The Herald, 1907-01-18, Page 7It• The Zurich_ HOTELS. 4). ' fi+ kH * *THE eh 4 $1 QP •COM ECCIIL HOTEL Ills id. * ZURICH d: w'x E31 ra't Strictly up -to -data in modern int• provemett'ts. Dining rooms is sup- plied with only the veru bast. '¶ ¶ Bar contains choiee liquors end cigars, ¶ 11 ¶ ¶ Excellent Sample Rooms 8I for Commercial Men. WIMPINI io fjt 0 Eta 0 0 0 0 0 J. P: RAU, PROPRIETOR. s .00000$ e*eir****mega x00000$ 0o the Dominion Thou►e. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the roost orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the , Province. u" o Vetter 'able in the Ron -Onion. R. R.Johnston &Son, PRo1RI1T01zs. .0111111 pumismantemaaggsmammah Hoffman's Jubilee Laundry .. We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION W. H. HOF MAN The Popular Store for 190L .4041111111114141414•44M44.44411111431.040 ik••••••94411.1141444.414104110.4•111144 The people have shown by their increasing patron- age during the past year • that they fully realize that this is place to buy their Try Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hard- -ware, Paints and Oils, Etc., at the right price, and also the right duality. Thanking our many cus- tomers for past favors, we ask for tL continuance ni the salve. R. N. Douglas, BLAKE. eak VoP e To weak and ailing women. there is at least one w iy to help, nut with that way, two treatments, Must combined. One is local, one is constitu- Monl,'but both aro important, both essential. br. Shoop's Night Cadre is the Local. 15x. Shoop s Restorative, the Constitutional.' Tlteforiner—Da. Shoop's Night Cure—is atopical Mucous membrane suppository remedy, while Dr, ohoop's Restorative is wholly an internal treat- ment, The .Restorative reaches throughout the entil'e system, seeking the repair of all nerve, tall tissue, and all blood ailments. The'•Niglit Curd', as it;; name implies, does its awed: while you sleep. It soothes sore and inflam- ed mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses and discharges while the Restorative, eases nervous axcitemont, gives renewed vigor and ambition, builds up wasted tisstaes, bringing about renewed strength. vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop's Restorative—Tablets or Liquid—as a general tonic to the atsteln. For positive local help, use as well Dr.r`k. :4 t hoop'Night L ' aY J. L MERNER. BLAKE Deneisl3i—On Monday of last week a message was received from Little Current Manitoulin Island annoltno- ing the death of Rev. Mr, McDon ald who at one time was pastor of the Presbyterian church of this place. 1\fr, MGDonald Was ordained in 18.40 and ..Was inducted to . his hast charge in Ootober last. He was zealous in the discharge of his dut- ies as pastor, and had ever' the best interests of his people at heart. On the Sabbath prior to his dmeath be filled his appointments as usual apparently in good health but was soon after striken with acute dy- sentery which together with weak- ness of the heart baffled medical skill. His son, of Toronto, who was called arrived a few days before the end and accompanied the re- mains to this place where they were taken to the home of Mr. R. Allan to await burial. Mrs. Mc- Donald, widow of the departed, was unable to ' accompany the corpse horse, owing to illness, and this to her and her little daughter proved extremely hard. The re- mains were taken to Bayfield for interment on Wednesday and were followed by a large concourse of friends. The pall -bearers were Bobt. Drysdale, Thos Johnston, J. Esler, Peter Douglas, W. Clark and Alex. Thompson. The sympathy of the community goes out to the widow and children in this their hour of bereavement and we would commend diem to the loving care of Hinz who caret•h for the sorrow- ing. Jas. Allan who deals extensively in salable stock disposed of tt fine horse last week at a handsome figure. Jim is lookingafor still bet- ter. Geo. Douglas our new "Township Father" made his first appearance at the council chamber, Varna, last Monday and no doubt ere long will make his influence felt. The annual meeting of the con- gregation, Presbyterian church, was held on Saturday last. The reports show everything to be in a very prosperous condition. Those who have been predicting a hard winter, were surely off the track in their calculation. Wm. Sharp, of near Varna. was a guest in the, village on Monday last. Messrs. Ralph Drysdale bite, N. tiir'T, and called on friends here last week Miss Lizzie Allan of Children's Hospital. Detroit is at present visiting under the parental roof. STANLEY THIP t son of Mr, a in London of ' 7 years, denily ill a ken to Lan - the c'ixsease His mother ers and ftwe. rly demise. Cul the fol - merit taking umetety. The Local Option ,throlzghout the township feel 1 ghly?. elated over their