HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-03-15, Page 8rrrZURiCH.rr MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a full line of fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUNDBUUT & ECRU. HARI'IONICAS IMPERIAL HOHNER and The best 25 cent Mouthorgan made. A full line of WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Repairing a Specialty. 1?. W. HESS - • Jeweler. aa MERCHANT TAILOR Just arrived a lot of newest and latest Suitings, which I am selling at a very reasonable price; Our Suits are made to fit and latest styles. Call on us before you buy. Laundry in connection. W. H. HOFFMA ,iG,,:vx ru Nr•+ So YEARS' EXPERIENCE' TRADE MARKS DESIGNS CoW/ RI:iti'1'S &.0. Anyone sending a slei ch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whetb, r 1,11 invention is probably patentable. Cnnum:Dies. Lions strictly confidential. Handbook on 1', t nn to rent free. oldest nency fors ocurillg patent:., Patents taken through Munn ,; Go. r;.earn rpeciatnotice, without charge, in the Scientific er ca" f handsomely illustrated wre• illy. r sraest dr. culatton or any selentlao journal. T rang $ t u MUNNree{gqa rpp ffnur recalls, $l. Sold byall nr ry ( 11m.s ,. & i, t8.3G1Hroadway, ; t yore k RranrbChThe. v .'.fit-Washington.a:,.:. vangelical Association SERVIOES AND MEETINGS WILL DE, limn IN TEE EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL OAUROII, ZURICH, AS FOLLOWS: Sunday School at 2 p, m, ; Preaching Service, German, 10 a. m. ; English Service, at 7 p. m ; Senior Alliance, 7.30 p.m. Tues. day evening ; German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock ; Choir Practice, Friday evening at 8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. REV. A. 11 GISOHLER, PASTOR. REV. E. D. BECKER. ''{' kite:# mink' a •"x'XE seosnini LOCAL NEWS kiRSSIMMigactiMMCvliiMMEMMKOli A quantity of good potatoes for sale. Apply to 0 Fritz, Zurich. Dr. G. Buchanan of Toronto was a visitor in the village this week. 75 cents pays for Tal?: HERALD to Jan. 1908. Give it a trial. You will like it. Fencing has gone up in price this year. We have lots a,t last year's prices at Hartleibs. Don't forget F. Rummel's'sale on Tuesday next. A full Iist of his sale will be found in this issue. Mrs. W. Voelker and son, Eman- uel. returned to their home near Grand Blanc, Mich., on Monday. Miss Graham of Rodney has taken charge of J. Preeter's mil- linery department for the season. Parties having books in their possession belonging to the Zurich Public School library are requested to return same at once.–Librarian. Miss Herringer, teacher of the Separate School at St. Joseph. re- turned on Tuesday from attending the funeral of her father, who re- sided at Mildmay. The members of the W. C. T. U. will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Fritz, on Wed- nesday afternoon, March 20th, commencing at 2.30. Thos. Martin, Liberal member for North Wellington in the House of Commons, died at Ottawa on Tuesday. This is the third mem- ber who has died during the present session of the Dominion Parlia- ment. Not satisfied with the heaviest wheat per bushel, Menno Bechler now claims he has the best flock of hens. From 90 hens he gets on an average of 5 doz eggs per day. Some of his chickens must be doub- le-barreled, to make such a record at this time of the year. Dr. OVENS, M. De' Laudon, Surgeon eye, ear and nose, will bo at the Queen's Hotel, Honsall, on• Thursday, April 4th. Hours 4 p. m. to 9 p. in. Glasses properly fitted for relief of failing vision, gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness and nasal catarrh, treated. 23tf Hired help promises to be at a premium in this section this year. Many farmers are e p'eriencing• difficulty- in securing a hired m;an, • and some are paying as ' high as $28,00 amonttl, although the wages paid are usually from $20.00 to t25 00 per month. The 30,000 men being sent in from the Old Country should help to relieve the situation. Mr. M. 3d. Ashley of Hamilton representing the Boll 'Telephone Co , was in town on Wednesday. An independent farmers' line is projected for this section, and if enough subscribers can be got at $12.00 per year, work on the line will be started •this spring, The rural subscribers will have free connection with the Bell subscrib- ers at I3ensall, and Zurich, and the THE HERALD believes that a good number of farmers will become subscribers, at the low rate of $1.00 per month. or a little over 3 cents a day. Residence phones in the vil- lage will cost a dollar a year more. eEeeCe•£*•E- esee•£+e£+araec see Teem- 3`4•3• 3►3*+3e+3*dU► e+33•-eje 3►11 t 4) Zurich's Leading Shoe Store . ---•••••••••••••1010 E Have Received a Fine Lot of Spring • A SHOES AND BOOTS They are UP-TO-DATE ' in Style and we have more corning every week. We can show you eP A Magnificent Assortment, at Prices will Surprise you P. BFNDER, Zurich. RI*bh+Lir+£4.41- £i 4teee+ee '+ie1e,sop a!-e•-ava " elke ele ab +34-eatei3e43+43e • +111 . •>*'. yv .+ wY3 yx.- ` ,04 .. e, y , ,' „'a. C c+x._. \.\ .'""v sr i4rr* aA, kM IN4'. .. 4 w% e !fs1.'