HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-11, Page 6e Guarantee
to Cure Your
12HEUMATICFOE is the only meal -
urine that is purely and simply a Rheu-
•e atisrn Cure. It cures Rheumatism by
cleansing the blood of those impuritie!a
that cause Rheumatism. In many eases
as single Dollor Bottle will cause a cure.
A thorough treatment of Rheumaticfoe
will cure the most severe ease of Rheu-
rnatism. That is why we make our
For $5 we will send you the complete
Iieumaticfoe treatment, accompanied by
a signed guarantee that if a cure is not
effected your money will be returned to
you, If you have Rheumatism, fill out
the attached Coupon, and send it to us.
You have nothing to lose, but everything
to gain.
Has never yet failed to Cure Rheuma-
tism. $1 per bottle.
x773¢ Yonge Street, Toronto,
Dear Sirs,—Please send me par-
ticulars of your guaranteed Cure
for Rheumatism to
Dept. IL
Education in the West.
(Kansas City Times.)
A schen' teacher asked a pupil how old he
was. The pupil replied: "I am one-fourth
as old as my father and he's two years older
than my mother. My two brothers are as
eki as my mother was when my mother was
/6." The teacher solved the problem by
ltntoeking the pupil to the floor, sitting au
bis head and pounding him with the poker
until he was ready to talk sense.
Biinard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
The Man Who is Ahead.
(From Judge.)
I'ii almost every newspaper you pick
ap you are pretty sure to find a lot of
:,gush about the man behind the counter
•and the man behind the gun; the man
'behind the buzz -saw and the man be-
hind the sun; the man behind the
times and the man behind the rents:
the man behind the ploughshare and the
man behind the fence; the man be-
hind the whistle and the pian behind
the ears; the man behind the kaiak
and the man behind the bars; the man
behind his whiskers and the roan be-
hind his fists; and everything is enter-
ed on the list. But they've skipped an-
other fellow of whom nothing has been
eeici---the fellow who is even,. or a lit-
tle way ahead; who pays for what he
gets, whose bills are always signed.
He's a blamed sight more important
than the man who is behind. All the
editors and merchants, and the whole
commercial clan. are indebted for ex-
istence to this honest fellowman. He
akeeps us all in busineses and his town
is never dead; and so we take off our
hats to the man who is ahead.
Ointment quickly cures Itching Piles, Eczema, end
other skin ti oubles.
Leo Corrigan. 475 Ferguson Ave., N. Hamilton,
had Fez= since childhood. He consulted
apecialiSts—lay weeks and weeks in haspitels—
agel despaired of ever getting better.
thought Mira would be like oilier remedies!
Seed' tried ' Ile writes, "hut, to n:y delight, a few
ihrrseS after the first a h/icrtion t felt great relief,
dd has worked aoadersJor ate."
Don't put it off—get a box of Mira Ointment
ert°once. and be relieved. Price 50c.-6 for $2.50.
As druggists'—or from The Chemists' Co. di
Canada, Limited. f-l.amilton—Tot,.ato.
Dangerous Suction of a Train.
'The peril of stat:ding too near to fly-
ing railroad trains was shown at Mam-
aroneck, Westchester county, Saturday
afternoon, when Robert Coward, deputy
county clerk, was caught in the suc-
tfon of the Boston express on the New
York, New haven and Hartford rait-
ree.d, dragged forty feet and instantly
-Wiled. It is not an unusual thin; for
persons to test the sensation of stand-
ing near a train passing at a high rate
of speed. The train in this case was
going et the rate of sixty miles an hour
:and the displace latent of air in such a
eixise is terrific, causing a rush of it in
4haeimmediate vicinity which even strong
.sen sometimes eannot resist.-eRochester
Democrat and Chronicle.
ldinard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
.Continrrd Weefor Count Boni,
4fPhiladelnhia North American.)
it was thought that Count Beal had euf-
res:ed ..the cruelest blow when his wife got
tt. divrce, but the worst did not happen until
tee court decided that the former countess
eves not responsible for his debts.
