HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-05-03, Page 6CLEARING UP SALE COMMENCI N O h Herald. Thursday, April lith $10,000 Stock to be turned into Cash in Fifteen Days. This is a GENUINE CLEARING -UP SALE at such prices that will make the people of this vicinity "Sit up and take notice." Not old shop-worn goods but every article in the store, including all the latest Spring Novelties in Dress Goods, Prints, Etc., going at ACTUAL COST, and in many cases a good deal LESS THAN COST. We Need the Money You Need the Goods If you want to fit out the Family for spring now is the time to do it at a fraction of the regular cost. We moron what we say. All goods at and under cost. Put us to the test and you will not find us wanting. It will pay you to come 25 miles to this sale. The knife is right in to the hilt and wont be drawn until the last dollar's worth of goods is sold. All goods marked in plain figures. Note Some of the F rkC:es New 121c Prints all colors at 10cts.; New 10c Prints all colors at acts. Dress Goods in Tweeds,Voilles, Henriertes, Armures, 60c for 39ets: 75c for 54cts; $1 for 76c. Ladies Skirts $5.0 for $2.49. Men's Suits from $2.00 to $12.00. Boys' Suits from $1.27 to,$5.75. TALKING Let's Get Together. 0 0 Q Men's Underwear $ 1 00 and 1 25 for 7 8c 75 and 85 for 490 40 and 50 for 29c 25 and 35 for 180 Overalls and Smocks $ 1 00 and 1 25 for 83c 75 and 90 for 63c 2 25 and 2 50 for 1 73c Fine Overcoats $ 5 00 to 8 00 for 3 50 Shirting 16c for l3c 12,cfor 09c Cottonades 25c for 20c for 20c 170 Ladies' Cravenettes $850 for $600 5 75 for 3 75 10 OJfor 7 50 New Muslins l0cfor 071c 121 for 100 22 for 17o White Wear $ 1 50 Underskirts for 1 20 3 00 " 1 75 Drawers 90c for 63c 50 for 390 Corset Cover 40c for 34c White Waists $ 2 75 for 2:19 2 23 for 1 67 THIS SQUARE 0 Z a,.,sIN.", YU, ..,..4...:. PHONE 26 C. sh or Produce i , r r i Satisfactory Store, HENSALL HAR11O N I CAST IMPERIAL HOHNER The best 55 cent Moutborgun made. A full line of WATCHES. CLOCKS and. JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. and F. W. HESS - • Jeweler. Before you buy a Cream Separator. Plow, Cultivator, Seed Driil (both disc and 1 oe), Disc Harrow. Scuflier, Mower, Rake, Binder, Buggy, Carriage or Wagon exam- ine our stock, We keep a full line end only the best and our prices ere as low as the lowest.—Fred. Hess & Son. 1 I LOCAL NEWS W. Calfas has been busy the past week sawing wood with his new engine. .Hon. C. Hyman has resigned his sett in the Dominion parliament as M. P, for London. The Ladies Aid held en interest. ing meeting, at the home of Miss Lydia Faust yesterday. Mr, and Ars. Chas. Troyer, of Billsgreen, were visiting at the home of Mr. G. Innes on Sunday. H Zimmerman, who was thrown from a cart in the runa.wav Inst week, is progressing, favorably, but some time will elapse before he is himself again. The annual spring show, under the auspices of the South Huron Agricultural Society, was held at Brueefield last Friday. There was a fine turnout of Clydesdale stal- lions, also a gond showing of road- sters and carriage horses. The showing of bulls was very good. A new departure of the show this year was the seed department. which while not large, was of good quality and will no doubt grow to be a popular department. B1 h. -•£+•seas£+ -€+•E^ 43..+34+3.+3• •+3~+3«.3«+3«+3.+3•+3►® Zurich's Leading. Shoe Store . . RiugE Have Received • a Fine Lot of Spring SHOES AND BOOTS They are UP-TO-DATE in Style and we have more coming every week. We can show you A panni .'ik e 1t Asst . ent, at w 11 S>_lrp se you Pe BE ' .SDE Pri s that 41 Zurich NA+-+E+E++E+•E*4Ee,•£+•a. -tib1121.b MS24.+36*34.'+3.-+3.43• —.E L!' `...�w' ey.k�R.'"�'itSN�.�.''v1,e�':�!c�td.�'�e�Oi.Y.eR.•2»1:1v.wv'^deXklU�'�4�Yu ":.C'%�.W-.� Ig Sacrifice Sale is Still On llebtdquarters For Millinery 1i�iiinery Openings on Saturday, Mar, 3oth and Monday, April ist. Miss MacDougall has again charge of our Millinery Department with the largest and most up-to-date stock we ever carried. Give her a'call and be convinced. We do not advertise the largest stock but we do advertise the clean— est and best bought stock. We pay spot cash for our goods therefore our competitors cannot compete with us in prices.! PRINTS A frill Tanga of light and dark Prints, all new patterns, regular 1214e now IOc a yard. SATEENS Regular 121c now for 10c a yard CURTAIN MUSLINS and AR r SATEENS Regular 10c, J 2i.c, 150, 20e now 8c, 10, 12 -oc TUCKED APRON LAWNS Regular 25e now 20c a yard TABLE LINENS, bleached and unbleached 1 piece'2 yd wide, regular GSc.now 50e a yard 1 piece;1 `yd wide, reg 60e now 45c a yard 1 piece l;, yd wide, reg 50c now 35c a yard 1 piece, red with floral design, reg 50c for 3.5c DRESS GOODS We have