HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-03-01, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich a Aay Township. Vol. VII., No. 32 ZURICH, ONT., FRIDA MARCHI, 1907. ownersitmereasmorecemuoummataaosweessamearammaanossouraemavorromem $54 PER YEAR riMiss. Snell, formerly of Blue- . vale, is receiving $45.00 per 'Month from the Calgary • Milling Cc., Calgary. This • estimable young lady had ' only a common school edn- dation, and in a few months with us prepared for the a- bove situation. With a, few years' experience Miss Snell will receive at least $75,00 per month. Stenography is better than school teaching. What we have done for Others we -can do for you. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Write fOr catalogue. Clinton Business College GEO. SPOTTON Principal oaftexastiewaeceraegemreagsegaseraa.rnas.armanr.eatcoar...a.unurzeutatentausnm,...,:em A • LOCAL NEWS. cers- trz-c-xer.--Ar:NarzNA-z.-113..-VD•=c-T.-seaso March. Mr. J. P. Ran made a business trip to Berlin on Tuesday. Mrs. Conrad Stock, of Tavistock, Visited friends here over Sunday Yr. Henry Schnell, of .Ayton, is .visiting relatives and friends here this week. Mr. Daniel Steinbach of Detroit, Mich., visited relatives and friends here for a few days this week. Mr. William Klopp, of Stratford, was renewing acquaintances in this vicinity fpr a few days this week. A number from the village at- tended the fnneral of the, late Waldo Hartleib, t Dashwood., on Viednesday. • M. J. Swartz. of Winglutin, was in the village on Monday looking some horses for his livery stable in that town. :Mr 2 Garnet and Miss' Gertrude Murray, of Drysdale, visited last Tnesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brown. To -day. 11Ia veil 1st, the new•Lord's Day .At caanes into force. The principal I -lenses, of the new Act will be found on page four of this Mr. Uhris. Bechler has leased the Make ehopping mill from Mr„Ta. eab B. Ginnerichi for a term el' yeare, and will run the chopper two days each week. iNTAIZIO'S 'rhomonthly returns or deeths for January from 7511 division re gistrars give 2,t1:3 deaths from all canees.. being 85 of en increase over that of last year. The population represented in these returns is 2(60,022,making a death rate of • 34 7 in 1.000. The returns in con nection with tile contagious aiscas. • os show smalli)ox to have been Somewhat prevalent in Western Ontario, but it is satisfactory to know the number of casee reported aro 37 lege than occurred in janu- •• ary. 1905: Tho deaths caused by diphtheria, measles, 'whooping , cough and typhoid fever • show a • slight increase, but the most re- grettable feature of the returns is •• • • the number of deaths caused by ' tuberculosis, being .175, or 02 more than all infectious 'diseases billed. nERIOUS ACCIDENT, A Seriousaccident occurred the' swamp in Stanley township on SaturdaV last, Mr. Michael Maloney tYf -the Sauble.Line, was in the busb 'ornaailetid of. wood. and :Wing smf ‘ Inen at work cutting CIONyll a. 1-1~ee,nakecl them to let him chop it doWn to which they readily agreed. The trio was nearly ready to fall when Mr, Maloney started to chop at it, and. before he could get ont )t the way it fell, striking, him heitYily across the hank, and pinning hint to the ground. The -Men quiek- ly rtdeased.hiniewhen it wee forma • that the:: blew had stunned han. Wheinhe had regained conscions- nese lia:avas unable to welk, the blow havirg paralysed his legs for the time. The men brought the injured, •inan to Dr. Campbell's office, who gave him the necessary medical attention, after which he was to,Ren to his. home, The injury ' is a sOrionS :One and, will lay pp Mr. Maloney torr a long time. • • ' v1v. and Mrs. J. J. Merner visit ect'l elatives in Goderich ornSunday. Miss Ella Rannte, or Goderieh visited at her home here over Sun- day. Hay tlonnoil meets in the Town Hall here next Wednesday after- noon. Try a trial subscription to THE HERALD. 