Forcible Chinese Exp essien for Pirate
Changed to Apply to Aliens,
Now we are in It position to answer a
question at the outset of flue paper as
to the origin of the tenth translated
"foreign, Bevil." It is liter(tlly "ocean
demon," 'a foteible Ohitiese 'term ..for
pirate. The usti.tioi ,"sea robber" be.
came Eocea .'e$toxt`iafter this Chinese
experle, r�i �t nsotuptlous foreign pirates
who iaeaie +tzarauders ezi, shore as well.
From the" Ciltlnese"etas). poizzt was not the
term •justified, t, those days? And not
only did the i�ettuguese nation furnish
one or two ui 'ortlly speoirnens of J}z-
ropeans, but so, aid Holland and so did
England in the years which followed.
The China seas, in ,addition to their
own bands of native pirates, became in-
fested in those early years with far.
more daring piratical spirits from these
three nations. And, at first confined to
the coast, the term "ocean demon" 'or
pirate gradually spread into theinterior,
being propagated from place to place in
reports and rumors which doubtless mag-
nified the actual doings of. the lawless
Europeans into deeds of fiendish •atro-
city. Then after a generation or so the
terra "foreign demon" was utilized • by
mothers with fractious children, much as
the name Bonaparte was for a while in
England. "If you don't stop' that noise
I'll tell Bonny to come and take you!"
The mention of "ocean fiends" was found
to afford a potent sedative for blatant
juveniles, and so it has continued •itt use
since the sixteenth century until the pre-
sent genehstion, an interesting, ife un-
pleasant instance of Chinese eonservvt-
We suggested at the .start that, it is
dying down in many places. Having
been so long-lived in the past, it is dying
heard. And, as all will admit, it rias been
the missionary foreigners` or 'the ,more
genial men and. women of that class who
have been the chief agents in changing
it for something better. Not that the
foreign babies have not helped. When
in the '60's Dr. Porter Smith, ofHankow,
walked in the Chinese streets with his
little child on his shoulder the Chinese
exclaimed: "1Ie cannot be a foreign devil.
See! he is smiling at his little child.'—
East of Asia Magazine.
Something New and is Delighted.
Feels Like a Boy.
Mr. M. N Defoe, 29
Colborne street, Toron-
to, says:
"I have been a suf-
ferer trona Dyspepsia
for years. • I have
been '.'trehted by doe
tors and • have taken
many: medicines with
only temporary relief.
Since using Dr. Leon-
hard's Anti -Pill I can
;,sat anything the same
hs hen a boy. -I find
they. 'regulateboth
Storiaeh and bowels.
My old time vigor
has returned, so that
Ml's 1i, N. DIP" ant spirits' are buoy-
ant and; temper nor-
mal I give all credit to thisrwondertul rem-
edy—Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill," `
All Dealers or The Wilson -Pyle Co., Lim-
ited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 601
Trouble in Suburban Families.
"What's the matter with all you
swampliursters?" demanded. ,`, Citinan.
"You all appear to hate Newcomb and
yet lye's a derent sort of fellow."
"Ruh" snorted Subbubs, ' "the . miser-
able chump bought his wife a $30. bon-
net the other day and now there's. no
peace in our homes." — Philadelphia
It must hurt for a hen to sit on an egg
said hatchet.
Task too Great for Him.
(Half Holiday.)
Eilts (loftily)—I don't think much' Of. girls
anyway. Still. I'd rather be a girl 'then a
Alice—very likely you would, but I don't
see how you're going to work the change.
G•entlem•en;-yr aet winter X e'eceived
great benefit from the 'use of MIg-
ARD:S LIN111ENT in a seven attutek .of
La Grippe, and 1 hare frequently proved
it to be very effective in rea.ses of in -
fleet -mai ion.
Yours, •
George in Disagreeable Company,.
(.Michigan, N. D., .tirena.),,
George Fox, of the Minneapolis and
Northern, is the fond arrd anxious spon-
sor of a particularly large and •blush.
ing boil, which has blossomed forth just
south of his left ear. The possession of
this delightful pet •lends to its owner
a deliberation of movement and gravity'
of countenance which become him very
GRAY'S SYRUP does that one thing,
and sloes it well. 'It's atoaj cure. tall," bet-
a CURE for all; throat and llriig doubles
GUM stops the irritating tickle — tabes
away the soreness—soothe and heals the
throat—and CITRUS COUGHS to stay
None the less effective because st is
pleasant to take.