a large stock of Dress Goods to offer. We can assure you a Bargain in every yard of Dress Goods we sell. A full range of BLACKS, BLUES, BROWNS and that new GREY that everybody wants this spring. We have it. Call early and have first choice. LINOLEUMS FIRST QUALITY 4 yds wide regular $2.00 now for 2, yds wide regular 90cts now for TABLE OIL CLOTHS Regular 35c Oil Cloth for 250 a Regular 25c Oil Cloth for 20c a $1.50 6Octs yard yard $io,oao Stock of Merchandise to be Sacrificed VIMMINSIt LAWNS Regular 10c, 121-c, 15c, 20c, 25c, now 8c, 10c, 15c„'dnd 20c a yard. EMBROIDERIES and LACE' Tobe cleared out at reduced prices. TOWELLINGS l ,,.pr 4c a yd and upward BED TICKINGS Regular ;?8c and 25e now 23c a yard Regular 15e now for louts a yard BEST SHIRTING Made. We are selling them at 124c a yd 'rOTTON:1 DES Regular 28e and 25e for 250 a yard OIL .CLOTHS 2 yds wide regular 60cts for 45cts WALL PAPERS A Big Snap in Wallpaper and nice new patterns to choose from. Regular 100 Wallpaper for 7c Regular 15c Wallpaper for IOc Regular 20c Wallpaper for 15e Regular 25c Wallpaper for 18c Odd lines of Wallpaper to clear out at 3c a roll LADIES' FUR COATS This is your chance for Ladies' Fur Coats, only a few left. 1 only regular price $30.Q0 for $18.60 1 only regular price 2S.00 for 15.00 Dutch Setts and Produce taken in exchange FLANNHLLL+;eat LLJANa .I+ 'S' Regular 0.00 for '75 OA each C0MFORTERS''and WOOL BLANKETS At a BIG REDUCTION in price. WINDOW SHADES 10 dozen window shades regular 33o, 40e, 43c, to sell at 25c. A I3IG .SNAP IN GROCERIES albs best -select Raisins for 2; cent.; 4rlbs best clean d Currants for 25 is 10 lbs best 0 I, meal for 25 cents 3 boxes pp. u, Pea' and tomatoes 95c 4 boxed. Of Starch for 25 cents l3est roalsted Coffee 2 lbs for 23cts Best green Japan Tea per )b 25cts 3 boxes Yeast Cake for 10 cents 7 bars Cunrfort. Bee !live Sunlight 0 Goodwill Soap for 25cts Best Baking Pow:ler I lbs for 95c 5 gals:gennine American 0.1 for 75c READY-MADE and TAILOR-MADE CLOTIIING We have a full range of Spring Suiting-, all new patterns. Our stock of Ready -➢fades is complete. We guarantee a fit and save you money. MEN'S NEW SPRING- HATS Caps. Dress SI irts, Collars and 'Pies to be sold at a B g Reduction. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Miss McDougall is with us again this season and we have a large stork of Millinery Goods which will be sold at a BIG DISCOUNT. CROORE.RY, •GLASSWARE, CHINA- WARE and PARLOR LAMPS A large stock of Crockery, Glassware, Chinawai e and Parlor Lamps to be cleared out at a Big Reduction. . Asia As11110111MMIMMOVISMI M N , ; ZURICH .! ���-°u'_•M°LAS. t�^,o"�i!ac 2�n:+c� h.,�... !isS.l.'°tiyi`hay►.apt. �9S i�a�i '°aje. [`�A'�v�'.J..,..f a,l,ft.iirair iCieN�.+4eoaKA si.;c'*�t stduc!aa saRi:iCK.'s x'i. The Dominfon parliament was prorogued last week. Why not have ris send THE HER- ALD to your boy or girl away from home. It will keep them posted on what is going on in the old home, and only costs 50 pents,ta the end of the year. Large frame dwelling, with kit- chen, and two-fifths.of an acre of land situated in Zurich, for sale. Fraise barn on property and` good hard water well. Price reasonable. For particulars apply to Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Schellig, Sr., returned home April 25th, after spending five months with their son, Dr. Geo. Schellig, of Detroit. Mr. Schellig, whose life was almost despaired of when he left Zurich, underwent a most, serious operation for a gentleman of his years in Harper Hospital. Detroit. The Surgeon. Dr. J, w, Hamison, for- merly of Exeter, ,Ont., removed from his bladder,, ;a stone measur- ing 4; inches in circumference, Mr. Schellig stood the opelation re- markably well, has entiely recov- ered his health, has gained 15 lbs. and feels better` than he has in many years 21r. aricl Mrs. Schellig's many friends in azitl around Zurich are pleased. to tive1 oino them back again, and hope that. they nay be spared yeb many years of good health and ha ,r o,ss in their old horn e. ritfiiiiiAMWMVAMVAMMIAMMINAWANWAY/ Look Here F1 you are not one of our customers, i the loss is yours as well as ours. We were never in better shape to serve you than now. Never had we such a large stock of Hardware and Harness to choose from. And every - bought before the advance in prices took place. tikm 745 In Wire Fencing We have the IDEAL, all No. 9 hard steel coiled wire and the .Pittsburg welded Hog and Chicken Fence. No lock to slip, and all at last year's prices. We also stock coiled spring wire stays and locks, called the lock that will not slip, guar'e'?nteed. Call and see. AU 'L.. i B = = Zurich. The People's Hardware and Harness House t ff*I \ WMF,j.tr r J v`-Vl 11WS,FRO RMIWTAMP.