HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-18, Page 5HOTELS. 0 0 0 4 0Tie ee S COMMERCl AL HOTEL tat 3, W . ZURICH C`:: t k"J E} 0e 0 ae. Strictly up-to-date in modern im provemeuts. Dining rooms is sup- • plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ ay Bar contains choice liquors and cigars, ¶ 11 TI 1f ¶ 8#•. Excellent Sample Rooms " for Cornm.ereial Men. 0 0 0 e 0 fl 0 0.... . -- 0 0 J. P'. FRU, PROPRIETOR. b 0'*00 §,"t€9a'I00o"'i, oteft3Q3+a0efiti4tt3a`3t 04 tbe Mominion ib011£e. 41141.011111= • COM. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. 'o fl tter Melee in the 9p^.,ominien. R. R.J ohnston &Son, PR0PRTET07BS. if Lioff>rna's Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to i destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work, TAILORING IN I CONNECTION itimazazszszammonaurnamse The Popular Store for 190L 1 The people have shown by their increasing patron ttge during the pat year that they fully realize that this is place to boy their Dr Goods, Groceries, Boots. and Shoes, Hard- ware, Paints and Oils, Etc.. at the right price, and also the right duality. Thanking our many ens- toiner's for past favors, we ask for a continuance of the same. The Zurich. BLAKE Dri>rin-On Monday of cast week a inessrtge 'was received frorn Little Current Mani toul.in Island annonnc- ing the death of Rev. Mr. McDon- ald who at one time was pastor of the Presbyterian church of this place. Mr. MoDonald yeas ordained in 1840 and wee inducted to his last charge in October last. He was zealous in the discharge of bis dut- ies as pastor, and had ever' the best interests of his people at heart. On the Sabbath prior to his death he filled his appointments as usual apparently in good health but was soon 'after striken with acute dy- sentery which together with weak- ness of the heart baffled medical skill. His son, of Toronto, wlio was called arrived a few days before the end and accompanied the re- mains to this place where they were taken to the home of Mr. R. Allan to await burial. Mrs. Mc- Donald, widow of the departed, was unable to ' accompany the corpse home, owing to illness, and this to her and her little daughter proved extremely hard. The re- mains were taken to Bayfield for interment on Wednesday and were followed lay a large concourse of friends. The pall -bearers were Robt. Drysdale. Thos Johnston, J. Es]er, Peter Douglas, W. Clark and Alex. Thompson. The sympathy of the community goes out to the widow and children in this their hour of bereavement and we would cornmend them to the loving care of Him who caret)" for the sorrow- ing. Jas. Allan who deals extensively in salable stock disposed of a fine horse last week at a handsome figure. Jim is looking for still bet- ter. Geo. Douglas our new "Township Father" made his first appearance at the council chamber, Varna, last Monday and no doubt ere long will make his influence felt. The annual meeting of the con- gregation, Presbyterian church, was held on Saturday last. The reports show everything to be in a very prosperous condition. Those who have been predicting a hard winter, were surely off the track in their calculation. Wm. Sharp, of near Varna. was a guest in the village on Monday last. Messrs. Ralph Drysdale of D buc, N. W; T: dual"; called on friends here lust week:' Miss Lizzie Allan of Children's Hospital. Detroit is at present visiting under the parental roof. STANLEY; Jane the n Ps,. and Mrs,-kI. 13k,. on Jan 4th, at the 27 years. Deceased was take lrit:cienly 'ill a week before tanalzv t keu.;to Lon- don for treatment " ; the disease could not be cl'ie eke , ;lite mother and futlrer„tbree b hers and five sisters mourn hi erly demise. The funeral was h� on the fol=. lowing Monday, in " r lent taking place in the Baaytielmetery. throughout rale. Hip t son of Mr, itt London 10101., The Local Option the township feel' ni,ghlY °slated over their victory at the pais last week. Two hotels, the one aiteVar.- na and the other at 1Kippen, 1/4i11 lose their licenses airter nets May lst. Mr. Alfred- A. Craik, Sask., forme ship, was recently ri Ellen Maartnien a al, The following )illy ed at a recent xxaeetit ley L. O. L.: Mast look ; Deputy, Cleo Sec., D. 0. Galbraitl�t Beattie; Treas., J lain, Rev. W. Rind Parin,er ; Lecturer, lade. A special rx,c� at Varna on Monday, 9otchmere, of i" of this town trried to Miss of Craig. 15 were elect- o1l',tlie Stan. John Pol- eettie ; Rec.