The Herald, 1907-03-08, Page 2Ara :1 heli :aid'
'Can cure your Cough or Cold,
leo question about that, but ---
Why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of having his prescription
�i11ed, 'When you can step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
'when a twenty-five cent
bottle of SHILOH will cure you
8S quickly ?
Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past "thirty-four
years : let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
SHILOH will cure you, and all
druggists back up this statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
Cough or Cold cure it with
Glamour Gone From the Sea.
The days of romance are fast fading
into the past. Boldpirates no longer
rove the seas with fierce moustaches and
crimson sashes, a mutiny is but a brawl
and daily papers are delivered on board
modern steamships. True it is that
three -masted schooners still maze the
trip from Shanghai around the Horn to
New York and in every large harbor may
be seen ancient sailing vessels lying low
in the water in mute protest of the big
diners which are virtually great hotels
afloat. But decay east in the heart of
their ancient timbers so swiftly that an-
other generation will see their passing,
and with them will vanish the pictur-
esque old sea dogs who are the delight
of those who love the ocean, to be, re-
placed by the smart young officers of
the Present.—Kansas City Times.
Evbiutionary Process by Which . Mon-
archs Have Lost Much .Authority.
Names largely follow lines of histori-
cal development, but their real signifi-
cance can only be known by noting the:
latest phases of that evolution. There.
was a time, indeed, when the king could
make a speech to the British parliament
and rely on having his will carried into
immediate execution: But it came to
pass in the progress of the ages that
the king was only safe in the theory
that he could do no wrong because his
Ministers would not let hem. To re -en-
force this theory it was necessary to
adopt in practice a programme that no
royal edict had force unleso signed by
a Minister. From that came, in time, the
idea that an edict signed by a Minister
must be signed by the sovereign.
Queen Victoria had a moment of vacil-
lation about that. She had, doubtless
some recollection of the theories of the
divine right of kings, so when Mr. Glad
stone, then Prime Minister, brought her
a paper to be signed she said:
"I can not sign it. That does not re
present my sentiments."
"Madam," said the Premier, "you must,
sign it"
"Do you say must to me, Mr. 'Glad
stone? I am the. queen of England."
"Madam, I am the people of England
And she signed.—Courier Journal.
t. n
alive oak you to do Sato
settled our large beau-
taul fast.sening pack-
ages of fresh Sweet Pea
Seeds, the best in the
world. (Every package
.contains over co Oat
xareet prettiest, mos tfra.
grant, largest flowering
varieties 3n every im.
.aat lean. eu Ih, rata r th
•money. and wo will
prom/Sly send you this
uleautilul Ring. finished
la Ilk. Gold and set with
Urge magntf cent Pearls
and sparkling imitation
silwnonds that can hard.
ry ba told from the real
stems. If ynu. write at
. ease for the Scads n e will give you an opportunity to gait• an
nio root Gold-anished double itutttfng :Caro Welch,'Lo4 'a ay •
Gentleman's size, Free. rnaddition to the Ring. •4rld,ess Iito
Pirtze Seed Co, 3DOn,t, :r y !toren Co. �iuL
Marion Bridge, C. B., May 30, '02.
1 have handled•MINARD'S LINThIENT
during the past year. It is always the
first liniment asked for here, and un-
questionably the best seller of all the dif-
ferent kinds of Liniment I handle.
No Danger of Tuberculosis Found in
Drinking This Beverage.
The milk of the goat' has of late been
the subject of much investigation and
the highest medical authorities are un
Eanimous in declaring it to be the most
wholesome and desirable milk obtained.
i from animals for human consumption.
To begin with, the goat : is extremely
unsuseeptible to and, indeed, practically
immune from tuberculosis. It contracts
this dread disease only in conditions
which can hardly come about in the or
Binary course of things. Nest, goat*,
milk is more nearly allied than any,
' other to human milk not only in eo x -
position but also in its peculiar fel-
tative properties—an important— aat:
It has been established bey orad
t' r CURED!
hO11 of dizziness, "smoth-
kiig" ..feeling's, stabbing
beat and that "ail
ii ' De you have these
t102 If iio, read what Mrs.
