The Herald, 1907-03-22, Page 5HOTELS.
**** 90ci *****c1******9*400
* Eh3 ei st T H el ® 4i +33 <:
p 67 87 * ZURICH f$ f$ @ s
Strictly up-to-date in modern im
provements. Dining rooms is sup- a3
plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶
Bar contains choice liquors and
cigars. ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶
Excellent Sample Rooms D*
for Commercial Men. F$
poetoo * 0*** s�Qmmr)***s ***6)0
This House has recently changed
hands, and is now one of the
most orderly and best con-
ducted Houses in the
oetter't'fR,able in the ominion.
R. R.Johnston &Son,
The Papular
Store for 1907.
The people have shown
by their increasing patron-
age during the past year
that they fully realize that
this is place to buy their
Dry Goods, Groceries,
.Boots and Shoes, Hard.
ware, Paints and Oils,
Etc.. at the right price,
and also the right quality,
Thanking our many ,cus-
.torners for past favors, we
ask for a continuance of
the salve.
R. N. Douglas,
Clubbing rates.
W"'We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with THE HT;RALD :
Daily Globe . . $ 4.25
„ Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globo . . 1.75
„ Mail & Empire 1.60
Berliner Journal (German) 2,50
Family Herald & Star 1.50
Daily Advertiser 2.25
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 1,75
Farmer's Advocate 2.25
Farming World 1.25
Weekly Montreal Herald 1.25
To prove unquestionably, and beyond anydoubt
;that Catarrh of the nose and throat utn be cured.
I am furnishing patients through druggists, small
free Trial Boxes of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure.
Ido this because X am so certain, that Dr. Shoop's
Catarrh Cure will bring actual substantial help.
Nothing certainly, is so convincing as a physical
test of any article of real, genuine merit. But that
article must possess tree merit, else the test will
condemn, rather than advance it. Dr. Shoop's
Catarrh Cure is a snow white, healing antiseptic
balm, put up in beautiful ni eke] canpcd glass jars
at 60c. Such soothing ago;its as 00 Eucalyptus,
Thymol, Menthol, etc., are incorporated into a
velvety, cream like Petrolatum, imported by Dr.
'Shoop from ]Europe. 1f Catarrh of the nose and
throat has extended to the stomach, then by all
means also use internal Iy, Dr. Shoop's Restorative,
Stomach distress, a heft of general strength,
bloating, belching, biliousness, bad taste, etc.
surely call for Dr. Shnop's Restorative.
For uncomplicated catarrh only of the nose and
throat nothing else, however. need be used but
Several from here attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Dabus at
Zurich on Saturday.
David Tiernan has a fine range
of stoves just now such as will not
be fonnd in many a larger town.
The milliners have already ar-
rived and are busy at work. Miss
Fait of Glencoe has charge of Mr.
Shrumm's business, and Miss Kerr
of Milverton that of Mr. Kellerman.
We are already wondering what
will be the prevailing style this
Rev. L. K. Eidt addressed the
young people's society at Zurich
on Tuesday evening.
Tho Young People's Alliance
here are preparing a splendid pro-
gram to be given on Monday even-
ing the 1st April. It promises to
be very good.
Mrs. Jacob Hartleib and daugh-
tor, who have been visiting friends
at Pittsburg for some time, return-
ed their home hero last week.
Daniel Weber and bride have re-
turned to their home here. We
extend best wishes.
B. Piikey was in Crediton on
Saturday last on business.
D. Bettschen is this week moving
into C. Schrader's house in the
village, while Mr. Schrader is mov-
ing to Mr, Guenther's farm of
which he will have charge.
Rev. L. K. Eidt took for his text
Sunday evening the word "Tomor-
row," from which he preached a
very impressive sermon. While
his sermons are always full of
splendid thought and spirit to us
this last one was something more
than ordinary.
P. Mcisaac on Saturday last re-
ceived his diploma from th Cana-
dian Embalming Association thus
showing his proficency in this
John Kraft, who was sick last
week with the grippe, is we are
pleased to know, back at his old
position with Geo. Edighoffer.
Fred Willert and family, who
have for a long time been living in
the Western States, came here on
Monday evening and will visit
among relatives for some time.
The Easter egg so much thought
of by the children will soon be
with us.
Miss Minnie Finkbeiner was in
Exeter on Monday.
The fine weather of Monday was
dispelled by the snowfall of Tues-
day morning.
Jos. Ziler, sr., is having an auc-
tion sale of farm stock and 'implee
ments on Thursday 28th.
G. Holtzman of Zurich was in
the village last week in the interests
of the Huron Weather Insurance
Robt. McCartney leaves for the
west next Tuesday.
Peter McGregor, our veteran
horse Judge, received a telegram
from Regina, Sask., one day last
week, asking him if he could be at
their Annual Show to act as Judge
of Clydesdales. Owing to poor
health Mr. McGregor had to decline
the offer.