*41610:V3PON vMi1/43rt" erner',s O 1 y CIearing Sale We are offering our entire Stock of Merchandise at Prices that willrapt you to buy. All first-class goods. Here are a few of the Bargains we are offering: PRINTS .A full range of light and dark Prints, all nett/ patterns, regular 124c now 10c a yard. NEW GINGHAMS Striped, plain and checked, regular I5u and 12c now 10c a yard. SATEENS Regular 19 -c now for 10c a yard CURTAIN 11IUSLINS and ART SATEENS Regular 10c, 124.c, 15c, 20c now 8c, 10, 12 cc TUCKED, APRON LAWNS Regular 25c pow 20c a yard TABLE LINENS, bleached and unbleached 1 piece 2 yd wide, regular 05c now 50c a yard 1 piece 1t yd wide, ,reg 60c now 45c a yard 1 piece 14 yd wide, reg 50c now 350 a yard 1 piece, red with floral design, reg 500 for 35c DRESS GOODS We have a large stock of Dress Goods to offer. We can assure you a Bargain in every yard of Dress Goods we sell. A full range of BLACKS, BLUES, BROWNS and that new GREY that everybody wants this spring. We have it. Call early and have first choice. CARPETS . Tapestry, All Wool and Union to be sold at a BIG REDUCTION. LINO LEUMS FIRST QUALITY 4 yds wide regular $2.00 now for $1.50 2 yds wide regular 90cts now for 60cts TABLE OIL CLOTHS Regular 35c Oil Cloth for 25c a yard Regular 25c Oil Cloth for 20c a yard $io,000 Stock of Merchandise to LAWNS Regular 10c, 12?rc, 15c, 200, 25c, now 8c, lec, 15c and 20c a yard. EMBROIDERIES and LACES To be cleared out at reduced prices. TOWELLINGS For 4c a yd and upward BED TICKINGS Regular 28c and 25c now 20c a yard Regular 15c now for IOcts a yard BEST OXFORD SHIRTING Made. We are selling then at 12:-e a yd ff:CITTONA DES Regular 2:8c and 25e for 22c a yard be Sacrificed OIL CLOTHS 2 yds wide regular 60cts for 45cts WALL PAPERS A Big Snap in Wallpaper and nice new patterns to choose from. Regular 70c Wallpaper for 70 Regular 15c Wallpaper for 100 Regular 20c Wallpaper for 150 Regular 25c Wallpaper for 18c Odd lines of Wallpaper to clear out at 3c a roll LADIES' FUR COATS This is your chance for Ladies' Fur Coats, only a few left. 1 only regular price $30.00 for $18.00 1 only regular price 28.00 for 15.00 We do just -as we have advertised. Call early. ANNELLETTE BLANKETS egular $1.00 for 75cts each .TERS and wool-. BLANKETS 3IG REDUCTION in price. 1,5rINDOW SI}IADES Window shades regela . • 35; 40c, t 25c. IG SNAP IN GROCERIES .est select Raisins for 23 cents best eleant'd Currants for 25 •ts lbs best, Oatmeal for 23 cents !oxer Co, n, Peas and tomatoes 25c 4 boxes of Starch for 25 cents Best roasted Coffee 9 lbs for 25o1s Best green' Japan Tea per ]b 25cts 3 boxes Yeast Cake for 10 cents bars Comfort, Bee hive, Sunlight `or Goodwill Soap for 25cis Blest Baking Powder 14- lbs for 25c 3 gals genuine American O11 for 75c READ'' -MADE and TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING We have a full range of Spring Suitings, all now patterns. Our stock of Ready -blades is complete. We guarantee a fit and save you money. MEN'S NEW SPRING HATS Caps. Dress Shirts, Collars and Ties to be sold at a Big Reduction. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Miss McDougall is with us again this season and we have a large stock of Millinery Goods which will be sold at a RIG DISCOUNT. CROCRERY, GL 1SSWARE, CHINA- WARE and PARLOR LA_l.lt'S A large stock of Crockery, Glassware, Chinaware and Parlor Lamps to be cleared out at a Big Reduction. Dutch Setts and Produce take in exchange • MERNER, ZURICH ... 'Ar ol^7. .o a..••r._ i , r.!'„..e_o i,::. _' • St. Patrick's Day,Maaroh 17th. Mr. Sam. Holtzman of Berlin is visiting at the home of his father, Mr. G. Holtetnan. Miss MacDougall of Rurondale is again in charge of J. 'J.e Merner's millinery department:this season, The elections for', the Manitoba L tgislature on Thursday, resulted in the Roblin Government being sustained, though there are soane distappointing features to the vic- tory. The Provincial Secretary Was defeated at Emerson and the Government majority will be four less than it was. The returns show 27 Conservatives and 12 Liberals elected. i[r. Brown, the Liberal leader, failed to get a seat. Unsightly telegraph wires and poles can be converted into a weather prophet, if rightly under- stood. says ,aati exchange. Every- body is fauriliar'N'Yith the humming noise 'which, these wires make on certain days, The telegraph wires tinning north 'and. south never hum at the sante time. with the wires that, run east and west. When the wires 'running east and west hung •it indicates ..that thera will be a:fall in 'the temperature. They begin humming ten hours or More in advance to the fall of tem- erattrre. But the wires that run Orth and south indicate that there here is to be a rise in the tempera- tire; r p t t ...". ' .> •,. u• a '•u C„o;." —e.'u. rw..e ve-•7e r KJi see .: ' r;tVk + ♦ s,'. ♦cue ems.,_ y:. 7 :;.3 eliVNIAMMANWAIMAINAVAVI TRUNKS and VALISES We were lucky in purchasing a big lot of Trunks and Valises before the recent advance in prices, and we are selling them at our former prices. These are all first-class goods and by making .a purchase while this stock lasts you will save money. When looking for anything in this line give us a call btfore purchasing elsewhere, it will pay you. HARNESS-, In harness we have already done a large spring trade and we still have about thirty sett on hand. We guarantee our prices to be equal to any de- partmental store prices. Our harness is noted for the lasting qualites and the workmanship. CALL FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED C. R 1A rA LEIB -- Zurich. The People's hardware and Harness House "WNW ANYWMAPPRWWWWWWWWWMPA,