, a; tae Elgiuberg, Ont„ says;
•esteem } t. s"Afteran in a
''felt bloated, and when the
li y,i>,nd palpitation came on I
i t in and life down for an hour
',Jeered heart trouble, but
vireo 1[ began i” take Bileans that
art cies:'soun ...enongl and the
area; from 'ate• -digestive dia-
rt This 1311eaus;;.:soon corrected,
,nd ' to -day I ani •shred completely.
ileans are just as Food' for constipa-
rton,; headache, piles, fein:�le ailment's,
nab �•
:anaemia, Food impurities, pimples, etc.
:All druggists and stores at:50c a box,
;',or front Bilden 00., Tor'oiito, for price.
i The Problem oiSiiagara.
ne the moment When tile, first di-
g'ers en 'of the water ofNitigarbe,Falls for
:r nalrlefacturing purposes was permitted
the, e who have stood far their preserve-
,iO' .• vers placed on the defensive. De-
sxy. a as such preservation .seems to
of us, it ie idle to pretend that
much hope of accomplishing it
there is an �'bsolute change in
itude of the two governments con -
very speedily' The quantity of
diverted is,rlZuch larger than at
great new' demands for it are
e on the ilanadian and the Am -
e.. It is tot within human na-
nan ea"perience that this will
of the ultimate use for me -
purposes f" all the water which
y would p'hss over the falls, un -
d this is ' almost inconceivable
s an immediate halt and a re -
the privi Lges already granted.
y be del, ✓, but the end seems
rtford, in., Times.
Mr Prairie ScrataYiee and every form of
cc ods Itch on hli an or animals cured
!ii 430 routes by'Wolfhi!d's Sanitary;Lotion.
It never fails. Sold by` druggists.
r 610• .
The Crime of Building Railways.
(N. Y. Sun.)
A most fortunate assertion comes from
the vice-president of a great railroad com-
pany. He pretends that some 19,000 women
are stockholders in that company.
+i_7o doubt Hanks or some other heaven
sprung expert will demonstrate, at the es- of the
falseness sof the hierenumeration. Butnment it necessary,
,needs no ,expert opinion to convince the
nubile that this vice-president is trying wil-
fully to deceive. Congress and the rest of
the country are full of men who know the
exact status of railroad ownership. It is
notorious that railroads are owned and run
u"or nefarious purposes of capitalists. Rail-
roads are a part of predatory wealth. As
such they are pursued and punished by tbo
-Great Father at Washington, by statesmen
,of all parties, and by the stern multitudes
.08 sociologists,
If any -women or men other than money
,devils appear as stockholders of record they
must be the proxies and representatives of
an infamous plutocracy seeking to mask It-
self from public indignation.
Pllinard's Liniment Relieves Nenralgia.
Odd Name for the Garment.
One rainy afternoon Aunt Sue was
explaining the meaning of various words
to her young nephew. -aaow, an heirloom,
my dear means something that has been
'handed down from father to son," she
said. "Well," replied the boy thought-
fully, "that's a queer name for my
pants."—Chase, Kan., Register.
Minerd's Liniment for sale everywhere.
� O
What Wotan Do in Chili,
(National Magazine,)
There are same oddities in Chili connected
with, the sphere of woman that deserve men-
tion. One is that women act as conductors
.oa the street cars. Everywhere the passenger
assets the woman conductor armed with her
.bag and, es Mark Twain had it, "the blue
trip slip for a 5 -cent fare," collecting the
•ootns fully as well as her masculine com-
petitor and much more politely. In the shoe
stores all the "salesmen" aro girls and wo-
Olen and in the telegraph offices 111 city and
country young women are invariably found
as "operators. And they do their work well
too. But to offset fills, in a Chilean hotel
or boardinghouse and in many residences
mea do the work of the chambermaid. Am-
ericaan ladies aro always shocked to find that
a man servant "tat:r, t care" of the sleeping
rooms in the hotels of Chili.