victory i&fr alae pills" last week. Two hotels, the one iii�Var- na and the other at,' X ippen, ' kill lose their licenses 1st. Mr. Alfred. A. Craik, Bask., ,! rine ship, was recently Ellen Maartmt4 , al Jonathan Peek, e and Mrs. H. ,T:' ick, en Jan pith, aa,t tkle' Deceased was tg.ie' \reek before and don for treatoa n1 could not be cheek and ft tiler,,three,: sisters nlottrn hi The funeral yvais h lowing Monday, in place in they 13ayiie] The following ofl ed at a recent meet. ley L. O. L. 11'Ittts lock ; Deputy, Geo. Sec., D. 0. Galbrail Beattie; Treas., J. ' lain, Rev. W. Hind - Parlmer ; Lecturer, lade. A special m at Varna on Menthol; r ne4.May ptolOnere, of of this town rrried to Miss of Craig. rs were elect. of+.the Stan- `; John Pol- cniattle; Rec.- lt\zri.-See., L. Reid; Chap- . of 0, T, i E. Gro ens - inti was held. :ziigh t. HENS LL.. There is some talk', of appealing against the local ci tion by-law, which carried at ' the municipal elections. • Miss Dalrymple, ; rngllter''of R. Dalrymple, of this v;liage, was re- cently married to W',. Moughton of near Chiselhurstt. The following' officlera were re- cently installed in.tl:e local ledge of I O. O. F. N. G. • oyit; V,' G., W. Phillips ; R: S., t. S. McKay ; F. S., I3 S, Lshllip ; Treas , G. C. Petty. An oyster slipper was en joyed by the members after the installation. Willie Weismiller, son of John Weismiller. recently had the • mis- fortune to fall and break his • leg, while playing with some compan- ion. The funeralof the late W. J. Miller took place last Friday, inter- ment taking :. place, in the Union itemetery. The Oddfellows .lad charge of the services. A wife and five children mourn his loss. Mr. Mar. of Essex i has been;, en- gaged by Cook Bros,,ets head :neil- ler, l>l- Cantc;lon 0V.,ped a carload iiiies to L?,z ,he first rat'. t g> l' the ane oe hvil was held. (W Monday. The members are R.c ,:•e—Owen Greig-. er ; Councillors -0. V. Ortwein, ,f D. Stewart, D. Nichol and' F Smalla combo. The school trustees for 1907 are z' Join Stacey, A. Seruton. and.li. B. Ingrain. 14TH CON., HAY To THE HFR.tLe,-In last week's paper one of the Rattepayers of this school stated about special school meeting heldpn the 5th of January and open vote taken, which. result- ed as stated last week, but he said at the annual meeting Mr. Truem- ner was declared Trustee by a ma- jority of one and the poll was pro- tested and a special meeting was called. But why was it protested, was it because Mr. Truentner had a. majority of one or Was it because one of the ratepayer slipped in two ballots in favor of Mr. Truetener which I itis inclined to call a false ballet. Otherwise it 'would mac been been at tie and them the chairman would have given his casting vote and it would have been it meeting held legal, and everybody would have been satisfied.: never thought that we had. a ratepayer in our 1 acotion who would let himself down us lots as all that, t, surely ho knows that he might hiive gotten into trouble. I unclertttand there are parties who kl:rowr• .all about the false ballot and miel ,t be forced to let out. I didn't lithink that the school meeting wad worth while to publish in the pape't. ]ant as it ovar:, th'are must be two idles. `A aatepayer•. DSI SHWOOD Messrs. Henry Willert, Reeve and Jacob Kellerman, Deputy, at- tended the council meeting in Crediton on Monday. Mrs. W inkenweder has moved her household effects and come to live in the residence of John Hoff- man on Main Street. Mr. Jacobs and sister, of Baden, are at present visiting their broth- er,.John, of this place. This creek begins a series of re- vival meetings in the Evangelical ehnrch here. We hope those meet - ins will be helpful to many in this community. Arthur Willett has commenced Working for Henry Guenther, liveryman of this place. We be- lieve Arthur will prove himself a trustworthy and capable person. Peter Mcisaaci. fuaritnre dealer of this place. delivered ac, large load of furniture to a Mr. 'Wilhelm' of Baden on TuesdaLy. Peter tier ta in - Iv 'r•tain- lv enjoys it large patronage in this line carrying as he does a large and well assorted up-to-date stock. E. M. Brokenshire has now com- pleted his contract of lighting the street lights of our village and so satisfactory has been his service Unit he has been pressed by the trustees to take the job for another year but E. M. seems to be intim on the subject. A surprise party. was hold at the home of Geo. Koch on Monday evening. A very pleasant evening was spent. Misses Mary Mary a•nd Amelia T.Koch retnrn.ed to Detroit, Mich., on Taos ].ay after spending a few weeks. it their horse. Mise Kate Stire • of Dunville is visiting her cousin, Miss Tena Stire itt present. To stop a Cold with "Preventics" is safer than to let it run and cure