HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-11, Page 1THE
The Official. Qrg'au
Vol. VII., No. 25
Clinton Business College
(Affiliated with Wingham Busi-
ness College.)
This is the most modern, thor-
ough and successful institution of
its kind in Ontario. Excellent
staffof teachers; unexcelled eq,1,p-
mene; large attendance; act i a1
business school, •During Novem-
ber we had. 20 times as many
calls from leading concerns for
,Bookkeepers, Stenographers
and Telegraphers as we had
graduates to send.
Enter any time.
Individual instruction.
Our handsome Christmas
Catalogue sent free on applica-
tion to
GEO. SPOTTON - Principal
04r-. eraeraerarara .-30.-.-.4-54-L4-1-Ims
The Ontario Legislature will
meet January 24th.
Miss Nettie Well .of Brantford
is visiting her home here at pre-
The official count of the Stephen
election will be found on page 5
of this issue.
.Mr. Jahn Torrance, license in-
'spector, of Clinton; was in the vil-
lage on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Innes returned
last Thursday from visiting the
foriner's parents in Moorefied.
Usborne will have local option
after next May 1st, the by-law
carrying b3a a large majority. One
hotel will lose its license.
Mr. Henry Decher, for the past
eighteen years a resident of the.
state of 'Michigan, formerly of this
Township, is visiting relatives and
friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. Chas. Kalbfleisch and Mr.
Hartman Steinbach, of Detroit,
were called here this week owing
to the serious illness of their
mother, Mrs. J. C. Kalbfleisch.
One of the most enjoyable social
events of the past year, was the
celebration of the tenth anniversa-
ry of the wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. D. H. Steinbach, in their
new house; 840 Milwaukee Ave.,
Detroit, on Saturday evening, Dec.
29th, 1906. The home was beauti-
'fnlly decorated for the occasion
Forty guests sat down to a banquet
and numerous presents were re-
ceived. Among the social features
of the evening was a speech by Dr.
A. J. Hare. Health is happiness,
he said, and is largely in our own
keeping. I presume all of you are
making your New Year's resolu-
tions, and I shay be pardoned if I
suggest one, and that is "keep
smiling," a cheerful disposition not
e,nly makes ten years of married
life glide pleasantly by, but it aids
digestion. A smile is the best dis-
infectant I know of. Life is glad-
ness; therefore, if you would be
fully alive, be glad.
A friendly contest at the trap on
Tuesday, between six from Stephen
and six men from the Zurich Gun
Club, resuilted in a victory for
Zurich by,,;two points, Yearley and
'Hess made a splendid score while
the remaining were slightly below
the average. The Stephen boys are
a gentlemanly lot of fellows and. it
is always a pleasure to have a day
with them. The local club is in-
vited to go to Stephen shortly and
we trust they will be able to hold
their own with the men from the
South. 'The following is the score :
'Kerr 1001110100 5
G Hertzel 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 6
W Yearley 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 0 9
C Mawhinney ., 0 0 0 1 1. 1 1 0 0 1 5
R Mawhinney 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3
L Kraft:•„ ,.,,01 01 11.1 0 01. 6
aT Deichert ,., 1. 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 5
WGHess 1110111111 9
W O'Brien 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 4
T P Rau .. 0 0 1 1 1 10 1 0 1 6
T Schuettler ... 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 6
C Fritz -. 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1. 1, 1. 6
LOST -A gent's glove on Monday
night. Finder please return to
this office.
Mr, and Mrs. C. Eilber spent Sun-
day at Exeter, the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. McGuire.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mrs. R.
Drysdale, of Hensall, on Monday.
Mr. D. S. Gordon, of near Ailsa
Craig, has been engaged as teacher
of S. S. No. 12, Hay, at a salary of
$425 a year.
Mr. and Mrs Thos. Murdock, of
Hensall, visited at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Camp-
bell, on Sunday,
All parties still indebted to J. F.
Riekbeil must settle by Feb. 1st,
1907, after that date collection ex-
penses will bo added.
Mr. G. Holtzman was elected
Superintendent of the Evangelical
Sunday School. in place of Mr. D.
S. Faust, who desired to retire.
This section was visited by .a
heavy rain fall on Monday, and as
a result all the snow has disappear-
ed and the roads have become
quite muddy.
The slaughter of deer in the
Ontario Northland this season was
"the greatest in history." Re-
turns by one express company
made to Chief Game Warden Tins-
ley show that 3,300 carcasses were,
shipped this year ae compared
with 2,796 last season,
While working in the swamp in
Stanley, Mr. A. Wilds, of Hills -
green, narrowly escaped death by
being struck by a falling tree, P.
Sipple had notched a tree and when
it was ready to fall he gave a cry
of warning. Mr. Wilds misjudged
the direction of the fall and was
struck by a limb. He received a
severe gash on one of his cheeks,
and was otherwise slightly bruised.
A small tree on which the larger
one fell saved him from death.
One by one the old settlers of
the Township, are going over to
the "silent majority" and family
connections and friendshilp
years standing pass away
dream. This week it is our sad
dray to record the death of Mrs.
Daniel Surerus, Sr., who died on
the old Homestead, Bronson Line,
after reaching the advanced age of
eighty-three years. Her aged and
faithful partner in life, who is over•
eighty-five, and a family of sons
and daughters are left to mourn
the death of a kind and true wife
and mother.
y Townsa
Mr. Leo:. Cb
Monday ft* Sax'
engage in the life';;
Miss El'aina, Bo
Norman, returned
week of ter ,peiacla
at their hole her
Mr. and. Mrs.
Miss Iva Weber
of Mr. and Mrs
Hillsgregn, on
The regular
C. T. U. will be
of Mrs. P. Bend
afternoon, Jan.,.'
at 2.30.