Snow in London Costly.
A sno'vstorm in London involves the
expenditure of a big fortune , to restore
the streets to anything like a passable
condition. After the snowstorm of Janu-
ary, 1893, which approximates to the pre-
sent visitation, Nisbet Blair, the survey-
or of St. Pancras, said that his author-
ity expended 42„172 on snow removal.
There are i wenty-eight boroughs in Lon-
don, and, taking, st. PRINT/0 ne an avCi'-
aege-si?ed borough, the total expendi-
ture would be elose upon £70,000. This
guns males an prevision for the city of
London and the total can not fall far
abort of £100;000, Half an hour's raid•
fall at this stage would be worth its
weight in gold—provided, of course, that
it was not immediately followed by' a
frosts„--Tandrin Clironicle.
tion the e
ther'S' ne
better than on that o
mal.—The Circle.
ture b
Cheap Newspaper Graft.
A curious form of petty graft has ex-
isted in the Connecticut Legislature for
x}iany years with respect to newspapers.
It has been the custom to offer all cor-
respondents on duty at the sessions of
that body $300 each, ostensibly for. the
public service rendered in reporting the
proceedings, but it has the appearance of
a subtle bribe intended to soften criti-
cism or to conceal matters as to which
the public should have full information.
The dole has never been accepted by cer-
tain newspapers, but about $6,000 a ses-
sion is distributed among the representa-
tives of journals whose managers regard
the suspicious bounty as a vested. right.
Philadelphia Ledger.
A t lC EN : OOSL .,
past in the centre of the
use. or out vl the yard near
ere the chiikens naturally
les througia he post, with
ger, about afoot apart,
45 degrees 1 olixthe one
nae eat
the bar
a 21-2
u ittiil tarsi-
from bad blood—with irritated or diseased sloe-
nervous syltem out of order—ltomach clogged;,
you are anaemic—with cold hands and feet -4
palpitation—shortness of breath—
I"mt TRADE MARK RE al5rtRLe.
remedies will soon set you right—made to work
together, healing the soreness on the skin, while
gong to the root of the trouble and cleansing
the blood. Mira Ointment and Mira Tablets,
each 50e. a box. Mira Blood Tonic, $1.00 a
bottle. At druggists—or from The Chemists' Co.
of Canada, Limited. Hemilton—Toronto.
Another Variation.
"Mamma," said the little girl, "may I
learn roller skating?"
"Yes, my darling daughter," answered
her mother. ",strap the skates on your
feet and go and sit down to the piano."
—Chicago Tribune.
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
May IliacKenzie.
Nobody will be greatly surprised at the
discovery that May MacKenzie, the
"juvenile, innocent and unsophisticated
friend and confidante" of Evelyn Thaw
Thaw, turns out to be a divorced woman of
rather mature years with two grown-up
children.—Chieago Chronicle.
Had to Hear It First. 1
"Mrs. Skandell was telling me a story
to -day about that odious Mrs. Galley,"
began Mrs. Jigley
"See beret" interrupted her husband.
"I' thought you hated gossip."
"Why-er-so I do, but, of course, I
can't hate it thoroughly until I know
just exactly what it is."—Philadelphia
Write ole at once and be cured
for ever. I suffered for years until I dis-
covered this "God -Send," and now my desire
is to send you the information that will give
you positive relief.
lid Ave., Phila., Pa.
The Invasion of Canada.
(New York Sun.)
At present immigration is giving us an-
nually about one new citizen to every seventy
of our total population Canada is getting
new people in the proportion of one to thirty
of her present number. Her arrivals last
year are reported as 216,912. Many of our
alien arrivals are only temporary visitors.
