HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-03-29, Page 1THE
Vol . VII., No. 36
The Official Organ of Zurichand, Hay Township.
$1. Per Year.
All Fool's Day, Monday, April
Hay Council meets in the Town
Hall here next Wednesday.
Miss Ella Rannie of Goderich
visited her home here this week.
Mrs. John Fried of Toronto is
Visiting at the home of Mr. C. Fritz.
Messrs. Wm. Oswald and Sol.
Schroeder, of the Bronson Line,
left on Tuesday for the West.
Messrs. 'William and Jacob Smith
of Detroit, Mich., are visiting their
parents on the 14th con., this week.
Mrs. H. Bagler of Clinton and
Mrs. C. Troyer of Hillsgreen were
the guests of Mrs. G. Innes last
Do not pass us by when looking
for your new spring shoes. My
shoes give you that dressy appear-
ance. C. Fritz.
Wm. Baker, of Stanley, left on
Tuesday with a car of settler's
effects for Dubuc, Sask., near whieh
place his son is engaged in farming.
Rev. and Mrs. A, D. Gischler are
attending a golden wading anni-
versary of one of his former par-
ishioners at Goderich, to -day, Fri-
The annual meeting of the con-
gregation of the Evangelical church
was held in the church here on
Monday. Mr. Alfred Melick was
elected trnstee of the Society in
place of Mr, C. IL Wagner, who
occupied that office for twenty-
seven years. Mr. H. Well was
elected registrar steward, Ushers,
J. Preeter. E. Axt, Oscar Koehler
and DanielKoeh'er. The organist,
Miss Laura Hartleib, was re-engag-
A reactionary storm period is
central from the 1st to the 3rd with
probabilities that disturbances of
the last storm period. in March will
be, prolonged into Palk,
sod in April..: The pion wi 1 to
in with unsettled, threatening con-
ditions. These conditions will re-
sult in quickened storms of rain,
wind and snow on and touching the
2nd. Snow is more probable over
northern parts of the country but
late sgnnlls are entirely possible in
central to southern parts. Change
to higher barometer, westerly
winds and cool enough for frosts
in moat sections northward may
be expected from the 2nd to the 5th
beginning in the northwest and ad-
vancing eastward—southeastward,
The annual meeting of the Re-
.fnrmers of Smith Huron as con-
stituted for Provincial purposes
was held in the Opera House. Hen.
sall, on Tnesday afternoon, There
was a fairly good attendance and
much enthusiasm was manifested
It was decided to amalgamate with
the Dominion association. Short
stirring addresses were given by
Messrs. M. Y. McLean, J. G. Stan -
bury and J. Kellerman. The fol-
lowing officers were elected : Pres.,
H. Smith, Hap ; 1st Vice -Pres., T.
Fraser, Brncefield ; 2nd Vice -Pres.,
J. Kellerman, Dashwood : 3rd Vice -
Pres., J. Watson, Seaforth ; Treas.,
A. Murdock. Brucefield ; Seo, J. G.
Stanbury, Exeter. Chairmans for
the municipalities of the riding
were also appointed.
The following is the result of the
Easter Promotion Examinations
held in the Zurich Public School,
Total number of marks 700. Num-
ber required to pass 350.
Jr IV to Sr IV. Clayton Boysen-
berry 461, Harris Schilbe 426. Mor-
ris Rau 418, Theo Haberer 416. Ger-
tie Magel 411, Ada Wnrm 398, Ethel
Weide 398, Gedion Koehler 393,
Luella Wnrm 377, Esther Zettel 350,
Luella Braun 350.
• Sr I1I to Jr IV. Esther Leihold
405, Will Davidson 360, Willie
Clausius 359.
Jr III to Sr III. Olive O'Brien452,
Marshall Zeller 441, Muriel Preeter
408, Selma Weseloh 404, Anne Fos-
ter 377, George Deiehert 350.