NUARY 11,'
ft on
e will
e busi-
on last
Os, and
sae home
the W.
e home
John Dnnart, een here
for several- re rr 11� ` [ti,+i fed out
again on Mone , .�n�" Jjto makes
Zurich his headqu' ' ging the
rabbit hunting sea
The Beck power-. s, voted
on in many in Q g a lities last
Monday, carried in x° >' 111 cases
by large ` majo G�,y�+�+ �� Western
Ontario will now p power.
Miss Mae Wg
"wed ' to
Chicago, I1'4, on ' ! n ka ;',after a,
pleasant Visit ae here.
Miss Loui4er W ` jt'n a , ,. I� panied
her as far as'' Detro El, ti . where
she has secured a tion.
On Wednesday,
to the number of f4;
ed Mrs. Henry Wiii
by gathering at her b
dulging in various F' nnsements.
They afterwards sat down to a
sumptuous repast, Meads nes E.
Appel, J. Fuss ,and J. Schnell did
the honors of waitresses:: 'All went
home well pleased, wish:frig Mrs.
Wurnx many more happy=� ,,urthtiays
and in -
It bas'. been asserted,' n good
authority that the Govex'li.,nent has
decided to have a corn :•'te new
set of readers for all close in the
schools. With the exck. ,tion of
phoentio primers to Part ��, 'and II
of the First readers .' horizecl
three or font years . a>�o new
readers have been al .� d for
from 17 to 21 year sew-
be is it is ;: lkg`ecl,.,vs
'ti gin,
'natter will .e adol f', oil
the recommendation . is
cry Council of Educa '1 born
the question will be r f . \ No
decision has been an , •ed re-
garding the course tob ` FQIlo ed
when the interim agree; <snt ith
the book publishers exl:r •? a t the
end of the present mo r li. Itis
thonkglit that perhaps the pr sent
stock.. will be sufficient for p sent
$ • Y • er Year.
Wishing you all a
Happy and Pros='
pe rou s New Year.
{��,, GENERAL4P Ii w� T1ERCr- ANT
�•o,-Gc� a•�•goo.0 d•�o�oi� a 0.
QGP4lJ4•llO.4•G�•00•4.0•�ll�' PO4O•
26'; The Shoe Question
Ss all important one and should receive
your serious attention. We have taken
special care in buying our fall and winter
stock and. are prepared to give special val-
Ites'and .quality unsurpassed, We have
a splendid line of fall shoes for men and
wainen a uet1.lin g stylish and first-class
sous x a - �'es; etc. C isle and exam-
• ; ine dor' goods.
°Q° C. ITZ,
The Shoeran.
�o.:;�.;a.,r�.r.�.o•o•v.o.�.o.o.o•v.o.o..� vo.o•o.o./�0/
• ‘• 4p p.44 Vim• � 4 44 4 4 .``ZW 0 •
.u' •� ...i•_1" i gilri',i g{+' vgrxS 1�
Furs, Winter Goods, Stoves, -Sleigh Bells, Robes, etc., etc
Men's Furs
1 only mens Fur Coat reg $28.00 for $22.00
'3 ,. " " $25.00 " $19.00
1 , 1 11 I l ., "
o $22.00 " $17.50
1 " " „ ., 820.00 ,: 816.00
1 1L <• " $166 00 " $13.50
5 men's fur lined " " 835,00 " $25.00
3 only Artie Robes 9,00 • ` 6:75
10 wool Lap Rugs 1.50 to 4.50 i.25
These are Big Snaps and will go quick.
Children's White Bear Coats regular
4.50 anc15 00 for 3.50. •
.SIeigh Bells Ladies' Furs
Open Bails regular 1.000now for 65c
go 2;52'
0cic 5
l{ -, 35 •1
30 .,
1t 18 "
A few String Bells left which will
a Big Reduction.
Highest Market Prices for Hides and
Farm Produce of all kiuds.
Have you bought -a* new Stov
We have also a few lines of stoves, which
we: would like to clear out before the season
closes and in order to do so we have decided to
cut the Prices away down, so any one looking
for a stove should not miss this opportunity.
1 only Record range 6 holes re
servior and high closet with
hot air attach. regula price 45.00 for 35.00
1 only Silver King range 5 holes
reservoir and high shelf reg 39.00 ford 31,00
1 only Crown Huron' range 6
holes rseryiorhighshelf reg 42.00 for 35,00
1 only Empire :Queen range 4
holes reservior high shelf reg 40.00 for 32..00
ZU1'I Ofd,
e yet?
:3 Ast. .lockets regular $25.00 for $19.00
1 .. ,. 35.00 " 28.00
2 far lined Capes " 19.00 " 16.00
2 dark brown long Ruffs 9.50 " 6.50
1 " " 10.00 " 7.00
1 mink marmot Stoleand
Muff to match
2 Ca.perines regular
1. Boa
1 Muff
19.50 12.50
3.50 " 2.50
7.00 " 3.50
6.00 " 3.50
5.50 " 3,00
4.50 ., 3.00
Now is your chance.
The above stoves have nice large ovens and
are made by the best manufacturers in the
country they are guaranteed to good bakers and
cookers and in every respect a first class stove
burning either coal or wood.
2 large size Base Burners with
ovens attached nickle trim-
med regular price 39.00 for 30.00
1 only Star Oak heater burns
coal or wood with oven at-
tached regular price 20.00 for 15.00
i, only Telephone City coal
heater regular price 18.00 f< r 13.00
Sheet Iron'Stoves large size 7.50 for 5,00 ; Sheet Iron Stoves
oast top 44tig6 h.:Jze 10.00 for 6.75; Hand Sleighs 1.25 for 75cts