HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-11, Page 5HOTELS. ***40 3*MDQ*ea*tt4*ipcyi'cttll9a'ia***0t90 '10 0 sa + B1 THE 3 COMMERCIIL HUTEL ti * t3 ZURICH Si da 8;i tvr 0 0 0 — 0 St'rietly up-to-date in modern im provements. Diningroomsis sup- b t* plied with only the very best. ¶ ¶ cps Bar Contains choice liquors n,nd cigars. 111 91 'i 1f ¶ o 0 ca' J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. 0 Excellent Sample Roorns for Commercial Men. Zhe 1Dominfon `house. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. iso yA6etter able in the Rominien. amorasoolmamonmminon R. R.J ohnston &Son. PROPRIETORS. your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN Hoffman's I Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure CONNECTION W. H. HOFFMAN Emitunimessatior XMAS IS COMM! and now is the time to look up your Christmas Gifts. This is the place to come to first for your Xmas shopping. All kinds of Toys and Fancy Goods :also new Currants Raisins and Peels, and a choice lot of Candy, Nuts and fancy cakes. R. N. DOUGLAS, Blake. Heart Strength Heart Strength, or Heart weakness, means Nerve Strength, or Nerve weakness—nothing more. Pos- itively, not one weak heart in a launched is, in it. seIf, actually diseased. It is almost always a bidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault, ''This obscure nerve—the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve simply needs, and must have, more power, mote rtability, rnore controlling. more governing ;trengtir. withnut that the Heart must continue to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr. Shoop's Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat- ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative—this popular prescription—is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; it strengthens; it offers real, genuine heart help. If you world have strong Hearts, strong di. gestion, strengthen these nerves — rre-estabiinlr :them as needed, with r. Shoop' storative J. 1. MERXEP. I 1 HENSALL. On Friday last, the spirit of Mrs, Robt. Drysdale, Sr,, took its flight and another home was cast into deep gloom, The deceased bad been ailing for over a year, the hest medical skill being unable to re, lieve her. Her sorrowing husband, and a family of son% and daughte e survive her, The funeral wise ja[`elo on Monday. interment talring place in the Bayfield cemetery, At the election on Monday Mr. O. Geiger was elected reeve of Hensall by a majority of 38 over Mr. Hudson. The local option by- law carried by a large majority. Mr. A. Dalrymple, a very success - full farmer in the West, is here visiting his father. Miss Dougherty, of Galt, is guest of Mrs. C. A. McDonell. Miss Bessie Urquhart has return- ed to Toronto to resurne her stud- ies. Miss Munn has retured to London to resume her studies at the busi- ness college, the EXETER Jos Dauncey of Stephen held an auction sale last Saturday. He will make his home with Roger North- cott, of Hay township, in future. Miss Susie Melville, of Hensel], was united in marriage to Wesley Simmons, of Fillmore, Sask., on Jan. lst. They leave to -morrow for their hone in the west. Gerald, the young son of N. D. Hurdon, was bitten by a dog, while toboganning at the river a few days ago. Mr. Cobbledick of Sirncoe street, celebrated the 85th anniversary of his birth on Jan. lst. The statistics for the village for 1906' as returned to the Provincial Secretary show 23 births, 21. mar- riage and 18 deaths. Mrs. Wm. Slavin died suddenly on Monday of last week. 0* DRYSDALE. Report of S. S. S. No. 1, Hay, for November and December. V class. Marks given 1000 Thesse Laporte 684, Isaac Ducharne 649. III class. Marks given 700 Ernest Loiselle 566, Melvin Jeffry 500, Blanche Laporte 496, Hector La- porte 474, Maxim Denomy 