HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-18, Page 10MEAT Y • 0 t t * MA!KET We would like to call your attention to our stock of meats poultry sausages, bolognas, etc. Nothing but the very best and choicest goods kept on hand. We use all our cus- tomers the sante. Give usa call. MUT BEICHERT Winter Is (,:omlg Winter will soon be here and with it comes the thoughts of a 12(w cutter. Our stock this fall is complete, in all styles. Tliey are Blade to last. Call and see them before making a purchase. Now is the time to have -your c-ld cutter repaired and painted. �, Hess �n9 Zurich W (nt-ario. tLIMMIDNIMMINIMUNCIMISeld=========.114 IT'S NO TRICK to sell a poor article at holf price --but it cannot be done on GOOD.GooDs. This Season as before, I will try to give you Money's Worth. ....All kinds of .... HOLIDAY GIFTS generally found in a first-class Jewelry Store. Prices Right :: :: Goods Right F. W. HESS - - Jeweler. 50 YEG.PS' EXPERIENCE: �;� '"iii'' 1 `�.ae�3��4 TRADE NIFRICS DESIGr.E COPYRIGHTS &C. hnyoxe sending a sketc.n and description maY quickly ascertain am opinion free 'wether an invention is probably patentable. Communleai- ;tone strictly confidential. handbook on Potents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn X: Co, reeetvs specidtlzoticc, telthout charge, htthe • SeitntifIc meg10.1 42o t handsomely illustrated r.,mkly. I.nranst c`r• ealatlon or any scientific journal. Terns, 53a year; four .nonths, 51. Sold by all nerrsdealers. MUNN & r�3Go.3m—dwaY, New York eirm, .a otitee. ton- 7j. 0. IMMANUEL CHURCH vangelical Association Sb:RT iOE3 ANJ .51I.E TINCIN WILL BE MILD IN THE RUM Ai TJ1 L EVAXGELIOAL OEM ROrr, GLiRIt lis AS FOLLOWS Sunday School at 2 p•. iii.", Preaching Service, German, 10 a, ni. ; English Service, at 7 p m; Senior Alliance, 7.30 p.m, Tues day evening; German Prayer naeet ing, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock.; Engliili Prayer meeting,: Thursdayevening, at 7.30 o'clock ; Choir Practice, Friday evening at 8 o'clock ; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. REV. A. D. GISCHLER, PASTOR. t.. LOCAL NEWS The Municipal World puts the matter in this light. '-if you want to injure your town buy nothing at home that you can get elsewhere and if yon are in business, don't advertise." There is a good deal of sound sense crowded into small space in the above. Dr. OVENS, M. D.. London, Surgeon eye. ear and nose, will * be At the Queen's Hotel, Hensall, on Thursday, Febrility 7th, Hours 4 p. m. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly fitted for relief of faihng vision, gestrain, headaches,. etc. Deafness and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf Croup can positively be stopped in 20 minutes. No vomiting -noth- ing to sicken or distress your child, A sweet, pleasant, and safe Syrup, called Dr. Shoop's Croup Onre, does the work and does it quickly. Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure is for Croup alone, remember. It does not claim to eure a dozen ailments. It's for Croup, that's all. Sold by JJ Mer- Incr. There are two little words, simp- le enough in themselves, that in- troduces untold trouble - in the world and are responsible for more gossip, scandal and harm than any two words in the English language. These two words are nothing more than "they say " They have done more to ruin. the reputation than any other thing. If you never quote what they say you may be certain you are not a gossip. So few of the old Councillors and aspirants for tho Wardenship hav- ing been elected, it will be neees- sary to select an entirely new candidate—one not hitherto named —and it niay be either one of the new members or ane of.thp old, as Ab -0,04000141444' al. Mi. John `rl'. ' ti r`., �f',Ei sl Wawanosh, may be the choice," he having been a member of the Conn- ell for several years. Should it go to an entirely new man it is hard to say on whom the choice would fall, there being a lot of good men to select from.—Clinton Sew Era. Local Salesman W.43.2== ID at once for Zurich and sur- rounding districts. IIIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES in. Fruit and Ornamental Stock grown and for sale by CANADA'S A permanent situation for the right party. Liberal inducements; pay weekly. Handsome free outfit. Write for terms and cata- logue, and send 25 cents in stamps for our POC.IZEr MAQNIFYIN5 Gwss or 30 cents for our HANDY HA OK ;SAW. GREATEST NURSERIES Stone 'Sc. 