They stay with us until work is slack or
until, they have accumulated a comfortable
little roll of money. Then they go home
again. Many stay with us and add to our
Permanent .population. Practically all of
Canada's arrivals are permanent settlers In
the dominion. Canada's gain in 1906 over
1505 was 71.294, or about 49, per cent.
ma �
Getting Along Swimmingly.
"How are you getting along with your
new motor car?" asked tee visitor.
"First rate," replied Mrs. Goldrocks,
with enthusiasm. "'We're getting to be
regular autocrats."—Milwaukee Sentinel.
of sas-
ho •• - are as ai,}, *" oh one,
side ' st as the of Poles' of
these .f wood do not harbor ver-
min a as other kinds do . Take a
piece. o , - feot square, and double it.
eatacorner,• and tack aie corner to the
post, 6 itches above the' 10Wer roosts, and
the other to the roosts, 'this will prevent
the fowls from roostinaaelose to the post,
and keep them clear 1' the droppings
from those noose. ain't let roost poles
extend to the walls Of a hennery, for
vermin will get into the walls. If the
roost be set oiltside, the post can be
allowed to go two feelt higher than the
,upper roosts, and a,, piece of canvas fas
toned to it, like an 1#i ibrella, to keep off
dew and rain. Foals like to roost out-
si<hi' in hot weather ' Leave the bark on
the poles; it gives the fowls a better
grip, and, if lime washed, the wash will
stick on better, and, the bark is a dryer
and more comfortable surface.
Itinard's Linimen -,, Cures Dandruff.
e. ryiM+lAi' .. r +f'r^eai?i.
Accidents to your horses
may happen at any moment.
GET READY for emergencies.
Buy a bottle of
Fell° ' 's9 Leaning's
For Lameness in Horses
Only 60c. a bottle—and saves
dollars worth of time by curing
lameness of every description.
At dealers, or from 15
National Drug & Chemical Co., Limited,
Tha sun Sint.
(New . Xork Tribune.)
t)n',tl i Soi'aeir'idescent fade
A•;dainty freekl''1les,
Teri' times as 13ig as • all outdoors,
And something More in size.
It's full ,of Kn'hsas eyelones
And. Atlantic hurricanes,
Aid every other kind of in
s'a hat haunts the ,coast and plains.
Oh, talk no more,;of stellar tips,;
Of baleful crescent; light!
No more they stand as sponsors for
'leech dread terrestrial plight•
1ibor now a modern boodoo's got
, 'Them strictly ons; the run—
iA triple plated bug.aboo,
That Mg spot on the sun,
That makes a man ;Unlucky
,,�I,y- �When it scowls upon his birth.
IWhat bumps big ships together,
„ ii4 And what ehakesj ;the salad earth?
What brings widetn, epee winter,
1.. And a spring 10401 overdue?
hat hands out whiskered blizzards,
tA.nd a thunderstd or two?'
bat makes the ip so mighty gay,
And other bumail ills,
shat fostere. you pneumonia,
And variegated ?AIMS?
, hat melees call ItltineY run so high
;,,And causes st0citl to sdurnp?
hat makes these' rtjus upon the bank
And cost of living jump?
by is the .cruel *fancier
So cussedly Dery "o?
beet makes. ,the s „eking union man
4^"o rapid and i T worse?
+hat makes th ;i rglar burgle,
And inspires t'ie hold Black Band?
Ti,tiat started e14 this wave of crime
hat eventlowe Vie, land?
at mode the Briwnsvilio nigger get
o careless with 'Kills gun?
a madness in.,ithe'a,tznosphere--
at big spot od he' sun, 0
Waiting for, a Cold Day.
We have :a few subscribers who re-
mind us of Tom Jones, whom the Swed-
ish collector said had.promisecl to pay his
account in January. TIe reported to the
boss: "Torn Jones's% lie vil pay in Yell -
nary." "Well," said the boss,rtbat is the
first time Tom ever:: seta time to pay.
