HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-05-03, Page 1The Official Organ of Zu
Vol. VII., No. 41
'day Township.
FRI DAY, MAY 3, 1907.$1. Per Year.
Clinton Business College
(Affiliated with Wingham B C)
Individual instruction.
Write for handsome catalogue.
Geo Spotton, Principal.
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41b410 4111.4104111111
.Arbor Day.
The Police Trustees held a meet-
ing on. Tuesday evening' and trans-
cted routine business.
Misses Phoebe Rickbeil and Jen-
nie Hardy. of Exeter, visited re-
latives in the village on Sunday.
Mr. Herman Schmidt, of Strat-
ford, visited his sister. Mrs. Chas.
Hartleib, on Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ronnie at-
tended the funeral of Mrs. Bechtel,
mother of Mrs. Ronnie, at Berlin,
last Thursday.
D. S. Faust has just received
some more curtain rods brass ex-
tension rods with trimmings only
15 cents each. White rods with
trimmings 15 cents each.
.T Preeter has just received a line
of long black gloves. These goods
are very scarce and will be picked
up quickly. Also another .lot of
our 5c print just arrived.
John Johnston's hired man, of
near Bla.ke, who recently came
over from Scntland, entertained
our villagers with the music of the
bagpipes on Saturday night.
Ideal No. 9 fencing. The best
made of best coiled wire. 6 wire
per rod 35c for 30cts ; 7 wire per
rod 40c for 35cts ; 8 wire per rod
45c for 40cts, Good only while our
stock lasts, at Hartleib's.
On Friday; ,April 26th.. there pas-
sed'awa,y Mrs 'Elizaibeth died, aged
57 years, 4• months and 9 days.
The deceased had made her home
with her daughter, Mrs. Henry
Eckstein, Bronson Line, Hay, for
many years. The funeral was held
on Sunday, interment taking
place in the l3ronson•Line cemetery.
Mr. George Baitzle of Detroit, a
former resident of the Bronson
Line, was renewing acquaintances
here, the nest week. after an ab-
sence of ahnnt forty years. WI•i'e
bore he made his stay with Mr.
and Mrs. Cyrus Colosly,
Colosky lining one of his, schnni
mates in their young days. Mr.
Baltzle notes a great many eha.nges
during his loner absence, especially
the absence of the large tracts of
bush land, between the 13th and
14th Concessions.
On April 15 there paeased away at
Niagara, Fails. Ont.. a. mach -re
speoted member of the Montreal
Conference. in the person of Rev.
Joseph Follick. The deeoased was
superannuated in 1894, and until
last October resided in Kingston,
but since then has made his home
with his daughter, Mrs J Johnston
at Niagara Falls South. He was a
brother of Messrs, Enoch Follick of
Exeter, David Follick of Hensall,
Wm. Follick of Toronto, Mrs. J. S.
Meliok of Zurich, Mrs. Whitman of
Detroit, Mrs. J. Fenwick of Mani.
tnha, and Mrs. Wm. Fenwick of
Hay council met in the Town
Hall, here, on Wednesday after-
noon. All members were present
but Mr. Kalbfleisch. Minutes of
previous meeting were read and
adopted. John Schnettler was
awarded' the contract of building a
cement culvert on the Sauble Line,
at E. Dodma.n's, in place of the
nlcl one which was washed away
by the spring floods. A number
of accounts were passed and other
routine business attended to.
['he weekly shoot, of the Gun
Club erns held on Tuesday after.
noon. F W. Hass and J, Scliue.ttler
were tied for the niedal by a score
of eight and in the shnot-off Schnet-
tler was victorious. The score :
h''WHess 1 00111. 1111 8
(1 Fritz ., ,1 1 0 1 1 1 1. 1 0 0 7
.rPRae ..1000011101 5,
........0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 Sipple 000 111 4'
E Zellor• .0 01000101 1 4
.I Truenrner...0 0 1 0 1 1 't 0 1 1 6
HYilighhtt....000 1 000011 :l
W O'Brien 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 4
le Faust. 0001001000 2
,T Schucttler , 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
D. S. Faust, hag a supply of
mangold, turnips and carrot seed.
