The Herald, 1907-03-08, Page 8t q. q Z g'4i w Vv IY q q li i1FAT MARKET ET E keep in ,:stook 21 full line of fresh meats, llaiiis, ete. etc Our cuts tate noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a Call. YUN ILU ' BEIC E T. HARMONICAS IMPERIAL HOMIER and •The best 25 cent Mouthorgan made. .A. full line of WATCHES. CLOCKS and cP.L4`rYL`JJ "Y. Repairing a Specialty. F. W. HESS - . 'jeweler. IVIMANUEL CHURCH ` i'va.0 gelHcalAssociation. l;IIVIC ES ;Mgt) 7t.'Ml•;TINtata WILL 1i1 HELD IN THE EivtatAlltilSrL EVAN EELIcAL ODUltOri, Y.URmon, J.S I00Lj0w:s: Sunday School at 2 p, zu, ;' Preaching Service, Gertnan, 10 ta. rn. ; English Service, at 7 p. ni; Senior Alliance, 7,30 p.m. Tues- day evening ; German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'olocic ; English. Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7.50 o'clock Choir Practice, Friday evening at S o'olock ; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Ri;v, A. D. GISCIxxa x , P t ToR. REV. E. D. BECKKER . 4€ LOCAL NEWS iw°Tsai?:?siNil ?! Eiii::y`8:-ww.iiAvNmemita ii WARNING! T would ask the farmers of this section not to be led astray by a certain fakir, respecting a market for clutob sets this spring. I un- derstand that he is. going up and down the concessions telling people that the Zurich merchants will not buy dutch sets. I will not only BUY, but will also PAY as good •a price as anyone, as soon as t h e market opens and weather permits. We will see our elastomers pro- tected in this matter as usual, not- withstanding any false statements made to the contrary. Respectfully yours, J. PREETEA. Zurich, March 7, '07. 33.1 C. Eilber was a Grand Bend visi- tor on Wednesday. Just arrived a full lino of laces ; at D S Faust. Mr. Robt. Douglas left for his home in the Northwest on Tuesday • after a few months' visit with re - i latives in Stanley. Mrs. Strang, who has been visit- ing relatives and friends on the Goshen Line north, left for her !home in Manitoba ou Tuesday. -•°� �.� �°°°" ; Look at your label. Our mailing list is corrected to March Gth. If liViEsIRCHANT TAILOR Just arrived a lot of newest and latest Suitings, -Which I am selling at a very reasonable price. Our Suits are made to fit and latese styles. Call on us before you buy. Laundry in connection. W.11. HOFF;,` N -63 ILIMISSEM We have noticed that the man wheel only comment as the reads the paper is a kick" on the things he dosis not like is the satire one who "kicks" on his friends; thinks the town ho lives in is the , cinIlr=st nn earth; complains because it reins too tnnch. or does not rain enough; thinks the weather is too hot or too mild. It is no Ilse to discuss anythin • in the world with a man of that kind. The a rely i ensil;te thing to do is to give .Tire time,eo think by letting hint ul^sie. ` —Ex. 10,000 BUS. WT -TEAT TV.AYT ;D. —We will pt'y you 70 cents ner bushel, and it will payyou to call and see vs before you sell t ee- wvhoi•cs. We aro selling. our i /st ':'utnily fle .r at.t $1,e5 per cwt.. also sell Five- Roses flour at `'.10' per 100 lbs We ,till have a , vt t C f 1000 bushels of Yellow Amer', eel {Dorn on hancl which we elver ou I 1 at $20.00 per ton. Bran and i 5 : its t;'0 00 per ton. Chopping, "1 a;nt;s t )r stew ear 1: haze f,;r 50 ceele. 1.1.C:c: r;.}t,. & iii tN ( c s2-o2t till yrs, tt,• all. The Il.lnil,urir l.ineriean Line. of Geri/me,i', ,lair h is the gees/est, i eoniuierical .:lipping liner in the world i; pt ;t bntr ling.„ the i a est ste tntshipt that Las yet been struetnri. ghe will he. says the t NeYork Outlook, of 'i 1 000 tons. } r0 feet ov e . all, and 80 feet beam. a Her ssize r.'ny p erlaatas be realized rr ole eeeily when It: rs stated that 1 her crew will liaratln r five linedred.. w that she iii r.au•ry over three V thousand pa.s e ;ars, unci that for ;IS benefit a�;' first -cabin pas- t sw,ngers elan will i n provided with a 1 swimming t r:'. 