HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-03-29, Page 2SavecALo
of Bother
The starch that needn't
be cooked..that won't
stick , , that gives a bril-
liant gloss with almost
no iron-ef£ort.,isn't
that the starch you
ought to have them
use on your clothes?
Buy it by name..
your dealer sells it.
Getting the First Thousand.
(Denver Republican.)
COEIet the first $1,000. Atter that money
Shaking is easy." This is the old-time sage
advice of the hard-headedi self-made man.
",Carat axiom has set many men to saving.
They iilxed upon that sum as the glittering
d!as-oft herald of a fortune some time to be
made. To a man on a small salary—a salary,
•y, out of which something can be saved
weekly without ,too much deprivation—the
advice is good. There is simething in it
that acts as a stimulus to economy. And
who will deny that economy is a good thing
or that any truth that lights the way to
it should not be known? Many men, there-
fore. ,have been buoyed up in their economies
Oxy the belief that the first $1,000 is the hard-
clst to got and that afterward all the rest
Vrauld be easy and the good things of the
world that follow a bounteous supply of
.money would be within easy roach.
Wien a, Horne Gets Hurt
U '3 E
venoms' e 's
But don't wait until an animal is
injured. GHT IT NOW—and yon
have the remedy that CURBS all
lameness in horses.
if your dealer does not handle
it, tend 50c. to
National Drug & Chemical Co., Limited,
Bob Sleighs as Gun Carriages.
A test which may prove of very great
importance to the militia of Canada is
sow going on in Ottawa. It is to prove
whether or not in time of war the ordin-
ary bob sleighs white. practically every
farmer possesses could be used for car-
rying the ordinary twelve -pound gun in
winter. A set of the regular sloop
sleighs which are used by the farmers
lias been built and the gun and seats
Fixed on the hind sleighs, with the lim-
' `ber boxes on the front sleigh. The out -
Et will be inspected by Major General
',Lake, after which it will be forwarded
to Kingston, to be tested by the perman-
ent force there,
Spanking does not curd children of bed-
wetting. There is a constitutional cause for
Obis trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Box W. 8,
Windsor, Ont„ will send free to any mother
her successful home treatment, with full
.dnetruwticns. Send no money but write her
to -day if your children trouble you in this
way. Don't blame the child, the chances
are it cant help it. This treatment also cures
adults and aged people troubled with urine
difficulties by day or night.
-et. to
Slump in Shares.
CPhila.delp1iia Record.)
According to stook market measurement
4,trere bas been a shrinkage of $1,638,420,000
in the value of seaway and industrial aliases
en the last six months. Notwithstanding this
,squeezing process, there appears to bo no
serious slackening in the volume of current
.or projected legitimate business.
.s 4.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Dangerous Doctrine in Court.
The doctrine whtoh is being preached and
tsrornulgated in some of the courts that a
nian who lases his temper becomes tempor-
arily Insane and is not responsible in law
for his acts is doctrine that '.s about es mus- !,
<hlevous and dangerous as could wall be
Imagined. It is dootrine that destroys all
ttseentive to self-control and rather encour-
saes men to give away to passion, to brutal
summate and to every sinful desire.
r"inard's LinimentRelievesNenralgia.
Horses Defined,
F. A. Whitney, of Meeteetse, 'Wyo., a
>eseh rancher, during a recent visit to New
'York told a story about a little slum
Ritchie wvhom he had sent on a month's
eleation into tbe country.
'male from the mushroom and milk from
"The lad," he said, "thoeght we got
the milkweed. One morning a lady point-
ed to a horse in it field and said:
"Look et the horse, Jimmy,'
"That's a cow,' the boy contradicted.
e'No,' said the lady, 'it's a horse.'
""i"ain't. it's a cow,' sante the boy.
1terses ]las wvn.gons to them.'"
Deed of a Gallant Nobody.
It is not always the information cns-
ried by the recognized aidos'tle-camp to
and from the commanding officer in bat-
tle which is of the highest value. There
was a supreme moment during the bat-
tle of Waterloo when the ]Juke of Wel-
lington was left absolutely alone --and
that not when he was running the risk
of capture by sailing through the en-
emy's lines. It simply meant that every
galloper had gone his way, each with
his message. •
At this moment a stranger rode up to
the Duke and quietly asked: "Car I be
of any use, sir ?" The Duke took one
glance at him, and unhesitatingly an-
swered: "Yes, take this pencil note to
the commanding officer," pointing to a
regiment in the heat of the battle. The
stranger took the note and galloped
away with it, through the thick of the
fight. He delivered it, but what hap-
pened to ]lien no man knows. The Duke
always declared that to be one of the
most gallant deeds that had ever come
under his notice. - It was done without
prospect of acknowledgment or reward,
and neither attended its successful ae-
complishment.—E vening Standard. ,
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited:
Gentlemen,—My daughter, 13 years
old, was thrown from a sleigh and in-
jured her elbow so badly it remained
stiff and very painful for three years.
