HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-03-15, Page 1T
Vol. V11., No..34
Two weeks from Sunday will be
$1.0,000 stock to be sacrificed in
the next 20 days at Merner's Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cann of
Exeter visited relatives here on
Sunday. They intend leaving for
the west shortly.
The Promotion examinations for
the Public schools in the county of
Huron will be held on Thursday
and Friday, March 21st and 22nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Regier, of the
Goshen.Line south, attended the
funeral of the latter's mother, Mrs.
Henry Krauskopf, near Dublin, on
Dr. Buchanan has rented the
farm near St. Joseph, lately vacat-
ed by N, Masse, Jr., to J. Gelinas,
Jr., of Drysdale.
Mr, C. Hartleib, who had been
summonsed to serve on the grand
jury at Goderich for the spring
assizes, has received notice that be
does not need to appear, as their is
no business for the grand jury.
Mr. E. Appel and family now oc-
cupy their handsome new home,
which Mr. Appel recently purchas-
ed from Mr. J. J. M.erner. The
.house is fitted out with hot and
cold water and is modern in every
Mr. Henry Brenner and family
moved to Dashwoad on Monday
where IIIr. Brenner holds a good
position in the planing mill. We
are sorry to see them leave our
village, but Zurich's loss is Dash -
wood's gain.
Mr. Joseph Lebean. who left here
some time ago for Edmonton, in-
tends going into the manufacture
of brick at St. Albert Alta. He
Iikes Alberta very well, according
to a letter received from ,him re-
The telephone men Have been
busy this week installing the
switch board at the central 'office
stud hi, placing a • number of new
>;.sleplionee• Those who have had
phones installed are—Dr. Wilson;
J. A. Williams and F. Hess, Sr.
Mr, Ezra. Dumart of Berlin, a
native of Zurich, has become a full-
fledged "pro" in the ponula.r game
of hockey, and his playing this
season has been of such a high
order, that the Toronto team re-
cently gave him $50.00 to assist
thein in a match. We congratulate
'Ezra on his success.
We notice that Bristlier Kerr of
the Brussels Post has been chnsen
ass the Liberal candidate for East
Huron for the Provincial Legisla-
ture, in place of Mr. A. Hislop the
present representative of the Rid.
ing and who will be the next candi-
date for the House of Commons.
If Brother Kerr hustles for votes,
as he hustles for news for his
splendid paper he will be elected
by a rousing majority. We know
that he will make his opponent
"go some."
A meeting of the Police Trustees
was bold on Tuesday evening,
Routine business was transacted
and a few accounts were passed.
The residents of Zurich should bear
in mind that all ash piles, rubbish,
' rigs, etc , should be taken from the
:streets by the 1st of April, in ac-
oordance with a motion passed at
the previous meeting of the Board.
,.. A. reactionary storm period is
central on the 20th, 21st and 22nd.
This period is exactly on the turn
of the March equinox. It is within
a few days of the center of the
Jupiter period, and covered by the
I Mercury disturbance, central 'on
the 25th. The Moon is also in apogee
ainf7.:at first quarter on the 21st,
The conjunction of Saturn with the
Earth and Suu is also a factor in
the general unrest of Earth and air
' at:this time. That great planet is
not only at the center of his equinox
but on the 9th he passess his con-
junetion, bringing the Earth and
Sun squarely into the plane of his
equator, his great ring and the
orbits of his family of satellites.
All , these facts should lead to
watchfulness during the storm
poriode in March. The 20th, 21st
and 22nd aro among the days of
great storm possibilities. Very
low barometric readings, with cor-
responding storm indications any-
where in the gulf region, should be
taken as harbengers of "West India
to>ti,�n, all through this part of
The Official Organ of Zurl.eli: anti ay- Township,
RCI -I 15, 1907.
Miss Ida Brill is visiting friends
in Dashwood at present.
Mr. G. Schmidt of Sebringville
visited friends here over Sunday.
Miss Lydia . Ort returned last
Thursday from a visit with relativ:
es in Michigan.
Messrs. J. Dow and H. Bender,
jr•, returned from the lumber
camps on Wednesday.
Our prices on trunks and valises
puts our competitors in the shade.
Call and see at C. Hartleib.
