HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-05-03, Page 44
IliMr`r, Notary Pahlie, Hensall, Ontario.
At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon
ristors, solicitors, Notaries Public, etc,,
Goderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot, la..C.
R. C. Hata. L,. F. Blair.
Surgeon and Dentist., Zurich, Ontario.
Office over T. & M, Johnson's Store.
Night calls at T. Johnson's residence.
ed Auctioneer for Huron and Perth. My
rates are reasonable and I will guarantee
the best of satisfaction. For the con-
venience of my friends in Hal' and
Stanley, dates and terms may be ar-
ranged at THE HmsA.v Of lee, Zurich.
tioneer for the Counties of Huron and
Perth. Farm stock sales a specialty.
Satisfaction guaranteed or no pry. All
odors left at Lot 23, Con. 3, Hay, or
addressed to Hensall P. 0. will be
promptly attended to.
&uate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu-
ate of Department of Dentistry, To-
ronto University. Painless extraction
of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At
Dominion Ilouse, Zurieh, every Mon- ;
Notary Public. De e d s, Mortgages,
Wills and other Legal Documents care- I
fully and promptly prepared. Office—;
Zeller block, Zurich, Ont.
CLERK. Village and Farm Property
insured. All the leading Companies
represented. Agent for Accident and:
Sickness Insurance.
lege lots, estate of W. J. Miller, deceased,
in Hensall, on May 4th, 1907, at 2 p. to.
ii J D Cooke, solicitor for administrators; '
E 0 MoDoneil, auctioneer.
4th, 1907, from 10 a. m. to 12 a. m., and
from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m., contents of Queens
Hotel, Hensall, including furniture, bed-
ding, glassware, crockery, furnaces, bar
fixtures, etc., etc. Ira Bice, proprietor;
B. S. Philips, auctioneer.
evangelical Association
Sunday School at 9.30 p. in. ;
Preaching Service, German, 10.45
a. rn. ; English Service, at 7 p.
in ; Senior Alliance, 8 p. m. Tues-
day evening ; German Prayer meet-
ing, Wednesday evening at 7 :30
o'clock ; English Prayer meeting,
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock ;
Choir Practice, Friday evening at
ti o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur-
day afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
REV'. A. D, (isCHLEia, PAST OR
A cure may he effected by ap-
plying Chamberlain's Salve as soon
as the child is done nursing_. Wil e
it off with a soft cloth 1 efore a -
lowing tl e child to nnrce. Many ,
trained nurses use this sulc e with
the best results. Price 25 ccnts
per box. Sold by ,T ,l Merner.
Mrs Esther McNeil, the foender
of the Woman's Christian Teinper-
ance Union, and first president of
the organization, is dead at her
home in Fredonia. She was born
at Carlisle, N. Y., 94 years acro,
atncl was widely known as a tem-
perance 'worker.
Dr. OVENS, M 1) . Lnndnn,
enrgeon es'o. ear and nose, will he
et the (sheen, Hotel. Hensall, on
'Thursday, May `2nd. Hours i
4 p. irl. to 9 U, in. (Masses properly
fitted for relief of failing vision.,
gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness
and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf
Cigarette smoking is no loneer 1
simply a moral question. The
great business world has taken it'
up as a deadly enemy of has,
went and of achievement. Leading
Business firms all over the country
have put the cigarette on the pro-
hibited list. In Detroit alone sixty -1
nine merchants have agreed not to!
employ the cigarette user.
A writer in a reputable English
Journal some time ago, made the
following statement regarding the;
cure of that undesirable disease,
smallpox :—"I am willing to stake
my reputation as a public man if
the worst ease of smallpox cannot
be effectually cured in three days,
sianply by cream of tartar. This
is the sure and never failing cure,
one ounce of create of tartar dis•
-solved in one pint of boiling water
to be drunk at short intervals It
can be taken at any time and is a
preventive as well as a curative. It
is known to have cured 190,000
oases without failure. (I myself
have restored hundreds by tliis
means. It never leaves a mark,
never causes blindness,. and pre-
vents tedious linering,'r
PVRLISii)': D 1)Y E. maven.
FRIDAY, MAY 3rd, 1907.
W. C. T. tT.
The newly appointed engineer
John F. SIM VOHS, who has under-
taken what is said to be "the
greatest engineering enterprise in
the world" the building of .Panama
Canal, is a practical prohibitionist.
The following from the New York.''
Tribune describes the measures he
adopted several years ago to pre
vent the sale of liquor to a con-
struction gang, of several hundred
men who under his direction were
building a new -railroad. They
were camped in tents many miles
from the nearest settlement, and
operations were expensive because'
provisions had to be hauled a long
distance overland, and he could;
not afford to have the efficiency of
the workmen unpaired by drink.
"The work went on satisfactori-
ly until some one possessing more
enterprise than principle appeared:
upon the scene to rofipt by trading
upon the vices of the laborers. He
erected a rude shack and stocked
it with vile whiskey. The men,
having no other place in which to
amuse themselves or spend their
money, patronized the saloon so
freely that the gang soon became
demoralized. It was a. costly pro-
position for the railroad oompany.
