HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-04, Page 8ASNCeL C..
' '.ngekic4-1,Asir,
l+'s .A l X g a r Yt �7 ;Sa a w if i i t s v j
Tar, la 1,
•,__.y4 4!�''� y.+4 tt5Z .'a Xi.+�,'�it• h�A a�",�a+h4E( a¢ :7;:ol a .a' +r .r 'e N." i%. '
' c�.wxfs _ e -wa...iia'�ia4tak:4�`.h�ae°.a0..s+w�i.n.�w �:�.�a.
We would like to call.
your attention to our
stock of meats poultry
sausages, bolognas,
etc. Nothing but the
very best and choicest:
oods kept on hard.
We use all our cus-
tomers the ` same..
Give usa call.`
Winter Is C nl l lig
Winter will soon be
here and with it comes
the thoughts of a new
cutter. Our stock this
fall is complete, in all
styles. They are made
to last. Call and see
them. before making a
purchase. Now is the
time to have your old
cutter repaired and
F. Hess & Son,
to sell a poor article
at holf price --but it
cannot be done on
This Season
as before, I will try
to give you
Money's Worth.
....ATl kinds of ....
generally found in a
first-class Jewelry
Prices Right
.. Goods Right
F. W. HESS - - Jeweler.
50 'YEARS:
Anyone sending a. aket<n and description may
quickly ascertain 4)11r opinion free 'whether an
Invention is probably patentable. Comninnien.
tions strict' ycontidentlnl. handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for seeming patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice, without charge, in the
Scientific .merle.
t handsomely Illnstrnfcd' weekly. Lowest cis.
sciatica or arty scientific lnurnhi. 'Perms. Vi a
Yent• few p.00nths, El. Sold by all newsrlealers.
MIJNN OC C� 36111roadbay. New York
wrench efticw w .` St ' Waelsin rte,,. L. C
Local Salesman
at once for Zurich and sur-
rounding districts.
in Fruit and Ornamental
Stock grown and for sale by
A permanent situation for
the right party. Liberal
inducements ; pay weekly-.
Handsome free outfit.
Write for terms and cata-
logue, and send 25 'cents
in stamps for our ' Pocluer
MAGNX r'i i'Ne GLASS or 30
cent$ for our EA..Nrnr UA2OX
Stone ec Wellington,.
VONTBILL nrunsnttlAg OvrilR, 800 ACi'iX:u`t!'
Toronto Otxtarjo
at 2 P. ni. ;
vice, German, 10
g1i1„ Service, at 7 p.
restllittrice, 7.80 p.m. Tues-
uiiing; German Prayer meet.
ednesda,y evening. at. 7 :30.
`lo k ; English Prayer meeting,
Lt sday evening at 7.80 o'clock ;
boir 'practice. Friday evening at
o'clock junior Alliance, Satur-
1 aly afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
:r3nv. A. D. GIsoi;<L R. PASTOR.
On.,Sunday Last while Dr. Wilson
was driving west on the Zurich
road his horse in some way manag-
ed to break one of its legs.
Misses Freda Hess of town and
Ethel Capling of Blake are among
the +successful ones who passed the
recent Model.. school examinations.
Both are too young to teach at pre-
sent and will have to wait until
they have reached the required age
before they can "teach the young
idea how to shoot."
Dr. OVENS, M, D.. London,
Surgeon eye, ear and nose, will be
at the Queen's Hotel, Hensall, on
Thursela,v, January 10th. Hours
4 p. in. to 9 p. in. Glasses properly
fitted for relief of failing vision,
gestrain, headaches,' etc. Deafness
and nasal catarrh treated. 23tf
A very interesting W. C. T. U.
meeting was hod at the home of
Mrs. S. Rennie, • on Wednesday
afternoon, Jan. 2nd. This being
the first meeting in the New Year
good resolutions were made. The
evangelistic superintendent con-
ducted the first part of the meeting,
opening with devotional exercises.
The call to prayer ordered by the
Dominion Women's Christian Tem-
perance. Union to be observed in
every local union during this week,
was observed in this meeting,
special prayers being offered for
the petitions which were previous-
ly presented. Each member left
the meeting feeling they had re-
ceived a blessing, and with a strong
desire to be more faithful in the
Lord's service during the coming
year than ever' before.
