HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-03-01, Page 8• . ZUR I OH
WE keep in !stock a
full line of fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
The best 25 cent
Mouthorgan made.
A. full line of
Repairing a Specialty.
F. W. HESS - - Jeweler.
Just arrived a lot of newest
and latest Suiting whieb
a.m. selling at a very reasonable
Our Suits .ire naa.de to fit and
latest style..
Call on us before you buy.
Laundry in connection,
Business Locals.
300 good cedar posts for sale.
Apply to J. F. Ricktell, at the old
Jr. Wm. Fee, of the Goshen
Line north, has'a number of good
"vangelical Association
Sunday School at 2 p, m. ;
Preaching Service, German, 10
a. ; English Service, at 7 p.
nt; Senior Alliance, 7,30 p.m. Tues-
day evening ; German Prayer meet-
ing, "iYedziesday evening at 7 :30
o'clock ; English Prayer meeting,
Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock;
Choir Practice, Friday evening at
8 o'clock; Junior Alliance, Satur-
day afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
REV A. D. GisCriTent, PASTOR.
NeW ads -Sovereign Bank, Farm
to Rent.
Henry Lipphardt, township as-
sessor, is on his rounds again.
°eine to think of it the winter
has not been so awfully long after
Mrs. McAlpin of Woodstock is
visiting friends and relatives here
at present.
The pathmasters, pound keepers,
fence viewers, etc., for 1007 will be
appointed at the council meeting
next Wednesday.
R. R. Johnston 8-4 Son had a big
wood bee last Friday. They put in
about thirty-five cords of first-class
Mr. Orville Ehnes, who has been
a member of the Sovereign Bank
staff at Milverton for a short time,
has been transferred to New Dun-
dee of which branch he has com-
plete charge.
Mr. Fred Kibler, a former resi-
dent and business man of Zurich,
andnow in the shoe business in
Listowel, sustained a small loss by
fire to his stock on Monday. The
loss is covered by insurance.
Q. A Conroy, Indian agent for
the Peace River district in the
Northwest Territories. makes the
statement that there was as much
good arable land in that district as
was now already settled 'Met of
Mr. F. Hess, sr., township clerk,
captured a live owl in his office in
the Town Hall on Monday. Nitivbe
the bird was trying to get -wise as
to what the Hay Connell was going
to do about the good roads move-
- Owing to the extreme cold weath-
er in eastern Canada the railroads
are having a hard time to move
their freight regularly. The G. T..
R. have placed an embargo on all
freight, except perishable goods,
and it is teXpected it will be ten
days before all manner of freight is
again handled.
We are always pleased to receive
news items and if yon hear or
knew of anything that lies hoppen-
ed in your vicinity give us the
partieulare. If you have visitors
or are going away we will be pleas-
ed to pnblish it. Help us to make
THE Heeeen a newsy sheet. It
will hop to boom the town.
A big deputation of temperance
workers from all parts of the Pro.
vince invaded the Ontario Legisla-
ture last Fri (lay and asked Premier
Whitney to eliminate the three -
cows for
fifties clause in the local option by-
law. The. Premier received them
2 young sows for sale due to lit- kindly, but lie stated that for the ;1
ter about ist of April. Apply to present the Clause would not be
Clayton Smith, St. Joseph. repealed. He stated that a fair
The Magnet dream Separator is trial was to be given the. law as it
a leader.. Those who aro Wing nOW stands.
them would have no other. F. SOUTH HURON'S IEMBER.
Hess & Son sell them. The Toronto Telegram has a
C Fritz takes the lead in the line column of racy referenees to Harry
of shoes. His spring stock will Either. M. L A far 'South Huron.
soon bo complete and it will Pay From it we select the following aa:
you to see them before you buy. The democratic German gentleman
Mr. Chas. Fritz is purchasing all who smokes the pipe, while a for -
kinds of raw furs and he has
bought in a large number this
winter.. Some furs are very valuab-
le at the present time.
est of eigars are being burned, is
Herr Henrich Either, aged -49, the
clever (4overnment member from
South Huron. Herr Eilber can
Hove yen ever thought how hen- smoke more fine cuts, smile more
tly it would be to have an income smiles, think more thonghts, tell
es ee, a week when yo,,, are late off ninro yttrns and make more friends
• from work by sickness or an ;lc- than any otbar Deutscher up in his
eident. Better protest, Tntirs,Af, coentry, He comes to Premier
See Andrew Hess. a'eent fee the Whitney from among the thrifty
Empire Surety ani Atetidees (•,,., gid Fatherlandqrs who have made
°bout it. South Huron blossom with some-
' Dr. OVENS, M. D.. Lori tion ,• thing more useful than the cab-
itt. the Qnnon's Hotel. Hensel], on the Herr Legislator conducts an
Thursday, March 7th, Hcnrs 1/1:41TraIlOO bIlSincSS, honesty
4.p. in. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly and
insurance are his two best policieis
fitted for relief of failing vision, When a man wants his hens° in
gestrain. headaches, ete. Badness
and nasal catarrh treated. e3tf
Surgeon eye, ear ar,l. nose, wild be bage rose, Up in Crediton. where
mired he endorses an • Either insur-
ance palely. When be wishes the
welfare of the Provincial House in -
stared he endorses Eilber's honest,
--eWe will pay you 70 cents per political policy. Up in the Eilber
Inishcl, and it will pay you to call riding a great many have forgotten
and see ns before you sell else. the names of the political perties.
