HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-04, Page 6•
70 111', istElxcl,z x.Allarcaee's moth:
attempt to ,secure a
lie was not in a position
a.im to a conclusion, and
without any decision
ticl at by the Coanmittee on
.4 Descendant of Robert IL of Scot-
Is Heir to the .Ancient Earldom
ater. • Barclay -Allardice hones
lid • a.ttenipt to establish, his
osi14a11 '-'Pt'} t"tol doubt.
'',..A. remarkable coincidence in the case
that t both Mr. 13arelay-Allardice and
t91 rzs ih en hail from the other side
o, the' Athlete, that the eventual heirs
OT of both of 'them are their nephews, and:
tle i.is both of these nephews were born in
i the ,ieit ll,'Settee
tial,1 Graham am was born ion Edinburgh,
but e sat'ir to Canelo at an early ane
House of Lords Counrnitfee Now Tri-
Londou, Dee. 51. --Mr. B Nroh y Ailar-
dice, formerly a Wall Street s'to`rk
broker in New York, has a fair' citancee
of establishing his claire to the :ancieinit:
Earldom of A.irtlr.
Mr, Barclay -Allardice is a native . of
Hamilton, Ont.; bit went to Newt York
when he 'was a young,. pian and was
successful from the start,. HG ,;a( th:zt
time was determined to Prove hia'title',
but realized that it 'i'ould• take money
to support the dignity of the 'position.
Hence he made.inousy.
Coming to Great 'Britain, ha :settled
at Lostwithiel, . of which municipality
he is now the 1llayor.
This is one of the nest •romantic
peerage' claims in all History, and, is,
now being considered by the Iloti'Se. of
Lords Committee of Privileges. It
expected that a vote will be takeiasoon
after Christmas. ;
. The story toll to the cennnittee and
supported by• voluminous clociurrents is
one that goes back to King Robert II:
of Scotland, the common ancestor • of
the English Stuart Kings, of 'King lira
VII., and of the Mayor of Lost-
withiel, according to the pedigree
which Air. Barclay -Allardice will ' put
forward. •
For Air. Barclay -Allardice :. asserts
that he is descended in a straight Iine,
from the eldest legitimate son of Rob-
ert IL of Scotland, While, as is not" cis=
puted, the Stuart kings• and therefore
King Edward -are descended ,from "Rob
ert III., who was horn years. before his
mother bee:ime the wife . of Robert II.
Common' .Ani:"estoa. •
Robert .TIT., the ancestor of Charles
L and of King Edward, was not, geneal-
ogieally, the true heir to his fathers
crown, being born 'out of wedlick. The
first child of Robert II., born in wedlock;
was his eldest son by; bis second wife,
David, Earl of Strathearn, and it is f ebni
this son that Mr. Barclay -.Allardice thus,
traces his descent. .
It is said that- 'hereditary- righty;;
never die," but whatever . rights . the'
descendants of the. first Earl' of Strath-
earn ever had to the throne of Scotland,'
hundreds of . years ago, werein fact bar -
fed by an Act of the Scottish.I'arliament
which settled the sueeession•,onthe earl-
ier children, of Robert IL And what-
ever rights the heirs•of the Pretender
had in later times Were as . effectually
barred by the Act of the English Par-
liament which placed the Georges on the
throne: •
But while the acceptance of Mr. Bar-
clay-Allardice's pedigree by the Hoiise
of Lords would give rise to no new pre-
tendership, it would perhaps he. a;so rrco
of woe to the "Legitimist"' or White
Rose" enthusiasts. who •still, in an acad-
emic way, eh pine the rights of • the'
descendants c : the Pretender to tie Eng-
lish Crown. ;
Strict Heredity.
These enthusiasts, ofcourse, base the
claim of the Pretender's descendants'
to the throne on strict hereditary—
of Parliament being held of no account
—and if the Mayor of Lostw ititiel.
proves that he is the trete "heir •:in
line" of the Scottish King, through
whom the Stuarts came to the Crown,
he would take genealogical precedence
of the present Legitimist heiress,
Princess . Louis of. Bavaria, who is re-
garded' by 'the Legitimists as being by
Hereditary right "Queen Mary IV."
