HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-02-08, Page 8MMOYMORM.'iNiielaBREEsaiMiKONg:
0410.101.1[11.111001/0.1,12.1.M.10.14.614M. PIer...60.1S6400.0,14.
MEAT efiett
NittA f: ErrAT
We would like to call
your attention to our
stock of meats poultry
sausages, bolognas,
etc, Nothing but the
very best and choicest
goods kept on hand.
We use all our cus-
tomers the same.
Give usa call.
The best 25 cent
Mouthorgan made.
A full line of
Repairing a Specialty.
F. W. HESS - • jeweler
John Dunn, of Port Huron. Mich.
attended the funeral of hs
the late Mrs. Quigley.
D. S. Faust, has just received a
new stock of men's snitings, and
pantings. Call and see them.
F. Hess Sr., sold three Magnet
Cream. Separators one day this
week. The Magnet is a leader.
The County Council has decided
that the reeves nearest any county
bridges under construction are
held responsible for the correct
carrying out of the contracts.
Proof of the severity of the wint-
er in the west is found in the fact
that a lynx was shot within the
city limits of Winnipeg and a coyote
was seen running lioross Main
etreet in daylight.
E. Cantelon, of Clinton, and
Ur. John Dodds, of Seaforth, show-
ed the members of the Gun Club
how to sheet blue peas iast Fri-
day. Mr. Cantelon i the cliampiOn
pigeou shot of Canada.
The Grand Trunk Railway
authorities have given orders to
prosecute all persons found throw-
ing rice in their couches or around
the stations and waiting rooms.
_Another blow at matrimonial am-
The dates fixed at the Stratford
meeting for the Canadian Racing
Circuit are as fellows
May 24; Wingham, june :3-0; Lon-
don, June 11-14: Seaforth, Juno
10-21 ; Listowel, Jane 25-27'; Strat-
ford, Jtily 3-4; Harnilton, .1 Ty
10; Preston, July 17-19.
Owing to the advance in the
wholesale prices in nearly all lines
of hardware, stoves, etc., 11)0
tail price price will have to go up accord- •
irtgly this year, When it is con-
sidered that wire has gone tip 15
per cent, Stoves 10 per cent, and
it;7i7 other advances, the reason
that dealers are asking mete for
their goods then they did a year
ago is plain. They are goeerned
by the inarket prices. The reason
for the tare/lee is plain : it ith0
wrest prosperity of car (,(•1.ntry ;
the, bonsimp.tion being neeley Os .
initeht.te the outpnt.
WM. Celfas had, a rn•nawev one
iay last week. It happened. this
Way. He was driving along the
Babylon Line when his horse spied
•.:„.•ee.. Wagon at the side of the road.
The.aiiiinal Made a slight jmnp
.,"T'ieVlien..passing, it and Win. drove Up
the road a short distance, turned •
eround and was going to make the'
horse used to seeing wagons,
Sit the side of the road. Tho result
this time )va.$ very unexpected. I
Wlien'opposite the object the horse. I
went for the ditch and so siiddenly
that Mr. Calfas was • pitched out, I
slightly injuring hie head. The
horse. WaS • going (iown. the road
when he finally got tip. Luckily
the damuge was not serious.
ChallaberlaileSoRChol_e;r1 avg.
Ntver kils. Buy it unvr, ityaw swite vac
E-Ovangelical Association
Sunday School at 2 p, ;
Preaching Service, German, 10
a. ; English Service, ut 7 p.
ni; Senior Alliance, 7.30 p,in. Tues-
day evening ; German Prayer meet-
ing,Wednesday evening at 7:80
o'cock ; English. Prayer meeting,
Thursday evening a 7.30 o'clock;
Choir Practice, Friday evening at
8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, hsa,tur-
day afternoon, at 3 O'ClOCk,
Did you get one of D. S. Fausts
Fur lined caps, only 50 cents.
New ads -j. Preeter, D. S. Faust
F. W. Hess, H. Leboan, Tenders
Wanted, Sovereign Bank. .
The young people enjoyed them-
selves at a party held at the home
of Mr. F. Vilitwer last Friday even-
Misses Lottie Gaster and 'della
Fisher left on Monday for Berlin,
where they intend. remaining for
some time.
Mr. Solomon Knepfer left a glove
at our office that he picked up in
town on Satarday. Owner please
call for it.
Mr. Fred Kibler, of Listowel,
formerly a resident ofZurich, was
a visitor in the village on Satur-
day and Sunday.
Last Friday night, Mr. Sutton of
Shipka, gave a magic lantern en-
tertainment in Johnston's Hall to
a small audience.
Miss Laura Bossenberry, daugh-
ter of F. Bossenberey, left on Sat-
urday for Chatham, where she
will take a course in music.
FARM WANTED -The undersigned
would like to rent a farm for a
term of four or live years. Apply
to Joseph Jeffrey, Drysdale. •
The Grand Trunk and Canadian
Pacific railways will in future re-
deem unused tickets or portions of
tickets when presented at the office
from which they were purchased.
The bye -election in West Middle-
sex caused by the elevation of Hon.
G. W. Ross to the Senate, takes
place on Feb. 20th. Stewart is the
Conservative candidate and Ross
the Liberal.
Mr. Henry Brenner has sold. his
dwelling and. lot in this village to
Henry Bauer, Sr., of the Blind
Line, who geta...,posseS093g
end of March. '" 'Mt: -Brenner
family will likely move to Dash-
wood, where Mr. Brenner has a
position in..the planing mill.
An exchange of farms took place
on Wednesday by which Mr. Ezra
Smith, of the 14th con., acquires,
Sol. Jacobe's 50-anre farm on the
Goshen Line, and Mr. Jacobe ac-
quires the 125 -acre farm of Mr.