where. We rt' ing our hest They just. vote "Hilber.'' ,'How
family flour at per OWt. We you vote, Mr. Schamaus, dis year
also sell Five, Rases flour at $2,40 Crit or der .Conseryatory?'"(Nein,
per 100 lbs. We still have eland Mr. Holtzbein, 1 shnst vote on der
2000 bushels of 'Yellow Amerivan third party, Eilbe.r." These aro
bits of conversation sometimes
COM on hand which we offer yon
at $20.0-0 per ton. Bran and Shorts heard on polling day. The Sa1/1.0
$20.00 per ton. Chopping, 22 bags riding sends Liberals to the Doinin-
for $1.00 or 11. bags for 50 cents. ion House, and Eilber is the only
COOK & SONS, Tory they will accept. Theysmil
l2 -2t Miliers, Hensel', him to the Legislatere,
...........1...Pialspys...*airo...wassultur*......L.taanamilmasam...msatarywarYslmormuncummaymwra...............oseswasazynywoomemarmayeammayerys.samyy, rte•
Stock taking time will soon be
• here and before we start we have
• decided to reduce our stock to the
very lowest notch and in order to
get them down where we want them we
propose making this Sale the ost attrac=
tive ever held.. ere is a list of a few
Bargains we are offering:
Pri ts
All prints which were i2a and 16c a
for 8e and 100 a yd.
IMINSAVITII.23•Va=d1.02.1. P.C.Y.00.1•11.1sle
Which. were 05c for 45e a yd and those
worth 50C,for 35c a yd.
1.010.6. CICP=.1,...11.41=1.42KIMMMISIMCIIMO
Well worth 10e a yard for Sc a yard
(fe 12a - " 10 cc
A big nap in this line. I ram 5c up. A
big batgaia in ready made Towels
ictlizirtypyr. se=1=2=1[
Usually sOld:at; 10 ots a yd. for '7 ots a yd
cc 191.0 C 9 44 CC
A Rim Snap in Dinner and Toilet Setts.
L'aMpCat less thee. cost.
Victoria" Lawns
were yo. for 20ck a
C 3d
Altinir Dress ,,...0Oods at less than cost.
Dresioods•wollja 1.15 a vd for 75o a yd
• 05 4 C 450 4.
4 4.00 4: 44 300
44 •
30c 90o "
I Iere are a few or our Bargains iu Groceries
4 boxe starch for 25e
fbs hostseicot, raisins for 25o
4 '11.dr'1;t: st earl%) tS for 25o
3 eaiitcorii peas or tomatoes 25o
d4: oatmetil •for 25c
2 Iles roasted: coffee for 21e,
Ilen's Fur Coats
1 only men's Fur Coat worth *30 for *22
" *28 " *20
" *20 " $15
" $25 " *18
1 4 Cc
1 cc cc cc
1 fur -lined .men's Coat
Ladies' Fur Coats
1 Talks' Far Goat worth $35.00 for 25.00
1 44 4 " 30.00 " 22.00
1 " 28.09 " 20.00
Fur Caps
Mens and Ladies' For Caps, were from
3.00 to 5.00, all for 2.50 each.
Ready=made Clothing:
Men's Suits worth 10.00 for '7.00
, cc 7.00 for 4.75
Boys' Suits worth 5.00 for 3.50
A lot of Child's Suits for 1.00 per Stat.:
All men's and boys' overcoats at less than
Coal Oil
We have the. geniune American Goal Oil
5 gallons for 73s;
404•111•111.191. MGLIS5=410•1[•11MMIKINCIINIMAIRITIRIN
Ladies' Coats
All ladies Coats will be slaughtered at
regardless of 00St.
ithowanomneacatdawYcarszerramoramunuser eelgorumsemay......
Good Uuion Carpet worth 35c for 23c
Oy L 50e " 35o
44. • 44 44
05u " 45e
Linoleum. 2 ycls wide was 000 for 60c a yd
0.14,loulys*IsInnerovorairmwornaloommyeadermywasaucMlociinnsanor . acroamsat.6massimai
Call early and take advan-
tage of these snaps before
stock taking commences.
Soon the mapleeshrup days will
be here ttgain. •'Bet:: the ruthless
destroying if the hardwood bush
in this section has greatly reduced
the amount anmially manufactur.
Itis announeed that the total
immigration coining into Canada
(hiring 1006 was 2)5,45, an increase
of over 50(per centt en the to
immigratioieof 10054evlion 144,518
people came hi, The rate of in-
erease of 1005 oyer 10.04 was 49 per
cent. It is elready e known that
the number of iteinigt ants that in-
tend leaving the British isles for
this country '<inlet:3gthe miming
season is larger than: ever before
at this time at the year, and it rimy
be expecte-el that*ie nurnber com-
ing from other &ill:in:tries will show
equal growth,
Now that Exeter going to have
a canning factory, »t W teal d pa y
the farmers ite this seeti on to rn lte.
arrangements to ,441,.o vv. the vegetab-
les which will he:eased by the fee -
tory for cantine`prialosos. Exetor
is only twelve,nrilek frOm hero, and
the delivering hoE the tomatoes,
corni etc.., at the faetory could be
done very cbeal,13r bt0 number of
farmers living on the same corices-
To Farmers
/ E have been appointed agents
b for this section for the
celebrated Noxon implements
We find it impossible to canvass
the fariners for their wants in
this line, but if in need of any-
thing in RUM Implements it will
pay you .to get our prices. Ir-Ve
also keep in stock the leading
makes of Plows whirls will be
sold at close prides.
.0 H
ARTLEB = Zurich
siert sending their prodnuts out in.
one load. Vegetable growing is a;,„,---tiM The People's Hardware arid Harness House
profitable indiesteksealthough more .214
time and cities ieltqUited lei raise 9.`S°
them succossfull' illiaql. the cretin- l'o'AelefiESYce-A3lIkrIlIg USZTii y w 01,/siymApkwARAMmtly,,rry......,,