- rile-Sete, L Ieicl ; Chap - of C." T. E. Gre ens- ixlg was held night. $yen Strength n '"ut,, —A Safe Combi.;..,tion In 4ra years the Assets of The Sovereign Bank of Canada have increased to over 25 millions, and exceed the:liabilities to the public by over 5 millions. Deposits have increased to over 15 millions. Your account—large or small—is invited. 1.00 opens an account in our Savings Dept. 32 Interest paid 4 times a year. The Sovereign auk of Canada. Zurich Branch = J. SNELL, Mgr. en- in more t -ne csinee that (rest *1119 eer- y of ;y^o HEN AL.L• .uou - and There is some talk of appealing love against the local option by-law. your which carried. at .the municipal elections. Miss Dalrymple Ecatt-.gbter of R. Dalrymple, of thisvi,.l:'xge, was re- cently married to W. I caugbton of near Chiseihurst. The following ofdeers were re- cently installed in; the .local lodge of I O. O. IP. .1g. f fo z t; V, G., W. Phillips ; R. S., 'W. S. McKay ; F. S., B S.?hillipsy; Tress , G. C. Petty. An oyster slipper was en- joyed by the menfbers after the installation. Willie Weismillezi, son of John Weismiller. recently had the .mis- fortune to fall and breuk his leg, while playing with some compan- ion. The funeral . of the late W. T. Miller took place last Friday, inter- ment taking place in the Union cemetery. The Odd fellows had charge of the services. A wife and five children mourn his loss, Mr. Mar. of Lssex;`. has been en- gaged by Cook Bros•,as head nail-ar- ler. batt i . Cantelon' lel t seal a carload ion i10lrles toLie ^-w F 1i1 a �i4m he firitt nr 1 } the'lip a' • caliper) was held -i7rk iiZoidais'. The ea>? members are: Geig- er ; Councillors -d. W. Ortwein, J. D. Stewart, •:D. Nichol and P Srn al la Com be. The sohool trustees for 1907 are John Stacey, A. Sm. uton . and -:f1. B. Ingrain. • be pos- t' to the sity.. her CU/ can ruse in- ent, ail ;less in sow ,rue Ase ;me DASHWOOD Messrs. Henry Willert, Reeve and Jacob Kellerman, Deputy, at- tended the council meeting in Crediton on Monday. Mrs. Winkenweder has moved her household effects and come to live in the residence of John Iloff. man on Main Street. Mr. Jacobs and sister, of Baden, are at present visiting their broth. er, John, of this place. This week begins a series of re- vival meetings in the Evangelical church Here. We hope those meet- ings lvi11 be helpful to many in this community. Arthur Willert has commenced working for Henry Guenther, liveryman of this place. We be. lieve Arthur will prove himself a trustworthy and capable person. ° Peter Mcisaac, fnar'iture dealer of this place, delivered a large load of furniture to a•Mr. Wilhelm' of s Baden on Tuesday: Peter certain. lv enjoys a large patronage in this BLAKE. line earrvine as he clues aL large and R. N. Douglas eak well assorted up-to-date stock. E. M. Brokenshire has now com- p1l�ted his contract of lighting the street lights of aur t iilage and so 13 satisfactory has bean his service than he has been pressed by the trustees to take the job for another y e r.r but E. M. seems to be nnllrl on the subject. A surprise party was held et the home of Geo. Koch on Monday eVening. A very pleasant evening was spent. Misses Mary a.nci Amelia -Koch returned to Detroit, Mich., on Tues lay after spending a few weeks et their home. To weak and ailing women, there is at least one limy to help, But with that way, two treatments, Must be't;onrbined. ane is local, one is constitu• tional,'bnt both aro important, both essential. Dr. Shoop's Night Cirre is the Local. 'Dr, Shoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. T11eforniel•—Th'. Shoop Y Night Cure—is a topical luocoas Membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. dlibop's Restorative is wholly an internal treat- ment, The Restorative, reaches throughout the ,entire system, seeking the repair of all nerve, ell tissue, end all blood ailments, The "Night Cure, as 115 name implies, does its 'wort: while you sloop. It soothes sore and inflam- ed mucous surfaces, heals Local weaknesses and disebarges, while the Restorative, eases nervous excitement, gives renewed vigor and ambition, • builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed strength, 'vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop's Restorative --Tablets or Liquid—ass, general tonic to the'system. For positive local help. use as well Dr.1, „'fit :;hoop'sNight Cure iERNER. Miss Kate Stire of Dunville is visiting her cousin, Miss Tena Stire at present. To stop a Cold with "Preventics" is safer than to let it run and cure it afterwards. Taken at the -sneeze stage" Preventics Will head off all colds and Grippe, and perhaps save you from Pneumonia or 'Bronchitis. Preventics aro little toothsome candy cold clue tablets selling 1i in 5. centnd25 a cent boxes. Ifare you chilly, if you begin to sneeze, try Preventics. They will surely check the cold, and pleate you. Sold by J J Merner. 