25 cts. bottle.
127i e7710. /'h"Jl'O" :dMa4J.ZREV $ or •11,
Onc3e more Va
.has been proveih
remedies, and '
parations bad s'i
Mr. J. O ThI
the ease referz'
were all brole ,
hands and feet:e9 air condition was pitiable,
end althought,;',''ies d vtclous ointments and.
salves, they diar p t Seoul to be able to' get
at the root of tilt 'evil, and the sores con-
tinued to eproad. 'clap day I saw a report in
a local newspaper ,Oiling how beneflefal Zaru-
Buk was for dein lsp
I.ttees, ulcers, etc, I gat
a'supple of the ibaz and willed it to the
children's sores,'tAimest immediately they
got relief, and tris 'sores began to heal. Al-
though the skin' )isoase had defied all the
salves I had pyre iously 'tried, in one week
Zam-Bak overeat e the trouble, and to -day
the children kayo:
t ' AJ.4iY.
le BY
i, the greet herbal balm,
Estly superior to ordinary
:nod where ether pre-
ly :f#riled.
of i3urk's i+'z iIs, r'epalltti
�,•' lla says: ley children
t with soros on (ace,
not a Dimpleor spot or
, his
mark et disease ,on .their akin. For t
grand result is ti}eir strip I. have Zam-Buk
to thank. It i<'•a splendid healer,"
Zam-Buk is thus shown to be • altogether
different and superior to;ordinary remedies.
It is a healing' been compounded from saps
and essences of the finest knownmedicinal
herbs, It has him' antiseptic power,'; lolling
disease germs which settle on sores and erup-
tions, etc., and which set up festering, blood
poison and suppuration. It cures eczema,
skin rashes,.cuts, burns, bruises, abscesses,
ulcers, acne, biackh8ads, ringworm, blood
poison, eto. It heals cracked and chapped
hands, •cold sores, etc. As an embrocation
it gives speedy relief in cases of muscular
rheumatism, sciatica, tete. Rubbed on the
chee't in et colds, it relieves the tight-
ness and aching. A11 druggists rind stores
sell at 60c a hex, or inay be obtained post
free from the Zasn-Buk Co., Toronto, upon
reoeipt of pribea'6 boxes for $2.60.,.:: Send one
cent stamp for dainty trial box.
Theis (ceding Presents.
has named the day
As soon as
She issue e';o vltetiona
To all the „ear mothers knew
(Including .peer relations).
We were awere they all would swear
In language- far trona pleasant,
"Confound it! I shall' have to buy
The blessed pair a present." ,
Then boy and man in cart and van
And motor -ear came driving,
With gifts galore, and more and snore,.
And still they kept arriving.
And housemaids flew, and postman, :too,
Till all th
And night s,terrace wondered, day they rang away-
Lord! howithe knocker thundered)
We worked fro shifts upon the gifts:
But nota' knife among them;.
We'd tweet score of forks and more,
But not • mile among them;
And as w .wo had scarce a sett,
There se (d to be a caret •
When silly ugs gave claret jugs,»
But not 'op of claret.
We'd e
of eve
As if
And nowt
We're t.
To every
And ever
We find—ti
And noth
sags, and sugar tongs
and fashion,
• rt found to be
cling passion;
,of pink and. blue,
mes scented,
'f art nouveau,
were presented:
tit\a little lot, •
Pb we most detest,
aoor relation; !
-lies the true ''.not,
late—we've all we hate,
that we do not.
Retones and builds up the
nervous system, gives nat.
uralvigor,purifiesthe blood,
cures constipation, kidney troubles, sore
backs and neuralgia, Sold only by mail.
Send postal note or coin. Price 50c. atid.
one 2 -cent stamp. The Morrison Spe-
cialty Co., Box 224, Windsor, Ont.
Financial Power of France,
Although Prance is carrying the enor-
mous burdet,oe perhaps 2,000,000,000 of
Russian securities, at a time when Rus-
sia is 'passing through a tremendous po-
litical and financial crisis, with the possi-
bility cf an ultimate repudiation, yet
France is to -day enjoying the easiest
money market in the world. and has
great blocks of money to loan and an
immense hoard of goald in her vaults.