75 cents pays for it to the end of the year, The re-vival meeting's in the Evangelical church aro being' con- tinued with great success, 7. The first lot of fresh fish this winter was brought to the villkge last Friday by Simon Badonr, kof the Sauble Line. Miss Nora Grob left -on Monday: for Berlin, where she has accepttid a position in the millinery depitittO ment in ono of the stores. • Miss Green of the Parr Line and Miss Flossie Merner, of the 14th Con., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jaoobe, last week. Mr. and. Mrs, H. Cann, who have been visiting relatives in this vicinity during the past few months returned to their home in Manitoba on Tuesday. Nelson Masse. jr., has moved. onto the farm on the 14th con., which he has rented from J. 0. Ralbfleisch for a t ran of years. This farm had been occupied by H. Lebeau. Canada's wheat yield for 1906 averaged 27 bushels per acre, and for the last ten Years it averaged 10 Inukels. Tho ten year average for the United States was only 13 bushel. The disease resembling* smallpox reported in several Western Ontar- io districts is now said to be "prairie itch." Call it what you like, it should be kept housed np •, no one wants to eouie in contact with it. Word was receiredhere on Wed- nesday of the death of William Voelker", which. took place at his home near Flint, Mieh. The deceas- ed formerly lived near "Dashwood, The remains will be brought over here for interment. David Schnell, of the Goshen Line south, last week purchased. a horse from Mr. McDonald, Tuaker- smith. and he now hag u finely matched general pnrpose team of iron greys. Mr. Schnell a lwters tries to get something gond in the horse line and he has succeeded well this time. SI. Per Year, Mr. and Mrs. lielll417' relatives in Dashwood Mr. E. Rennie of HO S visitor in the villag last. S. 3iteobe recently farm horse from Geo.( good figure: J. W. Ortwein of Hila this vicinity= for a ;few' - week buying up dritch!:Sett Mrs. McCormick has another lot of those *UT ed souvenir post cards.s. like hot cakes. Mr. E. Zeller has prch. 50 -acre farm of Mr. Fred „ just west of the villa,ge-R is given on April 1st. A little advertising? now is not a wise or profitable:, the follow who keeps stes., who reaps the reward. A bad railway wreck ode. the G. T. R. near Guelph, day. Three lives were over fifty badly injured. John D. Rookefeller is•W, ly $400,000,000, and has an of but $20,000,000 a year fellow, it must keep hi' eounting all that pile. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Boss and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R Grand Bend. were guests and Mrs. J. P. Rau, of the C clad Hotel, on Sunday, sited undayt was a tiday d at a 'was in last ions, 1111'111c', sel,1 od the then it it. red on .Tues. and 95 - Poor busy rry, of Mr- rner. Mr. John Deichert, jr., . ned home Wednesday after ", i'.0,..few waeks' visit, with rela „ d, friends in Detroit, NO' Haien, Armada and Pontine, Mgeh. 1 • , Manitoba Legislitture has been dissolved and the eleetionsn will take place on Thnret1af5r; .A/ arch 7th, The caanpaign will be ,,:short- and sharp, probably oneoft the best kind. .111r. Celvin Wi1l1an04 who ilrs'• t been visiting his hnmeehere for 41} few weeks, returned to Bisfialo, N'j4:,• Y., yesterda* where)."