HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-03-01, Page 5rhp Zurich: HOTELS. 0Qit'd*t3**0*!'cift+clas, ****t9&ai**pahp All I.0 ie 0 e 1'+c ala (le T H E 6# ru3 * d9 fd CO�1MERGI it MOTEL 0 "ID el <B * Z U R I C 0-1 .r7 fl/ Gy 0 : ......Orionmaetaiistnitowillothereimayammomsefaakr,SIMOdalai.... le ee Strictly up-to-date iis modern j.m Le f provements. Diniugroomsis supe plied with only the very best. , mBar contains choice liquors and « elit cigars, 1i 11 0 ff 11 e fit a Expellent Sample Roomspj $ for Commercial Men. t9 to ti; ty * J. P. RAS), PROPRIETOR. a Zbe :Dominion *bonze. This House has recently.cha,nged • hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted,Houses it the Province. No o Better Table in the Rominion. R. R.Johnston&Son, PROP1RIETORS. The Popular Store for 1907 0 The people have shown by their increasing patron- age (hiring the past year that they fully realize that this is place to buy their. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hard- ware, Paints and Oils, Etc.. at the right price, and also the right quality, Thanking can: inal.,l, cus- tomers for past iavo>'s, we ask for a continuance of the sante.' R. N. ong'las, BLAKE. Clubbing rates. • . We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing •rates with Tim HTi.R ALxa Daily Globe • * 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.25 'Weekly Globo 1.7:5 Mail & Empire 1.60 :Berliner Journal (German) 2,50 Family Herald & Star 1.50 Daily Advertiser 2,25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun :1 ere Farmer's Advocate 2.25 11'arming World 1.25 Weekly Montreal Herald 1 25 hew atism T km found a tried and tested cure for Rhea martian! rota remedy that will straighten the • • distorted limbs or chronic cripples, nor turn bony growths back to flesh a:Attn. That is impossible. Ant I can now surely kill the pains and Danes oe this deplorable disease. In Germany—with a Chemist in the City of 3)arrestadt—I found the last ingredient with which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made a ierfaeted, dopendeblo prescription. Without -that last ingredient. t sucuessfelly treated many. many cases of Rheumatism ;but now, at last, ituni- ::form); cures all curable eases of this heretofore much dreaded disease. Those sand-ike granular wastes, found in Rheumatic Rifled, seem to dissolve And sass away under the aatfnn of this remedy as freely ss does' sii'sar when added to pure' water. stud then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes lesser piss from the system, and the cause of • • Illacumatfsrrt is gone forever. There is now no areal need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with - .,out help. We sell, and in confidence recommend Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy 1. J. WIS NER. DASHWOOD ' We are glad to hear of the eon- tinned improvement in the corlcli- tion of Mrs. John Eidt and. hope that ere long she may be restored to her former good health, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fanner, nee Miss Lydia Schrader, spent Sunday at the home of tbe lattex's mother, Mrs. John Schrader. Win. Shrumm, general merebant of this place, made a business . trip to London on Monday. Peter McIsartc, furniture dealer of this place, placed a fine 13e1] Organ in the home of L. Deitrich on Saturday. The 13e11 certainly leads in ,the line of organ and pianos. Rev. L. H. Wagner of Berlin, presiding Elder for the west -district occupied the pulpit in the Evange- lical church on Sunday last, it being quarterly meeting and communion service. Rev. Wagner is a splendid preacher and en Sunclay his ser- mons were noted for their sound- ness of doctrine and spirituality. The Rev. gentleman is well thought of by the people here. George Eclighoffer Was chosen leader of the English prayer Meet- ing class on Tuesday evening of last week. We hope the classmem- bers will rally to his assistance and and try to bring the class 1 ip to the spiritual standing in which it once was. E. M. Brokensbire did official duty as Sanitary Inspector in his division of the Township on Thurs- day of this week. Jfihn Eidt seems to think his boy will make a good hardy man, land- ing as he did in Canada on the 10th of February, a very rough and stormy day. On Thursday morning of last week wo heard the sad intelligence of the early death of .Philip George Bastard. of London, formerly Iiving on the Goshen line south. He had not been feeling well for about a year but was always around and did his own work till after he mov- ed to London last fall when he was compelled to keep the house and finally the bed, gradually