Sr. II to III. Flora Hess 601, Til-
lie Mittelboltz 540, Leonard Schnell
501, .Arnold. Leibold 462, Orland
Johnston 461, Clayton Hoffman 458,
Herbie Wurm 439, Violet Friss 400,
Eva Weber 382, Idella Brenner 378,
Clarence Hoffman 364, Herbert Ben-
der 362,,Chariie Weber 350, Eman-
uel Koehler 350.
Jr 11 to Sr II. To pass 200. John
McCormick 2r? Theodore Foster 234
Louis Zettel 211, Melvin Braun 200.
A. McLeod, Teacher,
Jacob Rupp of Forest was in the
village this week on business,
Public School Inspector Tom
visited our school on Wednesday.
Miss Alice Johnson is visiting
her aunt, Mrs. O. Johnson, Clinton,
at present.
See Merner's new stock of carpets
and Wall Papers if you want to
save money.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman of
Dashwood were visitors in the vil-
lage on Tuesday.
Dr. Wilson purchased a hand-
some driver fr -m a party near
Clinton last week.
Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell entertained
a number cf her friends on Tues-
day of last week.
A class of ten was confirmed in
the Lutheran church last Sunday
by the pastor, Rev. E. Schnelke.
All fencing is gone up in price.
We have some Ideal left at the old
price while it lasts at Hartleib's.
Mrs. Christina Volland returned
last Saturday from a pleasant visit
with relatives in New York state.
D. S. Faust is having his millin-
ery opening this week. He is show-
ing all the latest styles and novel-
ties in ladies' headwear.
Mr. John Brenner, who has been
visiting relatives in this vicinity,
left for Dashwood on Tuesday, on
bis way to his home near Bad Axe,
The W. C. T. TT. will hold their
regular meeting at the home of
Mrs. , S. Rannie on Wednesday
afternoon, April 3rd, commencing
at 2.30.
Why cannot Zurich have a 24th
of May celebration this year? Some
horse races and a blue rock shoot
would make an interesting pro-
Good Friday services will be held
in the Evangelical church on -Fri-
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev.
L. K. Eidt of Dashwood will oecn-
py the pulpit.
John Th
Fe„„. leaesteaeaSS!..aftl
of his farm ' toe r -^ n7. ` ammo,
leas moved to Hensall where he
will reside in future.
On Tuesday •night, Mr. Wm.
O'Brien was coaxed into the band
hall and presented with a hancl-
some pipe by the members, as a
reward for his kindness in passing
around a subscription list for the
band boys last fall. Mr. O'Brien
was deeply touched and made a
suitable reply.
C. Fritz takes butter.in exohangc
for shoes.
Mrs. G. Innes visited at her home
in Hillsgreen, for a few days last
See the new horse clipping mach-
ine. A first-class worker far 51.0.00,
at Hartieibs. •
Mr. Chas. Lindenfeldt of Exeter;
was a visitor in the village do
Tuesday evening.
A suitable Easter programme
will be given in he Evangelical
church on Sunday vening
White Leghorn
25 cents a settii
ggs for sale, at
John Fuss,
The merchants of the village ar
shipping out large quantities o'
dutch setts, beans, etc., this week,,,
Mr. Meno Oescli, jr.,. of the
Bronson Line, who ecentlyunder-
went an operation,, in Dr: Gunn's
hospital, Clinton, is getting along
fairly well. ,.
A greeting of all those iuteresteci
in baseball will be held this, Friday.
.Forenoon, at Ran's hotel ,' at 10
o'clock. The material for good
team is here this year and the boys
should be encouraged.
Mr. W. H. Talbot of Stanley, has
over four hundred horse .chestnut
trees, 10 feet to 25 feet high, at 1±
cents each. Parties needing any
should call on him at once.
Mr. H. Eilber, M. P. P., return-
ed to his home. in Crediton last
week suffering from illness: Mr,
Eilber has been ordered by, his
physician to take a rest, as he was
on the verge of a serious collapse.
