HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-03-29, Page 7The Zurich,
$# $ T G e e $
• ea qi e, tit ZURICH e e itv
AStrictly up-to-date in modern im ea
• provements. Dining rooms is sup- p
plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶
,® Bar contains choice liquors and p
cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶
t, Excellent Sample Rooms
* for Commercial Men.
cosh ei lel itA
Seeks eeeis �meeti&fo®s
This House has recently changed
hands, and is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
patter Mable in the Dominion.
R. R.J ohnston & Son,
The Popular
Store for 1907)
The people have showy
by their increasing patron-
age during the past year
that they fully realize that
this is place to buy their
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes, Hard-
ware, Paints and Oils,
Etc.. at the right pric,e,,,,
and , also the right quality.
Thanking our many sus -
tomers for past favors, we
ask for a continuance of
the same.
R. N. Douglas,
Clubbing rates.
Or 'We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with TEE HRHA.LD :
Daily Globe , • $ 4.25
„ Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe . 1.75
„ Mail & Empire 1.00
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1.50
Daily Advertiser 2.25
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 7.75
Farmer's Advocate 2.25
Farming World 1.25
Weekly Montreal Herald 1.25
fain in the head—pain anywhere, has Its cause.
Pain is congestion, pain is blood pressure—nothingi
.else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and to
,prove it he has created a little pink tablet. That;
tablet—called Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet--,
coaxes blood pressure away from pain cehte 1..
Its effect is charming, pleasingly delightful. Gently.{
though safely. it surelyequalizes the blood circus
If you have a headache, it's blood pressure.
lilt's painful periods with women, same seine.
If you are sleepless, restless, nervous, it's blood
congestion—blood pressure. That surely is A
ertainty, for Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets step
it in 20 minntes, and the tablets simply distribute
the unnatural blood pressure.
Bruise your finger, and doesn't it get red, and
swell, and pain you? of course it does. It's con-
gestion, blood pressure. You'll find it whero pain
.s—always, It's simply Common. Sense.
Ire sell at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend
Dr. Shoop's
J. 1. ,MERNER,
Before you buy a Cream Separator,
Plow, Cultivator, Seed Drill (both disc ani
hoe), Disc Harrow, Scuflier, Mower, Rake,
Binder, Buggy, Carriage or Wagon exam-
ine our stock. We keep a fall line and only
the best and our prices are as low as the
lowest,—Prod. Hess & Son.
Mrs, John Fried is at present
visiting at the home of Jac. Keller-
man of this place,
Louis Sohoemacher is 111 at his
home here as is also D. Bettchen.
We hope soon to see them around
again as usual.
W. Ehlers has now entire control
of the .pilling business here, he
having bought the other third
share from J. Eidt on Saturday.
The Young People of the Evan-
gelical church here intend having
a musical and literary program in
connection with their bnsiness
meeting on Monday night. It pro-
mises to be good. You'll miss it
by not being present.
The ladies hats, Oh how, nice
never saw anything in the line
half so nice. Call and see them at
Shrumm and Kellerman.
H. Guenther purchased a new
horse on Saturday last from Mr.
Brinker of near Boston.
Arthur Weber and Louis Rader,
who have been working in London
during the winter months, have re-
turned to their homes here for the
Miss Wein of Crediton spent Sun -
clay at the home of her brother
near Sarepta.
Before you buy a Cream Separator
Plow, Cultivator, Seed Drill (both disc and
hoe), Disc Harrow, Seufiier, Mower, Rake,
Binder, Buggy, Carriage or Wagon exam-
ine our stock. We keep a full line and only
A surpri
last Thursday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. D. Garinger when
they were presented with gifts
given by the neighbors and friends.
The following address was read.
St. Joseph, March 21st, 1907,
M r. and Mrs. Garinger and Family.
Dear Friends: We, your friends and
neighbors, knowing that you are about to
depart from our midst, have assembled to
bid you farewell.
We sincerely regret that you are leaving
us, as during your residence here, you
have ever proved yourselves kind andhelp.
ful neighbors and faithful friends.
We now offer for your acceptance this
berry set and cup as a slight token of the
friendship we entertain for you, hoping
that in your new home it may prove a re-
minder of the many friends you are leav-
ing behind you.
Wishing you every success and much
happiness in your new home.
Signed on behalf of the friends.
Susan Wilhelm
Chester Smith
Mary Dodman
Card of Thanks—On bthalf of Mrs. Gar-
inger and myself I desire to thank the
friends and neighbors for the lovely gifts
of which we have been the reoipients, and
for their expression of goodwill, and would
assure them that we will long remember
their many kindnesses.
D. Garinger,
Mr. and Mrs. McKay and son of
Saginaw are the guests of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Moor -
Again it is our sad duty to record
a visit of the ,Angel of Death and
the passing of another of our citi-
zens from time to eternity, On
Saturday, March loth. Miss Mary
A. Fraser died at the home of her
brother, John Fraser, with whom
she resided since the death of her
mother. The largely attended fune-
ral took place on Tuesday after-
noon, the services being conducted
by the Rev. John 1kicNeil, assisted
by the Rev. T. A. Steadman.
