HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-02-08, Page 4LEGAL LI L D. (300j, PARRISTER AND SO- Iteitor, Note:J.7 p:bltc, netisall. Ontario. 4)!rieh (Zoft8 office) every Mon- day. PRotrorooT, AYS 13LAIR, BAR- ' ristors, Solicitor% Notaries Public, etc-, Godericb, Canad,... W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. 0. Hays. U. F. BIM. BUSINESS C1,414,70S, J, S. PHILI,IPS, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the comitioa of Huron Perth. Farm ...::ocksales a specialty. Satisfaction guexanteed or on bay. -All orders left at Lx 3, On. 2, Hay,or addressed to Et -insult P. D. will bo promptly.attendel to. o'. F. A. S111141.2": -.T, DEIITIST, GRA- Iluate of th o *.E0yai College of.Dental • Burgeons, il'ore=to, also honor gradu- ate of Departinent of Dentistry, To- . routo University, Painless extraction of teeth. -.verb: speelality. At Dominion Zuvicii, every, Mot . day. 1-2d 11. ZELLER, 31`1VEYANCER, AND Notary Pablb, Do e d s, Wills and othe! Legal Doeaments care- fully and promcndy prepare3.. Office— Zeller biock, Oat, ANDREW 1-11e,t..:;•. DIVISION COURT CLERK.. glila.„-.e and Fsrm Property insured. Ali • ..e loot7iug Coni7e 4: rOpresen Nu:1. ..!,:zori(i for Accident a7:11 SicknessInsw•id - - ---• - — • - FOR. SA LE EC,ISTER.1.11. SHOIT HORN DULL • X for sc.10, old. He is a -rare e and all]1 roaseualrie. Apply t. Lo nt, Coo. Hay,. Ellanor Klopp, 7 PUBEASUED BY E. PRID.A.Y, FEB. 8th, 1907. Supplementary Meetings of South Huron Farmers' in- stituto for 1901 be held as follows, viz: ELIMVILLE, Township Hall, Thursday, Feb. 14tlin Afternoon meeting.; Major Shep, pard of Queenston will speak on "Propegating fruit grafting, bud- ding, etc.," and Dr. H. ,T. Reed of Georgetown will speak on "Princi ples and practice in stock breed- ing," Addresses also by R. B; McLean, happen, and 33'. O'Brien chiaelimrst. Evening meeting Major Shepphard. • • •Three histori clays on Niagara River" ; Dr. R. J Reed "Breeding Horses for profit.' CREDITON, TOWN HALL, Friday, Feb. 15th. Afternoon meeting: Addresses by Major Shepphard, "Propogating fruit grafting, budding, ete"; Dr. H. J. Reed, "Diseases of diPestive system of cattle." Also addresses by M. Y. McLean. Seaforth, R. 33. MaLean, Kippon. Evening Meeting; Major Sheppard, ••Tbree historic clays on Niagara River" ; Dr. H. J. Reed "Horse breeding Lind care in relation to diseases." GRAND BEND, PUBLIC HALL, Saturday Feb. ltith. Afinuatoon meeting : Major Shep- iard "The impro-geinent of country oads"; Dr. IL 3. Reed, -"Horse 804' ikps.gt: , Pos04; °Perm, The.b stiori who ed. a f latter4 that Wavcr;-, Bess Pic Shoo ber ft, or Wiz' by it10 Mit died breeding for profit" ; and uddressess by R. B. 1V1cLean, Kippen, and Panl Tens.lers. Wanted. Madge, Thames Road. Evening r. e meeting, Major Sheppard "()ppo unities on Canadian farms" ; D 11 J Reed, "Principles and practic f stook breeding." ZURICH, 9.'0W.N HALL, Monday, Feb. 18th. Afternoon meeting : Major Shep- pard, "Planting and care of !mit trees"-:: Dr. Reed, "Horse breeding for pr,dit." and addresses by It B. Molf,,Ntn and P. Madge. Evening meeting: Major Sheppard, "Three; historin days on Niagara River"; Dr. Reed "Diseases of digestive system of cattle," LEENSALL, MILLER'S HALL, Tuesday, Feb. 19 t h. Afternoon meeting : Major 'Shep- pard. "soil tillage for fertility and moisture" ; Dr. Reed "Horse breve A .. Tenders. for t.....