Mr. L. Stuart, of Doughty Street, W.
C. Who is deeply- .versed in genealogical
"matters, and' has closely studied Mr.
_ Barclay-Allardice's claim, put the' neat-
clearly 'from the genealogist's paint
. of.„view. He said:
• "Robert . IL got over the illegitimacy
of his son, whom he desia ed ,for . his
successor by an Act; of Parliament; but
SO Acts' of Parliament could never in
:realty remove the taint in the• blood of
Robert in. The hereditary right''there
fore remains in the issue of the tatter's
legitimate half-brother, David,' Earl of
Strathearn, whose 'representative the
Cornish .Mayor claims to be.” •
Mr. Barclay-Allardices , claire to the
'dormant Earldom of Airth beoonres still'.
more interesting in view of tete fa'd6
that it is to be contested by onothete
descendant of Robert • E:.—Mr,. ,Georg+o'
Marshall Graham, of Leif:Ottawa. for-
merly M. Toronto, Canada, who is ask-
ing the, House of Lords to recognize lits
right not only' to the Airth earldom
'but . to theolder earldom of Menteitli'1
and the, still older earldom of Strath
earn, alfa sew dormant. .
There le;' Mr. Stuart sa1.4 practically
re doubt, about the descent sof both
. claimants,sendin the ; highly probable
event of. beth lilies, of descent, being-`
proved to the satisfaction of the Corn-
xnittee, of Pri''iloges, tlre only remain-,
ilrg gilestion is which has the :stronger
claim to the dormant titles. •
Since; the death of, the second Earl Of*
Airth, in 3004, the earldom 7ta•s been
dormant, for it is a curiout fact tlmt
none of his sisters' descendants claimed
the title until 1834, when Mr. Robert
Larela}r-Allar•diee, the present eIaiment's
grandfather trate!, his e.u:c .before the
Ilouse of Loris.
and sij'lienwns property in the Doman -
ion, i'jl „: (h In en's mother was a niece
of the ;lifiatt Duke of Gordon) and
through ,tris 4itot.her he is a second cou-
sin . of: the `• prresent Duke •of Richmond.
Ifo is, • azlsti related to the Prime Minis-
teL, i;enry Cainpbell-Bannerman.
Little or nothing. is known about Mr.
Baicley gllardpce in Hamilton. The Al-
1frthe& tamil'hes living here have no con-
nectioo of that name.
Two ,;Thousand Tons of Water in Her
Double Bottom When She Reached
Bermuda—Unlikely to Take Place in
Fighting Line for Many Months.
complaint den—lade by a naval corre-
spondent of the London Chronicle that
the facts relating to the damage which
H. M. S Dominion received in Canadian
waters a few 'months ago ape being
hushed up. The Dominion crossed' the
dtliantic in : oder to receive a silver
Afield rod. service of plate eontribeited
by Oct adtthi citizens to the officers'
e ess-;of the liip. The vessel touched a
reel., Tartu information has reached
the piibiru Eo' the extent of the injury.
"SVe' are ;11f 1W in a position," writes
our wear •c`ehr respondent, "to say that
'the;Domilnion'Was very badly damaged,
—so bedlyy that it is 1i qne tion whether
she • will ever. ; be really fit for service
eg in. When the Dominion arrived at
Bermuda • she , •laacl. -over 2,000 tons of
we+ten• in her ,d,oub'ie bottom, and so
grave • wale; tbe' defects revealed when
she was docked that the reeouncee of the
l3crmuda eshitbiishment were unable to
eope, wth them.
`A l
that: is being clone at Bermuda
is i:,emperary eepa.irs. and although some
neoeltiis have been co -mimed im the at-
temi?tto ,patch her up it is not expected
tittd:•alle will be fit to 'cress the Atlantic
eVeeeiteelaite.end of February. On the
la uVa, ; 'e^ aseI in luovne4a`•ters she
will lie; l * to C1ratha nt to be put right,
nnd,k 1GiGelging from the extent of the
injua?es sustained by the hull of the
ship, it ih nidal el,y that she will take
her p5ae th -he;feeltting line for a long,
gime to oonr•e.