Did he really say„ he would •pay in San-
itary." "Vol aye tank so, he"say it been
a colli ,clay Yvhexi iki t. got feta money. Aye
sunk 44 bee,* h>tary" Idolton, Mo.,
l esp tteC
ISSITE No. 10; 1907,
vent, no wa�sbtng er ironing, wagaa
$15. Apply to Mas, Powis, corner Aberdeen
avenue and Hess street, Hamilton, Ont.
Mrs, Window's Soothing Syrup should Al
ways bo used tor children teething. •It '
soothes the child, soothes the guars, cures'
wind coliq and le the best remedy for diar-
A safe, euro nnu re11iw70 Monthly regain.
tor. These Pills have been mod in Frown
for over fifty years, and found invaluable ,
for the purpose designed. and nee gtulthrk
toed by the. makers. Erloloeu atdmp ttoer •
sealed circular. Price yi.00 per box of
ntu • br by mall. securely sealed, on receipt et press
L10 ROY PILL 00..
Box 42, Hamilton, Cane m.
Britain's Merchant Marine.
Th year 1906 was notable for the larg-
est addition to the British mercnatile
marine in effective tonnage and in size
and power ever recorded in any one year.
The total addition to the register was
1,550,000 tons. The merchant steamers
turned out of the shipyards represent
1,800,000 tons gross, an advance of 12 1-2
per cent, on the production of 1905. Sail-
ing ships are no Longer a factor of im-
i portance in considering tonnage afloat,
and a further 200,000 tons was removed
from the British register during the year.
London Financial Times.
Removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps
and blemishes froth horses, blood spavin,
curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War-
ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure
ever known. Sold by druggists.
Eight Bathtubs for 2,500 Persons.
(New York Tribune.
Pittsburg authorities have taken
is census
of the bathtubs in that oity, k
there are only eight in the entire thirty-
fourth ward. That is the mill district, run-
ning west along Carson street from the Point
bridge, where 2.500 people rive, where 500
men vote dwhere lschool children
compelled to grow up without the mot or-
dinary accommodations.
I want every woman who reads this advertisement to send me her name and ad-
dress. so I can send ber information that will take oft hair from Face, Neck, Arms, etc., for-
ever. •Don't misjudge my secret by unsuccessful attempts of others. Why suffer the an-
noyance longer when a stamp will bring relief. I suffered humiliation for years and
am now a happy woman. No trace Is left on the skin after using, and the treatment
can be used by yourself in your own chamber. Don't send any money but write mo to-
day and the information will be sent sealed immediately.
Address MARCELLE LA GRANDE, 16th and Euclid Ave., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
Duchess and Priscilla. Fine Hosiery For Ladies
Rock Rib and Hercules School Hose
Strong as Gibraltar Limit of Strength
Princess Egyptian Lisle For Children's Finc Dress
Little Darling and Little Pet For Infants
Lambs' Wool and Silk Tips - All Wool
Fine Hosiery Manufactured for the Wholesale Trade by the
F i• M
�°t ;hate ll
For C erect An w
The letters to the left of thio advertisement when pr
spell outrtbreeof them i1 so the grand prizes w
Correct Answers Win. If you cannot make th
OTOI ®.l.vl T
11O. 1
110. 2
RASH ld. E :i` NO. 3
NE"QJ.fLSROSA (d0. 4
It dons not moot you ono eent to try and oolv
win rr.inrgo amount of Cash. We do not as
it very interesting. It does not matter where you live,
if you can spell out three of these words, write them
your name and address plainly written, and if your a
We are giving away 5100.00 for correctensw
delay, oend in your answer at once.
We are spending thousands of dollars
of a
t�c'iu it^.
kJ F aILO k Witk
iAok star
FOR HOTELS, Wl'Ipi.1Li'TtOUrS5(S, Itosirrias,