Smith on the 14th con. Possession
in each case is given on March 1st.
Last Saturday Was Candlemas
Day, or the day when the bear is
supposed to come out of his winter
hiding place and take a look around
to see if he can see his shadow. It
must have been a. sharp -sighted
hear that could see his shadow on
that day, and if the saying is true,
the backbone of the winter is
Mr, H. C. Doan received the in-
telligence en Saturday of the death
of his uncle, O. 5. Doan, of Clinton.
The deceased had reached the ad-
vanced age ref 80 years and was a
resident of Clinton for many years.
He was engaged in the tannery
businesg for over 50 years. The
fnneral services were conduct-
ed by the Masonic order en Sunday.
A number of Straits Settlement
mins are in circulation, and for the
information of the tenderers of
these coins it may he said that
they are comparatively valueless,
as the percentage of silver is so
s1111111. The Straits Settlement
half -dollar is very similar to the
Canadian coin, but is worth only
seventeen cents. The reeeiver-gen-
eral's department at Toronto do. •
nnt handle it, and hesitate to ex-
press nny opinion as to its e
Messrs. Bonder, T. Wurin, R.
H. Little, A. Zettel, Etna a number
of others returned from the South
River lumber rumps last Friday. •
The 'camp in which they were
working broke up last week, being
about a ninth earlier than usual. •
Tbe boys allreturned in good
health and spirits and are loud. in
their treatment by the Turner
1,amiber Company. The meals ser -
'ed were as good as many put up
by first-class hotels and nothing
but the best of everything was
used. The boys have many interest-
ing stories to relate and by what
they say, camp life is anything bet
monotonous. They were all glad
that the wolves did. not get Ja,kie.
Mr. Bender will likely take up an-
other gang of "lumber jacks"
next season.
" • ,
• Stock taking time will soon be
here and before we start we have
decided to reduce -our stock to the
very lowest notch and order to
et them clown where we Want them we
ropose makin this Sale the most f.ittrac7-
ive ever held, Here is a list of a feW...
argaL s we are offering:
Prints nen's Fur Coats
nts which were 12ic and 15e a
d 10c a yd.
Table Linens
were 05c for 45c a yd and those
c for 35c a yd.
orth 10c a yard for 8e a yard
cc " " 10 "
snap in this line. From 5c up. A
ain in ready made Towels
Us610 e'seld at 10 cts a yd for 7 cts a yd
irk 194.0 u 0 u
4. Big Snap in Dinner and Toilet Setts.
Lamps at 1e4s than cost.
Yictoria Lawns
1i•*ere -'25:3 a yd for
20e "
20c a yd
15e '
110 "
90 "
All "41't Drees Goods at less than cost.
' 'Dress emds worth 1.15 •a yd for 75e a yd
;i 650 CC VC 45o LC
• " 40c c" 300 "
30c " " 20c "
Here area le* of our Bargains in Groceries
4 44 es starch for 25e
• 3 lbOest select raisins for 25e
• 4 1p,1S,: b st currants for 25e
3 ca*.gere pea:4 or tomatoes 25o
.71bs oatmeal for 25o
$ roasted entree for 2')e.
1 only men's Far Coat
1 cC CC CC
1 C 4 iC CC
1 fur -lined men's Coat
worth $30 for $22
" *28 " $20
" $20 " %15
" t25 " $18
Ladies' Fur Coats
1 ladies' Far Coat worth $35.00 for 25.00
1 c; e; " 30.00 cc 22.00
1 C C " 28.09 ‘' 20.00
Fur Caps
Men's and Ladies' Fur Caps, were from
3.00 to 5.00, all for 2.50 each.
Ready -ma e
Men's Suits worth 30.00 for 7.00
" C C C ; 7.00 for 4.75
Boys' Suits worth 5.00 for 3.50
A lot of Child's Suits for 1.00 per Suit.
Ali men's and boys' ovcreoats at less than
Coal 011
We have the geniune American Coal Oil
5 gallons for 75ets.
Ladies' Coats
All ladies Coats .will be slaughtered. at
regardless of cost.
Good Union Carpet worth 35c for 23c
. C 50C " 35e
" 05e " 45e
Linoleum 2 yds wide was 90-e for 00-c a.yd
Cali early and take advan-
tage of these snaps before
stock taking comEnences.
1 .
Have you p
for 1007 yet?
The merche
the annual in
S. Hardy. 0
Weather Ins
here on Tuesd
'The weat
cold. A few
werild help til
Mr, Dietrich
his home Dear.
after a visit wi
D. S. Faust,
da Ralender
is clearing aut
your subscription
It iS stated to
girls are clesirou
are busy taking
eter, attended the
ea' Co. • meeting
continues very
hes more snow
all retrirned to
riStook Monday,
rinds here.
5German Cane;
eenlar price 1.5e
cents each.
Tonto Sttrerus,
ding some time
d -.friends, ro-
e near Cavalier,
Mr. and Mr'
who have been
visiting relativ
turned to their,
N. D,, onTges
country to aet
this be the case
problem may e
self. Many goo'
and the 'United
arrival of girl
home to the OM'
Surgeon oye, ea
at the Queen's
Thursdav, rel.)
4 p. in. to 0.P, ni
fitted tot, vellef,
gestrain, headai..
and nasal cater
many English
f coming to this
rvant, girls. If
o servant girl
tnally settle A-
cmes in Canada
Ates await the
ho prefer the
tore or factory.
• 3D.. London,
lidse, will be
el, .Honsa,I1, on
• 7th. Hours
lassos properly
failing vision,
ato. Deafness
anted. 23tf The
Always the
;trate-ca S
The balance of our
Stoves will be sold
at a Big Reduction.
Call and get ;prices
before you buy:
Our motto is as usual:
People's Hardware and Harnes 3 House.