Now is the time.
A nnrnber from the village at-
tended a dance at Jos. Hayter's,
Stanley, last Friday night.
Mr F. Bossenberry assisted in
furnishing the music for an as-
sembly held at Hensall on Monday
Hollywood paste paint is the best
for outside work. Put up for out-
side use only price $1.60 per gallon.
Call for color cards at Hartleib's.
Rev. and Mrs, A. Geiger left for
Elmwood on Tuesday, prior to
leaving for their new home in
Pernbrcfke, to which place he has
been appointed.
The Zurich Flax Co. finished
working up their lest year's crop
of flax last week. They have also
completed sowing the seed for
this season's Drop.
Mr. John Mittleholtz, who has
been engaged at the grist mill here
for some years, has severed his
connection with that establishment
and will work at the brickyard
this summer.
Reeve Lamont has invested in an
incorrigible 3 -year-old driver, pur-
chased from Joseph Mero. It will
require all of Pete's well-known
persuasive powers to subdue this
piece of horseflesh.
The bridge, on the Sauble Line,
south of St. Joseph, is again im-
passable. A large portion of the
approach on the north side has
caved in. A temporary road to the
west of the bridge is being used
until the cave-in has been repaired.
The W. O. T. U. met for its re-
gular meeting Wednesday after-
noon. at the home of Mrs. F. Wit.
wen Miss Ethel Williams conduct-
ed the devotional exercises. after
which the president. Mrs. Heyrock
took charge of the eductional part.
The subject of tho program was
"The great Revival in India."
Surely the world is becoming
Evangelized, nevet,,waa
time Wien tile` -GoaliETTER,. +es
Christ Was .more eagerly sought
after than at the present. It was
remarked that the Temperance
Carse is', making a great udvance-
menl, when we think that or 1st
of May, in forty-four municipalities
Local Option comes in force, mean-
ing eighty-three more bars cl?sed.
A female quartette •was then
rendered after which the business
was taken up. The meeting wars\
dismissed, with singing ••Blest be
tie Tie that Binds."
If ,you need it fine dress Shirt call
at D. S. Faust, �,
John Sreeuran, ,, cif the' 1Cauble
Line, left for wrest on Monday•
The fishermen at ,St Joseih are
fishing for perch, ani':.. Are ^'>having
good success.
Oarload Samson 12retnd Portland
cement arrived. The best by:;test,
at Hartleib's.
A number of cattle. were pit' in
the pound on Tuesdity; nighty by a
resident of the Babylon Line';'
We were pleased to sae the
smiling face of Mr. Tal Sunil in
the village last SatterkaaY, il;" being
the hist time since is, recent ill-
Mr, D. Schnell hn I the misfort-
une to lose it very valuable ` mere,
last week, from acutea indigestion,
The snare was in foal a to .,prior's
Hero, and the lose' wilt it 'close to
It is time that the, bore got to-
gether and organize eth lr baseball
or football club.They�iaye it con-
venient playground ant,, giro mater-
ial is here to make a rgetsa team in
either sport.
The smallpox situatlon'in Dash-
wood and vicinity locks mere en-
couraging, many of thste Who had
been quarantined 1ia, ' been re-
leased, and not. many; new cases
having developed. i
The heavy rain of Me ay night
and Tuesday foreri +; . caused
many cellars and ' garest in the
village to be flooded.. li'aruiers had
to stop seeding for a i:ew days as
the land was too wet {, +'
31r. and Mrs. Jcl,:eJi Rau, of
rear Drysdale, morten'tt death of
their six weeks old sen, wl'icla oc.
curred on Friday la*, They `,halve
the sympathy of their many friends
in their beroavcuicant.
Mr. F, W.' ' Parnicoinbe, civil'
engineer, of • l,orldon, . ,wilts in tile;
village on yeeterelav ; ,taking
survey Of a ditch runnine throu!,
the we :t r 1]at1 t o !'
