HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-05-10, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich and Ray .„Township. Vol. VII., No. 42. ZURICH, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1907. 1.' Per Year. Clanton Busheess College W (Affiliated with Wingham .B C) z �; Individual instruction. Write for handsome catalogue. Geo Spotton, Principal. it LOCAL NEWS. 3 a�a*aeYaa'ae�•P'a•ar� �7s��"'te��a �'ia(� Wm. Fritz, of Grand Bend, was a visitor in the village on Wedne.s• clay. Yesterday was Ascension Day, and appropriate services were held in the churches. Mrs. D. Steinbach, of Detroit, is visiting friends and relatives. here at present. The masons aro putting up the foundation for John Sohnell's new residence this weak. Wm. Lamont, of the Goshen Line, Stanley, has recovered from an attack of pneumonia. Miss Ella Wing, of Berlin, visit- ed at the home of Mr. P. Hauch for a few days last week. Another interesting letter from R. F. Steick, of Edmonton, Alta,., will be found on page 5 of this issue. Rev. A. D. Gischier attended a meeting of the South Huron Minis- terial Association held at Exeter on Monclay afternoon. Miss Lizzie Truernner, who has spent the past few months with her sister, Mrs. L. Prang, returned to Detroit on Tuesday. The Y. P. A.held an interestine meeting on Tuesday evening. A splendid programme, consisting of readings, songs, etc., was rendered, Buy your fencing at Hartleib's, because'it is the cheapest. 6 wirers, per„rod, 2e ots. 7 wares„ , per, Trod 23 tsts' fe wires, per fad: '32• • eta: 9 wires, per rod, 35 cts. Tbitt the "King” is one, of the best winter apples, has been de- monstrated by Mr. Peter Woolley. who on the 2nd inst. treated es with one of 'this variety and from appearances the apple would have kept a few weeks longer. In years past the Laing *as usually classed as a fall apple. The biggest "shipment of liege made from Hensel' station this year was made on Tuesday by Messrs. C. Eilber and G. Dick. The shipment consisted of 239 porkers. the price paid bein • $6.10 per oast Mr. Duck also dripped on the stone day a. car of exnert cattle for 1he olcl country and a car of butcher cattle to London. WEEKLY SHOOT. The weekly shoot of the (ann Club was held on Tuesday evening J. P. Rau surprised - his friends by capturing the medal with a soore of nine. The score. F W Hess.... ,0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1. •T Schnettler. , 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 PSipple1001001011 e O'Brien 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 J P Rau, ..1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( Fritz ...1111010001 0 E Zeller ..0111111011 8 W G Hess.,.,., 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 T Deiolrert 0 0 it 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 d HICKS' FORECASTS. A regular storm period runs from the loth to the 15th, central on the 12th. On the same date, Moon is in conjunction with Earth and .Sun, making this whole storm period also a time of great seiamio probability, notably on or within two days of the 12th. We will nrruno Sunday, Monday and Tues clay, the 12th 13th and 14th, as • central dates of severe storm pro. 1>r.bilrties, Warm, humid atmos. nhere, with low barometer and sonthea'ly winds, should cause ap. prehension and watchfulness in the face of gathering storm clouts. at this tints, In all reasonable probability severe, tornadic storms will be reported during this period from one or more localities, lir the Mars period should bane proven cold prior to this period in any part of this or other continents, such sections northward will have nnsce sortable cold, with probable scow and sleet and frost. in the areas.. of west winds and rising barometer' behind these stories, Such change to cooler will start in the northwest about the 131h, and spread In'cu„ressively eastwercl— outheastward during the 14.b to 17th, Mrs. Reichert, of near Hillsgreen is recovering from an attack of illness. Miss Verde Witwer of London is visiting at her home here at presen t The fishermen at St Joseph. made a hard of about 1000 lbs. of perch yesterday. A junior football team has been organized and the boys are busy practicing. Yesterday being Ascension Day Tiro HERALD) is mailed half a day luter than usual. S. E. Faust sports a handsome nes•, buggy, Purchased from F. Hess & Son. Mr, and Mrs. 'Lluis Foster, of the Blind Line, pleasantly enter- tained their friends on Tuesday evening. Miss Laura Bossenberry returned to her home here last Thursday.. from Chatham, where she took a course in music. Galvanized steel shingies, will last a life time, at $4.50 per square. Corrugated roofing for less than above at Hartleib's. Large catches of suckers were made along the creeks, the past few weeks. One catch, made last week, consisted of 270 of these fish. The cold and unseasonable weather has delayed seeding opera- tions somewhat, but a few more days will, complete the season's work in this section, One license has been taken away in Rayfield. The Commercial has obtained a license for one year, the Albion for six Months, and the Ri vaar hotel has been shut out. Thos. Jarrett, principal of the Z. P. School some Dears ago, and now of Carlisle, Sask , where he is en - i aired in the newspaper business, wast recently burned out, losing his printing pliant. The loss IS t - bent $1000, with ",e1500 insurance, • e\.'aae it nC •„, ...e.eate r eteee 1; neia'Spa.pers- at home, :when• carp- partes vdt.b these who do not, are” getter readers, better spellere, bet- ter grarnmariens, better Tiunetua- tors, and read more nncierstanding ly and obtai.in a. partienlar know- ledge of .veography in almost hail the time it reenires