'Wellington, rorTrF{ILL ramsxi 17s 'Toronto Stock taking time will soon be here and before etre start we have decided to reduce our stock to the very lowest notch and in order to et them clown where we want them we ropose making this Sale the most attrac= ive ever held® Here is a list of a few argains we are offering: its which were 124,c and 15e a yd 10c a yd. Whi, worth'` able Li wens were 05c for 45c a yd and those e for 350 a yd. Wrapperettes orth 10e a yard for Se a yard CG 1271)- .t .' • owel i n gs A big snap.in this line. broln 5c up. big bargain in ready made Toweis '`ten's Fur Coats 1 only men's Fur Coat worth 1 (G GG G. .G GG .i 1 GG 1 fur -lined men's Coat $30 for :22 $2S GG 820 $20 Gc $15 25 `; 818 Ladies' Fur Coats 1 ladies' Fur Coat worth *35.00 for 25.00 1 GG GG 80.00 GG 22.00 1 GG 28.00 " 20.00 Fur Caps Men's and Ladies' Fur Caps, were from A 3.00 to 5.00, all for 2.50 each. Flannellettes Usnally'sold at 1;0 cts a yd for 7 cts a yd iG GG 124c Gi GG 9 .. 4G Crockery A Big Snap.in Dinner and Toilet Setts. Lamps at less thou cost. Victoria Lawns Which were 25ca yd 20u. . 15e for 200 a yd 150 'G lie : The department of the registrar- general of Ontario received from issuers of marriage licenses 672 affidavits made by applicants for licenses and 610 marriage licenses from officiating clergymen during the two days following Christmas Du.y. This is fully double the num- ber of affidavits and licenses re- ceived. during the same period since the new regulations came `. into force, which requires issuers and clergymen to forward license forms forthwith to the department of the rogistrar-general. JANUARY WEATHER. The fourth storm period, will lie between the 21st and 24th, touch- ing Perhaps the last of the 21st and the first of the 24th, its crisis being on the 22nd and 23rd. Moon's first quarter being on the 21st, and its apogean point being on the 24th, the disturbances of this period will extend in greater or leas degree to these days. Renewed snow squalls., will be general about these days' and quickened cold will follow up to about the 26th, FASHIONS IN NEW YORK. Although the new modes are generally established, and the majority of women aro planninz and preparing. their Spring ward- robes, the Winter weather keeps in mind the garments more suited to its demands. The dressy gowns required for receptions, dinners, dances, and the theater, and the hats and wraps which accompany them, are, receiving much attention just now. This is considerable latitude allowed in the lines of the gowns and coats ; there is also it wide nange of color and diversity in fashionable materials. Princess and Empire lines con- tinue in high favor, and one sees delightfully original combinations of them. Peculiarities of figure and, in certain instances, personal'. prejudice, bar the way to a general adoption of the loosely flowing, E1n nire modes. This accounts for the fact that the gown with the round, fitted waist and normal belt line has lost none of its vogue. It is altogether too graceful and becOna- ing to be, passed by, and it figures mists. 800 ACRES in many of the smartest gowns.— Helen Berkeley -Loyd in the Feb- Ontarin !entry Delineator. cess Goods All o;lily UresS' (atoods at less Ilion cost. Dress Ggodswokth• 1.15 a yd for 75e. t. cG 65e GG '- 45e 40o C. {G -30o ': t3Oe GG «. 26e Groceries vd " if Here are a few of our Bargains in Groceries 4 boxes starch Ior 2150 :i lbs beat geieet raisins for •?5u 4' lbs b st curt rota for :'.;e. :3 can corn peas or tomatoes 250 10 lbs oatmeal foe 25o •2 lbs :.roasted coffee for 2.io Ready-made Clothing Men's Suits worth 10.00 for 7.00 7.00 for 4.75 Boys' Suits worth 5.00 for 3.50 A lot of Child's Suits for 1.00 per Suit. All men's and boys' overcoats at less than cost. '' GC '' Coal Oil We have the geniune American (Coal Oil 5 gallons for 7 5cts. Ladies' Coats Alt ladies Coats will be slaughtered at regardless of cost. Carpets Good Union Carpet worth 35e for 23c < . `G 50c ". 35c ' GG Gt G. 05e " 45e Linoleum 2 yds wide was 900 for 60c a yd Call early artp take advan- Cage of these snaps Before stock taking " cormrneuces.. • Hy, Mage] ;;.returned to Detroit last Saturday, where he is assisting his son, ElsaSSlie,: in the contracting business " We are p1 3, C. Kaibfti proved, an but surely, Mr, and'11 Mildthay attendingt} Mrs. D. Stir; sed to state that Mrs. oh is very much im- is ieecovering slowly Wm. Holtzman of se here over Sunday ` funeral of the late tiO`§r. Mr. \-ni sLOildelarandt is visiting relatives here A present. He has been lora atP•;ll' in the province of British rroltissibia, the past years. • The fn oral services of the late Mrs. D. Surerus, Sr., were held on Sunday aft -noon, interment tak- ing place in. the Bronson Line ceme- tery. The ',sera' was largely at- tended Mr. Ere(lr ducted., tL iniZurich [las dispoeir 1V1oCormiel last Mends itwer, who has con- nfectionery business% a number of years of the stock to Mrs. /id' closed Alp business Mr. Wni + ironic, son of Mr. Alex. Rannic, Iia aylon, Line, has purchas- ed the 100 'ere farm of Mr. John Thompsonstof the Town Line, near Blake. 'Slit ILannie takes posses- sions.onnr time in March. STOVES The balance of our, Stoves will be ' sold at a Big Reduction. Call and get prices before you buy. Our motto is as usual: Always. the Cheapest. G. VIA TLIlB 'the People's Hardware and Zurich. Harness ' Hou