The saloon was not situated on
railroad land, so Mr. Stevens had
no legal authority to rid himself of
it, and expostulation. with the pro-
prietor, who was veining money
fast, was of no avail. Finally the
engineer made a personal visit to
the saloon and engaged in an in-
terview with the proprietor.
(Concluded next week.)
Hans on the fuel question.
An-der-Ecke, Apr. 29th, 1907
Mister Editor—Ich seh bei die
zeitunge cies a debl Zeit a merk-
werdige specdaugel mache wege
dem neve weg for hitt fon esh and
salz mache Wer in die -Welt hot
sebon omoi fon so ebes gehert. Es
musz dooh en dummer esel sei der
deuke cluht dos er die esh wider
brenne macho kann. Win's wohr
ist deem ist es a schleeht ding for
der esh peddler: Der branch dente
nirnne rti.tiinL-kkorn it♦ e i. r
tind abdret;5 Ice t twer >ao1f ' tr.
for 50 cent wert esh. No sir, seller'
kohl ist dann aus business. • Und
was ware die soap factories du. ties
muse denn meter hunde and alte
giel of kaufe for Hire business of
zn balte. Jetzt, for my part, ich
glaub immer noch, das gut gedertes
tucker holz die best hit, uiaeht.
Of course, kohle sin anoh all right,
aber mir hen noeh iinmer plenty
holz for tins warm halta, and im
winter gehen mir free ins beta, so
nehrnts diten net so fiel.
Unci anyhow, ich hen imroor ge-
inebnt (las salz dos fewer aus maoht.
Ich wog do a rear woche .zurick
ware ic'a and mei alta beim offe ge•
hockt, so about seas uhr obends
and mir hen a zimmlich gut fever
an kat, and hen so were en ding
ands annnr geschwetzt. Uf emol
19tera Hair eber springa, und die next
unuut gslit die dehr of und unser
naehbar, der Hener, springt rei.
Er war ganz aus wind, and konnt
net schwetze for a pear minute.
Ich and die alt sin ufgejumpt and
hen grad gedenkt es war ebes letz.
Die naissuy is ganz exoit.ed ware and
hot gewuckelt wie a smokestack in
a windstorm. Endlich sat der
Hener des unser shanstein brenne
duht, und dann war die excitement
loos rum unser haus for about zehn
minute,. Ich bin dapper nous ge.
sprunga for enrol sebna ebs finch
'n'ahr ever, and sure enough er hot
gesmokt wie a steam enjin and die
fiamm is about fier fusz in die ]uft
gunge. Well, sell hot gefehrlich
geguckt, and ich hab gesena dos ke
zeit ferloro darf geh, so bin ich
wider ins haus gauge, in die pantry
nei and hab a pack gegraht wo ich
gedenkt hob es war salz drin. Ich
bin note num offe gesprune e, hab a
deckel abgenoinme and hab der
ganz package nei geschrnissie In
a pear miuuta hot mei news an-
fanga kitzele and note hab ich
schneesa missa. Die frau and der
Hener hen auch about selle zeit an-
gefange tend mir hen alle drei ge.
schneest for about 15 minute, so
hat wie mir hen kerma. Well sir,
es hot spasig geguckt for tins sena,
ich glaub der Hener hats ain beste
kerma. Of course, bis sella zeit hot
cler shanstein sich ausgebrennt,
note hen mir aus gefunna was der
cause war fon kie s^.hn:ees business.
Ich hab peffer anstatt sale im offe
gescbmissa. Es next emol wet ich
loch Sesser acht gena das ick des
salt ferwisch.
Ich seh in Hensall hen sic jetzt
local obtion. Well, es gesehied sie
recht. For my part ioh debt vote
for grasere giesser, especially iie
sommer, wart's about 95 ini schatte
ist. Joh bleib Yours truly.
Hans Dicksack.
O 40,400040.0.0
▪ The newsboys' band of London,
consi. ting of about' thirty pieces
bas bee engaged for the Viotoria
Day ;Celebration in Meeter.
Tbritre deathe tools place at the
House Of 13,efeige on Sunday, whioli
is the largest number in any one
day since the House opened.
Jane Gorvett, a highly esteem-
ed readmit of Osborne township,
passed' aaway can. April lsth. His
widow and seven children survive
li.1Yn« •' .
Piiesget quick tiled certain relief
from Dt, Shoop's Magic Ointment.
Please."tiete it is made alone for
Piles, find its action is positive and
certain. Itching. painful, protrud-
ing or :blind piles disappear like
magic' by ito 'use. Large nickel -
capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by
J J Merrier,
At the Monday's session of the
Presbyterian. Synod of Hamilton
and Landon, Rev, Win. M. Martin,
B. D., of Exeter, was elected
The West Huron license conanmis-
aiollershaive granted a license to
Jonathan Miller, of Smith's Hill.
This hotel was without a license
for 5 years,
The sur ,of $50,000 for Goderich
harbor appears in the supplemen-
tary estimates brought down in
the House'of Commons last week.
This ie understood to be a vote for
the cot�npletzon of the outside
breakwa or job.