ethers. The new. )aver is a, decidedly per feet taactor in modern life. This will net he dispate(1 by anyone whet has taire•ri the tremble to investigate the matter for himself. Work on the brick yard was started en Monday. J, Preeter rnacle ra, big slli;rteent of potatoes dais week. y 50 cents pays for TAS f*a ie to Jan., 1908,, to new sttbc.rbnrs. Mrs. Jacob Galien a,n 'lass neer:1y recovered from an attaelc of bronchitis, Mi s. I�rueg r, of Detroit., is visit- ing icer mother. Mrs. Sipple. of this village, . at present. t We sell mixed paints at ;1.00 per gallon, We haven't gat tl,e market cornered but the priee,:at Ii'.aartleibs. Farmers requiring Mtr„rse4sealrrris repairs can leave orders s; tr sane with . Louis Prang, b1t . smith, Zurich. a,. Louis Foster is engaged :t mak- leg cement bleak for o,• plet:ieg the foundation of .Louis: ireeer'e new dwelling. A sitting of the tenth p. Srvision court will he held in tt'. Town Hall here, on Monday. ' t' The condition of Henry :farm, Sr., is about the same. He is gradually growing weaker end all hopes for hies recovery hay; been given up, ' John Deoher, ef the, , k=ebylon Line, lust week sold. a. " .4piendrtl general purpose horse, tanning four years .dld, to Paul Soherrok, of near Crediton, for 1t185.00,. Fashionable boarding .schools in Germany are teaching earl play- ing to the ,girls, in order that; .they may be competent to fill their places at society functions. Owineetp a breakdown at the power house. the -village has .beeu in darkness the pat two niahte, An electrician from London is here and it tie expected to have thebreak repaired by tonight. Tn`the item, in last week's _issrea l refferrin.e to the operation leveret., .ed; en Mr. Geo. Scliellig, We shnllld have Raid. that Dr 1, \'V }Tarrjeon %f -Detroit, formerly of Etet.+ie, . er •rrraed.the successful olrca ligein - • An exchange says : "The Pres- -parity of a town is riot guarded by the Wealth of its inhabitants, fiat by the uniformity with which they pull together when an important undertaking is to be aaccomplished. A gran with a thonsand d.ollarti at his coin/nand and alove fel. .his. town in his heart can do'more:for the upbuilding of it than the nmil- lionaa.ire who leeks up his ca'tital turd reaps his fingers at home pro- gress." Spring time will soon be stere. My stock for spring is almost cyomplete. It will pay you to 'visit my store' and see all the latest Designs I have to show 3'c,u. DRESS GOODS. q1.fa11 range in Black, Reil, glue, Grecs. and 4reys, The Greys are strbiager than ever for the coming spring. ;; PRINTS. A large range of prints, all net- t ei nS'an(1,eevoral German prints. 1lt.TSIINS. Fort 'VA1S'l'INGS AND DRESSES. i,lil;l range and different colors. Just; What you want. LACE CURTAINS. Anew stock of Lace Curtains, different prices. kt" CARPETS. 'fraliestry carpets, in 3 patterns andselifferent prates. Wool carpets, 30 inches wide at Ioal prices. LINOLEUMS. 4 yds wide and 2 yds wide very pretty patterns. -. Floor Oil Cloth 2 gds. wide and 1 yd wide. WALL PAPERS.. 1 have some lovely wall paper de not buy before you call and see my stock. They are of the newest de- signs, I also have some wail paper which I am selling out et 5 cents a eolle They., papers are all high, priced paper. You will get a snap on them. A full line of Lae -s and E,n- broideries. Fresh stock of Grog:ries always on hand, We will handle Butch Setts main this spring,. All kinds of Produce takers in exchange. 141` a.0t General Merchant a�©�-oc�oo• cc�c� co•�scxic> r•1[9 `.1, avestigate for Vourse F . E !von seen our large stock of Spying Shoes for Men, Women and Children. It is nearly complete t:nt1 we i'e k satisfied that ,tea can it taffy foot in--styrle, shape or leather. 'o . � ' �, k,a pii.t? Cast: We iii' -1 te ' our inspection' i ticl we feel satisfied that eve can snit you in style and price, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange. The Shoeman. Lind VIP II�r Ladies' Mantles and Cravanettes We have a nice assoetment of the. . 0IUve liiaee, and it will pay yon to see'I', them' and get our prices. They aro' � moving out rapidly. Our light tweed patterns at $6.00 and *8.00 a.r; , pecial valaies. We also have them in dark Greys, newtst styles and close prices. louse=cleaning Time. Wta have a large stook of Carpets, Lanoleums, Floor Oils, Tapestry, Floor Rugs, in different sizes, Lace Curtains, Roller Blinds, Curtain Poles in brass and wood, and a largo assortment of Tapestry (Jurtainf, Ureton4, Art flus.• l i us, etc. Potatoes wanted= Parties having po= tafo,es to dispose of should brinf,1:' them • here before I','r ay 4t 11 D & A Corsets. D c1; A Cone',s ere styIbh and a ua fumble., and hold tluoirashape. Pay what you dare for a custom. male cor- set and your money buys no more than if a portion of It banug ht• a D & A. They are made of the gest, guelit.y of coutil, handsomely trimmed with and without hese euppora'ra in white or drab. nu ctan get there ar. any Indere Onr $1.110 Bare, with hose supporters, is special V blit'. 'l'ry a lrriir awl Vince yourself. eFD R h- tira4vwry{m91 osa, ort 1',) R. Mgr Hardware We are 1aeadgnarters for Hard ware. Give ns a nail if you need nrything in the line of 1)ni'd'ing Material, hooting and Lavetruirghing. We eau give you close eskers on above as we bought oar steek before pri 'es advaneeJ and we give you the benefit of nor perebase. Alt other lines of Hardware in propor- tion. 1 sett of Slings 2 only Post Hole Digger. at a Big Reduction in Price to clear then out. Wire Fencing Bay only the best fencing and that is the PEERLESS, with the look that cannot Air), i> wire No 0 hard steel ,!oil .. .' tt rod ?“. ". a 1' , , uarct •.i tt' fang, and other googoo& i fto- +,I