472, Ed- die Brisson 470, John Denomy 459, Valerie Laporte 457, Alice Denomy 358, Solomon Denomy 344, Maximi- lian Denomy 280. II class, Marks given 500 Alex Aubin and Wilfred Laporte equal 447, Ethel Jeffry 432, Edward Cor- rivean 400, Lillie Denomy 353, Loretto Laporte 343, Eugenie De- nomy 299, Anna Corriveau 291, Bertine Denomy 285. Pt II. Marks given 250 Evangeline Laporte 21.1, Fabien Corriveau 197, Armand Denomy 186, Richard La- porte•176, Filbert Denomy 158, Ed- ward Laporte 134. Pt I. Nantes in ordbr of merit Adolphe Sopha, Priscilla Ducharme Teddy Denomy, Leo Denomy, Lawrence Denomy. G. M. Lachance, Teacher. 0-4111. by— BAYFI ELD• W. G. Johnston, of Milestone, Sask., a former resident of the Sauble Line, is here for a visit. Arley Atwood, of Detroit, is home CO see his brother James, who is seriously ill. Henry Drehrnann, of Hollyrood, was here last week. We understand he intends to return to Bayfield, Miss Kate Wild, of Hannah, N. D., is home for a visit, after an ab- sence of seven years. The long looked for opening of the new eAethodist °immix is now announced for Sunday, Jan, ,e0th. This building has been in course of erection since last June. Mr, and Mrs. Turner have moved here from Varna for the winter. Dr. Elliott and wife. of Lucknow, who have been on a trip to the Old Country were the guests of J. Fraser, on the way home. T. J. Marks and daughter, Ethel, ha,v'e gone to Oberlin, Kansas, for the winter. Edward Looby. of Edmonton. who has been absent from Bayfield for about thirty years, is renewing acquaintances here. Charles Dupee left for Saginaw on Wednesday. He was accompan- ied by his sister, Miss Liza The building cornmitte of the Methodist church eXerei fi .their heartiest thanks to Mrs ': Ielee, Hudie for the gift of a lilltiClsonie' new piano, and also to Mr. Charles McDonald, of Toronto, son of: Geo. McDonald, Bronson Line, for his gift of a $100 cheque. For any disease of the skin we can recommend Chamberlain's Sal- ve. It relieves the itching and burning sensation instantly and soon effects a ourd. This salve is als'l invaluable for sore r..p )',es, For sale by J J Merner. -Cly Mr. and Mrs left for their new tori, '1i'Ir, and Mr 'Fee, last Thursdteir for.. where Ti±Lylplt Y li,ery ltausixtess, °l AndreV,',Motz ireele Neepinkil', l%1, a'lim Rolling lz,tt$ (levelling i a,tely r ,riziit'l S. Brown wasp ' board of tru tees church. A fire gong will de new school, houpe and drilled so that they) be the building in a $11101ti fire would brerak vete Chas. Fahner hag r home here,. . C. Bluetitwas:'preeen handsome rockoi+'ttnd.' the pupils of his 'robes Mr. and Mrs. .Johir• frill,' of Caro, Mich,, visited relatives li,ere last 'e. �`alhil IQr, left; Mich., hosed a oma Red the P. Tay. to the igelical in the children vacate fide if a t',to Ins th' a tire by week. Miss McCue of Toronti ;i,, visited her brother, Dr. McCue, last week, The annual election of officers was held in the Evangelical church last Sunday morning, The m.uniei.pal election caused a great deal of excitement '-through- out the township.. 4 STANLEY TOWNSHIP Rev. R,,,A. Corinth and'. wife of Corinth wire guests at the some of Wm Clarke Iast week. : ' Mr. and Mrs. D. Evans hicago visited the former's br. t1 ter last week. A pretty wedding was 1iebrated at Yarmouth on Dec 26th, when Miss Hannah, daughter orf . lulr. R. Penhale ofthis township, was unit- ed in marriage to Frank Hobson of Yarmouth. John McNaughton and : ister Miss Maud MCNaughtoi. of Clinton, have left for Calgary, '.lberta. The latter was united in arriage at that city on her arrival !,,,here to Mr. S. Jackson, formerly: )f Clin- ton, Messrs. W. Glen, W. J. Geo. Douglas and Geo. Bea' elected councillors of Ste Monday. 