On Sunday morning, Mar. 17th,
Peter Campbell appeared to he in
about his usual health. He done the
chorep and then 'with his sister
drove to St. Andrews church, but
during the service was stricken by
paralysis. He was removed to the
residence of his wife and medical
aid summoned, but all was of no
avail, he never regained conscious-
ness and as another day dawned
his spirit passed away. He is sur-
vived by his wife of two years and
their little son who was born three
weeks ago. The funeral took place
on Wednesday afternoon to Bay-
field cemetery and was largely at-
Mrs. Colbert 0 Egmondville
visited,her parents ove last week.
Thos. Smith, the the Parr Line,
has moved into J, Troyer's house.
C. Newell and wife of Chisel-
burst have tstoied iiito the house
vacatedby Gordon Manns.
J. W. Ortwein shipped a h rge
quantity of dutch setts last week.
Thos. Bell ofWin'uipeg is visit -
beg relatives eitil friends here.
Geo. Wren ltas..recovered from
his recent severe illness.
Miss Mary Hegata of Hillagreen
was renewing .acquaintances in the
village last week.
The roads leading into the village
have been in a bad condition. The
large amount of teaming done is
the cause.,
During the heavy thunderstor m
on Tuesday morning a number of
chimneys were struck by lightning.
G. Souse'' has sold his residence
to A. E. Pym.
Miss Annie B. Rook, daughter of
Mrs. G. Rook was united in mar-
riage on. Tuesday with Francis B.
Miss Nettie Fulton has returned
to London to ; -resume her position
as stenographer.
John Mallett has disposed of his
property to the Ross. Taylor Co.
and has since purchased the pro-
perty he now occupies from C. Dor-
wood, of Chicago.
David Duncan and family of Us -
borne left last week for Saskatche-
wan, where they will make their
future home.
The Exeter Canning and Preserv-
ing Co. has purchased the Temper -
lance house property from John
Mitchell and will use it for storage
E. W. Horne of Stratford has re-
signed the ` managership of the
Sovereign Bank there and accepted
a similiar situation with the Home
Bank at Walkerville.
Sandy Bawden left last week for
British Columbia.
Rev. Mr. Cranston, of Cromarty,
who had nearly recovered 'from a
long siege 'of typh fever; has
suffered a, relapse.
are, you` b
'hoe), Disc Harro
Binder, .Buggy,
ine our stbck. We
the best and oar pne.
lowest.—Fred. Hess &
thdiso add
ower, Rssko,
agon exast-
all lino and only
as low as the
Mr. and Mrs. Mc orjsendale of
London, who have been visiting
here, have left for the west where
they intend. farming.
John McEwen, son of Malcolm
McEwen, 3rd oon., who is attending
Knox College; has been appointed
to work in Southwood, in northern
Ontario, for the summer.
Wm. Fraser, son of Thos. Fraser,
left last week for Manitoba, where
two of his brothers already reside,
The congregation of the Goshen
church, Varna circuit recently, sur-
prised their pastor by supplying
him with a large quantity of oats
for his horse. A very pleasant ev-
ening was spent.
On Wednesday of last week the
marriage of George Foster of the
Front Road and Miss Mina Reid,
daughter of Samuel Reid, Varna,
took place. Rev. Mr. Davidson per-
formed the ceremony in the pres-
ence of only the immediate friends.
We extend congratulations.
Miss Minnie .Armstrong has re-
turned to London where she is
learning to be a nurse.
W. W. Kerr is managing the
general store business for J. S,
Motz, who has an auction sale of
farm stock on March 50..
Our merchants have on display a
fine line of ladies hats for spring
Arrangement for celebrating
Victoria Day at Orediton are well
under way.
W. T. England, who has been
conducting a 'general store in
Crediton East, has sold his business
and property to Josiah Motz, who
now has possession.
Thos. Lawson is assisting Chas.
Stock our new butcher. .
Mr. Marshall and daughter of
Forest visited friend4here last
Ira Brown has reco''rered from
his illness and is around. again.
Geo. Bedford has returned from.
a visit to Toronto and Buffalo.
A. Heist attended the funeral of
his brother at Blenheim last week,
It will not cost yoit a cent to try
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets, and they are excellent for
stomach troubles and: •entitipation,
Get a frbe sample at » Meiner's
store, t
During January and February the Clinton Business College had
twenty-five times as many calls for Stenographers, Telegraphers, Book-
keepers and College Teachers, as we had graduates to send.
Attendance is always smallest during April, May and June, conse-
quently each student gets more individual instruction. This is the best
term of the year for the student.
Learn of the success of our graduates by writing for a Handsome
catalogue of the
Best Actual Business School 1n Ontario.
The "baokward" or "rusty" feel at home with us, as each student
is instructed at his own desk by a painstaking, sympathetic teacher.