An interesting'Y. P. A. meeting
was held in the,Evangelical church
on Tuesday evening. A proprarnn:ie;
consisting of recitations.:., songs,
readings, and musical 's' 'Scions,
was rendered and appre/e V d by
all. r,. ,<
Ezra. Smith, of the ..1 i ad
a success, Y Salo of fa
e.Tuesd , nd
x t.z for I ',
where }ie will mo.
home. while his fatbe ch ne
will likely moire to Z
On Tuesday, Marc&" '' , the
spirit of Mrs. Lindefeld, sr "' assed
away at the home of her so Chas.
Lindefeld, Exeter. Tie deceased
was in her 70th year. The funeral,
was held yesterday forenoon, in-
terment taking place in the Roman
Catholic cemetery in this village,
where her late husband lies buried.
Spring time will soon be here. My stock for spring
is almost complete. It will pay you to visit my store
and see all the latest Designs I have to show you.
A fell range in Black, Red, Blue,
Green and Greys. The Greys are
stronger than ever for the coming
A large range of prints, all pat-
terns and several German prints.
A fall range and different colors.
Just what you want.
A new stock of Lace Curtains,
different prices.
' Tapestry carpets, in 3 patterns
and different rices.
Wool carpets, 30 inches wide at
low prices.
4 yds wide and 2 yds wide very
pretty patterns.
Floor Oil Cloth 2 yds wide and 1
yd wide.
I have some lovely wall paper do
not buy before you call and Fee my
stock. They are of the newest de-
signs. I also have some wall paper
which I am selling out at 5 cents a
roll. These papers are all high
priced paper. You will get a snap
on them.
A full line of Laces and Em-
Fresh stock of Groceries always
on hand,
We will handle Dutch Setts again this spring.
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange.
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ow that spring will soon be here
you will lie on the lookout
for something new and. sty-
lish for spring footwear. We have
paid. special attention to our buying
this,season and the result is a most
complete stock of Shoes for men
the latest styles
you splendid values in some lines,
We have a complete line of Child-
ren's shoes, all prices. See our
stock before making a purchase.
C FRITZ, The Shoeman,
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Consisting of new Dry Goods, ('groceries, Crockery and Hard=
ware, and every piece of goods in the store a ge uine Bar--
ar=gain. ,Below we quote a few prices.
New Prints—a full range in all the
newest patterns. See our Special at
5c a yd.
New white tucked Apron Lawns
Special at 150 a yd.
Now Oxford Shirtings Special at
100 a yd.
New Cottonades reg price 25c for
20o, advertised by others as regular
280 goods.
Best quality Table Oil Cloths 150 a
Now Lawns 8c, 10c, 12c and 150 a
New Persian Lawns, Organdies,
Dymities, Mersileens, Linens and
Fancy Muslins at equally Low Prices.
Good quality, extra wide, Corset
Cover Embroidery worth 30c a yd for
20c a yd. All other' embroideries and
Laces at Low Prices.
Dutch Setts and Farm
and following days.
WE cordially invite every
lady in the vicinity
to call and see our fine dis-
play of up-to-date millinery
under the management of
Miss Graham. We feel con-
fident thatour trimmed
Hats will surpass anything
heretofore shown, as the
stock includes the very new-
est styles, bought in the
best markets of the country
and at Right Prices.
Our Dress Goods Department has
won a reputation for our store and is
is recognized by the Ladies as the
Proper Place to get the Newest and
most Up-to•date Fabrics for a stylish.
garment. We have all the newest
shades and materials shown for spring
including the new Greys in large
varieties a.nd values that defy corn
petition .
We have just opened up aL S1000
worth of new stylish up•tI1.dete Cloth-
ing for boys and men. We are show-
ing a. nice 3 piece snit at. S3 00 and
men's suits ranging from x•4.00 up to
'Shave without a doubt the best
range of Clothing ever shown in town
and prices right, Call and snake your
selections early.
prices paid.
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