Mrs, "d'o'nn Clark, of Seafortb,
has coinpie'ted a big deal in Mani-
toba lands. She sold her farm of
640 acres to the Messrs. Seabrook,
of St. Thornes, for the suns of
$16,000. ,, This farm is situated
about tv.elve miles south of Kil-
larney, in Manitoba. and adjoining
the village of Seabrook.
Let me send you free for Catarrh
jest to prove merit, a Trial size
Box of;D'r. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy
It is a snit white creamy, healing
antiseptic balm. Containing such
healing ingredients as Oil Eucalip-
tus, Phyninl, Method, etc , it gives
instant and lasting relief to Catarrh
of the nose and throat. Make the
free test and see for yourself what
this ;` preparation !can and will 00-
comjllish. Address Dr. . Shoop,
Rsioine, ,Wis. Large jars 50 cents.
Spld by J J Merner.
The Kennedy brothers were be.
fore Ids Honor Judge Holt on Mon
day on t charge 1 3ime.ta1?
with - ielb a prelil l n ;} i ear-
ing was had -at the ..,liolice court a
short time ago. Having made re-
pftrotion for the damage done at
tha3;King Edward hotel, Goderich,
they were fined only $10 eaoh.
.A 1eat'ier un}lsutil circumstance
seem:4to pre veil in East Huron as
constituted for Local purposes.
There does not appear to be a Con-
servrltive paper in the riding, and
the Brussels Post gets the regular
License advertising, which under
ordinary circumstances would go
to a Conservative Or perhaps
this May be an attempt to buy up
Mr. Kerr, who is the Liberal
Candidate -for the Local.
Let ine mail you free, to prove
merit, sani>lrles of my Dr. Shoop's
Re st native, end nay Book on either
Dyspepsin, The Heart, or the Kid-
reys Address inc Dr. Shoop,
Roicine, Wis. Troubles of the
anlach, Heart or Kidneys, are
merely svipiptoms of a deeper ail-
ment. Dent make the csmmon
error of treating aynal:torns only.
Sym ptoin treatment is treating the
result of your ailment, and not the
cause. Weak Stomach nerves—
the inside nerves—means Stomach
weakness, always. And the Heart
and Kidneys` as well, have their
controlling or inside nerves. W eak-
en these nerves, and you inevitably
have weal: vital organs. Here is.
where Dr. Sheep's Restorative hi s
made its fame, No other 'remedy
even claims to treat the "inside
nerves." Alsofor bloating, bilious-
ness, bit . breath or complexion,
use Dr. hoop's Rsstorative. Write
for my free Book how Dr. Shoop's
Restorative stld by J J Merner.
HARNESS, heavy and light
Blankets, Bells, Whips, Truuks,
Suit Cases, Purses and Ladies'
Schram Rodkers, Fancy Rocker%,
Morris Chairs, Easy Chairs.
High Grade ORGANS and PIANOS
1-L WELL, _ _ = = Zurich, Ont.
1 he Old and Reliable
Kalbfleisch's Saw & Plani. g
I wish to thank my customers for their patronage
during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am
on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand
and all kinds of Building Material It will be to your
interest to call and see me if you are going to build.
It is my aim to combine good work with. good
material. I also do •
IV -Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday.
Mills 14th :Con. ZURICH
Cough Remedy
The Children's Favorite
Coughs, Colds, Croup and
Whooping Cough.
Tbla rergaedy ie,tpmoiis for lte eared over
a large kart of tate nivilized world. It oan
always be depollded upon. 'It °obtains no
opium or otbar barrt l drug grid may be
given WI0°144.tit 3r ate a baby as to an adult
Price 213 y i barge Size, 50 ctei.
We beg to announce that we have
*emnpiete line of Garden and Field''
Seeds. In Garden Seeds we handle
the celebrated L L May & Co seeds.
They are the good kind and always
give satisfaction.
g packages Garden Seeds for 10 cents.
We:also have a good of Field Seeds.
Turnip and Mangold seed at lowest prices
Try us for -. your
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Stock Foods,
etc., we 'can supply your wants.
Give us a call.
Samuel' d ni
hei tic***h':**h"C***he °* h"c.° ** > ***
° International,g Harvester ,1, i
... l r piem eats, . .
* *
We keep in stock a full line of the
above celebrated make of Farm. lin -
pleme,n s. They are used in every
civilized country in the world and are
giving universal satisfitction, I3uy
no other.
We handle the Magnet Cream Separa-
tor, the best on the inarket. Metal
Pig Troughs, last much longer than
wooden ones, in fact we handle e
thing in the line of binders, mowers,
plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all
Wlrea its 11981 of a new
Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. .tor
Cutter see our lines beforeigyou
buy. They will please you.
Rickbeil's OId Stand - - ZURICH.
yt�,y.� off, y� y� y�.� +�.�� y�� y.� y!� �! y�, yL� �„•{, ���1.
o, o� o**** � rri + �i'�� j�'7�i'��iC" 'Ta"��ii�'r� �+"cS7i•�7it`J�CG %`i� "rt"«7i'�+'