-- ..;arponter Work- of tlie t i.i.,?asall Method Clairol shed w!'il ,-se r.reivea ...p to "..7'..•.. 204h, 100'7. 1,„,.. ,•is s...al. speciticatic. - cu ho ei la E. 0 1-:......tnic%., etore. 1j.1. • 20-.2,D Trri uetee a4.r1. • If you wee .1.eastipated, (-27 or .1.1,7.7, a sallow Lax-ets just onne tn. sae what will do for ‚Lax are little toothsome Candy tablets—Trice t-, eat, nice in effeot. grng, nab) trust a ger tle laxative offeT, the t Li pleasing ,-le- strabie. .17er]7-for the x -est pe.,1zrq o: purse. Lox-ets meet every de- sire. La:. -eta to you in Cul lithograpned metal •bees e!: cents and rJE:i -zeuts. f3abi. by IkEerner: Locali Safeslertart .7-L\I"r-EJr; at onoe ;for ZPric.11. and Sri!. rounF.1-..ng districts. EtIE4/-.1 EiPECIALTEE.. inIP:rru•- Ortatreent!:', Stook grx",-n rid 'or sale Cif:0411PR NURSER:1S ..A titerer:-. sP-.1; the rile: :-.-.ereen r seit!; 711 o-.17 ,,r,-`f,c;rot • A , or ik ig and care in rela tion to diseas ddressess by T. Franer.--I-)rdOelifil, . . ur*t. Upper hint es on Canadian Dr. Reed. "'rho brood mare and. r. foal," Tuelzorsmitit. Sironnec H '1 Wednesday, Feb, 20t11. A f tern oon Meeting: Major Shep- pard, “Soil tillage for moisture and for tt ty," : Dr. Reed, "Horse breeding and care in relation to Addresies by R. limit- er, Elimville, 3. T. Allison, Thames Road, and I -I. 1Irtrn, en sal 1 . EVE1'..111k: meeting : Nlajor Sheppard, " • -I ,4)0,.n. ttrait les un Canadian tartns'' ("}: g•Principles and practiee sto..k 1,reeding." PUBLIC 1•T.,ALT., Feb. 21st. A1'r -meeting: INIaj..1. Shen- ; j.atn, • tillagefor ferriicy and • : Dr. }'ell • • Prin:inles went F rapiti Weakei quickt 401,4k ,r*I ere- 34434.4-41.1—of+ 4E14 .0*4e4.48.41411 - T7 NEWS. 5th, Willis, the infant . and Mrs, Peroy Mollurd ne; died after a short ill- elson of the Latter .ondocted the funeral. ii1Jat Blyth was burn -:Ow days ago. It is sup. Ire was of incendiary a mill had not been ,r a number of years. -I was ownod by , )f Baden. ;Ike Stewart, of Godericli ,4msiderab1e. time cler pritish Exchange, all the Huron House i has purchased th ,ouse at Clinton fro nd will take po time this tnonth. quick relief from D to Ointment. Remen 0,e 'alone for Piles -and it ci,ertainty and satisfa. 04g, painful, protrudim pisappear like magi Try and see! Sold by • 11,1 McAllister, of Rensall anon ,Tan. 24th. SIJ fte the hospital five o ,,Fago, and was makim .t400k a, relapse and W 'L kd- n 1.1). s. r. 0 ...444-4•444444.4444.4.--• • 4.4 4 FL/ IT RE' of all descriptions. MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, SEWING MACHINES MINOS and ORGANS 081•11•441D.V.I.:41,04•4•0 BARGAIN IN ORGANS I have on hand a 7 octave Or- gan, Piano Case, which sells at a regular price of $100, on sale at $55. REMEMBER A PIANO CASE Harness, heavy and light, Blankets, Bells, Purses, Suit Cases, Trunks, etc„ etc. H. WELL, = , • ▪ = Zurich, Ont. e d and Rellable towards recovery, Kalbfleisch's'Saw & Planing Mils.,.. ndition passed ttwa • Th,. Haall correspondent to th Saab*: .