HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-18, Page 41 4 rioh Herald. • LEG112., CARDS.. W 11..f. D. COOK, BARRIBTESAND $O- icr Notary Publie, Henrsall, Ontario. At Zerich (ell's office) every Mon -'1 dev. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- riators, Solicitore, Notaries Public, et.c., Goderich, Canada W. ProudSoot. 11. C. Hays. (4. 2. Blair. BUSINESS °ARC'S, 11., PHILLIP8,- LICENSED Atne • Voneer for t.ho Uunezies of Heron and. :teeth. Faille sto,t'e sales a specialty,: Satisfaction gliereeeeed or un par -All orders left at Lot 123, Con. 2, Fifty, or ,. tiaressed. to..Hoesell P. 0. wilt he promptly attencte.e = Ort.. P. A. SELLERY. DENTIST, GRA- Auate of the _Bova' College of Dentnl l'ergeons, Toren:' also honor gradu- ate of Departmeet ot Dentistry, To- youto Univereity.. Paialess extrection • of teeth. Plate eetres peAslity. At nominion eloti. Zurich, every Mon- day. 1-26 . le ZELLER, LIDNVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages,. VTiU and other Legal Doetneentcare- fully and pronipt".!,.- prepared Office- 7,311er block, Zuri in. Oat. AL‘MREIV 1.IESS, DIVISION COURT CLERK. Yillat..;e and Fara' Property im...ured. All •leading Companies I:presented. Ag.....tit for Accitieut and Slakitess FO SAL -AT, F.,t;ISTERED SHORT HORN BULL h A. for :vile, 2 He is a sure 1-i...elm' will he reasonable. Apply Lat 21, Coit. 14, Hay', Eibuor Klepp, 2' 'h P. 0. PULLS FOR ALE. -Four Choice Shorthorn calve', eleven -to fifteen mothe ole, :Le sale. teiod indi- vilutds, good ok nd res pech- g.. e.s. Also one ..ea:istered COW, 5 years oLl. A. it Ketv1401, P. 11, Con. 2, L. Re S., Teckersinith. Meeting of Huron County Cotaneii. ----• The melee tee Oeunte of Hume win meet in the encil chamber in the Town of Goderi..e Tneelay, the 22nd clay of tide Monte n: 3 o'alock in the after - 11.107.1. ACCOMIttP te dealt with by the onencil mint bol.:reed with the. elerk be- fore the above dale, W. LANE, fluted January 7t;-., /1107. Clerk. Tillie Huron We'er surance Mutual Company NIBETT:No N‘-..tice given ',hut the ! lat Anti tal IeitIing 4. ttilt1 menthe's. of the 41.0‘e nomad L;01,-.....ity ijl his held at- the Town Hall, 7otriu,.. nu. 'Thiesday e th day of February, corunencing ,Jue o'clock p. the purpose of t ho 1)i:ter' Aud i tors' and Sec %..e tary-Ti reports; for t he election oi three T for the appoint: - I ttf A url t .:1.1 for 1110 -!,o.n9iclerr titsx •,f 1.31.101 tuoy he in t I r4 terrsi s or Ill mem be' it0 , ett:tlegt.A in be present. ./11. C. T. OM IT (.4.1-: 111'.'.17:!..:n itt fr.11,-• Vote n. 'sot Vote Te!! a tibiae of !riple hieeee— • B PUBLISHED 13Y E. ZELLER. FRIDAY, JAN. 1.3th, 1907., EXETER J. G. Stanbury last week •insta.1- led the newly elected officers Cif the 1. 0. 0, F. -lodges iu the dis trict. Mr, E. Christie was recently pre- sented with a. gold-heacled cane by a number of his friends, it being the 60th anniversary of his birth- day. Mr. Jackson has purchased the .r. P. Ross property from. J. -W. Broderick, ' Exeter Lodge of Oddfellows diti some degree work in Brncef.le]cl last Friday evening. Mrs. F. J. Knight has rein -rimed. from California, where she spent several months. The Stephen end Usborne Agri- cratnral Society will be known as the Exeter Agricultural Society hereafter. L ItileTeggart, hes porch a sed the Smith 'Bros. stuck art Hay, P. .0.. consisting of groceries, etc. • The Ross Taylor Co. has 70c,ived contracts . for the material for twenty horses to be built in Strat- ford this year, C. E. Haelenev held a, sale of horsesat. the Metropolitan Hotel Ion Tuesday, . _ TEACHERS SALARIES IN WES r HURON. 