stated, its Ivrov'.siens are that, after thew tat day of ,Inly, 100", no engineer will be ::•11e?\te d tte operate. or have charge of .a stitien'ary smearn plant o£ 50 hnree power or upwatrati \viin cloc+q not hold it governmei: t' (''rt':.,e 1'e ' ere three Clan es or et gale, ire, .,.•an certifir'ates, gr:eLti.'t1 ;either:J. the ire.; poen: t, klaVing tot'.mee_t".;+•) all I fire:. Nose. tthu on t he 1 Aer _i, 107. (the drat( on ftt ? t Ace-, pta 3 t'e''; held • eertifteetee fr ste^ .:.t es!onietie"'n c)f .light;) ere, en. :leers in Ontario. e.V it eilir'1110 e)r 1'.st' it: , 3 ('m'int5' is eeetelne'nr win) en the eleive (hien were in ('h:rama•e eta 'aaeer over ie (.enter::1: iaair•ri„ f'i)eine•e".a \elle et asci tion: reviews t') the 3'.^,¢t•,,r(t ()il',':a Aet, net leas tiara t' r) y-e'cr.:• e s;)ew eeen in thea n11e.I'att+i;i c)f neh a plant in the )e vinree Theee al, •) r:i)ni ut q milif y ;i4 a{,lert: ' ;l leftv(d t') t lin 1 nt'. "t -e irll Fviil here. r, f (T ' retrescieleel i v the Board of Exam rw. Teese ;nterest0(1 iil?ay obtain n. cops of the Act. and all. laiicatien forms f,er oertitieetee lav rlaldres,•in_ Tlie Secretary Depart. incsnt of Agrieeltu.e, Toronto). A fe•w doses of 'els remedy will in- variably bly cure au e •divary attack of dimehem. It can always he depended upon, • even in the since severe attacks of 1 cramp colic Awl cholera morbus.': Itis equally successful for summer cli'rnccea aril cholera infanturn in children, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. When reduced with water • and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Buy it .oar. I'rten, ace", LAaon Size, 500. PUBLISHED BY in. ZELI)tlt;, FRIDAY. MAY 100, 1907. A STUDY Ol! BREEDS CP SWINE An instructive pamphlet devoteed' to breeds of swine has been issued from Ottawa as Bulletin No.• 11 of the Live Stook Branch. It deals with the history, ohar'acteritios and points of excellence of the six• principal breeds reared in Canada. Commencing with a review of the origin of domestic swine the bul- letin teaches that the many vani- ties that are found in various parts of the world are all descended frons one- original stook of wild hos. The variations that were eei'Peoted by dowetieation upon the progen- etors of our present breeds are fol- lowed out briefly. It is pointed.out that confinement aloe+„' with un ample supply of food soon affected great rind lasting changes in eota formation, disposition and nptitimde of the animals With these changes there carne about tt breeding. to type and color in various localities as suited the requirements and de- sires of the hog raisers resniting in the course of time in establish- ime the present pure breeds. ' The breeds described in 014 hul letin end representeed by lilt%stlam tions of typical animals gyre • the Yorkshire, the Tamnworth, the Berkshire, the Chester -White. the Poland-Obins and the Dnrne-Jersey The first and second are described as bacon breeds, the third and fourth es inidwny between the, ba - eon and the lard type .and the two remaining breeds as belonging to the lard producing class of hogs. The improvement of"- the 'York- shire is traced down from,1760, the time of Robert Bakewell. . It. was not until 1860 that this breed Yeas given a separate classification at English shows, Among the chief classifications of the Yorkshire of the ilresent day are its.. dl cility, vigor, muscular development and it$ excellent crossing qualities. They are said to be earls maturing, reaching with good care 'a uarket- eble condition, weighing from 180 to 220 lbs. at from 6 to '7 months old. The Tamworth which is also de- scribed es belonging to the large breeds is traced from about 1815 when it is said tohnave been intro- duced. into England from. Ireland • tt?reel. • The, anther sin claims that this breed is parer thein any of the ot- hers inasmuch as.its improvement has been brought abnnt almost en- tirely by selection of animals witlh • in the breed itself. It is stated to Neve received tittle attention nut side of t•he counties of