'Why is this? 'What is the secret of the
French financial power? Not mineral
wealth, not a crop surplus, not even: in-
dustrial activity. The secret lies..sinhply
in the fact that every man, woman and
child in France spends less than his in-
come. France is a nation of 30,000,000
savers. The United States are rapidly
acquiring the reputation of being a : ra-
tion of 85,000,000 spenders.—ih,,ll:'Street
Minard's Liniment Cures, Garget in Cowa.
O 1 4.
Texas No Paradise fol: Women,
' So`'iar as 1e,1 eights are concerned,
Texan is not t ti iitarried woman's para-
dise. A mal'a,lat woman has no prop-
erty of her i (it .4. If she earns any-
thing her lhutb', 4id can collect and spin.:
it, Re can-scla muter her inheritance or
gamble away Iter estate. Not' long ago
a `woman who't•e, drunken husband had
deserted" iter . ilgiht a sowing machines:
on the instal , (bet plan and proceetted '
to n'iake 'a llv for herself and several
small chitdrent emlle ltttsliand discovered
the fact and'° ters '.of the :bargain
and the day tante the agent was to
call for the seGliilti esiment, went to
ale bank, where 't e Wife, had deposited
h%t little savings -for this purpose, and
writing a cheek It({ Brew every dollar
as her "manager." St. 'Louis;Post-
Iowa Farmers No Longer Regard the
Crow es a Pest to Crops,
Farmers near Sheldon, Iowa, are form-
ing what they will call "The Bird
Friends' society," Farmers have been
studying the use of various birds to their
growing Drops and as a result there is
much less animosity against the crow,
blackbird end bl ejay than formerly, for
16 ties beets proved that these birds aid
the farmer' more than they hurt him,
James C'Bricnd is president of the soci-
The swallow, swift and nightingale are
the guardians of the atmosphere, feed-
ing on the wing and taking from the
air those forms of insects that might en-
danger the fruit trees.
Woodpeckers, chickadees and creepers
are the guardians of the trunks of trees
eating the grubs that injure the bark
of fruit or ornamental trees.
Blackbirds, thrushes, crows and larks
protect the soil, eating the worms and
insects that injure the corn, wheat and
oats. They scarcely partake of corn ex-
eept in the autumn.
The snipe and the woodcock are the
guardians of the subsoil, reaching far
down into the earth after hatching lar-
vae and insects that would soon attack
the roots of the growinb crops.
Tile lone -persecuted crow is really the
farmers' friend, for he destroys more in-
seets than the average bird and rarely
pulls up the corn. as alleged. He has been
known to eat 200 grasshoppers in a sin-
gle hour.
The pretty quail, whose life has been
spared by the hunter only because of
the laws of several states, eats the
weed seeds whieh would otherwise scat-
ter and is also a good feeder on insect
The grouse of the. west as well as the
east is a. prolific eater of grubs and
grasshoppers and all forms of insects.
Can cure your Cough or Cold,
no question about that, but—
why go to all the trouble and
inconvenience of looking him up,
and then of having hispreseription
filled, when you can step into any
drug store in Canada and obtain
a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE
for a quarter.
Why pay two to five dollars
when a twenty-five cent
bottle of SHILOH will cure you
as quickly?
' Why not do as hundreds of
thousands of Canadians have
done for the past thirty-four
years : let SHILOH be your doc-
tor whenever a Cough or Cold
SHILOH will cure you, and all
druggists back up this statement
with a positive guarantee.
The next time you have a
''Cough or Cold cure it with
afi..l. ' TafERi +gym
Those Christmas Cigars.
(Cleveland Plain Dealer.)
Hubby—My dear, I have concluded to give
up smoking.
Wiltie—Fou don't speak soon enough. I've
bought them.
ors '
Failed to Get Free Advice.
Client (meets his doctor and wants a free
opinion—Doctor, when you have a bad cold
what d0 you do?
Doctor—I blow my nose and cough.
The 'minute '.ice matt get the reputa-
tion of being, til talker's they want to
quit work.
ISSUE N O. 2, 190T.
farm in the County of Bruce, with good ,
buildings; 120 acres cultivated; only goo down
or secured; immediate possession; title Per-
fect. Apply at once, London Loan & Say-
ings Co.. London, Ont.
re farm in the
Township doof Mesa, C un or n y ofoMiddlo ex; good
tram° buildings; immediate possession; title,
Perfect. Apply London Loan Couhtiany, Lon-
don, Ont. w._.