-e.ws says: "For sale af ter t4-,, t. of May in the village 0 Ren, i' two beer pumps, one doz en cerl..4.rarsws, six dozen emot3 bottles' bio syphon, two dozen bar room ti 1,..VS, two -whiskey barrels, etc., e,,'.': All must ne sold without reser.''...ithe business is to be tlis- oontin 1 . Cold Cwith "Preven ties” iS sai.11,i'1,1-n to let it run and onrn it aft.... -;.a)•ils. Taken at the -sneeze sta.'entios will head off all colds a :.n.l:Trippe, and perhaps save You fr,... , i ;:neurnonia or Bronchitis. PrE:Vel. '!:', are little toothsome 41d- ,,44,; eare tablets selling in 5 'Cent' awl 2., yent boxes. If yon are °WILT, ii' Yon, begin to sneeze, try Prevent10-,. They will surely cheek the 04 4 nu please you. Sold by titLAIRKII"fq 09 62,70 till 3r• -,..,,,.., 74 :.... ; -. ,.. ,-; „ . . . 1 55 2 00 ; ,I..e."...!,. - ..,..,....... 17 50' 17 5G • . 20 00 20 00 20 21 LIrd ..•.:;,.....„,..,„ , . ..... 11 11 Dtted iApploid.',....., '7 7 it. Onions'.,..... ... 44, 4 Large Onions, bus... 96 90 •;keys,..... ...... . 12 12 ChIt *ons....',.. .... .... 1) 9 7 Gek. ... ., . ,k ........ 9 9 White 1313ani, bus...I 25 1 25 CloverSbell,. ',bus ....0 75 7 25 Hay: j• .:':' ton ..... .... .9 00 10 00 0" :35 .Fli:..rs i" pi '.wt) C 00 0 25 1 wish to thank my customers for their patronage e during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 ani on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brancl f . ' 0, ,reet1,11,p; Addresses Ily ;7 1,!11;,11, nri,1 A, (4. 21Se ..•.! '•Tht pl• • „: k • t•1r - - A t of the directors of the NV111 I;,:. tiie fore.- tit 11 o'eloelz. thr 011nl.: at hz: s.;?,..1-, 6 $...• 4 . • 4,/ 1 t.r• tnnetions will C0111 - :; 0: 11 . • . • ' ceoo.: snalp and QN'en- „. * t 11'‘'''',':P.XS 1 tr • rr 4 j t prOgra C'OnSiSting 1 rif Hthi libTaay self-etions 4 ;.. ..:;.11.%9.1 at uvoning metitigs. ' • Ai: Farinor.;' rditilly invited 11 (-1.5...11DINER PR li,r; 0.-1,r1Aly '4• . ion i,rtid Or. .01 ie? 4.t.V ,• 14. 0,0 ?..'io V 2."..q. riElb 1 Airi.4:i 7::71::::.r., mnr.,ittl;rrit:i:,,,,..t.7k1; [ t; I...ao. ti•:,. r.col......v.ser,4-...t...46.• :,. i' Tn$4,i-nr: l'Inden,:: . r...... ,:,, c.,;. -,,,:,.,,,A.,... e r, G. C. RED CEDAR SHINCLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and sec me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine goocl work with good material. I also do CUSTOM SAWINC and PLANUNIC 11Y -Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBFLEISCH, mills 14th Con. ZURICH 1,Nz..::::.i,g,A7,73:',..7g,T,7-4,...,,e27,mtwaitrPrA -, .1-"Eit-WitIrPOCIPT, t..ikv.::;,:....t..76.„-:,:v.i.c.i...r.zi.sLAze.,tdaie .3•4,M,.§:mt4AwAel:eL.m.5ii...--,:a ,-6-..ve.1L th, w FX: The „Airi h irocery !a • ,;..7: ,.., Q ,41 „..). "Rd FePci Stopz 0 - leil • 4.,/ 4, m tika, ni Is the spot to buy your i,.•vm. \--r-z GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, FANCY CAKES, BREAKFAST FOODS, FLOUR, FEED, STOCK FOODS, ETC„ for 1907. Our aitn is to keep the best class of goods and by so doing we are sure of keeping your trade. Give us a trial order and we will please you.' Goods deli\ ered to any part of the town. CO 11g.d. a n 3 s 4 gl f -s -M AS;r4:r ;.;,.k. • 1441'sh 7,7 743.4-Fgq,,‘,J14 Ar rfkwit f', r ;tr.! rIr :, r 0,141 .1 i•• .,'. 