Four bottles of MINARD'S LINIMENT
completely cured her, and she has not
been troubled for two years.
Yours truly,
St. Joseph P. O., 18th Aug, 190).
"A New York woman," said Henry
Clews at a recent dinner, 'saw in a shop
window on Fifth avenue a collar of
pearls that she liked. She stopped her
carriage and sought out the shopkeeper.
"'What is the price,' she said, 'of that
pearl collar in your window?'
"Six thousand dollars, ma'am,' said
the shopkeeper, and he drew forth the
collar and displayed its beauties to the
dazzled woman.
"She took out her cheque book.
"'I'll tell you what I'll do,' she said.
'I'll give you my cheque for $3,000, and
I'll send my husband hero to see the
collar this afternoon. Don't tell him it is
$0,000; tell him it is $3,000. Then, may-
be, he will buy it for me.'
"The jeweler smiled and bowed. He
had seen this sort of game played many
a time before.
"'I wish you luck, madam,' he said,
and the lady departed. • •
"Her husband_ she found. ul hts effice
A'r'7ifiti.Irld.' 1 nt:'euallyIra141)4,.�p� i zsd a j;
certain • stocks' at e grand 'profit that ;
morning. He consented readily, therefore,
to go and look at the necklace.
"That evening his wife dressed for
dinner with unusual care. She wore her
most beautiful gown. She dreamed, as
she dressed, of an affectionate husband
clasping about her white throat a collar
of pearls.
"And—'I bought that pearl collar,'
were the man's first words when he got
"'You dear!' she exclaimed. 'Let me
see it'
"'Can't,' said he. 'I had it sent to my
mother's. You know it is her.: birthday
to -morrow.'"
$1O—Atlantic City Easter Excursion
$1O—Olid Lehigh VaRey R. R.
From Suspension Bridge, Friday, March
20. Tickets good 15 days. Tickets
allow stopover at Philadelphia. For
tickets, Pullman and further particulars
call on or address Robt. S. Lewis, Pas-
senger Agent, 64 King Street -East,
Money in Bogus Pennies.
(New York World.)
Strangely enough, the most profitable coins
to counterfeit are pennies, because for an ex-
penditure of 18 cents 100 of them caa be
made, which loaves a profit of 82 cents on
the dollar. The chief difficulty is in getting
them Lnto circulation. It also takes expert
workmanship to make these pennies, because
they must be made with a die. The best
counterfeiters pay most of their attention to
the making of cuarters, half dollars and dol-
lars. With silver et 60 cents an ounce, a
counterfelter can make five quarters for every
ounce. Quarters that ring true and have every
alapeara.nce of the real thug.
4, ..
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Edible Emolument.
(London Tatler.)
First Actor—Hello, old roan: Got an en-
Second actor—Yes, oke chap.
First actor—Any salary attached.
Second actor—No, but there's a real pud-
ding in the second aot.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Dull Times for the Editor. I
Oh, for a sensational pieee of news of
some description; the arrival in town
o£ a train load of coal for instance.
We're desperate for news,-Tslherildel
Col., Journal.
An Odoriferous Occupation,
(Hillsboro, Ore., Argus.)
Talk about skunks—Pearl Otis dug nine out
of one tree north of town the other day. Tho
skunk skins sell fairly well these days, but
it takes some time to deordorize Otis otter
he was through with his task.
Teaches Dress Cut
ting and Miidng in,
all its bran0lies by
mail (8 lessons). The
best system ever in-
troduced iii Canada;
Adopt this method
and increase your in-
come. For .full par:
ticulars,write today.
P. O. SOX O'1 I
In a new play on a vex eo1d pattern
the lair heroine falls 1n, ove with a
hunchback jester. {«^
This revives; the old perenially
interesting question —zhat'are the quali-
ties in a lean most attractive to the
opposite sex? The best and noblest of
women fall in love as a rile through the
imagination rather than the senses, and
are more susceptible to 'what they be-
lieve to be there than to whet they see.
Thus, a golden voice is More alluring
than a handsome appearance, while a
physical: infirmity may raise the feeling
of maternal .tendernesfi, which is one
of the greatest of feminine charms.
Perhaps the most ieresistible con-
queror is the silent 'hero, the man of
deeds, not: words, whom•.one can endow
with so many secret virtues.
.ti. 8 .h..E.kSS'49G
—Eezcata,. Eruptions, Pimples 'are surely cured
-=the moi intense suffering at once relieved—by
nm,,errf",. •
'MADE MARK: Reclei-aerie
Ointment—the safe and dy remedy.
"I was Pi ouble d nulls Itching lila," writes over
man whose. address .we will furnish. on retinal,
"I used ail the salves andrewedres X'ever lreard oJ.