failing aYva•y till death relieved hit. as above stated. Sometime ago he underwent en operation hoping thereby to get relief but it was only temperary, and it became evident to his friends that it was only a matter of time. During his illness he was patient, never complaining and was even cheerful often giving good advice to those around him. He was converted under the labors of Rev. M. Clemens during the Will ter of 1005 and the hope he hud of the life eternal kept hiria con- stantly through. his illness. Many wore the evidences he left of his complete resignation to the will of Almighty God telling hie friends not to sorrow for hien and to so lire that they may again meet in the bettor beyond. On Monday previous to his death he took a change for the worse and then it became ap- parent to him that the end -was very near but the terrors of death had been removed by the precious blood of Christ, We can only say the Words most beautifully quoted in holy Writ "0 death where is thy Sting, 0 Grave where is thy Victory." The funeral took place on Saturday from the home of his father. Interment was made in eiount Pleasant Cemetery. He was in the 2,ith year of his age, and leaves to mourn his early death. An aged father, live sisters and one brother besides a host of friends. flis mother anti two sisters prede- ceusecl hint •in death. They weer ail in attendance at tbe funeral with the exception of one sister, v1rs. Fred Glanville, of Gore 13uy, Manitoulen Mand, Their also departed this life on Senility, Feb, 24th, Waldo 11ttetleiha son of Mr, end Mrs, .T, I-lartleib, tat the age of 14 years 11 months and 15 dares, Ile bad not been altogeth- er well since Christmas end would sometimes have to remain out of. school for a day or so but nothing serious was expected till •on Friday the 15th when his ease became more serious and the physician had to be called in and pronounced the cl isease spinal meningitis. At times there were hopes that he would recover and again those hopes would. fade away..., All that could be done was done for him the services of three medical men were obtained but all to no avail, he passed away as above stated, He teas a bright clever boy, a general favorite with those with ,whom ho associated and pint in the family circle who keenly feel this blow as it, is the first break in the house• bola. He was known everywhere as the boy with the long curly hair and even now their are those who do not know- his name, will ask concerning his death whether it is the boy that had the curly hair, as up to a little over a year ago his hair had never been cut and hung in pretty golden ringlets over his shoulders. In sohool lie was particttlai'ly bright leaving sue cesr✓full.y passed. his entrance exiL- mninetione last midstilinnter. The Herat(4. funerti.'l on Wednes,dey afternoon VMS' largely ettoxided and was con- ducted•1,y Iteach L. It: Eidt of the. Evangelical church rald ;'pastor of the family, ip:ternleet being xnade in the Exeter oemeter.;y• gem pan- bearers were-,--ViTillie Schaller, E, Bender, Joe GGasstnan, Willie Prisoator, S. Oectrioher and A. W inleenw eller..' We commend tbo sorrowing family;` to him wee is to wise to err and to good to be unkind and who Will Someday make known his purposes unto the child- ren of 'men. .chair remains to moans his early departure., father, mother, one brother Sind four sisters and numeedus otl>'"er ,friends, May there 1)e a happy *Union in heaven, (From another edrrespondent,) We are pleased ttb see Johnnie Stire out again after his recent serious accident. The Misses Waiper of the 14th con. and the • Bronson. Line, and Messrs. Wmr), Schroeder, Ed. Wal - per and John Zraf t were the guests of. Mr. Louis`Sehilbe,, of the 14th eon. on Sunday. Miss Emma 'ryhlper , returned home from Fort' • rtiyue,• Ind., on Sunday. The Y. P. A. o ' the Lutheran church held their., r'gulag meeting on Thursday evening .instead of Wednesday ona.cctinnt of lent. Mr. Louis WiY lei t:has purchased a'bandsone driver from Me, Turn- bull for which he peid $150. We are sorry to gee Mr. and Mrs. August Watlper and. family leave our midst. STANLEY TOWNSHIP' Miss Martha Taylor of Port Hu ron is visiting at file home of her brother, W. J. Taylor. Mrs. Albert Elliott, who visited relatives here for a teionth, has left for her home neal,;Gilbert Plains, Man. H. Cook & Sonsnillers Ilensatill, want 10.000 bnsbels of wheat for which they are.paying 70 Os per bus. Sec add in another column. Mrs. Jas, i]oplymont of the Parr Line is undergoing treatment in Dr. Gnnn's hospital. Clinton. John Sparrow shipped:a carina d of horses to Alitrnecia, i Man., last week. Mr. and AIr&'',Tas� Arbistrorig' of Hartney Mat :, are risiin., rela- tives in than ' irl, t,v. • mis•'T1e.nr°eladied r , , sessia0asedricr ilea aaothea me—, eatmes ' ,p ,ti ll:d, on Mi zz'd.ay, Feb. 18t1i ier',hoate was it Acton, bat she had x 5si•deil here or about two years. The remains ere taken to Acton for interment *' l)E steel Or MR.VnNttT ,l OWSON.