44e: C•!,.. ,.,••11 :P.:. WI •••.1.1•1 ;h. .1. tlid. 14100 N.% •••11 P4•,.,....! „torn, 1. 4,ar ri,routtn;: .r.,le AV• :. .(1,..^,01V:A0 Naml 4, LI,. 1,.. k I.' 4 ';'7'. libistr,1114M4.,:l. to. /111 k.ltr, ' y (Jta,Ikt.e, ri 4 V4 4 r,i r, '3.1,4; cr -,r • Arr, r ,;”: 4. 74411 '.11 'NI:.,)-..lt`,4•11, :r‘ ' ' • :19•0••••' 1.. V1111' 4.1. • Y , i'-'%..) Call positively be stopped , -1-•:::-7---t,.,„'ee. ,4 r..- lin ..2•1 r.i.Innit•s. ...?Co voillitiwz-nxIth. V 1.% L,- 71: l. :irr t-)....!ckerl Or (2 tit your child, , i,1 , , .--- • % .eo ,.1.-eewee 3,.../...s -e, t...,7 -....r.„:.. N.. . 1 A sti,,(,,,t., Pleas:tart, and safe Syrup, • iri.!'',..:,t !,. 4 ft i•-, .4 44.1 ---',. t!NJ". 4,,,,, ,,,,,..,..„..„,.„,,.. ,..-,..„,. ' called Dr. Sbnop's I.roup (ltire, docs ilt,17.,.:.a.,:s , , . rz.,.,) ‘r:213 to al:4, ct 1 . the v„-ork ;ma doPs it cinicklv. Dr. 4 . , • - ' 3tersTes,i,, . . ..;.1,..:.,--. :.,•:•.1a., •,..,.; .,,, •,.•. ,...,..., .....,... . ,,,i..,.. . .4 ::.0 ze,.4 Oat` 4t11 4,,, Ar tvril'r 02. •',ant'4,r,,, , .14 a starw.e.. 4.1.111•Li Too', C5-. fliattoppe S'eray, 5'. 5- A. nursarraump,0.0cAsliutor0sz,wasth0. 'When yen want si phy4,1e that is and gentle, easy: to take and pleasant in • effect, take Chamber- lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets prico3lS eents.• Every boa war- ranted. Get a free sample ate3. J. Ider:rter's store and tvrthere. Sherri) r; Croup Cure is for Croup alone, remember. It does not laim Ito cure a clozon ailments. It's for that's al". Sold by 33 Mer - We will offer a little free advice to the young, men and young ladies who readtliis paper. fever marry until you are certain single life is a failure and under no circumstances inerr3r until you find someone who will have you. Be sure you are right then go ahead. Boys, remem- ber that a g,irl rigged out in ribbons and paint may look good. enough to eat ; but that smile, however, may bo made to order and come off with her bast clothes. • :5009..e.te...1=e,e,,emom=vmr- e ligto, ;, The Chip Coughs, C 127hoo nes romed*ta a largo part �f th alWaVo clopende opiouv..pr other h givolioilgoratdot Price 25 oath .44 ,medy Favorite t4E0-. Is, 'Croup and tiono-h. coat tor ite carte over vll zed worjcL n eau contalno 110 II, drag aria yany be o A bAbY t to 1111 ftehilt Ma,Sizit, 50 Cts, 11,tteltAte 47 * * * * In.termitional Harvester • Imolements. , 'We keep in stock a fill' :Hue of the above celebrated make or Farm Im- plements. 'They are nsej in ever„\. enuntry in the world and are giving universal satishotion. • Bay no other. 1,Ve handle thd:Afa'plet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. etal Pig Troughs, last much Jaeger than. wooden ones, in fact we handle e iery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. it n.e3d oZ a Buggy, Carriage,'NjWagon. or Cutter see our lines1 before you buy. They will please:you. FRED. HESS 41 SON, * 0 0 Rickbeirs Old Stand - - ZURICH. * ***********************