110•17 THE MINIMUM SALARY PROVISION APPEOTS THIS INSPECTORATE. In the inspectorate of West Hu- ron there tire 96 rural public schoi51. sections. There are 10 assistant teachers employed in these Schools making 1G6 teachers in the rural schools of this inspectorate for 1907, Under the "minimum salary" scheme, 27 sections mast pay the principal slou. 38 sections must paY $450, 27 sections must pay $400 and 4 sections pay $350 each. The; as- sistants roust receive at least $300. each. Four principals and three a,ssisi. tants receive more than the mini- mum salary.. In Usborne township all the teachers receive $500 and in East Wawanosh not one receives It!) t.iiii tith- ere- In West T..-fet- :en for "I, 07 will be $1-6,025. which is $225 more than • the sum of the 111171171111111 saleries. In 1916 the stun Timid the 106 rural ;levlers wars ,VA,..:;110 and in 1905 it was. 837.750. The geneial township grants lev- 1 section :11) (2) and (3) of ffiii for these 106 teachers amount eo $20,80e. The further sum of $15,- ' 2e:i for teachers' salaries must be I levied by special rates on the dif- ferent school sections. The snm of the minimun salaries is $45,800. heing. $7. i40 more than the salaries . paid in 19(16. There are sixty sehools or de. partments of the 106 list which have change(t teachers since Jan- uary, 1906, and ten have changed twice since that date. Vote et : Vote. It. (1: therele boson.... three, ' And a world •-7 /".4„1•Ter Ith1,1:•7. • its lee Vote it OW • Vire tr, cox:. Okorns-- Vote it ort l !. Vote it out Sparkling w.C' r tempting, beer, Vote :in mit.; Vile," it out.. ! Live for ram. 't t1 !lee to vein ; leve for (Jlare.... 'reelnl 1!,e..t gem ; .1.ree for Eire th Hi; reign Vote. it Wit .. Vote. ir, ot..t ore's, its.tint• .1r."1101r,11. 8,7111!:t — Is-OtP it 0.111; 1-4•)tV 1 (47.t A.,ct, it eptirli .',4e. e liege lie- - VoteJ 1 01:0, V0ttk WIaile rtoffeee eo defend, ecl it thi•tteee es a, frietei, rtur ee the (e)a— Vte.44, 11, • 1; sn t '. i ilIIii,bnt tiRoute,— Vele 1 41: V.:4112 1:1 11 1;1: :111i.S(314 sire VOtt-.1 :it (3+1' VOtO it ()tit FOr t.tt ki11)111 )11i'13 it grin, And )te Wee, turn to sin Wink it time-, ire viele tris Ifl— \ote it OW: Vote it oat ! 1-1,e a ty rani Veto it nre Vote it mit ! as eras The greve Vote) it ow Vote it aye! Yes, there'm ee:ncla go itt it reign, Tfieee t fury Ir.. its train. There te eletiee to heart veld, 'brain— . Vote it Votitt in out —From ,+ 160 NO r41ewe Song- ster," ti neeieel by Rev.. O. . . R, Mil - For nn•.7.,.''ease of the skin we .ceirze`c.binreenfl.. Chinni 's e, It • relievesthe itching and burning 8OIliet.tt011 instantly and. effect/a a mrt. This salve is a so invalnalf.e for- 1:10re nipplee'or. :sal° by T 3.Mertne.„ THE NEW elOU.'S TY COUNCIL. The following are the members of the Clrinty Connell of 3907, un- der the new act regulating such bodies: Ashfield..Thos. Stothors. reeve Hunter, denutv Payfteld. Dr. Woods F.russels . John Leckie Blyth. Dr Milne (linto.n ..... D Can felon • Colborne . .jas. Taylor Exeter. . .. A Q. &Mier Goderioh TpJohn Middeleton . uura tacit Town R. ISeloLean reeve Relbt. Elliott:, deputy Grey Wm Fra,ser..reeve Sno. Grant. deputy flny...............P. Lo m on t bit, McMillan Hensel 1.......... ()wen Geiger. Ilowick....T. G. Shearer, reeve. .ls .Hain etoc lr. deputy Morris G. Taylor W. Govinlnek. Seaforth........M. Y. McLean .Steplien .. Henry Willert, reeve ,Vaceh Kellerman., deputy Tnckersmith... ,.Robt. McKay Turnherry...... Jno. Mosgrove West Wawanosh W. Bailie East, Wawanosh • IT. Ourrie Winghan) Dr. Irwin Wroxeter RB. Harris • e;tanley ..... -Jas. 