R. H. Laird of the Sovereign
Bank spent Saturdav and Sunday
in London.
Tom Bell of Winnipeg, formerly
of Honsall, called on friends in the
village Tuesday.
.Quito a number have been laid
up with the grippe 'lately.
Pat Johnson, our ventriloquist
has left for parts,'y'unknown.
V w
Nelson Blatchford is confined to
the house on account of illness.
J. W. Pinkney has rented Miss
Sturgeon's residence on King
J. 0. Stoneman attended a meet -
ting of the grand lodge of the
Canadian Home Circle at Toronto
last week.
Mrs. (Rev.) Doherty, and Mrs.
Clegg of Kippen attended a meet-
ing of the Woman's .Auxiliary of
the Huron diocese at London last.
Rev. W. E. Kerr of Clinton oc-
cupied the pulpit in the Methodist
church on Sunday.
Mrs. (Rev.) Hart has nearly re-
covered from her recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs, L. Walper, of the
London Road, pleasantly entertain-
ed about one hundred of their
friends a few evenings ago
Mr. and Mrs. E. Rohner moved
to Varna last week.
J. R. I-Iobkirk has taken a posi-
tion in the Seaforth foundry.
Samuel Smillie has been serious-
ly ill whieh his many friends will
regret to hear.
It is rumored that, Mr. Coxworth
will again take possession of the
Qneene Hotel after May let next,
• Lig
Boiling Manle..
of the day and pi off'
M, Maloney is a
Joe. Garinger 4"
parents a flying vasa
Clayton Smith Vvasl
tize order
eem gcioti..
'be arount:
it.paid his
kxi Klondike
on business one day x;,t week.
Messrs. G. Becker •fttli4 a. 'Wainer
of the Bronson line '',mere visiting
at D. Smith's Sunda 'letst.
Miss Addie SararaeIS at present
nursing , a sore hard mused b%
Mr. and Mrs, A. Overholt visited
at J. Sararas Sunday evening,
.s .
Hugh 'MoRenzie, son of Peter
McKenzie, M. P., visited relatives
on the 2nc), cons last week.
Mrs. Andrew Dunkin is on the
sink list at present.
George; Clarke has recovered
from his recent illness.,
The snow has nearly all gone and
farmers are getting ready for
J. Sparrow intends shipping a-.
nother car of horses to the West
in a few days. .
Miss Nott, who has conducted 'a
dressmaking shop in Bayfield, has
closed the .shop and left for her
home in Clinton.
Robt. Rouatt of London intends
moving back to Bayfield.
J. Johnstone left for the west
last week.
Death has again visited our midst
and this time bas taken for its vic-
tim Miss Meta Erwin, who passed
quietly away on Monday of last
week. Miss Erwin was eighteen
years old andwas greatly respected
and all her acquaintances.
Her health had been declining fpr
some time and her death was not
unexpected by her many friends.
G. E. Greenslade is clerking, in
Penhale's new butcher shop.
Chas. Falconer and W. Tarner
have left for the west.
Miss Mary Fraser is on the sick
An Irish social was held in the
basement of St. Andrews church
last Thursday evening.
,,„4tin Perkins has, thl:-An posses
Sion of the milk business, which he
purchased from Wm. Rivers.
T. Handford shipped three oar -
loads of horses last week, two to
Winnipeg and ane to Port Arthur,
J. W. Broderick has purchased
the Bulkwill property on Main
A number of the young amen of
town were up before the magistrate
on Saturday on a charge of disturb
ing the peace.
Mrs. Grigg, Sr., a resident of
this place for fi.fteetwo years, died
on March 8th.
W. R. Elliott, who shipped a car-
load of horses from Centralia last
week, has received word that the
car in which the horses wore ship-
ped was wrecked near Scarborough
Five of the horses were killed and
three are missing. The horses were
shipped at the purchasers risk.
C. Zuefle of Harriston has pur-
chased an interest in the electric
light plant and will go into part-
nership with Mr. C. Snell. ..
One of tie live questions in
town --Is Exeter going to have a
new station?.'
The Exeter' Gun Club have let
the contract for the erection for a
clubhouse at their shooting grounds
T. Handford and R. Welsh have
leased •the old packing house and
have started a sales stable.
The big shooting tournament of
the Exeter Gun Club takes place
next Friday.
C r1 er1ain s
Cough Remedy
The Children's P'avprite
Coughs, Colds, Croup and
'Whooping Cough.
This remedy 1e famous tor ,its aures over
a largo part of the civilized world. Xt can
always bo depended upon. Xt contains no
o m uor other harmful drng and 'may be
given as conildentlq to a bal r ao to an adult
Price 25 eta; Large s,h8e, 60 ots.
•�- `Ia -•tip-+ t'-'4 {
Feruy the Clinton Business Colege hod
twenty-five January
twenty-five Duringe d
as anycalls for Stenographers, Telegraphers, Book-
keepers and College Teachers, as we had graduates to send.
