HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-18, Page 1The Official Organ. of Z. „u. VII. N.Q. 26 ZURICH, ONT., FRID $54 PER YEAR miss 4zieil, formerly of Blue - vale, is receiving $45,00 per month from the Calgary Milling 'Co., Calgary. This .- e'tianazb)e young lady had . only a eotrimon school etht- .ckLtio i, and in a few months with us prepared for the a- bove situation. With a few years' experience miss Snell will' receive at least $75.00 per month. gteno.graphy is better than s,eheol teaching. we have done for others we can do for you. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Write for catalogue. Clinton Business College GEO. SPOTTON - Principal Ee V"A41""tra.7•a47'7,me a tiA41310 g LOCAL NEWS. c Mrs. Michael Kaercher, recently fell on the side walk and injured her aro, tw;+' The Rev A. D. Gischler is con- ducting revival services at the 14th con: Evangelical church there. Miss Mel Koehler, who has spent the past few months in Tavistock, returned to her home here an Mon- day. All parties still indebted to J. F. Rickbeil must settle by Feb. lst, '1907, after that elate collection ex- penses will be added. D. S. Faust has just received, a full supply of Men's and Boys' fur - lined caps, all sizes, from 6 to '7i, price 50 cents each. The members of the Young People's Alliance will have . charge of next Sunday evening service in the Evangelical church. A good program is in readiness. The new medical health act will mean considerable more work for medical health officer. Every certificate of death innst now be signed by the attending physician and then visited by the medical health oiheer. • Mr 'Peter Bedard of the Suable Line met with a very painful ac- eident a few days ago. He was visiting friends in tit. .Tnseph, aa,nel , in a axriendly tussle he lead the ruin - fortune to fall on his right aran, dislocating the icelhow joint. The' servicas of two doctors were needed to ri ht, the injured member. It will take some weeks before he can , nse" the arm again,' CARD OF THANKS. 'We hereby wish to express our thanks for the kindness shown to ,us by our friends and neighbors during the illness and death of onr mother, as the same has been very much appreciated by us. Signed on behalf of the family. Daniel Surerus. - NOTICE A meeting of citizens of Zurich, will bo held at THE HERALD office, this (Friday) evening, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of arranging mat - tors with Mr. Fred Kalbfietseh, • to have his Planing and sawmill moved. to the Village. All interest- ed are requested to attend the moet- ing, wC`Tu At the meeting of the W. C. T. 'T3, held at the home of Mrs :Sender^, Mrs. Fritz led the devot- ional part. In the educational part a pro. grame on Hygiene and Heredity :was taken up, showing that drunkenness and orime often have their beginning in early childhood. At the, Medical Temperance Con- gress held in Paris, France, Doc- tor Eegrain, Superintendent of the Government Insane A.syluin 'neaaParis, stated °'that, nine -tenths of the insanity, as well as nine- . tenths of the crime of the coma, try, Came from strong drink. Thi gres,t-,�country is just awaking to the fact that the race deterioration which. has been so evidect in its population during the last half century, is in part at least due to Alcohol and other forms of intem- perance; After the transaction of business the meeting was closed with sing- ing the temperance doxology . Messrs. S. E. Faust and W. Mea- ner paid u. business trip to Exeter' on Monday. Mr. John Witmer of Indiana, :visited his brother; of the Babylon Lire last week. Miss Georgina Corrivean of Port Huron, Mich., is visiting her brother here this week. . Miss Alvada Weseloh visited her cousin, bliss Lavine, Koch of Dash- wood, for u few days lust week. Hereafter all items of news de- posited in our private letter box will have to be signed, as a guaran- tee of good faith. • for Lucknow, Mr. Norman Holtzman of Water- the latter is ali g Mr, N. M, Gantiai on Wednesday frost to Ottawa: We would like Subscriber's would se of Tun HERALD of De Mr. M. Kestle of establishnrent,,h tis for 8 sets team;hartie trade. The weather hd cold during the not quite enough s sleighing. Hy. Randall and loo attended the fnneral of his grandmother, the late Mrs. Surer - us, which was held on Stuielay. There will be preaching service at the 14th eon, Evangelical church next Sunday evening beginin; at 7 p. m. Yonr are cordially invited. The first sitting of the Huy coun- cil for 1907 was held in the Town Hall here on Monday. The minutes The Ontrrio Gaze, will he found in another column of thci appointment of 1: this issue. sioners for the end` Mr. J. J. Merner has purchased South Huron—Peter., limb ~rade for lairs is It is estimated tb migrants settled in C. the year. and thein total will be over 50, New ads—J. J.'' Faust, C. Hartleib N. Douglas, Huron surance Co.. Soverei three heavy draught colts, aged two, three and four years old, from Geo. Coleman, Hillsgreen, for which he paid in the neighborhood of $700. Mr. Samuel Gabel, a former re- sident of the Bronson Line, died at his home in Elkton, Mich., on Ttiesdav, aged, 80 years The tie- is now necessary to fi, ceased was an uncle