THE FARMERS' MANUAL contains a ser-
ies of special lessons in farm bookkeeping,.
with full instructions, separate rulings and
printed headings for grain account, poultry
account, cattle account, hog account, labor
account, dairy account, expense account;
department for each kind of grain, gash
received account and cash paid out account.
Manual also o contains a
complete lone
department. a veterinary handbook, a per -
feet system of horse -training according to
the methods used by Prof, 0, W. Gleason,
besides the farmers' legal department. 400
The J. L. NICHOLS CO., Limited,
(Mention this paper.) Toronto, Canada.
Agents wanted.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al-
ways be used for children teething. It
soothes the chile, soothes the gums, cures
wind colic and is the best remedy for diar-
DR. LE'tRG'>r''S
torr,These sure
teleran use Lie France
for over fifty years, and found invaluable
for the purpose designed, and aro guaran-
teed by the :takers Enclose stamp for
sealed circular. Price St.te per box or
pr ny mall, securely sealed, ou receipt of pace .
BOY 42. Hamilton, contra
Naturalist Comments on Tale of Python
Devouring a Tiger.
A thrilling narrative which was pub-
lished recently by a 'well-known maga-
zine told how the author was chase' into
a tree by a tiger and there found a py-
thon awaiting him.
The tiger began to climb the tree, and
while the python was engaged with a
parrot the author crawled along a slop-
ing branch. When the python returned
to the place where it had left the writer
it found in his stead. the tiger, whieh,
according to the story, was almost a
full-grown aneater.
It then describes how the python seiz-
ed and strangled the tiger, and after
crushing its body into a pulp, was in the
act of swallowing it when the author,
having descended the tree and regained
his rifle, shot it.
The story is authenticated by the au-
thor's sworn statement, but according
to Dr. Blandford, of the zoological so-
ciety, and other eminent naturalists, tig-
ers in the first place can not climb
trees; secondly, do not exist in Ceylon;
and thirdly, when imature do not attack
human beings unless they are wounded.
Itt addition, pythons, according to Dr.
Gunther, are unable to swallow anything
larger than a half-grown sheep.—London
4 . A
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
0 e s
Gave Him the Real Truth.
(Boston Transcript.)
Mrs. Strong—What did you say, dear, when
he asked you your age?
Miss Sharp—I told him the truth.
Mrs. Strong—You did: Really?
Miss Sharp—yes; I told him it was none
of his business.
1, u!.4'� ,••,\fin.
Think of it, a beautiful Rnff of Siso Fax, the most
aahieuablefur worn, given absolutely free. Such an
offer was never mads before. The only reason we can ti
afford to do it 1114 that wo arranged for those handsome I'
Furadurtng the dull season in the summer and got them
nearlyy at coat. ibo Butt is 41 Inches long. noarly
4 tnohos wide, made of tho handsomest Bluo P'ex Fur.
vary rich, soft and May. It Is warmly padded lined with
the same nit isaf satin and omautonted with tour long
tanner Blue Fox also. Such n handsome Fur bus never
Umbra b0811 given away, and you can get it so easy. Just •
send us your name and address. plainly, and we will man
10 boxes of our famous Vegetable Now L1fo Pills at mac a 99
box. A gaud named.' and cure for all Impure and Weak '
Conditions of the Blood, Indigestion Stomach Trouble,
Constipation. Weakness, nervous Disorder., Rheumatism •
and Female Troubles. A grand Tonlo and Life Builder.
These are our regular 60c sire: tlternro cony tosell as each +?
customer who buys n box of Pips from you receives n
prize ticket which entitles them to a tine piece of Silver t
ware. Don't miss the chance of your lite. Send no your y,
order and' we will send alto 10 boxes and Prize Tickets by
mall, postpaid. When sold you .andue tho money (02.601. ,^
'and we will send you this handsome Blno Fox Rut• all
chargee paid, Writ', today. Address': be New Lire
Remedy Cn.. 1t tt n Toren to Dins da
1.440r:r bis' A 4 ,. c'44, T'
Ask for