5 fent long and 23 h feet wide, and. with tennis rotatte What those ii ;nros mean will be inore readily nndcrstood. when it is 1 stated that up to asbout fifteen t years ears ago a 2,000,ton vessel on the lakes was considered a monster g One of the ships In which Coltunlins f discovered. Amer,ee, could almost ai he floated in thisnew liner's swviin- miny tank.r•, your label is not correct advice us at once. We thank all who have renewed their subscription for 1907, but their are still a large number who have failed to do so. Reports from Saskatchewan in-: dicate that fifty per cent of bast year's crop is still in the hands of, the farmers and that the loss will be enormous if it is not marketed, before spring. A largo q nanitityy of the grain is out in the ii: With. only a thin straw ecru shield.it from. the weather. The proposed electric railway; line from Stratford to St. Joseph is by no means an abandoned scheme just because the Senate refused to grant a charter. Application will be made at the present session of the Ontario Legislature for u chart- er and it will likely be forthcoming (the charter). It is hoped that the tuat.tter Will not rest with obtaining the chaster, as the line would pass through one of the best sections of Ontario and if built should prove a good investment. TO IMPROVE EARTH ROADS. In order to start a movement to improve the condition of earth roads in Ontario, "The Farmer's Advocate," in co-operation with the Public TVorksfDepartment of the Ontario Government, is offer- ing :'100•in prizes for the best re- sults from season's nse of the in- expensive implement called the :blit -log drag. There are two sets if prizes, one for the Eastern and one for the Western part of the Frt./el/we. The first price in each ase is 35, second prize $15, and tlhtrd prize $10. There is no fee to nter, and the conditions are very h'••lo iililtle. The jnd,.g will be done r•; Mr. A. W. ()aairpbetl, Good loads Commissioner Fuller par- ieitiars may be obtained by drop- )ing ca r,aard to "The Farmer's Ad rie.aate. ' London, Ont. We mightutd that the entries for this ex- reedin'ly interesting and practical ,rintp:r,titon will close on March 27. TUE RURAL TELEPHONE. litany farmers do not realize the nirllrnse uelva.ntages and labor - o aving possibilities in the telephone. By it5 nse, one aiiay leaa.rnfr.•otn city is village the state of 'the market, he prole able demand, 1ptly shortage That exists, end be prepared to take dveant agc of it promptly, while :ir. Slowpoke is finding out too ate that there was a brisk demand for the ver y goods lie had to sell. That We want is advance-inforniu- •tnn The telephone was certainly Jio most valuable invention of the ast half centnrv, and none have enefltted more by it than farmers. 'hey' can new sell their staff in whole or in part before leaving iellie and do not, as formerly, have o take: the risk of driving; to town with 0. load only to find the market hrtteci. There is zao excuse now or Making such mistakes as this nd it; is Sase to stay that no f.arnie ' wvho instals a telephoto is e,,ver aught in such a trap. of tock taking time Will soot i be here and before vie star we have iecided to reduce our stock to the very lowest notch and in order to get them down where we want them we propose making this Sale the most attrac= twee ever held. !Jere is list of a few argatns we are offering: • PO ntS .All prints whiei. were .19 i c and 15e, a or:.3e and 10c a ?d. • Table Linens Which wete,G'5e for 45c a yd and those W tb 50e foti; 350 a yd. • rapperettes ell worth i.0c a yard for So a yard " cc is 10 cc ==sr, Tovvellings „.iA big snap if this line. 1 roni 5c up, A bid