Mr. and Mrs.• Chas. Troyer of
Hillsgreen were the guests of their
daughter, Mrs: G. Innes, on Sun-
The many friends of Mrs. Louis
Prang will regret to hear that she
continues still very ill, but is im-
proving somewhat at present.
The revival meetings in the
Evangelical church closed last
Thursday. As a result of . the
meeting eleven new members terve
joined the church.
David Schnell has sold his 4 -year
old driver to Hy. Schnell of Ayton
for the neat sum of $200.00. Mr.
Schnell delivered the horse at
Brussels on Saturday.
Mr. Meno Bechler took a load of
wheat to Cook's Mill at Hensel],
last week, which tested 64 lbs.
Meno says good farming and a
good farm is the only combination
that will produce such results.
I have a place for the following
sums of money :—$300,00 at 5% on
village property ; also for $1600.00
at 4•.i% on 50 acre farm in the
Western part of Hay Township.
Apply to E. Zeller, Conveyancer,
Ezra Smith has sold the farm,
now occupied by Sol. Jacobe, which
he recently got possession of in ex-
change for his farm on the 14th
con., to John Nensohwanger, of
Stephen township, who gets pos-
session on the 1st of April.
Elijah Dowie, the leader of that
famous sect, the Dowietes, died in
Zion City on Sunday. The religion
of which he was the bead had at
one time many adherents but aw-
1 .theelaste
the 41160.e1s o e ea. er.:.
Henry Ealbfleteoh, who has had
a handsome and comfortable re-
sidence erected •in the southern
part of the village, hopes to occupy
it this week as it is now ready for
occupancy. Mr. and Mrs. Kslb-
fleiseh have a pretty home and
that they may enjoy its comforts
for many years is the wish of their
Read Morner's ad in • this fi
It will pay you, '
Dr. McCrae of Clinton visited.: i».
Wilson. of thisvillage, on Sunday.
New ads—J. J. Merir, P. Bead.
er, J. Preeter, D. S. Faust, L. FOst.
er, E. Smith.
John Brenner of Ban Axe, 1‘110b,,
visited his sister, Mrs. H. Randall,
on Wednesday.
Miss Etta Ruby, of' Dashwood is
the guest of her cousin:, Miss Addle
Witwer, at present.
Messrs. Jacob Rader and J, T,
Goetz of Dashwood +were Zurich
visitors on Saturda,
Mr. Robt. F. ,.Stelak ret'urfed
yesterday to Edmonton,`. Alta..,
where he is engaged' in the real
estate husines�,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Adelson Boysen-
berry and Misa Alma Bossenberry
of Grand Bend svere Asitors in the
village on Sunday:
Mr. E. G. 'Stevenson of ii'ort
Huron,, Micli.,, succeed the late
Dr. Oronhyatehka, as suprekle
chief:ranger of the 1,,,Oi F.
Read P:`Bender's.n y ad onpage
8 of this issue, and then•call on him
when next in toys; ii• His lines of
spring shoes will please you in,
quality and price.
Yesterday morning there .died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. s0.
Goltz, Babylon Line, Mrs. Conrad
Dabus. Deceased had been ill for
some weeks. Her husband and a
family of sons and daughters sur-
vive her.
The members of tie family of
the late William Voelker desire ns
to express their heartfelt gratitude
to the many friends in.this vicinity°
who extended so lima). kindness'
and sympathy to thein in their re-
cent bereaveinent.
Don't forget that you can
range for sale dettes at our o
for B. S. Phillips the well -k
auctioneer. If will also be r i
in your pocket to have your ,s
our sale Register, We cove
territory as no other pul
does'. !,
snip fS
an of its days, Im 'the •
years there has been a deo
40 per cent in the`manufactur'
oil lamps in the Status, It is i
esting to observe, however,
the output oC,lairnp chimneys
increases. Tile manufacturers se
to he producing a kind of a lamp
chimney that breaks if anyone:in
the room coughs; sneezes, laughs,
or looks squinteyed at the lamp.
$1 r Per Year,
Spring time will soon be here. My stock for spring
is almost complete. It will pay you to visit my store
Sand see all the latest Designs I have to show you.
