HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-18, Page 64 Th h Herald. YLEGJLL OAROS. ! I.1. .1, O. COOK%l, BARRISTER AND SO- j• l..•itc>r, Nataryyl'alt,.', Hearaall, Ontario. ! PUI3LIt;RED I33' B. ZELLER.' At lmrich (1,,eller's office) every Moll- a1.av, FRIDAY, JAN. 18th, 1907. 1.'R.OUl)FOOT, HAy. S 3; 11LAIR, BAR- , flatus, Solicitor:(. Notaries -Public, etc,, ; EXETER Goderich, Canada,. W. Proudfoot. K.C. ,R. C. Hays. 0, 2. Blair, BUSINESS CAROS 14, S. Pii1L1,IPS, LICENSED ACC- t;orteer for the Ctoal:ties of 1iuro11 And Perch. Farm ute It sales a specialty. Satisfaction guars.-.eed. or tin lay. All orders left at Lob Con. 2 • Ha)-, or addressed to.,17t ;,,11 1'. 0. will bo promptly attendcl :o. • P. A. SEL'LWiY DENTIST, O.I;A- tinate of the .Royal College of Dental xrgeone, Toxon,:+, also honor gradu- ate of Departinint of Deutistry, To- euto University Painless extraction of teeth. Plate -.ori: a ape:liality. At. Dominion }}Te t, Zurich, revery 3ton- day. 1-'6 B. ZELLER. Gr'NVEYANCU R AND Notary Public. Deed, i,Iortgagea, V:•'ils and other Legal Documents care- fully and prompt',,= prepared Ofice— ?r11er block, Zuri:n, Ont. ANDREW DESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Village and Fariit Property it, ure,.L All * leading Companies represented. Agent for Accident and `I(,:knes FISP. Sstdl. LEI.. DRUISTERED SHORT HORN BULL ti II: for s•tle, 2 ye s otd. Tie is a sure tti:P owl will ho ,o1'. reasonable. Apply t.n L t 31, Con. '. , Hay, lrih or lilopp, O. T11 L'LLS FOR A.LE.-1:'our Choice )i Shorthorn calves, eleven to fifteen months alts, : +r sole. tlood lndi- v;Jur.ts, good soli. t and registered pedi- g Also one _e,isterod ecw, , a years olv A. (1. ;a._.Lns, Jiensall, P. 0., 11, Con, 2, 1,. R. S., 9? C 3t 'l.'uclterrtnith. Meeting of Huron ounty Council. The council I. t .e Ocantt of IJurnn will meet in the :Acis chin dscr in the Town of (xodorieh :_i Tnea.lav, the 22nd day of this month ar :3 o'clock in the after - n ;On. Accounts to a dealt with by the - council must bo 1:r .d with the elerlc be- fore the above (tato W. LANE, Dated January it:,, MIL Clerk. • The 11uroll ' ,'a.it ll',e " sur.ance Mutual Company AN1!11AL MEETiC;t:. t;)tice t t hr: ; ;;teen Hiatt the • lst Ana, tuts Meeting the zueinhe,;, of the rl 0\3 nomad Cot,. ..ay will be held at.- t he 'lb,vn Hall Gott: , nu Tuesday the rah day of February, . It., J,007 commencing ,t ;sue o'cloct,. p .., fey the purpose of 1..teeiving the Auditors' and Secretart'•'13f i •e reports; for she (, .lc.ctiun of th+tr_. i ...-eetora, for the appoint - Audi 4.o; ppnint- Audi(tt•, 1 for the - won of such W1,—, at,s+i i as tn:ry be in tie interests et 1: ( o lll:)any . Arl ine(nhr r , t. t' .c..ineated ;.' be present. 1? tO1(l'lil!(t! Esq., I ':EL,LER, ;t es. -Tress. . C. :T ,/, 0-27.: IT ()LI' '1 i rs•'$ n tit .: n in the' !n.. — Vote ti nit ' Viols. it Itis , T.. a chain o.''. 11c' lre V'ote ...t ort..; Vote it our ! (1 . thero'e aneeei' a lint+om. e three, And a world :- sitter woe:, nnilerr". `h it;; fi tv.•-- Vote )i. Orr ; Vote tr, uu.t ! 0110Tus— Vote it oat', t Vote it out ! Sparkling swine er tempting beer, Vote it out : Vote i!, nrrt Live for rem. vat ,1 in vain .l.tve for y at.t'Ll ri\eagain . fur kltrsi ' i.vtrh l E.i»r t•eit'11 reign Vote it out : Vote it c!C'.t ! 1aere'r, o et.ing '(L'Izc (.tilt its s.nile Vote it Ont.; Vote r'' out ! ?:^(1 it o-•lratrt +ee re bc.l,•u V lite 3 ti uu , Vote. 1t • it 011.0 1's defend, Arid it Pati .` a, friend. s . l' .frit- reit the end— L! [. itL ,tit, ,.i, mon tt Vcii. )!. UTi; V, t@ )t: tint! '•l.'