'McDermott Usborne . Jos. Hawkins Born. • veo Girmir—At the Parr Line, Hay, on Tenuary 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Gram, a daughter. RUPP—At Lansing, Mich., on Dec. 19th, 3906, to Mr. and. Mrs. Ed. Rupp, a daughter. Marr e . O'Brm—Wootnirr.—At the Sea - forth Methodist parsonage, by Rev. A ILC, Birks, John O'Brien, tf Homefield, Manitoba, and Myrtle Wocdley, of Seaforth. $ C 4434-4i:3,/ *3 '4., .-0, -0-434,-044/42.K. W:•F, W on, of Seaforth, won tbe eliecl4t, thae4ionship of On- tario at the; otwnanient held re- ceritlY.-iu, nilton, Mr. Walton met and „.; hied i several of the best olle*, 1- layers of the Domin- ion. -91•10-+e1,4•Efte•Ea..E3.44.0 NEWS MI•s$,BlttO EThepherd, of Olin - ton, hashee0 engaged to teach. at Hyde Pa salary of $500 and Miss Grae&):.filepherd has been re- engaged at lli.inbeth at a salary of $500. Both'ere daughters of Mr, J. Shepherd oCClinton. • .Piles get:,Inick relief from Dr. Shdop's Ma o Ointment. Remem- ber it s maw' alone for Piles -and it works with ell/At/Ay and satisfac- tion,1 Itehi, ‘g. painfnl, protruding; or ,blind pip ,9isappear like magin by:its use. rry and see! Sold by 33 Mernere! The iter'5,i, i.ge of Mr: Frank L. Willis and, Us Adeline Adeline Rathwell was soloee zeal et the residence of Robt . Wig,* °,4ederich street Sea - forth, the ,Ii.). .0. of the groom on WedneSda,-- ,i'; 'Jan. 9th. The cere- mony wale' ',1:t or in ed at high . noon by Rev.A. 1:‹. Dirks, pastor of the Methodist ,Inarch. , li•• Cut this i.calt and take it to 3 3 Merner'st4re and get a free samp- le of Ciliataiglria,in's Stomach and Li Ver Tab,11iifs, These tablets are fax 'snper"!.t to pills, being easier to 1 lei, ;.,1; disorder° of the stom- ach, tenel',, ore pleasant in effect. They ee iiy,,m,,:lid bowels. Xavier " Disjardine, one of the pioneers of Stephen Township, died at hieeiece4renear Grand Bend on Jan. ,iSikieatthe age of 77 years. His death *as very sudden, heart trouble being the cause of it His wife predeceased him several years age, and.since that time be hes been making his home with his son, Ed. „'Three sons and four daughters snrviye him, A very painful accident happen- ed et Mr. Alex. Dines' of "Stanley tewnship a few clays ago, when his son Harold had one of his arms broken in two places, in addition to losing half of one thumb and having all the skin pulled off both thumbs. He was putting the -wind- Mill into gear at the time and in eonie way,' ot caught in the cogs. He is now1 rider the doctor's care aid.- is.-getig7alking.ti.S. well as could Qz X. r .Tiv :had-, tttt t'XI 4. -tt 't 44 .";;Ii44•043 tt.:1A0 4 i ktikobstipaer-t. d. il r bilioss, otOiave a sallow lifeless complexion:, fry .Lax-ets just -once to see what they., will do for :you. La x e t,s n re)ittle' toothsome Candy tablets—nice to eat, nice in effect No aripine. no pain Xlist a gentle laxative effect that is pleasing de- sirable. Handy for the vest pocket, or purse. Lax-ots Pieet every de- sire. Lex ets come to you in beauti- ful lithogrephed metal boxes at 5 (lents and 25 cents. Sold by 3 3 Mettler. Mr. S. DickSon, the veteran postmaster of Reef erth. can fairly claiM the honor of having been in working