AA full range in Black, Red, Blue,
Green and Greys. The Greys are
stronger than ever for the coming
spi ins.
A'large range of prints, all pat-
terns and everal German prints.
A'011 range and different colors.
Just what you want.
A},dew stock of Lace Curtains,
different prices.
CARPETS. A full line of Laces and Em -
't -a. pestry carpets, in 3 patterns bro icleries.
and different prices.
N.Iruel carpets, 36 inches wide at
low prices. on hand,
Fresh stock of Groceries always
4 yds wide and 2 yds wide very
pretty- patterns.
Floor Oil Cloth 2 yds wide and 1
yd wide.
I have some lovely wall paper do
not buy before you call and a•ee my
stock. They are of the newest de
signs. I also have some wall paper
which I am selling out at 5 cents az
roll. 'These papers are all high
priced palter. You will get a snap
on therm.
.VVe will handle Dutch Setts again this sprung.
All kinds of Produce taken in 'change.
So t Y` a s. eneral
that spring will soon be here
,;you will be on the lookout 7-7•9
:for something .new and sty
''disks for spring footwear. We ?cave
paid special attention to our buying
this season and the result is a, lnost
oolnplete, stock of Shoes for mels
and wo*en in all the latest styles
e'' 'can gave.
to re'ti comp e.
ren's sliot:s, all prices. See our
stook before making a purchase.
C. F ITZ, The Sheen -Ian.
. "�-,�7.i6 '�' 'S` r'4 4' , �" '' • S L i aYF% ` �: .kt t. {€`'�li
�.t Ja t;�t'i',�'���)�y",m. .Ya ,, r' ,'4 e ,� cad f ` ,ta"�4J•1 '�k
+h��h'�'ar ��:;:?��W+«. ooz'tu�l�+�"i� i;fi� }Y%+;. e�?y+!, QA ��. Ex+. Am ,. � t +, wnN+ ,%
Consisting of new ry Goods, Groceries, Crockery and hard=
ware, and every piece of•goods hrid the store a ge Line Bar=
gain. Below we quote a few prices.
New Prints --a full range in all the
newest patterns. See our Special at
5c a yd.
New white tucked Apron Lawns
Special at 15o a yd.
New Oxford Shirtings Special at
100 a yd.
New Cottonades reg price 25c for
20c, advertised by others as regular
28c goods.
Best quality Table Oil Cloths 1.5c a
Now Lawns 8c, 100, 121c and 15c a
New Persian Lawns, Organdies,
Dyinities, Mersileens, Linens and
Fancy Muslins at equally Low Prices.
Good quality, extra wide, Corset
(over Embroidery worth 30o a ycl for
20c a yd. All other embroideries and
Laces at Low Prices.
Dutch Setts and Farm
2 boxes Yeast Cake. for Sets
Best Baking Powder in quart seal-
ers,only ,15cts.
Clothes Pins 6 dozen for Scts
and other goods in proposition.
Our trunks and valises have been
moving out rapidly 'Which goes to
show that prices are nett.
We have still a good assortment
sap buckets and sports are now in
demand the have tbena„
If you need a news. fence see our
PEERLESS, till No, 9 *ire, and the
best lock of any feb.oe ii5' Canada,
Produce taken in .exchange.
Our Dress Goods Department Hits
von a, reputation for Om store an.L is
recognized by the Ladies as the
Proper Place to got the clewe4t and
Yi.ost Up-to•da•te Fabrics for a st•:-tish
..,torment. We have all the nearest
shades and materials shown for spring
moluding the new .(-treys in large
ra.arieties and values that defy eom
.•,o,,.,w,..rw.,®trmora .aur.. avows renew ,,....,w.w.r.,nn..•.
We have ;inst opened 'r'p a t,loon
c.rth of ne stylish v p• t o•Ylat e C' , th-
nlg for boys ,ind men. 1%+' Ate ::'i'',�v•
ins a• nice :] pieo0 suit: to, f:, 00 :iaicl
Hien':; suits i•anging from $4.00 up to
CI 5.00.
We have wiihont n doubt the best
r.,nge of Clothing ever shorn in town
incl. prices right, Call and snake your
£Elections early.
!Highest price paid.
"„ eseSseee
,' 9, h it„tier