Leir'este+r- shire, Staffordshire and North I3amptnnshire until about 1870, when the haoon curers of •Ene.lund commenced a ca,mmmpaign against the thou fashionable short, fat and heavy- shouldered pie:, which. they foand quite unsuitable for bacon production. The Tamworth thon came into prominence as an int- l)rover of some of the other English breeds. It seems to have maintained from the first its disposition to put on laatl meat during it; growth. (Concluded next week) DASHWOC30 13,E it knn»-n to all the readers of 1ra1r leliet.tt,1) net the. Dashwood e,,irc';,)onela'rt did not write ncither l(rle v,' in' it tieing written until it repneare'd in the paper that iteral ander the Dashwood heading which item npnc'aread in Teri, Heir<t1.D of April :alth and which was cl1;1klerig- ed by the Hay anthorities ism 11-1.1;4 week's paler by the see.retarv, Mr. P. I{er:,, Sr. We think in all fair - nes, to ourselves that such items should be made !to nppear `'From) another source" or sore other suitable distinction that we be !not blamed for the folly of someone' else. School re -opened on lMionday after being closed for three weeks. Hove L. K. Eidt returned ;an Saatnrday ecenin„. bringing his sister and little.pi rl with him. Ily. Guenther purchased a goon working horse last week. • • Jonas Hartleib has been busy during the least week making a bowling lawn, .john Torrance, license inspector, was in the village during the week. Dr. McCue of Crediton Was in. the village on Tuesday on official business. Messrs Willert , and Kellerman attended a sitting of the Connell on Monday SORE NIPPLES. A enre may be effected by ap- plying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before al- lowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses nse this salve with the heist reGult:s, Price 25 rente per box. Sold by J J Mernor,;, COUNTY, 1\l'1WS. 9Ad3'+-'4�""�.i,-'4'�°"'$:ir'd•`.�J"'�Eq„a'Er0' � M,' '°�"'+'�i°Eh�' The Presbyterian ohuroh at. Briioefteld has raised $1,11 for the Chinese famine sufferers in China. The St. Marys, Exeter and l irk - ton Telephone Co. intend extending their line front Exeter to Farquhar, The population of Goderioh at the present time, according to the assessor, is 4,50e an increase of X90 over last year. On Saturday, April 27th, Wm.. Leitch, one of the pioneer's of the Huron traot, -passed away at his home in Ribbert, aged 77 years, Mrs. 0 'Pepper passed away on April 28th at her home about a mile east of 'Rensail. • She had been ail- ing for some time and ber death was not unexpeete(1, /She had rea- ched the ago of 52 years. Plies get quick and certain, relief from. Dr:,ahoop's Magic Ointment. Please mote it is made alone for Piles, wed its action is positive and eertein, Itching. painful, protrud- ing or blind piles disappear like megic 1 its ive, Largo nickel- OitT)ped- tax jars 50 centsar. Sold by J J sales r. Aino tho List of successful stn - dents passed their Sna.l exam- ination t the Western Medical College ,r,n(len, appears the name of A. i.kennead, of Brucefield, who to . a very creditable sta.nd- 1li,M,. Arno'., those ticketed to distant points last week by W Somerville, Seaforth, were ; Misses Elizabeth and Alice Dell. of near Hensall, to Sacrernento, Ca1. ; Henry Is ra,ns- kopf, Logan, to San Francisco, Cal. Let me send you free for Catarrh just toprove merit, a Trial size. Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy It is a snow white creamy, healing antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingredients as Oil Euca.lip- tus, Tbymol. Method, etc., it gives instant and lasting relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see for yonrseif what this preparation can and will ac cnxn1)1ish Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by T J Merner. The Wingham horse races' will be held this year on June St.h.' and 6th, when X2000 will be given in prizes_ J, E. Swarts has been ap- pointed secretary treasurer •ef the turf club and' has already had• m iii=,ep piiries from horsemen for- partietile}s'of the Wingbaam race i .A •little daughter of G. Marshall. Seaforth, was badly burned a few days ego. She was playing around a bonfire when her clothing caught fire and before it svgs extinguished she was badly burned an ene side of the fade and Mrs. Marshaallhad ber hands, burned in putting out the Raines L='ff me mail yon free, to .prove merit, samples of ruv Dr. Shoop's Restorative, wind my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart, er the Izid news Address the :,Dr. Shoop, Racine,' Wis. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely :symptoms of at deeper ail- ment. Don't make the esmniuon error of treating symptoms only. Sy -mph -nil treatment is treating the result of yo1:r ailment, and not the valise. Weak iitonmach nerves— the inside nerves—means Stomach weakness. always. And the Heart and Kidneys as well, have their contentling or inslide nerves. 'Weak- en lhesc' nerves, and you inevitably }lave't�ratk vital organs, Here i' where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made its Trane. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside nerve,."' Alsofor bloating, bilious- ness. burl breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's RsstOraa•tive. Write for my free Book now Dr. Shoop's Restorative sold by 3 J Merner. BLAKE The wet weather of hast week delayed seeding operations, and as at consequence farmers are late of cotnpleting. Mr. P, BrennerTnau, of oar vil- lage is engaged with Mr. Schenck of Zurich, as mason and has already begun. Mrs E. Esler, was indisposed for a few weeks, but is now able to be around again. David Ross, late arrival from the "Old `Land" breaks the mono- tony of the evenings in the village, by giving to us some of his fine selections' on the bag -pipes. The Hay Township grader is now operating on the roads of this neighborhood. We are pleased to report the complete recovery of the infant of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Douglas. Miss Bit Sparks Spent Stt.aiday+ at the home of her parents. C Sweet to fat A Candy bowel WAWA HARNESS, heavy aril tight Blankets, Bells, Whips, Truuks, Suit Cases, Purses and , Ladies' Satchels, Schram R'o Akers, Fancy Itockerg, Morris Cil sirs, Easy Chairs. ICEDR00,11 SUMS, SHIMS and 1A T TRESSES, SINGER SE IN T I . High Grade ORGANS and PIANOS H. 'm`!, ELL, = = _ = Zurich, Ont. l'he Old and Reliable Ka bfleisch's Saw & Planing finis.... I wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 ant - on hand with a large stock. of Hastings Brand. B. C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES and all lands of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build, It is my aim to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM SAWtVIC and PLAI"3f CI :i Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. .h1 ■ C. KALB L A C , Mills 14'th ;Con, ZURICH P5 tealaa �'H^Y red la ' a �F 4`l teee SEEDS! SEEil ,v1Vtql We beg to announce that we have r*"1�alete' lite of Garden -and Field Seeds. In Garden Seeds we, handle the celebrated L L May & Co seeds. They are the good kind and always give Satisfaction..? 5 packages Garden Seeds for io cents. We"also have a good of Field Seeds. Turnip and Ciangoid seed at lowest prices Try us for ":your Groceries, Flour, Feed, Stock Foods, etc., we can supply your wants. Give:us a call. Smu& an ie 1 eeee ' ^i �t.! 3y P:179 L=;zl .x _*: ' °=s ::' : * 's * * *,) **) **- * 3 * a' International; Harvester 7� . i mpleni ents. 0 We keep in stock a full line of the above celebrated lake of Farm lite - pleursats. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving 'universal satist)tetion. Buy 110 other. We Handle the Ma net Crealn Separaa- tor, the best on the.rnarliet. 'Metal Pig Troughs; last much loner than Wooden ones, in fact we handle e ,•er�-- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. W113.1 iu 11.331 of •a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagorle Wor Cutter see our lutes before you buy. They will please you, Jl. E ESS'& + y YL * 'O r' * 1:" 9 *:Rickbeil's old Stand - ZURICH. * * O+* '************ * 0•*****;