. Y,ri •li lin 1 ; :aiSnr( are tali', 'Vote :It Alit Vote it 00 t 1?••Y itrtrra111f )'.t,rnP:iH, pan. And., 1-,tt l) 13 �...�. torr(. to Sin Vd lido i.t (lira` -its vic•i:t tete in --- Vote .it, nn'.' Vote l.r, oti.t T•.s atyran,. t,'er its agave-- Zoto it ort 'oto it '!` a1:3 Or 0.0.1 t •'its l:,••'ae'e.— Voloitopt ! tiotc>.itouts Yes, there'll i';ncttigo in. its reign. Ihere t ru y °: its trair2, rl here tar fie t - to heart a cid brain— . Vote i t ()tit Vott: in out ! —Prom "i)tt )tf DIP License Song - :ter," t Amts.:1 by B.ev.. 0. R. Mil. For.any , .:lease tri the Skin we e:in. recl)arir )e:-1, Charllhcrlain's Sal - It" re(r•ves' the itching and 11<ttrnint; seo t tion. inrita.ntly and :a oJa ett'a?r3r3 a 3ard. •.Thais salve is so invo) ;?e tor store nippleC, or halo by J J Mani Aar, J. G. Staahury last week instal. lea the newly elected offk ers of the I. 0, 0,: F. lodges in tbe dist' triet. Mr, E. Christie was recently pre- sented with a gold -headed cane by a number of his friends, it being the ilOth anniversary of his birth- day. Mr. Jackson has purchased the J. P. Rosea property from. J. W. Broderick, Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows slid some degree work in Brncefleld last Friday evening. Mrs. F. F. 12night has returned from California. where she spent several months. The Stephen and Usborne Agri- enitnral Seeiety will be knmvn as the Exeter .AgriciiJtural Society hereafter. L McTaatmart. has pnrehu'n ti, the Smith Bros. stack at Hn•v, P. :O.; consisting of groceries, eta. • The Ross Taylor Co. has received contracts for the material for twenty horses to be built in Strat- ford this year, C. E. Hackney 1101(1 a sale of horses at the Metropolitan Hotel on Tuesday, TEACHERS S AL,ARIES IN RES r HURON. IIg')ty THE MINIMUM SALARY PROVISION .AF1MOTS THIS Iz,SPECTORATI;. In the inspectorate of West Hu- ron there ars 96 rural public school sections. There are 10 assistant teachers employed in these schools making 106 teachers in the rural schools of this inspectorate for 1907. Under the "minimum salary" scheme, 27 sections must pay the Principal $ 00-, 38 sections must pay $450, 27 sections must pay $400 and 4 sections pay $350 each. The' a„- sistants must receive at least $300. each. Four principals and thraeassist tants receive more than the mini mum salary. In Usborne township all the teachers receive $500 and in East Wuwannsh not one reserves 8500.. There rue nine teachers iii ea, h cif these n)r • r kra�l,�t c r l r" t a i�T.y/'"#�yk' tetTi*, ers in WeWest en for 1 • T � ill ! be 616,025. which it *225 snore than thi •nn) of the minimum salaries. In 1916 the stun paid the 108 rriral teachers wtu, :'t),:lisO and. in 19055 it was $37.750 The general tnwnship grants lev- ie 1 (under section ::19 (2) a.ncl (3) of infiA) for these 106 teachers nninunt s.n :;30,80',i. The' further sum of $15,- .,inr teachers' salaries must he levied by special rates on the dif- ferentscliool sections. Thesum of the niinirrtrtnl salaries is 8.15,800, beinC, 67.140 rrtcre than the salaries pairs in 1906. There are sixty sohonls or (l- partments of the 106 list which have changed teachers since Jan- uary, 1906, and ten have changed twice since that date! THE NESV i`0U TY COUNCIL. The following are the members of the C,nnty Council of 1907, un- der the new act regulating such bodies : Ashfield. .Thos. Stother's, reeve Wm.. Hunter, tle.1)utr .Fayfielrl. .. • .... . Dr. Woods Frussels .. ...... . John Leckie Blyth .... Dr Milne Clinton , ... D Cantelon Colborne , ......... Jas. Taylor. Exeter . , ... , A Q. F3obier Goderich TpJohn Mtddeleton txoctt rtt•11 Town R. 6.i eLenn reeve'',; Relit. Elliott. deputy Orey Win Fraser, reeve ,rn0. Grant. deputy Flay.. P. Lamont Huller t:.........h+is. McMillan ticn ull........., Owen Geiger 13o,yrrr,k... 