- holds a god' 94/ , situation'as ticitejseinpnt .with pne '• 4 . a .; 2.:, ....` ;„4,,t,,, „,"",,,,,;•;1°, " anit'''''n''''''' of the steamsh4;;1 ' esic'4' F. W. Hess, our „jeneler: has a, reputation fur repalriirg watches and repairing them right that e -,t, tends far and wide. He A recentlY•'. "doctored." one which bac taken JO,: salt water bath1+'-ea in the titint Ocean. and the watoh is? now gond as new. Ile also ',.'.:reCeiV0: Mt ny from the `western lfrovino0, that need fixing and it must be ite hard ease indeed if F. W. cermet make the wheels go round. ,•'i,,, r,';.,. 1 Zurich's 4446-zilaite Str re larUpf/Lytlla•a:rZVCrJRW..ltt..'IMKaiaaWrIyiofdank.o........lyI.In.lanato3.Kiaaltatl.IRig...- • J Just in line with Spring Goods. New designs in Dress Goods. - A. full Line of Prints in all colors, the best ever .,-,boy'rn • in Zurich. New Muslins for drosses and Waist- ing has arrived. Call and see them. A new line of Men's Suiting and light striped Pantings. Mens Dress Shirts, the newest. Solve of my new Spring Stook has urived. Call and see them. Fresh Groceries always on haLd. ilighe.st Prices Paid For Procizce.. I4 ps.rrrag.g..pwpicrazxieaeme=1.11r,ke‘tIII..Ibl..ee....SOOW1gn.71.C.P.Z.r.,PO.Matbtt,S... 01- • (eneral; Merchant FEET PROTECTIC You'll be prepared to moi-Jttilerth and. snow, and the cold .you make your, feet happy will. a. • pair of our Shoes. .i -U1 ,•• • all style:3, all prices and oar fvt, -117,sD5:61-Z;;!P.77.7.:"We.'illistOY'.:•nt'tpec;i:-Aty. „ot11t, shoe 9 and rubbers of all I,. ir.dp.. tti tg ':••• Yortr 3.,...at.r..•ln:4„--e for 91,:.`71. ,1011,t.tt-7•••.!. I ''14t•C. F•RITZ, The S OE.'11111a • v.v. . . ..• 1.•• • t MESIME7•2k.n.• 7-0 I 11:,11;74.• N,47i71413,1„.•„. 71th Store —vc......mmogt.wmanweanameutl '..ittd.T.a.r.1=41.11111LLIMrart..a..034L.121.11MOLONLILII.V.VOLUM. .Ina...tranr...a....x.a.....K.u.sartuova.Aasoasosmarscas..osave• Table Linens • 2 pieces bleached special at 35ets a .yd: 3 pieces bleached special '25e and 80eyd. Regular price 15c now for 12c a yd Wrapperettef.J) . flegula2. 12..• now Regular 1C'e 110W fen" Pf: S1)01'1111 3I Wrapperottr?., 10 yd. 5 ends bordered Skirting,' r-qglar 15c and x8c1 to clear at `(,',c a yd 12 white huck roller Towels9..'4;yds for 25c each 12 Print a d Flannellette Shirt Waists, reg 6o.c. and 8oc for 25C tach NEW DRESS GOODS New Dress Goods 111 all theZnoweSt deeds. 34 in. Sicilian, Special Values, (0c a,' y4 ,•• Lustires, MohairS, Satin Cloths, Poplins and Tweed effects in d1 the. popular shades, Grey • • being especially strong for spring. NEW PRINTS and GINGHAlliS„ We have opened up a large shipment new .Prints and Gingliams, over 100 patterns to choose from. Call early and make, yoiir,sele- tions before the stock is brok.en. TAPESTRY CURTAINS, TABLE COVERS A new lot just arrived at Low Prices. .EMB-ROIDERIE-..5 and LACES We: ,••1•rg iraport •orijoi, anti Embroi,•-!€,:-..,;:se.ai1y in the semon can Save yOn • :.1.• t1le) 11 large assort.Tni,1.17., of Corset Co; ercci,...4peci.dj at 25c •”. p1. • HARDWARE, ETC. Le you v••%---...-.n.t Trunt:, Suit. Case fqii See •01!"?' 14-0 )1 nye ;„:. ;, ,••• •, Range.S, St•C,I*1••4, • sell at a, 1.-;.,,Atiot,.,4-1. in F.,,„.,!•• out 1)efOre • 4i bakers. Giv its a call and look through one of the largest .and • .. 'assorted StockS:ever:'shoWn ha town* ; y,• At'. 14 122.570 40.4.4 ffzr01 64. 994 I 0==W =OM !-IARDt4fAF?E PEN/EF?AL, EROHA ' 111.10 ,tf k.11', 71161611Wr 'fenrY.M, t"' ^ isZure tE