— After a, eontinual. reside'. a in this Triv:nsleip for nearly fzftw'-six years, T:Ienr'r Dowser:, one of'•''.tha most highly respected residents of the Townshipbreathed his last on Mon- day evening 25th inst:.., 11fi,vin, reached the ripe old age of 85 years, 4 months and 7 days. His death took place its the result of old age, no disenee being ep arent and no pain to the frail `tinder- in its last hours. The late Mr, Dowsnn f dole to Canada from D ni h ala Engle nd. when this eollntry was still a com- parative wilderness, and.1k by hard and honest toil he innile a• cnmfort- eble home for himself and family He eves a very active inan when in his .prime, and even in the last bears lie busied himself about the ferm. on which lie li••t ed se long The funeral took 1)1tten on Wednes- day al tern non . the interment takinn pliice in Eavflelil eoraetery. The snry ivillg fainilr• Consists of his wirlew, three' sena, .l'nseph, and William of }Inv Toeensllip, Calvin, an the nldl homestead, end the rlaugbters are Mrs Sem Pollock, of Ca nom. i esk., :,who is )mole at emcee Mrs. Jobe Collins of Boyne ()itv, Mi "t , and Miss Maria. at home. The mane friend of the family extend' t1ieir llear tfelt ss n- pathy in their lops a •43Ay FIELL,' : T: H. Elliott, Who until: recently r.ar 5 .anclucttrcl a llarclR e to re ,leere was united in xntl rinse ale Feb. 14 at Godlerieh to Miss `Alio& (4alpin, of this villege. They ;will reside on the groom's form adjoining the village . .Arley Attwood ie filling his old position again---afteimnoon stage driver. • John Wilson, Who ie located in the Northwest, is ,renewing .ac- quaintalances here Capt,• John I'orgnson bias per- ehased the residence of W. Jowett, who intends moving to the home - steed. Fox' Catarrh, let me send you free just to prove merit, a Trial size 13oX ef. Dr. Shoop s Catarrh Re :Hedy. It is a snokee white, nrca.my, beetling' untiseptit; lijtlrn that gives instant relief to Cat 'rrh of•the nose rind throat. Macke tie free test enol see. Address Dr, •l*lpop, Racine,: Wis. Large jars r G ,Motu. Sold »y J J Mother. ii The Sovereign Bank of Canada. Heard Office - - • - TOiiOXTO. RAND OLPH MA.CDONALD, President, A., A. ALLAN, Vice -President. D. H. STEWART, General Manager. Capital Suhaori bed . , . , . , , , • ....$ 4.000, 000 Capital Fully Paid .......................4,000,000 Reserve Fund.,. , ,..... 1,255,t100 Assets Over 25,000,000 General Banking Savings Department Interest credited quarterly Zurich ranch = J. SNELL, ll r EXETER • Thomas Cook bas taken posses- sion of the Mansion House in this town having purchased the same from. Mr.. Shaddoek, wlio leaves fcr London with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Norman . Lloyd have returned to Exeter to reside, Thos. Boyle bas been engaged as salesman for Jones & Clark. A.,, Walter &; Son have had a gasoline engine installed in their shoe store to run some of the mach- ines. Geo. Crawley has purchased a livery business in Lucan from Jas. Hodgins. He takes possession at once. A sale stable for convenience in handling horses has been purchas- ed in Winnipeg by Dr. A. E. Ten- nant AlexDow. n a t and f this place,' and Mr. McLeod of Winnipeg. Sol. Hardy has secured an auc- tioneer's license for the county of Huron. Mr. Hardy should make a good auctioneer as be bits hall plenty of practical experience in buying cattle, etc. Rev Mr, McTavish occupied the pulpit in the James Street Methc- dist church last Sunday. CRE©ITOIV Revival meetings are being held in the E•: angelical churoh here. J. Geiser has purchased the 50 acres of land adjoining his own from Edward ,Lawson . ,A iss Idaa,Ralz has left for London where she will remain for some time. Ea. Icing, of Yale, Mich., is visiting relatives and friends here at present. Ira 8. Brown was on the sick list last week. The ofiiee of the local branch of the Sovereign Bank is being re- paihted and re -papered. On Saturday, Feb. 10th. the death of Jesse Edwards took place, at the age of 55 years. Ho was tak- en down with pneumonia and he was ill.only a few days. The re- mains were interred in the Fair- field cemetery on Monday. Mrs. 0, Dryer died in this village on Tuesday, Feb. 19th, at the age of 80 years The deceased was one of the pioneers