Attendance is always smallest during April, May end June, conse-
quently each student gets more individual instruction, This is the best
term of the year for the student.
. Learn of the success of our graduates by writing for a handsome
catalogue of the
Pest Actual Business School in Ontario.
The "backward" or"rusty" feel at home with us, as each student
is instructed at his own desk by a painstaking, sympathetic teacher.
Graduates guaranteed situations. Enter any time.
(Affiliated with Wingham Business College)
GEO. SPOTTON - Principal
The Sovereign Bank of Canada.
Head Office - - - TORONTO.
A. A. ALLAN, Vice -President.
D. H. STEWART, General Manager.
Capital Subscribed ...
Capital Fully Paid .... ,
Reserve Fund
Assets Over
$ 4,000,000
General Banking Savings Department
Interest credited quarterly
Zurich Branch = J. Snell,
Material for the new shed to be
built on the Evangelical church
grounds is on the premises. When
completed it will cost nearly $1200.
Miss Effinger of Pigeon Mich„
visited relatives here lust week.
.Miss Colvin is again in charge of
Zwicker's millinery department
this season.
Mr. Chas. Stock of Tavistock
has taken possessipn of the butcher
business in this village. Mr. Stock
has had considerable experience in
this calling and should do well.
Miss Lydia Swartz is on the rick
W 7i`er>* attended a conv9'.ltion
of the ;Ka.ccabeee at Branttord last
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Box of
Ottawa are visiting relatives in
this vicinity.
Miss E. 3, Hoggarth, of London,
formerly of Stephen, underwent a
successful operation at Victoria
Hospital on Monday of last week.
The old school house has been
torn down.
F. Snell has moved into the
house formerly occupied by J. Sims
and G. Hedden has moved to
A Crediton brick dealer recently
secured orders in London for half
a million brick.
Mrs. Link has charge of S.
Brown's millinery department.
On Friday last another of the
respected citizens of Crediton pas-
sed away in the person of Mrs.
Swartz. The deceased had been
ill for some time. A number of
`children survive her. The funeral
*as held on Sunday and was large-
ly attended.
Boiling of maple syrup is the
order of the day.
Ed. Geiger, who has been visit-
ing relatives and friends in this
vicinity for the past few months
returned to the West on Wednes
day last.
Jake Wurm was visiting friends
in our burg the latter part of last
week. Some attraction Jake?
George Edighoffer is on the sick
list at present. We hope to hear
of his speedy recovery.
Mrs. C. Schoch had a successful
quilting bee on Thursday last.
ERwIN—In Bayfield on March 10th
• Meta, daughter of Henry and
Frances Erwin, aged I8 years and
6 months.
CoRRXvinAu--At Zurich, on Friday,
Mar. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Corriveau, a son.
BENDER—In Hay, 14th con. on 9th,
to Mr. and Mrs, John Bender, a
RAu—At Sauble Line Stanley, on
Mar: 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Rau, a son.
D unAn ui'—At Drysdale, on March
15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Duch.
arm ,,'a son.
By Rev. Irl. R. Hicks.
A regular storm period extends
from the 25th to the end of March.
The central day of the period is
the 27th. There is every reason to
apprehend storms and other pheno-
mena out of the ordinary at this
period. 1t is one of the most critical
times, in all probability, during
the whole of the present Vernal
equinox. Hurricanes on the south
coasts and tornadoes in the interior
are possible and probable. Late
blizzards out of the northwest are
also among the probabilities dur-
ing the closing days of the •month.
This is a time when general seismic
unrest will prevail, with volcanic
outbursts and severe earthquakes.
in many parts of the globe. Such
phenomena will reach a maximum,
in all probability, from March the
26th to April the 2nd, taking the
29th and 30th as the central days
of greatest seismic possibility and
Acton, Ont., Mar. 00.—A severe
windstorm here last night com-
pletely wrecked the Acton House's
new concrete stables, killing John
McEachron, and severely injuring-
njuringJ. C. McDougall, who were both un
the barn when the crash came.
Others had very narrow escapes.
Jarvis, Ont., Mar. 20 -During the
severe windstorm which prevailed
here last night, the barn of Samos
Elazelells, situated a short distance
north from here, was blown down.
Five head of cattle were in the
barn, and were buried beneath the
Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch,
Ring Wurni, Herpes, Barbers'
All of these diseases are attended
by intense itching, which is almost
instantly relieved by applying-
pplyingChamberlain's Salve, and by its
continued use a permanent cure
may be effected. It has, in fact,
cured many cases that had resisted
other treatment. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by J J Merrier.
General locksmith
¶Still at the old
stand and busier
than ever. Our
work gives satis -
¶I handle the
genuine Ve ri t y
plow points. Also
can get machine
repairs for all
makes of mach-
Your Patronage Solicited
ZURICH -- max)