bargain in rPeatdy made Toww-o1 Flatinellettes suaIly sold at 10epts a yd for "t cis a 3.11 cc • yet cc ' n 0 cc cc t Crockery A Bil; Snap in Dkiiner and Toilet Setts. Lamps It less than cost. e k' Victoria' L a was WIC( -ere 25o "; yd for 20e 15e 12.1c ,. €asst:ds. X.11 press Goodd,tless than cost. DDressworth 1.45 a yd for 750 a yd cc yL cc cc 45c ac ,c cc30e cc cc ca } 4t(t0 ti afe, '' '' 20e at Gro eries Ipiere are a •few of or Bargains iu Groceries 4 boxes tta clt for 25c lbs best Bela et raisins for 25e 4 lets b si currents for 25e 3 cans corn mas or tomatoes 23e 10 lbw /oatmeal . for 250 2 lbs meted coffee for 23c 20eayd 150 'c Ile cc go cc :lea's Fur Coats 1 only teen's Fur Coat: worth $30 for $22 .c 528 rt .520 1 cc cc " $20 " $15 1 fur -lined men's Coat .c $25 tc $18 1 cc Ladies' Fur Coats 1 ladies' Far Coat worth e35.00 for 25.00 1 cc cc .c 30.00 " 22.00 1 cc cc " 28.00 " 20.00 Fur Caps Mean's and Ladies' Fur Caps, were from 3.00 to 5.00, all for 2.30 each. Ready=made Clothing .lath's Suits worth. 10,00 for 7.00 cc cc cc 7.00 for 4. 75 ,'.Toys' Suits worth 5.00 for 3.50 A lot. of Child's Suits for 1.00 per Suit. All men's and boys' overcoats at less than -cost. Col I OH we have the geniune American Coal Oil .1 gallons for 75ets. Ladies' Coats All ladies Coats will be slaughtered at regardless of Dost. Carpets Good Union Carpet worth 350 for 28e , c` '• 50c " 33c to ep pt 1330. •c 45e Linoleum 9 yds wide was Joe for OOc a yd Call early and take advan- tage of these snaps before stock taking commences. Read tide newadd bij ',„„the Clinton Businl?s;a College in tics issue. The 3 epor't of the iMinister of Jnstie t'o.poe the penlfIen'tiarios. of Oanac1s throwssoaire li t; upon th0 value b; , education. Noli'anore the ten per Gent, of the conwrrcita in the Can ail Mu prnitentiarir_w ' have as reasonable couiraltrn seli001 educaa- tion.,, c' Drne OVENS, , M. • :D;' . ' L tRon., Sureoen eye. carr land nn"sp., z ill be . ani trpen bnsall, 011 ThtriSilav, Alan. ltla . I3otrrs 4 p. agto 0 1), n1, (i1a. rs pt'operly fitted. fpr relief : of fa' ttg vision; gestrnip, heatclac3hes, et ; Deafness and ii tsal catarrh.trea.tiid. 23tf Nt.7 e the time iorethe fanner to nitg its plans for ilio scouring salsa : e shottld_lrave'h,i i arra,n„ e- tnentS nenaplctet: as fat;,as pass 1rle, so thatihen the busy,,eason conies it ma :,le used'te the '!).est aidvatnt- often happen .fhat some gni imple1taenl',s need re. or new ones ali'e rerequired.a t tp1 til rs Motel ager-: cif the pairir It is ,.' 1 to go over hese outfits andknow just exactly what is wanted; its it may ' no necessary to send',away` quite a distance for some new part, which mass require ninon mere thus,than is expected. Then 'there ,.,re other things that can :be at thussaup , t t 8,1 da�ad to during the thrirvelyt rush, of w17.,Ck ',soasnl; and i 61 .'lima the ' gins, L '.v WWWIWAVAMAMMAMAAMMIWAWAMMi -24 TRUNKS and VALI E4Act,, 7 cm We Stere lucky in purchasing a nig lot of '.Cranks sed Valises before the rtoeit advance in prices, nnrl .we are selling them at our former priees: These are all fil st; glass goods and by making a piueehase while this stock lasts you will save money. When looking for anything in this line give us a call Pc fore purchasing elsewhere, it will pray you. -3, HARNESS ARNES o ,i b,',a,%, Nie Y'a�d �4Tcor„•\ 'In Ilarness we have already done a large spring trade and we still have about thirty sett on ltaatirl. We guarantee our prices to be equal to any de- partineutal store prices. Our harness is noted for the lasting gnalites and the workmanship.. bac har dzIr ars', VC: r'rs� mess ate, al"a ,75 ars CALL FOR YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED as C.A1AR R LE1B = -- Zurich 'fig-, The People's Hardware ad Harness House �� V U 111i?,(i1� J