of E. Bossen- in E. Middlesdx cause berry of this village. liam Delbridae, Josep Hon. G. W. Ross, Liberal party in the lature for a number. been called to the Sen Mr. Ross' many frien the Province will be of his upward step. l Mrs. Howald. mother. of Mr. Ja- cob Howald, died in the state of Nebraska, on January 1st. whither she bad gone some months ago. Her death came very unexpectedly as she had not been ailing for• any length of time. Mr. John Howald of the 14th con. is also a son of the deceased. This is the time of the year when business men as a rule, • send ont their accounts. The practice of rendering the accounts at least anee in every year hats becol popultir.aitit 1$41t? 1, W ' •, man now follows that eastern Sorne persons deem it, an. insult i1: an account is sent to them, i brougb the nail, but it, slaould not be look- ed at in this way, as it is the Imo. per way and much more satisfac- tory than having the aecrmnt lay around loose for, some months. The business man gets his account from the •wholesale houses every month and generally has to settle them at ' signation. Last August i was eported that Juan Fernandez lslati; (aobfnsen' Crusoe's Island) had 'Oink into the ocean as the result of -en earthquake, The report .was at, first credited. everywhere. but semis time ago warships were sont.o by the Government of Chili ttFascertain the truth of the matt', and the island and its inita,'1 '• nts_ were found nninlured Every youngtLcly, +; 2i N i is desir- Hay Township. JANUARY 18, l907. SI. Per Years rained: home hese trip tie of our r1s a1 , Copy. last. 0 Bd fieib arty orders or spring t)tr'(10r akfeiy ta(:lr with, snake lie, eft where' r•titicial I 5,000 ins=1 30 during: year the 1). S. ell, R. either In- Bank, not roes' c:c)aanis- ye x'inI ril- M. z Stf the Legis. .ears. has at Ottawa. throughout ased to hsar bye -election the vacancy by his .re - r ZUR CH'S UP= 0—DATE E S 11 OREV arum's ...n.lizawasaircsacrn.r.•••••muctovaa.amomanntersammatala11101/1014 e S1l't� hMr. 44, Fi1/4ii- USt Gr.;.NERlJ'VEer�r H a ,...._=....., ,,,,....:,......„..,,...,1_,......‘,....„..,,,,.f.,...„,...:,,,..,,,....„......„s_,_........,z„fsz,...,..,..,..,„. 0°OQ•l7•©:c."l�°O°O'•G•�"✓°G•G'•.:J°.�'•c%•a°G':_- •tJ... .r7,,, •iV"f.V r Zia o, The Shoe Quesflo �? Is an Important c r1:: alt•1 should rec "ive your serious attention. We iia'; h tr.'>eu special rare in n!ilg our fall aid w..!—.ter stock and are prepared to give ,peoi« 1 --al - ne5 alid quality r.ttstirpaa,sed, 'e 1.:;vr,-; • a iplentlid. line of fall shoes for xnen -r•.nd hurg ylish atrt Rest-t',ASS at 'Is'jut•1i iOus enote< ; % )reP are against a possible dayf adversity, should read the new adVerti4ement of the WingharnBusiness College, The dainty butterfly lady, win? 11as assurance of being spoon fed'throu life, must not read it. Write us and we will tell von the secret of our seeress, which made the at- ten{lunge of this year doable that short date figures. I of lust: Qd Thao 0,4e � p•d• C v O C" v"ems `•.-e'-==; Socks,:fejt oe.. .c•. ine oe it.. 1.111,8 Pita G SALE Ft rs,Wkiter Goods, Stoves, Sleigh Beth.. Sleigh Sells Men's Furs 1 only mens Fur Coat reg $28.00 for $22.00 " " " $25.00 1, $19.00 1 " $22.00 $17,50 1 11 11 ,1 " $20.00 •• $16.on $16 00 's :x13.50 5 men's fur lined " " $35.00 ' ;x25.00 :3 only Artie Robes " 9.00 •' 0 75 10 wool Lap Rugs 1.50 to 4.50 1,25 These are Big Snaps and will go quick. Children's White Bear Coats regular 4.50 anci5 00 for 3,50. Cpq Es regular A fes'' xtring Bells left ta: ;'13i{r Reduction, Highest Market Prices for Hides ;Tarns Produce of all kiucls. 1.00 now for a.i,i" tilt •• :Kee :10 90e 1; lt;e which will go alt and Robes, etc., i.adies' i S .`l tit, is uet:s rf?gu li., •„ .+ �.1 J" :y1i'r •-'[r :is. ••,:..";tela 2 fur line.- Capes '" .its.; • i) •, S,, •' 1 Brink ::rarnrot Stose Muff to match Cnperi nes regular 1 Boa dark lar .•wn long Rota, .I 11 1 Mnff • Have you bought a.nem Stove yet? Now is your. c The above stove s � it: t`�t it e Ii... ',,t�,;e�] are madebythe +b& t nl,^ ndl�al': :i'er country they are guiara-i31a ed to ly,(>;'ti baki,rs amt eookers and 11.1 every .-riet'i'i: a fl,T-t p..tove burning either coal 2 large size Base Burnel.s with ovens attached nic]d trim- med regular price 1 only Star Oak heater burns coal or wood with E, v fen at- tached regular price 1 only Telephone City 't,eefi.l heater regular price We have also a few lines of stoves, which we would like to clear out before the ;:Olson closes and in order to do so we have decked to cut the Prices away down, so any one lo:aki:og for a stove should not miss this opportune,;., I only Record range 6 holes re- servior and high closet with hot air attach. reguia price 45.00 for 35.0() 1 only Silver King range holes reservoir and high shelf reg 3Q;00 for:.81.00 1 only Crown Huron range 6 rM ° holes reservior high shelf reg 42.00 for K t).()0 1 only Empire Queen range 4 holes reservior high shelf reg /40;00 for 32.00 a. HA DWA ZURICH, IOH, 21).00 foi . 2100 fi 15,00 '18.00 ft 1.'13.00 Sheet Iron Stoves large size 7.50 for 5.00 ; Sheet Irc n & doves cast top large size 10.00 for ii.7S ; Hand :?icighs 1,25 fcr net, &TrER, F: R ENERAL MERCHANT ONTARIO taw , y+F � Mx5' ;^ F