harness -for it longer per- iod than nny ntber rtee.illie•tAr in the county of Huron. Mr. Dickson ie. now in his 42nd ye tr as post- master at Seaforth and be is still the first a1 bis office in the morn. imp,. ard the hist at night. The duties ornpostmaster in a town like Seafoetli ere laborious and re-. SPCMih16 and they h it re lon sr leo 1, re hnt len!, plot -son lige email the seize remarkably well. A eniet event took place at Exe- ee on ,lim, 3rd, when nun of Exeter North's most popular vonng, ladies, in the nerson.:, of Mies Florone Kvdd: eldest..,i,clancrli ter of 11.Ir , T. R: -d1, became the happy bride of Kr, Samuel', Hodder), son of Wm, Heclden, Crediton East. The in- teresting eeremorly was performed :by Rev, E A. Fear. The bride, who weadaintily attired in a hand - Seine itelielling suit, wee unat- tended. Mr.eancl 'Mrs. Hedden loft. the same eyenIng for their future home in Crediton East, and will reside are'• the farm which the efloyolto, nrrently purchased from F. T What ro.iglit have resulted in a serious shOoting accident happened on the promises of Simon Hunter. of the 4th eon., of Usborne, one day reeeeetly.e. George Banthrop, who wag.. "%big out shooting, drove into tiaPY rd and noticing a flock of Sparrcn, . cooked the gun and innipecl'Itorn the sleigh. • As he did so boll eCharrels discharged and the cont -'e. e passed throngh the cellar .y4;.it\ ,ryiv and within a few feet of NI A.e•an *.Hunter, who hapPenect„1) 'ft the &liar at the tithe.' LI,a however, both es- caped, bttithete.night easily have been kilt& ' T1ity,',1ar of • jumping from the t ., ntaised. the hammers of the gun0 go down. Died. DisfAamic—At Grand Bend on jan. 1, Xavier Dia:ardine, aged 77' years, A tpt FURNITURE of all descriptions. 'MATTRESSES, SPRINGS, SEWING MACHINES FIANOS and ORGANS BARGAIN IN ORGANS I have ton hand a7 octave gan, Piano Case, which sells at a regular price of $100, on sale at $55. REMEMBER A PIANO CASE • Harness, heavy and light, Blankets, Bells, Purses, Snit Cases, Trunks, etc., etc. it WELL, = • = Zurich, Ont. I he Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Nils.... 1 wish to thank my customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am en hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand • C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine good, work with good material. I also do CUSTOM SAWING and PLANING a-ff-Chopping clone every Tuesday and Friday. F. C. KALBFLEISCH, Mills 1.4tb. Con. ZURICH nigNMUSW-102 WPM, eee.3 rem re.'4 ekt n'ese. gs;,_;&......1 • b_.2,,,Av• • t "2,5,-46. Zurich firocery • and Feed Store r7 Is the spot to buy your GROCERIES, CA.NNED GOODS, FANCY CAKES, BREAKFAST FOODS, PLQUR, FEED, STOCK FOODS, ETC., for 1907. Our aiin is to keep the best class of goods and by so doing we are sure of keeping your trade. Give us It trial order and we will 'please you. Goods i:eliNered to any part of the town. S. Parmie Iv Son. • w.lnerd'acTg.. .10 . eVaieleeleefeereee-.. , P'? LT -4N rcomminiLA ************************** SEASINABLE 6009S * * 0 0 We 11.0 o in stock 00t, Pulpers and $lieers, both cylinder and side- wheelers. Magnet Cream Separators, the best in the country. Machine Bevel Jacks. We also handle Wood Sawing Machines. Straw Cutters, Horse Pow- ers, I. H. C. Gassline En- gines. , All kinds of Farming Implements. * CALL ON -US BEFORE YOU BUY. • • FRED. HESS & SON, -)g- Rickbeil's Old Stand - - ZURICH. ° **** ® ° .**********0 0 0 0 OF* ••• * 'ee • 1