it. afterwards. Taken at the -sneeze stage" Preventics will head off all colds and d Grippe, and p0rha s save e you from Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventics are little toothsome - .candy cold cure tablets selling in ,a. cent and 25 cent boxes, If you are chilly, if you begin to sneeze, try Preventics, They will surely check the cold, and .0(a'e you. Sold by J J 14/lerner. ItemattratemeenelfAersotn.ranysr >«Nr+ was aaa'atemerlie Chamberlain's Strength and Youth —A Safe Combination In 4X years the Assets of The Sovereign Bank of Canada have increased to over 25 millions, and exceed thealiabilities to the public by over 5 millions. Deposits have increased to over 15 millions. Your account—large or small—is invited. $1.00 opens an account in our Savings Dept, 32 Interest paid 4 times a year. The S vereign ark of Canada. Zurich Branch = J. SNELL, Mgr, ♦. 1•!_--...— HILLSGREEN, 5 -- Mr, Robert Case Troyer, young- est son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Troyer leaves on Saturday fort Courtland, to learn telegraphy with; his elder brother. Of a family of eight living children two sons are; G. T. R. operators, one is living in! The first sitting of the new coun- the West, three danghters are liv-! oil elect was held on Monday last. ing in Hensali and one in Zurich. r Bliss Tillie re - Mr. in Detroit; weeks. for a few eeks. for this Township for eleven rears, and has always given the best of Mrs. Glias. Zwicker is on s. satisfaction, and from his appear.? sick list. Maay she soon recover is aance is good for twice eleven morel the wish of her many •friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Inness off A number of our sports attended Zurich, spent Sunday with the lett_ j the shooting match at Centralia tees. Parents. ; .dist Friday. E. J. Troyer sold tiro fine steers i Crediton has only two Police to R. Love this week. 'Trustees at present. Messrs. Wen- ORED!TON lel and Lewis, At the nomination Mrs. Robert Jarrott was visiting ( Messrs. Wenzel, Kuhn, Lewis and her father and mother and also Feist were nominated, but Messrs. Mrs. George Hudson of Hensel'. Kuhn and Feist resigned, thus an - ( other nomination must be• held to smith, had a party this week. 'fill the vacancy. W. J. Jarrott, our thrasher is' The first meetime of the Literary G. N. Hill, our general black - busy threshing and cutting straw . Society was held last Friday even - and sawing wood. He undertands) in;. his business. He has had a good; Mr. T. Haist and sister left for seasons work. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Coleman were guests at C. ri'royers `this week. Cough •ed The Uhildre, ir`yorite Oottghs,; Cold] f, petlp and • Alhoopin : Ctaugh. This remedy s am e e t f Ito its y r eaves seer large art of the els• y��r a g r otl ba world. pt 'oan l nuts day ni u w e ae ansa ��yitti It o iTT oplenl or ether hermit* , ditug end niaY !ae given as confidently tea' baby -es to an adult Price 25 cts Lairge Size, 50 eta. YOUn HUINITINCI TRIP Tin sure to he prenerly r' I l-ehtaln the STET - 1:58 and you C.\v:so'r Pat 1LI1 LVS . . . from TC.C5 to $150.00 ?XSTOLS . . from 2.50 to 50.00 SHOTGUNS . from 7.50 to 35.00 A your clealetnti l insifit I Sen 1 for ten•naC 1 Ilus. 00 our poplar stat.:. If traced ceta I t Inter. 511 •n tatobt+LLy c shin 0,03 in S11OOT1N(' you torrfuge rimrges ott,•ntto ha,e It. hailed t our cents in stamps 0 • f ' of molt receipt eat p r oft o 9 f' este rice 'coverpostage. e. catalog Pongee er xyall be Our aura tita throe rater to cents g sent :at anywhere: rxoccntsinstamns. J. STICVENB .1 MS AND TOOL CO.. 0.O. no. 095 Chicopee Falls, Mato., U. S. A. ,,z,4‹,,. 4 4 i„ ,, s r.tk their horse in Pigeon, ltIich., last week. A meeting of the athletic associa- tion was held la t Monday et enipg, Joseph Heist is busy tearing down the old school. Mrs. John McIsaaae has taken a • change for the better. Miss Roxie, Eilber of Zurich visit el at the horse of W. Wenzel .ver i Sunday, The annual election of Stinclay jSchool officers in the Evangelical i church resulted as follows: )'res., J. H. Holtzman; Vice•Pres , Dun. Oestricher ; Trees . (".has. Iiienzle : • see 'y. Miss Melinda Trick ; Chnr- ister, Sant. Brown; Librarian Jno. F. Brown. 1 Bishop Niles, of New Hampshire, I who is tall and Heavy, was seated. Ion one of the low settees , in . the 1 public garden, Boston, and when I ho started. to get up, found that he 1 had great difficulty in regaining his feet. A wee sot of a girl came alongandoffered her assistance. o z e c8 iI lhe biyhopceased bring t risen . )snd, after surveying the little gil; !critically, replied that she was too - ismall to help, 1, + "Well, said the little girl, finally,. I "I've helped grandpa lots of times when he was lots drunker' thann, you are."