"Ilhe trip aeon's the Atlitatie has been
en .expemasive,rnattter for the Public,' and
the failure of ,the establishment at
Berriencla to •accomplish more than tem-
poraiy, repairs is nnuoh commented on
by naval men." -
the Effect, on -the Populace of the Recent'
Loan. .
Belgrade, Dec:; 31. -e -The bill author-
izing a loan, which the' Skupshtina pass-
ed a -fewv days ago, has led to angry
public : feeling, w hieli' f riot only threat-
ens a Ministerial crisis, wbich is al-
waysa more or lees: explosive occur
rence in Sorvia, hitt ::)oints to the porn -
Mutation of the leag-predicted anti=
,dynasty outbreak. There was a. noisy
demonstration on Sunday„ outside the
King's pelade. Cheers were repeatedly
given fora .ri pubadi The police char -
ed with swords, alzii the, gendarmes
used their revolveree'wounding "a stu-
dent. The crowd scattered, but • gather-
ed agiiin, and went to .the university,
where- a student mads a; fiery. speech.
Be deelared.,that in Twine Aleencler' s
tune the peliee were mot :allowed to'at '
tack students. He c ld d. that'
strnggle 'would coittinu2:'° There war's an-
other noisy dciuonsteation ontside the
Sknpslitina tin 1Mot dtty. The Govere-
meet has now conceded, the • appoint-
ment of
ppoints-ment.of a eomuiiisiori to investigate the
loan' question, bwt the popular .iinreet
eotitinu a s.
Playing Strong Gatkne With'. the Canadian,
GA 'ernment.
L oitdon, Iced; 2I.—Aylmer Maude, who
helped organize the emigration o'f, ,Douk-
hobors, to Canada, writing to the Times
re` Peter Vengin's visit to Russia, says
\tetigin rf an able politician and quite
aware'that in his negotiations with the
Canadian Government it will be a strong
cord;; if he can show that he has an in-
vrfittion to return to Russia on terms
tq znie theCalradia� ± Government refuse.
circ ilr
nt efl*.
h trta.l;�c
ea vRYi
Lllic tifrattnt
known, but ' it
''"-Ferguson, of Suthwynman, a
Heavy Loser.
ve''drn, Man., Dec, 3L—A .Ferguson,
,, t1Lis district, lost 'heai'sily by
'l s•t•,_rcight; his- barn being burned,
eptents, umolwdinsg horses
wvand.m.0 d, gratin
or -usher,
y r : kt .0 er ,farminlg • equip-
w l .,.. a ,,lv,e31 to clan
i1y wrnfor-
•esarntu� .a'
or St
endering Squadron at Seg of Japan—May
Commute Serttene
'St: Petersburg, Dee. 31.—The court
martial which has been trying Rear-..A.d-
miral Nebogtaoff and seventy-eight of-
ficers '.pf his squadron for surrendering
to the Japanese at the battle pf the Sea
of Japan on May 28. 1005, handed in its
decision at 10 o'clock to -night. Vice -
Admiral Nebogatoff, Commander Lych-
ine of the coast defense ironclad, Gen-
eral Admiral Apraxine, Rear -Admiral
Gregorieff of the coast defense ship Ad -
ental Zeninavin and Lieut. Smirnoff,
who' succeeded to the command of the
battleship Nicolai I.; were sentenced to
death, but in view of the extenuating
circumstances and the long and other-
wise blameless careers of these officers,
the court has petitioned the Emperor to
commute Admiral Nebogatoff's sentence
to a short term of imprisonment in a
fortress and to let the others free. Pour
other officers are sentenced to short
terms of imprisonment.
Fierce B
and Gua
Strike; Ha
Striking Miners;,
-turgis, Kentucky—
.ted for a Year.
., Dec. 31.—Three men
were killed its, : four probably fatally
wounded' in ., fight last night between
guards employed by the West Kentucky
Coal Company at Sturgis, Union county,
and the striking miners at that place.