In the business part it was mov-
ed, seconded, and carried, we con-
tribute $1.00 towards the aicl of
the'Hoepital for sick children. The
meetin was closed with singing
:withyou till we meet
The ratepayers of the Township
of Hay met in the Town Hall here
on Monday alteration to nominate
candidates for re•-eand councillors
for 1907. The,ktli was crowded
and many vesting discussions
took place is addresses which
were held afta ,4the nomination. At
2 &clock the notnination closed and
Clerk Hess announced the follow-
ing nominations on the list : For
Reeve, Peter Lamont and Wendel
Smith. For Councillors, Robt Mo -
Arthur, J. K, Goetz, L. Iialbfieisch,
Chas Greb, Jas. Green, W.m Cald-
well, and John Geiger. None of
the above named ge tlernen resign-
ed up to 9 o'clock on, Wednesday
evening, and all their;; names will
accordingly. go on the 'ballot. Mr.
Smith, who opposes Mr. Lamont,
the present reeve, is well known,
leaving been a valued Member of
the aounoil for a number of years
Mr. Lamont has been: reeve for
ee r.
a s i t
y s well posted in
municipal inattert;!,generally and
many think he ought to have an-
other term, s*., that his services
would be at the'command of the
county council, of which board the
reeve of Hay, will .be a member this
year, The nominees for councillors
are known to nearly all the rate-
payers of Ela -,;;,and any four of
them will no dt>tOt make a pains-
taking and eat iii 'nt council board.
The result will::" be in doubt until
tlae final'eumaiiiing up takes place
next Monday evening.
On Monday evening the ratepay-
ers of the Police Village of Zurich
met 'the Town Hall and notnina-
tions'were made to fill the office of
Feil =;. Trustees for 1907. The fol -
It ;fi were nominated : G. Holtz-
, Rennie, Chas. Hartleib, J.
,. w. G. Hess, W. O'Brien
Appel. After the nominit-
ublic meeting was held
Mort addresses were made
andidates present, and
and seconders. Messrs.
-,Hartleib have
est will, be be -
by ` tl
,roti 110
iteeia f
to ti
i n ti
u Store!
ollowing our usual eFustom, after a big sea=
son's business, aft broken lines of Winter
Goods Wil �'h a to be cleared out and the
prbfits sacrificed. T'is Store is noted for. rapid
sejling at close prices, and these are now more in
evidence than ever before.
in. _Flannelette
.."We have still sone of that 36
inch lheaVy fancy stripe Flannel-
ette' at 8cts, per y4.
''Other Bargains
All Millinery Goods includ-
ing the newest trimmed Hats, etc.
to Blear at half price.
Fur Coats, Ruffs, etc.
We have done a tremendous
business in. ladies' and men's Fur
Coats, ladies' Stoles, F Caperines
and Boas, and the balance of our
stock goes at a big reduction.
Cl' p Underwear
heavyweight fleece -
and ,Draws, t
Sn . s in Groceries
Best selected Raisins at 10cts a .1b
Best cleaned Ourranv's 4 lbs for 25c
Best roasted Coffee 124 cts a lb.
Green Japan. Tea, usually sold by
other dealers for 35 cts., our
price 25 cts. per lb.
Dress Goods
We are over -stocked in some
lines and will dispose of them at
greatly reduced. prices.
Boys' Suits.
Boys- Suits, sizes 32, 33 and
34, at half price.
Ladies' Cloth Coats
Ladies' Cloth Coats at half
price, and some, not the latest
style, but serviceable, for $1.00.
Leather Coats
Men's best Saranac leather
Coats at $5.00 each.
y New
To Alla
flade=to=order Suits
Some big snaps in Suits,
d3 to-ordek- that are -usually
sod at $17.00 to $18.00, our
price is only $12.00.
Some Dinner Setts
At very low prices. These
will have to be cleared out at
once, and you will get the benefit
o_ the cut price by buying now.
Generd Merchant, Zurich
Election Notices.
Township of Nay.
As I have decided to stand as a
candidate for oounoillor and will
not be able to'see all of the rate
payers of the Township of Hay be.
fore the election, 1 take this mean.
of respeotfully;eoliciting your vote
and``' -$fluence' dr me as Councillor:
Jahn Geiger.rr.
Gentleman At the request of a
number of fellow -farmers and
fellow -electors, I am in the field
for a position . as councillor for the
year 1907. I gra unable to see all,
personally before -election day and
I take this method of appealing to;
you for your, vote and influence
next Monday. 'If elected, I will
use my best endeavors to have the
affairs of the Township managed
in an honest, impartial and encono-
niical manner. Wishing you all
the oomptiniunts of the season.
I am Sincerely yours,
Wm. T Caldwell,
Beef hides,
trade at Hart,
Ne' ads,
Ia Geiger.
reign Battle.
eats is lb. or l0cts iu
Preeter, H, Well,
T. Ctaltl r11, Sc've-
The People's Harness
and Hardware ilouse.
A Happy New Year
to all.
Best !Moods at Lowest Prices
for 19°7.
HAkTLIiIB -Zurich.
TI c People's,
Hardw are • and tlarnes i House;