14TH CON., HAY To THE Hpae 1i.—In last week's. paper one of the )ratepayers of this school stated about special school meeting held on the 5th of January and open vote taken, which result- ed as stated last week, but he said at tbe annual meeting Mr. Trueln- ner was declared Trustee by a ma- jority of one and the poll was pro. tested and it special meeting was called. But why was it protested, was it because Mr. Tr.uemner hacl a majority of one or Was it because one of the ratepayer slipped in two ballots in favor of Mr: Truemner which I am inclined to call, a false ballot. Otherwise It vonld have been a tie and then the clairinan would have given fray casting vote and it would have bi5mn a imeeting held legal, end cw'erybocly would have been satisfiecL`; never thought that we had a ratepayer in our sc etien who world let himself down as low as all tliitt•, surely he knows that he might have gotten into trouble. I undertitand .there are parties who kpove, , all about the false ballot and mitt be forced to let out. I didn'tthink that the school meeting wa.. worth while to publish in 'the paper blit as it was, there must be two ples.. A Ratepayer. 0 9 haJr mediately after the marriage of has son and the departure of the happy pair upon their bridal tour. With his whole soul consuming with a passion that his reason assured him to be as well founded in esteem as it was hopeless in prospect, young Cassinove • passed, many weary nays. vaguely won- dering at the prolonged absence and un- accountable silence of his patron. At that day news did not travel with any- thing of the alacrity with which it flies at this. Young Cassinove heard nothing of events progressing at Swinburne Cas- tle. Nearly a month had elapsed since his return to Portman Square, when, one evening, the household was startled by the sudden arrival of their long -expected master, accompanied by his son, who was supposed at that very time to be far upon his bridal tour. Colonel Hastings resented the surprised looks of his household with mann oaths, that did not tend to restore their self- possession, and then retiring to his lib- rary, called and ordered the attendance of his secretary. Ferdinand Cassinove entered the pie- senoe •of his employer, saying: "The deeds are safely deposited with the Brothers Karlin" "D— the deeds. They are not worth the parchment they are written upon." roared the colonel, in a fury, foliowino. up his exclamation with a volley of oaths that made the secretary stare in aston- ishment, and doubt whether his venerable patron had not been for- once overtaken by intoxication. "I trust, sir, that no misfortune," be- gan Ferdinand, but he was interrupted by a terrible torrent of profanity, and the words: "Misfortune, misfortune! Worse, sir. A confounded ridiculous contretemps that has made us a nine days' wonder—a town talk all over the country." "Whatever it was, it does not in any wit ipf Hastings pr his bride?" °Vs jiist"thdse twd `011on4' it • did affect exclaimed the old man. zntl..+,,,n• a•� nov- HILLSc REEK, —_ Mr. Robert Case Troyer, young-tted est son of Mr and Mrs (har'les ity Troyer leaves on Saturcluy for Courtland to learn tele rapyhwith —"el to sake him to No. 8 eelitting street. A, half hour's . ' drive [through the intricate thoroughfares of the centre of London -brought him to a small, clean-193kirq; thread -and -needle shop, that bore ove rthe door the sign "Ruth Russell," Pulling up here, he got out and went into the cheerfully light- ed little shop that was for the moment i occupied only by a neat little dark-hair- ed woman of about thirty years of age,. dressed in a widow's weeds and cap, and standing behind the counter. (To be Continued.) THE LATE DR. [APPON Death Has removed a Distinguished Physician and a Man of Rare Courage. Li the death of Dr. Lapponi, physi- eian to the Pope, a personage has been reproved from life's scene who was scarcely less known throughout the world than the pontiffs whom he minis- tered unto. He was a wonderful man as well as a distinguished physician.