'Mr. J. MCDer elected reeve by acclarnar local option by-law was a ltirge majority the v 288• for, and 118 again '746RECiel8T8 FOIL ,r inson, e were y lust 1. was The d by *ug By Rev. Irl. R. . The second storm peri' nwidn- ar,y, will be central on , 11th, 12th, and 13th, embracing oon in perigee and at extreme s h de- clination on the 12th, 1 "t1 new Moon at a total solus eclip node on the 13th. -Barometer, wind cur- rents and clouds will all show growing storm conditions by the llth and 12th, but the crisis will fall on and touching the 13th. High winter gales. rain southward, and snow storms amounting to blizzards and blockades northward should find no student of these forecasts napping at the time. Seismic disturbaaees will be natural almost necessary within it period of six to seven days, taking the 13th as the central day. Watch the world's telegraphic news and see. Another wide and wicked cold wave will come on the scene 'about the 13th`. to the 16th. "The cattle on a thousand hills" and plains will suffer if prudent and merciful men do not have the care of thorn. The third storm period—regular is at the beginning of a Venus period. Storm conditions at this period will develop and culminate from the 16th to the 20th. The crisis will. be on and touching the 19th, at the passage of the Moon over the celestial equator. Re- newed rani and snow storms will pass over the country dnring this period with high barometer, gales and cold wave following close be. Bind and ' 'teaching most parts about the 20th and 2lst. MWMI Cotth a " ,edy The Children's, Favorite w t5uaa--• Coughs, Colds* :''Croup and hoopina' Cough. a large part et theecciivilized itY *Old. It can always bo depended fipoti I1 btlattains fab opium or other harmful drag end nraj' b6 given as oonfldently to a beby "ave' to r;;r tyrl{1i,S Price e5 Cts; LargO Sit :' 0 Casae r1 efore r ning k A Account examine thi grow h -of The Sovereign ,Bank. InI 2y+ acs;' ending 31§t October, 1906. Assets have .ci tp, $25,343,401 Excess of assets ities to the Public has inti aced to t* ,, ' ' 5,278,557 Deposits hay 'increased ifo 15;578,920 1,00 opens an accounrin the Savings Department. Interest paid 4 furies a yea;r., 30 The Sovereign Bank`,rtof Canada. Zurich Branch EL,L, flgr.. ,�•� .ate,. . -.. . ... Cl Lamont elected';:iZeeye by 268 major= qty.-` =Old Councillors-r&electecl. The municipal elections held throughout the township on.Monday created quite a,'stir, and despite the very disagreeable weather`,%larger number of votes were polled. ,Mr. Lamont was re-elected reeve' for an- other year by a.largely rncre-Geed majority, compared with the result two years ago The old coniiciliors, Messre.4. K Goetz, L. Kalbfieiseh and Robt. MoArthur vegre•, ]so re-elected, and Mr, John Geiger, of the Bronson Eine will be tl„e fourth councillor. In the evening the Town Hall was"crowded with•:'ratepayers anxious to hear the result, and after Clerk Hess bad declared the above named' gentlemen duly elected, a- meeting'waleorganized. The successful candidate's and some of the un- successful ones addressed those present and the meeting closed with singing"God-Save our King." ee, . HAY'''TOWNSHIPNYELECTION RETURNS. ELECTION OF 1905. FOR REEVE Poll No. ,.a 1 2 3 4 Greb, Charles 40 20 " 80 16 *Lamont; Peter . - . , 44 40 1051 45 FOR COUNCILLORS Battler, Wni. B 20 18 71 15 *Goetz, John K.....•..... 35 8 62 Green, James 51 2,‘ 62 *Kalbfieisch,, Louis 9 10 117 *McArthur, Robert...... .'46 63 68 *Smith, Wendel—. , 30 11 109 Thirsk, John--.. . 7 19 49 5 6 7 8 Total 33 ` 57 30 31 307 42 "60 25 61 428 Lamont's majority 121 9 43 12 17 205 26 22 73 11. 29 266 11 18 12 38 9 225 37 68 61 15 70 387 18' 15 8 38 27 283 26; 31 71 21 39 338 37..27 8 16 30 193 ELECTION OF 1907. FOR REEVE *L' amort, Niel, Smith, FOR;COUNOILLORs .A Caldwell, :Wm. ; 3 '.*Geiger, John t 1 *Goetz, iohn7 .... Greb,':Cha8 , Green, Jamt3j3 ... *Kalbfleisoh,?