of this district end VMS much respected by all. The remains were interred in the E vangelical cern etery. Wesley Finkbeiner, who has been working in London, has en- tiaged with kali Fing for the sum- mer. We 1uuderst;i ni that bier. Cheis. Stock, of Tavistnc13, win • be our new butcher. John Melseac, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, has sold the business to Henry Redfern, of Lakeport, who takes possession on April 1st. Miss Gervin, ono of our school teachers, was severely bitten in the arm by a dog, while returning from school one day last week, Read H. Cook & Sons add in this issue. They want 10,000 bushels wheat. luireA taoanrustitaVOSWvac+a.Kw;cr'-aco 219.1113e1 { y tiai;;;) Reined . The Children's Favorite -.-OIIxaiS--- Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. This romcdyis famous for its cures over elarge part of the civilized world. It eau always be depended upon. It contains no opium or other• harmful drug and way be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Price 26 cts; Large Size, 50 eta. `f HENSALL Jas. Raymond. wife and family. o£ Minnesota. who formerly lived in Hay township, have been visit- ing relatives in this vicinity. • R. Cndmore is making prepara- tions to erect a new dwelling in the west end this cooling summer. Thomas Murdock, liveryman, has been quite i11. but we are pleas- ed to state that he is now on tae way to recovery. Mrs. C. Manns and children have returned to their bonze in Frobish- er. Sask., after a pleasant visit with relatives here. F. Knight of the Sovereign Bank staff, bas been transferred to Cal- lender, where the Ba.nk has recent- ly opened a new branch. W. R. Cruickshank of Millbank takes hie place here. J. W. Pfeffer has been transferred to the Milvertcn branch. Mrs, J. White. another of the old residents of this section passed away on Monday, Feb. 18th. She had been confined to her bed for some time through weakness of old age. Her husband predeceased her some years ago. The funeral wets held on Thursday, interment taking place in the Hcns til Union Ceinetery. Will Shepherd will leave for the west in a few weeks. He intend locating at Strathcona. Mrs. McLeod of Detroit and Alex Madel ren of Lueknow were here attending the funeral. of the late Mrs. White. Hats Dicksack Introduces ENirstelf. An-der-Ecke, Feb. 23th, 1907. Mister Editor of the Enricher Zed tung,—Es weed dich wabrshein- licix a surprise geva wann du dieser brief. grikst. Aber ineine alte laset .Sieh ke rub, sie sant da gene mit des ich soll enrol el)es del das 'Mei name :such in die zeitung • konrmt.. Well ieh hab driever nosh gedenkt end hab mei mind of ge- rueclat dos ich a brief sehreib end emir a dehl fon die neichikeite sag was do ram gebt. Der winter is jetzt bald ferbei unci mir sin all froh. Und es ist balemol zest. Unser hole- pile nerd alle tag klener and unsere hinkel welle gur nimme lege. Ich hab schen tiles gecirl for sie lege mache aber es helft nix. Der honer tag war ich im store tend der proprietor sagt. ',Weil Hans, lege dei hinkel auch recht gut der winter." ' 'Sci dune net," sagte ieh. •"R'ell, waruixl kauft du net .enrol a, box fon stock food, sell mauhtsie lege." Note Nott 'er mir a buck geva Ti'e's altos explained ]!ott. WI tab sell bush heam genornme and ineine alte hatt mir es ever gelese. Ich hab note gedenkt ieh will self buch omol in's Kinkel haus henge norm sena eb die Minkel anch notes dafon nemme. Well sir, es war a big surprise zu mfr, Salle Kinkel hen anfange lege and mir krigr all kinds of eier Salle well. Sell is a fine ding unci es is anch billig. Sin sintullich fon die naohbare krank mit die grip dortun aver mich need nzc ine alto hens so far escaped, A gr for cure for der grip is for a i r. • butter lrxl ,i 'and sie renttlichtlU am hale rive, wann sie lehr ist. Sell hat mirshon oft geholfa. Der antler tag hen der Joe ser Ann rand der Hener gehirat, Well eel war it zein. Die ]eft ware all ready tend sie hen all of damn parre gewort. Note of eine] fallts dem 1Teeer ei das er fergesse .hat der parre sage er soli konitue and der knubel benne. "Meiner sakes," . sagto er, "der parre hat. yo gewist das mir heute.heira wolle and ieh liu.b gedenkt or kon nit ohne iL in- vito,tion." Es hat dann ener eigespannt and der parre geholt and es war • net lang do ware eie zatmnie gebunne. Well, ich denk des sc.hic kt for dos eneol, land wann ich der brief in de zeitung sena du: so schreib ich fiellirht noel. emol ener eb lang. Du 'nlr.cht die mis-• takes in spelling a'exeuse, weil ich war noon Menials a guter speller. Bn trill bele "so long" sage encs. bleib, Your Wale-, H. Dicksack.