-- Ottawa Free rl'ess. It may be added that Dr. Lapponi was a man of rare courage. He had no fear of that bugbear known as professional etiquette. When he found something good in a medicine he did not hesitate to say so to the world. He proved this when he wrote the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. strongly endorsing their celebrated Pink Pills for Pale People as a cure for anae- mia (bloodlessness) and certain nervous disorders. In the interests of the thousands who suffer from anaemia, ner- vous disorders and kindred troubles, it is worth while republishing Dr. Lap- poni's letter, as follows: I certify that I have tried. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills in four eases of the simple s,naereie of development. .After a few weeks of treatment, the result came fully up to my expectations. For that reason I shall not fail in the future to extend the use of this laudable pre- paration, not only in the treatment of other morbid forms of the category • of anaemia or chlorosis, but also in eases of neurasthenia and the like. 1'ia (Signed), Dr. Giuseppe Lapponi, gdei Gracchi, 332. Rome. his elder brother. Of a family of OREDITON eight living children two sons are r, G. 1. R. operators, one is living in the West, three daughters are liv- ing in Hensel' and one in Zurich. Mr. Troyer has been tax -collector for this Township for eleven years, and has always given the hest of satisfaction, and from his appear- ance is good for twice eleven more. Mr. and Mrs. George Innos, of Zurich, spent Sunday with the lat- ter's parents. E. J. Troyer sold twofrne steers to R. Love this week. Mrs. Robert Tarrott was visiting her father and mother and also itlrs. George Hudson of Hensel)... G. N. Hill, our general black- smith, had a party this week. W. J. Jarrott, our thrasher is busy threshing and cutting straw and sawing wood. He understands his business. He has had a good seasons work. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Coleman were guests at C. 'lioyers'this week. 96� oug The Met, t ^+'alto•rite Ooughs,, dol • Orm ap and Whoopin 'Ybon.gh. f� This remedy famefor. ie rte cures over Ai• arpart of the Ma world. t can a l ge d I al, ays be depended u1T A. It contains n0 opium or other harm.$at1 *Mg and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Price 25' cts; Laine Size, 60 Cts. YOUR HUNTING TRIP An sore to be properly e' d' r —Mast the STEV. •. Lias and 3•ou CANNOT c , c i u •0. 1ZIFLLs frorn $$C. 55 to $150,00 PISTOLS , . from 2.50 te. 50.00 SHOTGUNS Ns from 7.50 to 36.00 q As le your dealrn91 ha5tat , Sen,1 for sin.nage plus• on our popular mass. If uata l catmod.L inter - yon vannotohtalit nter- • u.,nnotohtain w cabin cited in 5,tOOTING, you ,liroot, carriage .hnrges nq„ht to ha, -e i„ Mailed four ,t in stamps to 1 for cents •CitA i • upon Y0. r m P � � P postage. catalog price. cover • einr Aluminum Hanger will be sent Our attractive three•r g ane an}•where for as scuta in stamps. S. STEVENS ARMS ,AND TOOL CO.. P. 0, nos eo96 Chioopeo rails, Maes., tr. B. A. The first sitting of the new coun- I cil eleet was held on Monday last. 1 Miss Tillie Wind is visitiarg re - 1 latives in Detroit for a few weeks, Mrs. Chas. Zwicker is on the sick list. May.she soon recover is the wish of her many friends. A number of our sports attended the shooting match at Centralia last Friday. Crediton has only two Police Trusteas at present, Messrs. Wen- zel and Lewis. At the nnznination. Messrs, Wenzel, Kuhn, Lewis and Feist were nominated, but Messrs. Kuhn and Faist resigned, thus an- other nomination must be held to fill the vacancy. The first meeting of the .Literary Society was held last Friday- even - n,. Mr. T. Hoist and sister left for their home in Pigeon, Mich„ last week. A meeting of the athletic associa- tion was held lust Monday e'tening. Joseph Hnist is busy tearing down the old sehnnl, Mrs. John McTsane has taken a change for the better. Miss Itoxie Eilber of Znrieir visit- el at the home of 1V. Wenzel over Sundl ay. The annual election of Sunday School officers in the Evangelical church resulted a s follows : Pres , .T, H. I1oltzmaln; Viee•Pres., Dan. Oestri cher ; Trees . Chas. Kipnele hec'y., .Hiss Melinda Trick ; Chnr: inter, Sani, Brown; Librarian, Jnc. F. Brown. Bishop Niles, of New .Hampshire, who is tall and heavy, was seated on one of the low settees in. the public garden, Boston, and when he started to get up, found that he had great difficulty in regaining his . feet. A wee tot of a girl cams along and offered her assistance. ce The he blsop ceased trying to rise, and, after surveying the little gill:;_ critically, replied that she was too mall s to. .n help. 1 , We11 said the little irlt finally, S. "I've helped grandpa lots of times when he was lots drunker than: you are."