Graduates guaranteed situations. Enter any time.
(Affiliated with Winghain Business College)
GEO. SPOTTON - - Principal
�1°r'��z=.`mac° -a'r u°�s✓�Fi.�1 �-���F�'v�---` '
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
Head Office - - - TO.ROJY'TO.
A. A. ALLAN, Vice -President.
D. H. STEWART, General Manager.
Capital Subscribed - ....$ 4,000,000
Capital Fully Paid .......................... 3,008,000
Reserve Fund 1,255,000
Assets Over 25,000,000
General Banking Savings Department
Interest credited quarterly
Zurich Branch = J. Snell, Mgr.
On March 14th, the infant boy of
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Disjardine
passed away. Much sympathy is
expressed for the bereaved parents.
Arthur Mollard took possession
of his new farm last week. Abner
Mollard has inoved unto the farm
vacated by Arthur.
The house of Chas. Morrish, oc-
cupied by W. Pickering one mile
south of here, was destroyed by
fire a few days ago. The furniture
and some fixtures were saved by
the neighbors.
4iu:oker'1ishing is now the order
of the day and night.
Robert Fridley is still seriously
Joseph Phillips, manager of the
York County Loan Co., has been
sentenced to five years in the peni-
tentiary for fraud.
The fine weather the past week
has taken the frost out of the
ground and signs of spring are at
hand. We are informed that a
lady was working in her garden
the fore part of the week. This is
surely rushing the seassn but the
early bird etc.
For Catarrh, let me send you free
just to prove merit, a Trial size
Box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Re-
medy. It is a snow white, creamy
healing antiseptic balm that gives
instant relief to Catarrh of the nose
and throat, Make the free test and
see. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine,
Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold. ley
J J Merner.
The regular military camp of in-
struction will be held in London
this year from Jnne 4 to 15. The
camp will include the Twenty -
Second (Oxford Rifles.) Twenty -
Sixth (Middlesex.) Twenty -Seventh
(Lambton) Twenty-Eigth (Porth)
Twenty -Ninth (Waterloo) Thirtieth
( Wellin gton) Thirty-second (Bruce)
and Thirty-third (Huron) Regi
ments. The total strength will be
about 2,000 officers and men.
The Gun Club is offering a reward
for information regarding the
party or parties who broke the
box covering the trap, and who
tore off a board from the screen, at
the fair grounds. Whoever the
guilty parties are, they may rest
assured if found out it will be
made interesting for thein. We
did not think there was anyone so
low and despicable in this vicinity
who would destroy things so
Life is a short space between the
cradle and a 3 x 8 hole in some
graveyard. Along the way man
encounters many obstacles, says an
exchange, such as love, matrimony,
high taxes, slow trains, measles,
mumps, mother-in-law, booze, hash
boarding houses, snake root bitters
divorces and ladies' hats. Man,
poor man, when old age overtakes
him, all the comfort that comes to
him is a gang of grand -children to
tramp on his corns, blow little tin
horns in his ears, and ask him for
small change, and to read news-
paper accounts of his children's
marriages, funerals, hangings and
some terrible epidemic that has
struck town. Oh the joys of liv;ng
in such an age.
The Detroit Free Press olstims
that Detroit is growing faster than
any other United States City, and
is of the opinion that it will soon
rank as third city of the Union,
beating out Philadelphia, Boston,
St. Louis, and a half dozen other
cities. The reason for this is on
account of Detroit being a border
city. Upon investigation it will
be found that many of their best
and most enterprising business
men are Canadian born.
Do not forget to clean up your
yard as soon as the weather per-
mits and give the grass a chance to
grow. Perhaps your house would
look better if freshened up with a
coat of paint. Tear away that un-
sightly- picket or board fence and
put in place of it a neat new fence
or leave your lawn open. It looks
better and cows don't run at large
in Zurich. Gather np the rubbish
around the place and on the first
suitable day burn it. Do not leave
it in heaps around the premises to
be scattered again. And a lot of
other little things that go to make
the looks of your home more neat
and homelike. Attend to these
things early and see if your neigh-
bor does not get into line before
the summer is over.
The biggest stock of mixed paints
that ever arrived at Zurich can be
seen at Hartleib's. For inside and
outside, Guaranteed for 5 years.
Not like the kind, as follows :
Heaps of rubbish have been sold,
Through the tales our competi-
tors told
In their advertising.
If wo couldn't do as well
When we offer good paint to sell
It would be surprising.
Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch,
Ring Wurin, Herpes, Barbers'
All of these diseases are attended
by intense itching, which is almost
instantly relieved by applying
Chamberlain's Salve, and by its
continued use a permanent cure
may be effected. It has, in fact,
cured many cases that ltad resisted
other treatment. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by J J Merner.
General Blacksmith
`¶Still at the old
stand and busier
tilan ever. Our
work gives satis-
¶I handle the
genuine Verity
plow points. Also
can get machine
repairs for all
makes of mach-
Your Patronage Solicited