To -day, Friday. is Arlie
This is the day , et apart, w
schools clean up the yards, \, plant.' Q�
flowers, trees, etc: It worn be at, G4
good idea to have such ai day set 4a
apart by the government, or by the
local council. A.„ (ley wbe the
citizens of towns ;and vi age
would beautify tile,! street by
planting trees alone:,their r' pec-
tive properties. In it few,''.fears
the result of their labors woit, d be
seen. ?,
en the.
Spring time will soon be here. My stock for spring
is almost complete. It will pay you to visit my store
and" see all the latest Designs I have to show you.
A full range in Black, Red, Blue,
Green and Greys. The Greys are
stronger than ever for the coming
A large range of prints, alt pat-
terns and several German prints.
A full range and different colors.
Just what you want.
A new stock of Lace Curtains,
different prices.
Tapestry. carpets, in 3 patterns
and different prices.
Wool carpets, 30 inches wide at
low prices.
4 yds wide and 2 yds wide very
pretty patterns.
Floor Oil Cloth r yds wide and 1
yd wide.
I have some lovely wall paper do
not buy before you call and se's my
stock. They are of the newest de-
signs. I also have some wall papers
which I am selling out at 5 cents la.
roll. Theo' papers are all high
priced paper. You will get a en a p
On them.
A full line of Lec:s and E,n-
broid eri es.
Fresh stock of Groc cries always ,
on hand,
We will handle Dutch Setts again this spring.
All kinds of Produce taken hi exchange.
D. S. Faust GeneMl
t7eO'l7.0.. 4:7c�000r- ��,�o
9ifiCUO •00.0••lJ''J•.!J•0.0'0.0.0
Investigate for Yonrse1f,
:AVE you seen our large ,tock
of Spring Shoes for Men,
Wooled and Children. IU
is nearly complete and we.
feel satisfied that Nye can fit alts••
foot,lll style, shale or leather.
have some -very stylish lines in
±i.st. We invite S our inspection
and we feel satisfied that W can suit
you in style and price.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange_
Cm FRITZ, The Shoernan.
Ladies' Mantles
and Cravanettes
We have a nice assoetment of the
above lines, and it will pay you to see
them and get our prices. They are
moving, out rapidly. Our light tweed
patterns at 80.00 and *8.00 an• special
value!. We also have them in dark
Greys, new.st styles and close pricer.
We have a large stock of Carpets,
Ltnoleums, Floor Oils, Tapestry, Floor
Rugs, in different sizes, Lace Curtain,
Roller Blinds, Curtain Poles in brass
and wood,.and a large assortment of
Tapestry Curtainf, Cretous, Art d us
lins, etc.
Potatoes wanted=
Parties having po=
tatoes to dispose of
should bring them
here before May 4th
b: 4". A Corsets.
D .A Corsets are stylish and conn-
' fortablt',' and. hold their shape. Pay
what;you dare:for a custom made cor-
set and your money buys no more than
if a portion of it bought a D & A.
They are made of the best quality of
cout.il, handsomely trimmed with and
without hese snpporterN, in white or
drab. You.. can get there at any pries.
'Our $1.00 line, with hose supporters,
is special valise. Try a pair and con-
vince yourself.
We are headquarters for Herd ware.
Give us a call if you need anything.in
.he line of Building Material, Roofing
and Eavetrough ing. 'tVe can give you
close prices on above as we bought our
studs before pri.•es advanced and we
give you the benefit of our purchase.
All other lines of Hardware in propot-
1 sett of Slings
2 only Post Hole Digger.
at a Big Reduction in Prie
to clear thele out.
Wire Fencing
Bny only `he 1i fencing
:red that thrk. PE E.FI.LES .
v'itll the :a);'l: that cannot slip.
G wire No fl hard steel 29v
7 1.
rl r't)d ,a{').ri,
]':ttvE!tl•oi1L'.'1l111g at 5 cts per
foot and other goods in pl.•c,-
r ttl'tion.
• r'''4