?'ken I loved Mira 'Ointment—and, obtained snore
reliefroma it that" all the others I recommend it to
all a lead arith Oaso nrplaint,
5 . endr,box--6 for $2.50. Used with Mira
Blood Tonic and Tablets means a quicker cure.
At drsg.Stoees—or from The Chennfts' Co. of
Canada, Li sited, I-'irnliitvn—Toronto.
B'ovv.! So
"Write lee .a
I haven't int
This, reque3
hatrebeen m.
elator : to a
'He didn't k
bill to sqn
ents. It is
go back home'
arecord that
which elatter an
chinery and run
is Are Born.
amend something.
a bill this term."
1=tunes ie,said to
e`' Hampshire leg-
'1tiy. -Poor 'man.
eedful legis?
t introdttce
h his constiter
� a manexa st
e . gislature ,with
irth to fool bills,
the legislative ma -
the expense of .each
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold by druggists.
4, 44'
Italians Coming to Mississippi.
A colonization scheme that will be
watched with interest throughout the
south Atlantic and gulf sections has
been undertaken at Brookhaven, Miss,
Fifty ialnilies from the north of Italy
will be settled on a traet of land that
will allow ten to fifteenacres to the
family, where they will take up the cul-
tivation of vegetables and fruits. The
success of the Italian's at Brookhaven,
which is eonfidemtly expected, would
mean their writing; home ' to others for in-
dustrious agriculturists:: Their taping
up of only small farms, 'too, will afford
an object lesson in the value of intensive
as compared with extensive aarmimg. —
Savannah; Ga., News.
On the Tobacconist,
P. T, Powers, the president of the Na-
tional Association of Baseball Leagues,
was talking about the business manage-
ment of baseball.
"Baseball," he said, "must be managed
liberally. There must be no niggardli-
ness. Otherwise a deadening uupopuler
ity and a great kick ensue.
"He who tried to conduct the baseball
business on pawnshop lines gets hourly
such reproofs as fell to a tobacconist the
other day.
"A newsboy walked into the tobaccon-
ist's shop and asked for a light for his
"We sell lights here, sonny,' said the
"The boy took out a cent. "All right,
boss; he said. `Let's have a box of
msatohes, then'
"He paid for the matches, extracted
one, lighted his cigarette, and, closing
the box, handed it back to the tobaccon-
"Put this on the shelf,' he said, 'and
the next gent what asks for a light,
give him one on me."
Dear `;, t then
Your little ones are et constant care la
Fall and Winter weather. They will
catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's
Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and
what it has done for so many 3 It is said
to be the only reliable remedy for all
diseases of the air passages in children.
It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to
take. It is guaranteed to cure or your money
is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle,
and all dealers in medicine sell 314
r' vt
+', L
This remedy should be in every household.
Curious Shrove Tuesday Custom.
(Springfield, Mass., Republican.)
England has no lack of curious survivals.
In Atherstone, Warwickshire, from time im-
memorial, a game sof football has been played •
in the town streets on Shrove Tuesday, and
the shops are closed while it is inprogress.
There is an odder custom at Westminster
sabool, where the boys "toss the pancake"
in the presenoo or their relatives, the teach-
ers and a ga2nering of "old .boys." The
ceremony is curious and stately. When all
is ready the sohooi cook marches into tho
great hall, bearing the gaaneake in a pan,
and ipreceded by the dean's verger, who car-
ries a make. Then the cook throws the cake
over one of the beams and the boys rush
to got the biggest piece, at the recent cere-
mony one zealous contestant falling bodily
on the pancake as if It bad been a football.
Before it is quite seduced Co atoms the head-
master calls tine and the boy with the big-
gest scrap in his possession wins a guinea.
—and all stomach
and bowel disorders.
1Viakes puny babies
plump and rosy. Proved
by 50 years' successful
use., Ask your druggist
Train the Gill.
To be self•reijanit,
To handle money and keep accounts..
To, value independence without lasing
To take care of herself without losing
faith in her fellows.
To understand social conventions and
use them for her own •protection.
Never to let friendship infringe upon
Never to sign papers ;without known-
ing what they are about,.'
Not to bliug with her; eyes shut.
Always to stand erectr and look things
squarely in the f aee.
Dethroning VJ'olnankind.
According to the president of the American
Women's Suffrage association Amerios has
made the least progress in the cause of the
present movement. Teven.et the foot of Mount
Ararat the women of Syria aro awakening
to the need of the ballot,, They now desire
to vote. Fanny Mount ,Ararat going over to
the suffragists! How the shades of Noah
and his descendants must: stagger at the idea
of .Womair, usurping man's proud preroga-
tives Alla web! may they. oak; Wheat is this
ballot? What is universal sttffrage? The
world. IS bang leveled on,al sides. We shall
all be at; alike as peas. 1n the pod in the
course of -time and desperately uninteresting.
