HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-02-08, Page 14,45 Vol. VIT., No. 29 .1111111M, The Official Organ of Zurich ZURICH, ONT.FRLA $54t PER YEAR EMiss Snell, formerly of Blue - vale, is receiving $45.00 per month from the Calgary Milling Co„ Calgary. This estimable young lady had only a common school °chi - cation, and in'a few months with us prepared for the a- bove sittfation.. With a few years' exporienect'Miss Snell will receive at least $75,00 per, month. Stenography is better than school teaching. What we have done for others we can do for you. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Write for catalogue. Clinton Bitsmess College GO. SPOTTON - Principal 0.1101001.1.1101111.1201111MIIIIN, �c• 1 - LOCAL NEWS. (dieraliratre;•••cm-a..c-D4--14-24-1DA-2,4-110 St. Valentine's Day, Thursday, Feb. 14.th. Mr. Edgar Magel, of Elmira, is visiting his hems here at present. Mr Calvin Williams, of Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting his home here at present. Mr. and Urea John Prang of Goderich . visited friends and re- latives here last Friday. LOST—In ZEFibb, on Monday, a purse containing several dollars. Finder will please leave at TEE Mutant, office. 130ARD OF HEALTH. The Board of Health of Hay Township met in the Town Hall on Wednesday, B,, S Phill4pe was ap- 'poitif6d chiCirnian. Owing to the (lodtunents, regarding the Catholic •ceneetery in Zurich,, not hu.ving been received from the solicitor, the matter was laid over until the text Meeting. EXETER lit." -TO -DATE. The following amusing resolution • was recently- passecl by the city fathers (or mothers) of Exeter :— "That unless Wm. Brimacombe support hilt family properly he will be sent to jail forthwith Ete a vag- rant 't It must take a lot of hard work for the council to govern the town and watch over its bad boys es well. Why not give William ilie lin; and exile him tri Seaforth or Winchelsea for the winter? • . ANNUAL MEETING. The first annual meet itig of the Huron Weather Insurance Co. was held at the town Hall on Tuesday. .'The attendance lumbered about ixty, members being present from „ alI the surrounding Townships. After the disposal of the direetors' and auditors' report, the following were nominnted as directors--; ;re cob 'Kellerman, Charles Monteith, nog- , er Northcott and • lArelldel The first three were the 1`.1,tiring directors, and wore again ehosen. Northcott was the President of the Company for 190G. and very ably presided over the affairs of the new Company. He (ilso rusted ehairman of the animal meeting und.(1111 so- with (treat credit to him- self. Messrs, 11. S. Phillips and Alex, Rennie wore reappointed anditqrs Cot the year, The finances of the Computty tiro in good shape, • although thelosses Of Jan. 1 fIth end etetin'this pear; vill make n, big 11010- in flee belittee tm hand, After tho 11:Wang the AltreeterS reeler -,11‘117t• the following ofilvere. eleeted for the. year 9`. Preet den t ; A (4. Sniil- l1', Viee President ;i Zeller, See. rehtry..Tredeurer ; • (4. Holleman, ileneetet agate: Tho TIempany made eood progeeee einoe its start and a itettomtt of the mains dene may. not he ma of ifinvo ; Prom the fh of demo to the III st of .Deeom- eve ale lethetee wore issued, eceeee. teat On ittstirattee of $603,800,0o, l'etsees letid fit 08,40, Caeli en hind restettie promitim notes eta 1tr gObrrtt I nn'e • •reeogeiting the nevessity or this t'oriti of insetraeoe, ;Ind 111 a, entry '..ren Yrs it •Win lier01110 ;,;ene.r11,1 Wive, Tint Com- patyY has aplentlid prospects alneid latitt the new Ittiird will MAO OVOPy tegitimate eil'ort to et tenet tilde •the Attie hese during t he P. Lamont was in Parkhill on Tuesday on business. The Zurich Flax Co. sold a eu,r load of finished flax on Wednesday Leo. Charlesworth moved his furniture to Petrolia on Wcdnes • Mr. Albert Foster has moved to the village and is now, living with his father. • Mr. E. M. 13rokenshire of Dash- wood. was a visitor in the village on Monday. • Services will be held in the Lutheran church on Ash "Wediaes. day beginning at 10 a. ni. A pleasant dancing, party was , held at the home of Mr. Wm. Mehl- inger on Tuesday evenipg, Mrs. Camper( of Detroit et tended the funeral of her grandmother, the late Mrs. Quigley, this week. Deputy -sheriff Cameron of Gode- rioh was in the village on Monday and served Mesers. C. Hartleib, P. Lamont, Thos. Johnson, F. Lei - bold and Alonzo Foster with papers to serve as petit jurors at the March sitting of the county court. McGill. the ex -manager of the defunct Ontario Rualk, was senten- ced to five years in prison. The charge for which he was sentenced being for making false returns to the government. The other charges against him were dropped. A quiet wedding was oalobated in Clinton on Tuesday, Feb. 5tki, when Henry Voiland, jr of the Babylon Line, was united in mar- riage to Kiss Lizzie Albrecht, deughter of Adam Albrecht, of the 14th con. They will live on the groom's farm on tho Babylon Line. The remains of the late M.rs. Quigley, who died in Detroit on Saturday, were brought here on Monday. The funeral was held from the residence of Mr. Andrew Mittleholtz on Tuesday forenoon, interment taking place in the Drysdale cemetery, where her de - (teased husband lies buried. The deceased formerly lived m Blake. In the business part of the W. C. T. T.T. meeting, which was held at the home of Mrs. Williains, it was dsoided to send $5.00 to the county treasury. In the educational part the president read the annual add- ress of the Provincial President, Mrs. McKee, which was very in- teresting. and. after most of the members taking part In the devo- tional half-hour which was led by Mrs. Merner, the meeting was dis- missed. AUCTION ‘,5' FARM ST Heal Estate, tip Household Furittil, ON LOT 25, CON. 14, tia FRIDAY, FEB. -15Tf Commencing at 0.30, the, valuable prollorty CATTLE -11 cows, 411 das April; 0 steers rising 3; 13 Etee. 5 heifers rising 2; 5 steers risin, ere rising 1; 1 Shorthorn ini Pride; 100 chicken. HOGS—1 sow, in pig; 1 SOW, HORSES -1 horse.rising7; 1 ing 10; team of Percherons ri.s mare in foal rising 12; 1 draught ing 2; 1 draught filly rising 1; purnoso mare rising 3; 1 trottii% by Electric B., rising 2; 1 trot filly by West Side rising 2. IMPLEMENTg-2 wagons 1 spring wagon; 1 top buggy; 1 2 wagon boxes; 2 gravel boxes; '2bobsleighs; 6 set double harne single harness; 1 McCormick 1 Deerine• mower•'1 Noxon binder, new; hay rake; land roller; set Noxon drill; cultivator.'hay load cultivator; scraper for ditching;. sling and sling chains; seuffler;,:3 gang plows; 4 set whifiletreesi tanks; 1 cream separator. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE boards, nearly new; 5 'chamber, cook stoves; 2 heaters; 1 writing piano; 1 violin; 2 Morris chaire;,,, machines; 1 McKinley chaitl. chair; 1 music cabinet, anarn - household articles. Some °eon potatoes, and other articles too to mention, REAL ESTATE—Dwelling •, • Id other outbuildine and 37 acres of ,on he Zurich Road and 14th Con., Olow,i, • Howald property. Terms10i, per t cash, balance made known on Positirely no reserve. Luta set'. TERMS OF SALE—All saris and under cash; over that .0 tra months' credit will be given on in appoved joint notes. 5 pelf.r:,1**, cash on credit amounts. n 2; 1 Township. RUARY 8, 1907. • $1. Per Nreai, icif0 Up4o- s kip) Store fly Great Slaughtering Sale will close on February Oth Keep 'last week' Herald and felleti the list. Some of my new spring Dress Goods, 'Prints, Waistings and Muslins have arrived. Call and see them•11.101•SMS.........Emol....•=1..111.1102 st "They are u4o-clate .1416.1.1e0.01/0.1111111.1.1.0111.11...1119.1.01141.10.0.1. neral NI ell -chant a 3 r r 5. Bt: tot The western province:te ils er greatly tor the want of uel . severe storm a few dayag0 lis 1\ crippled the railroads andi.koSittiai tion looks serious. Urge.. appeits for assistance are being tent out and it is feared that the ii,,liestead; ers in isolated sections m N., perish. Many cattle and horses h,. been lost and the damage will,' ein up ea into the thousands of dollei 'UT PROTECTION You'll be prepared to meet VII° 8111-. and snow, andt1e cold. .winds you snake your feet happy with pair of our Shoes. All loatheri,.., .77:4 e'91,1111Alt.ft S S And rubbers of ail Your pat ouage for 1007 solloite. C. FRITZ, The Shoeman. . rc44, .,..,At&t:ItotinNrritage, kY.AVr; 1:).311e:' ":4:.•,'W 4 45'.1-4, .151 t4c . h 16, " • 111 tr, 1,,;•• P,,pf 7,013 ''''''F'ree,M40,111Eir stock. eceeett tier' ..ittLIMEEffeee2efeed.72=0712=1,a.Mat: takin ,ch this spac JP rgas earaT37.9.&h.' 14, A RDWA PE 3NERAI 1'; I V1,7,7r10,„„03 Erx. LI=Ii581 I( s, M 47R0 HI A N teerreer,...e , act. ,„ir',4,144.41' v.. • ` NTA RIO 11101' w`airn t 5. re or tr. its of ng 55. 50• tee so, ieste ter es - cd, ed rd: tee