'l:. U. Shearer, reeve .res..Hainstock. deputy Morris G. Taylor 17c.1i.i11,1a,...3. Vt' Gov inlock See fort ..... M. Y. :McLean Stephen. , Henry Willert, reeve Sae.) b 1(ellerrtian, clepnty Tuci.erarraitii. .Root. McKay Turnberr;v Jno. Mosgrove West Waw:inosh W. Bailin, Last Wu we nosh.... 7,T. Carrie Winghartt.:.. Dr. Irwin Wroxeter.: .. , .. RB. Harris • Stanley • .. Jas. McDermott IJsborne Tos. Hawkins Born. .^° (renis—At the Parr Line, '[day, on January 12th, to Mr- and Mrs. George Grain, a daughter. Ruer--At Lansing, Mich., on: Dec, t 11th, 1008, to Mr. and Mrs. Ecl. Rupp. a daughter. Married. O'Bzn—WoonrEr--At the Sea. forth Methodist parsonage, by Rev, A., :a. Birks, John O'Brien, of Flotnefield, Manitoba, and Myrtle Wecd.ley, of Seaforth, •43«•43,,. 45 ittria► }$«`+F3„ VC' I Wit; the 412ectik,( s terio at the oently rtiet•,a:1,r1l „aj hest cheek !.: ion. `1 7 NEWS. f ,on, cls ' Sertforth, won ;hanaricncahip of. On. e)iirnarnent held re- arltor3. Mr, Walton ated ;Several of the )layers of the Dornin- Miss la10'+ Shepherd, of Clin- ton, has beeengaged to teach at Hyde Park ;'gift• a salary of $500 and Miss GI asstVitepherd has been re- engaged t. T..,;t,nbeth at a salary of 8500. Bethare daughters of Mr, J. Shepherd ot:01inton. Pilesget:, Hoick relief from Dr. Shoop's Mea;. c Ointment. Remem- ber it's Mac alone for Piles -and it works with terta;tnty and satisfac• tion, Itclil ii; painful, protruding( or :blind pii,444, t,isappear like magic by its use.'; ,rr.y and see! Sold by J J 1\,1 z e2^;? The Flat °'i ce of Mr:' Frank L. Willis and riga' Adeline Rathwell was soles:'ed at the residence of Robt:INI:1:4i,ej• ;:;o)derioh street Sea - forth, the ';"kis). re: of the groom on \Vednescla ` ,Ten. 9th. The cere- mony was' is rtorined at high noon by Rev. A 1•C. 13irks, pastor of the Methodist 'itulrob.. Out tlii. , (.at and take it to J J Merner!s s. cRre and get a free samp- le of Chaieli riain's Stomach and fLiaar siveripiabTl,4:lr;, These tablets are r42r' take,, They, o etch, Iict Xavier one of the pioniers o Stephen Township, died nt hi near Grand Bend on Jan- ,ls „ a »the age of 77 years. His death was very., sudden, heart trouble being the cause of it His wife predeceasedhim several years ago, ancl.since that time he has been making . his home with his son, Ed. ;Three sons and four daughters survive him. 'A very painful accident happen- ed at Mr. Alex. Innes' of Stanley township a few days ago, when his son Harold had one of his terms broken in two places, in addition to losing half of one thumb and having till the skin pulled off both thumbs. He was putting the wind mill into gear at the time and in Some way'of caught in the cogs. He is nowr;r'rider the doctor's care and is geti'i :; a7rsng tt ± ell uld x 'x7J�y brttad ns co ,m7rzFa� .: y t.onstipated, '(ht. bilroas oto havo a sallow lifeless complexion, fry Lax-ets just once to see what they vrill do for you. Lax ets Are little toothsome Candy tablets ---nice to eat, niee in effect No griping. no pain Just a gentle laxutive effect that is pleasing de- sirable. Bandy for the vest pocket or purse. Lax-ets Meet every de- sire. Lax ets norm to you in beant•i- ful lithographed inetal boxes at 5 cents end 25 cents. Sold by ,l' J Metzner. trips, being easier to fore pleasant in effect. ct disordero of the stow- bowels. FURNITURE of all descriptions. 'MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, SEWING MACHINES FIANOS and ORGANS BARGAIN IN ORGANS I have f,on hand a 7 octave 0:rT, gait, Piano Case, which sells at a regular price of X100; on sale at $55. REMEMBER A. PIANO . CASE Harness, heavy and light, Bla nkets, Bells, Purses, Suit Cases, Trunks, etc., etc. l�. WELL = = _ = Zurich, Ont. The Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Mils.... 1 wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hasting%Brand S. C. RED CEDAR SHIii'ICLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM SAWING and PLANINC pChopping clone every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBFLEISCH, Mills 14th Con. ZURICH r- .�,�!`�(, ��., r , �(�� C"��•� 4l�� ria -ra cy, Tj,{ ;yvp ��.j �: t , a -u_ ;� w�� .,. �N`�����ppp .� F �7rZ11;A k .•'.4'��,.1:/ ;i6 -"E �. �l�'��4 ENE �'nA EVAITI�n.._..r he Zurich roverand Feed Rota Mr. S. Diekgon, the veteran postmaster of Seafnrth. can fairly clair;i the honor of having been in working harness for it longer pex incl than any other Tos`maq3r in the county of Huron. Mr. Diekson is now in his =1::ncl ye it tts post- )naster at Sea forth and he is still the first at his office in the morn- ing .a: d the list at night, The ditties of n postmaster in a town like Setaforth are laborious and re-, sponsible enol they here Inns: homy hat Mi• hit's: son hes stood the seize remarkably we11. A,cj Fief event took place et Exe- Ar 'nn Jun. 3r•d. when one of Exeter North's most popular vcnxng ladies, in the Person of Miss Florence Kycld eidost ,Mtuahter of Mr, T. E.vchl hae6me the happy bride of Mr. i;amnet`T:Iedden, son of will, Redden, (Irediton East, Tho in. ,teresting r'trretnony was performed 'by Rev. E.' A. Fear, The bride, who titas.daintily`a,ttired in a hand- some tr;atellrnir ;shit, was unat- tended Mr. end 'sirs. Tlechlen left the same evening for their future home in Crediton East, and will reside Air the farm which the groom *witty purchased from F. Taylor, What might have resulted in a serious shooting accidenthappened on the premises of Simon Hunter, of. the 40. con., of Usbnrne. one clay rec,rxitly+.;. George Banthrop, who wes ling out shooting, drove into the b .rd and noticing a flock. of searro 'i. cocked the gun and jnnipecl, f qn the sleigh. ' As he did so bot' •barrels discharged and the conte j6 passed throrigh the cellar .evi i$,ew a.ncl within a few feet of Mt ;°�,an i\lis. Hunter, who hal)p± nand tinita, Iii; caped, bri been'41le from 'the 1 of the glia (its the cellar at the t ' however, hotli es- ithetinight easily have The jai of jut:aping a caused the hammers to 4,O down. Died. DISJ NDINIt—At Grand " Bend on Jan 1, ,Xtrier DIs;'ardine, 'aged 77 yettrs,, grA la�+� { Is the spot to buy your GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, FANCY CAKES, BREAKFAST FOODS, FLOUR, FEED, STOCK FOODS, ETC., for 1007. Our ailil is to keep the best class of goods and by so doing we are sure of keeping your trade. Give us at trial order and we will please you. Goods c:elii eyed to any part of the town. S. Rannie & Son. o -'r° °\ °' $ ' * J*** i°***** i°*******o ***34 GOlOS • * :n *We have in stock oat Pul Pers and ► `licers, . both cylinder and side wheelers. Magnet Crean] Separators, the best in the country. Machine Bevel Jacks. 3 - We also handle Wood Sawing Machines. Straw Cutters, Horse Pow- ers, I. H. C. Gassline En- (vines. 411 kinds of o Farming Implements. CALL ON US BEFORE YOU BUY..- FRED. HESS &. SON, Rickbeil's OId Stand ZURICH. **. �,i*****, 'i,•i,'• *****•0.e* ****, .. o` * * 0 .0