Still," let es advance woman. She has been
on al pedesial thio long. ',pako her down and
let tier rlo'lfke tiro rest'of'vs...
.mai viers' Trelre
—25c 6 bonlen $125.
National Drug be Chemical Co.. risked
Mi!I •?`i {Fl ..,ts; "1 'r: ::'sKh7 a ,. T Ki i4 eine en.
Dropping a Timely Hint.
Near Ten Mile, in Macon county, C. B.
Sharp was riding along when a dog nip-
ped at his horses' heels. The horse shied
and the saddle turned, causing him td
get a sharp bump on the ground. Luck-
ily, he was only shaken up. Such things
make a man wise for a double-barreled
shotgun. (See our offer of a shotgun
elsewhere in this issue.)—Bucklin, Mo.,
ISSUE NO. 13, 1907.
vant, no washing or ironing, wagon
116. Apply to Mrs. Powis, corner Aberdeen
avenue and Hess street, Heawilton, Ont.
Dr?. Lk'1}3OY'S
A mare, stun and reliable monthly resins.
tor. Theme PUN have boon used fn Praaoa
for over fifty years, and found invaluable
for Oho purpose designed, and are Vara*.
teed by tbo :rakers. Enclose stamp for
sealed circular. Price 81.04 per box of
to is ;. er y mall, oceurely sealed, on reoelpt of pros
L2l IbOY PILL 00..
Bos 42, Piamiitota O,""6,1
Popcorn for Seasickness.
It is not generally known that popcorn
is one of the best remedies for nausea
caused by seasickness or carsickness. In
one ease known to the writer a lady
starting on an overland journey of sev-
eral days' duration was, before many
hours had passed, attacked by the usual
symptoms. She decided to try the new
remedy, whatever it might be, that she
had been assured she would find in a
good-sized tin box that had been given
her at her departure. Although rather
incredulous, the traveller tried the pop-
corn she found in the box, and, to her
gratification, the nausea gradually dis-
appeared. She ate freely of the corn
every day whenever there was the slight-
est indication of nausea, and, thanks to
this simple precaution, the journey was
accomplished with an unwonted degreeof
comfort.—Harper's Bazaar.
If you are fond *1 fishing, canoeing, camp-
ing or the study of wild animals look us. the
Algonculn National Park of Ontario for your
summer outing. A fish and game preses-v'e
of 2,000.000 acres interspersed with 1,200 lakes
and rivers in awaiting you, offering all the
attractions that Nature can bestow. Mag-
nificent canoe trips, Altitude 2,000 feet above
sea level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere.
Just the place for a young man to put in his
summer holidays. An interesting and pro-
fusely illustrated descriptive publicotton tell -
Ing you all about it sent free on application
to J. D. ''McDonald, Union Station, Toronto,
9„ a ps
Woman's Work.
His the turmoil of the strife,
Hers the healing and the care;
This, and this alone, the true
Wedlock, that makes one of two.
Since thou . turnest from the life
Of the world to be my wife
Boldly cast thy lot with me,
This the work appointed thee:
Mind the stir and stress of fight,
'Battle in bhe buruinn sun,
Watching • in the winter night;
But for thee, when all is done,
To my parching lips to hold
Love's full wine -cup, and to fold
'Neath the breastplate's iron stretss
The soft robe of tenderness.
Surely that work is not light!
—From Ibsen's Brand.
Mange. Prairie Scratches and every form o
contagions Itch on human or animals cured
In 30 minutes by Woltord's Sanitary Lotion.
It never fails, Sold by druggists.
e "m
English Women the Tallest.
According to recent measurements taken
in Frane,e England and the United States
the English woman is the tallest, the Ameri-
can woman weights the most, the average be-
ing 117 pounds, and the French women ars
the smallest.
Duchess and Priscilla Fine Hosiery For Ladies
Rock Rib and Hercules School Floss
Strong as Gibraltar Limit of Strength
Princess ERyptlaa Usk For Children's Fine Dress
Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants
Lambe Wool and Silk Tips All Wool
Vine Hosiery Mlanu0aotured for the Wholeaale Trade by the
A .D.18510
Aslc for
Sfatlo of Met Carbon Wire, --we'll prove it to yon. cru
makes It still stronger in service. It stays taut, Pole,
IC E_ B to A Et 'i11r 8`1E4E I' L Pa C la CO
erimped.e tie
IIITE ovger g�heavyp pQ, Z g�
galvanizing—rust proof. IOtperieneed dealers to erect it. Leads all in WO
209 -as in merit. Get illustrated booklet and 1007 prices before buyit.4
''rYeettzerodltice, ',iCoremto. Montreal. ,9i$, John, 31 ztza.igt