The dead: C. ,T. Dougherty, mine
guard; Billy. Malloy, miner; Will Gray,
The wounded are: L. L Moore, mine
guard: Sam Barnaby, miner:; William
'Gcoh, miner:Henry Delaney, miner. ••-'
' The' fight occurred in' a downtown
street about one:tnile from the mine, but
just what precipitated the fight is not
known. It'broke nut suddenly and con-
tinued until. about 25 shots were ex-
The members of the .Miners' Union
have been on strike for the past year.
The coal company has been 'working
non -anion Wren under guards and ser-
ious trouble has 'been expected, The
fight caused a panic and a reign of ter-
ror existed for an hour.
Terror of Indians in Western. Muskoka:
Bioko Jail 'at Parrs; ' Sound.
'A 'Parry Sound,'lmt.,,despatch:.Crown
A'ttarney Ilaf bt 'has reeervad notifies-
otified-'tion of the r sea pttti f Q ,ate Port Severn of
Identy Cktreanett ; a•, desperado' Of t1I1
worst type,' avho !egsr••May, 30 eseareed.
from • the ,jail here, w'he're he. wne:
o uiaitirig trial' on:; eievcnal serious
charges; aauong thein brutal tmeu,tm+ent
of his daughter. Pas'oturette was taiken
by Cotustab:i,45 J. J. Vont and W. E. N.
Flergiu=os, of''Victoriat Harbor, without,
r'es'istance. He vas sawing to pt at the.'
time nud was unaremed,
Camcanette, who: is a notorious cram-'
inad, has for years past been re acrdlted
with the greatest tera-or by ail t,be In-
dians between tiW•atailsivrshene trend Moon
River. It is •e if eged •that he frequently
entered the houses 'ef this less powerful
countrymen,' and detnande;d whatsoever
he desired, and if he could not obtain it
by the asking, would. resort to all man-
ner of threats. On -many eecasione 1r.�
helped himself to aeetbietg the wanted
His recapture le the move important
as it was feared that he would. wreak
w'emoeenee on s'orne Of those who aided
the of:fioers to apprehend hint last May.
A Negro Band. Fortified Near Town of
WabaIatk. 1
Meriden, Miss., • Dec, 3L—It was re,
ported to -day that a body of negroes had
fortified themselves two miles free
TV'ahaial ;and a'linounce they hill 'esrst
any effo •t to dislodge them. They
threaten to, burn" the little +t4)1w11, and
tltc. tubi; °,'. people are alnrviiic. Thor lees ,.3� aroon°< the c.ountr ` ha`i-o
ed 4 gtselfosq and.one party of;fifty
dal ps, § itt sa. iiivacl there from
1Yegroe's, Tont
and Jim Simpson, are reported to have
been killed by whites yesterday after-
noon before the arrival of the troops.
ROW PRO r e huk; r'ur tai t„ , '^.'THE
GRAD m; e 'i 'FAKIRS.
In. Translatantie Tales for January
the editor. wrrites: '
An eminent :Professor of la Sorbonne
of Paris, M. Binet, has ;just played a
very mean trick on arraphologists. These
gentlemen have :been pretending for a
long time that they could readily tell a
man's ,character and intelligence by his
handwriting. Professor Binet • has just
given the res'tilt of his investigation to
the :public in a very curious and amusing
volume. He subniitted to the experts a
number of letters, ingeniously mingling
together those of great men, assassins,
ti ie' es and honest citizens. According to
the report, once in a while the grapholo-
gists guessted right, but in a majority
of instauees they, were grotesquely mis-
taken, praising a criminal and damn-
ing .a man of unquestioned integrity, ac-
cording precedence to an assistant clerk
in a 'grocery' store• over some of the
greatest modern .writers and scientists.
-•IteiiS very evident that the professor
has no faith in graphology. One of those
who were caught in the meshes of his
net writes him with an innocence that it
almost pathetic, that if he had only sent
the signature along with the letter, the
graphologist would not have made a mis-
' o -s
Commander Spain's Report on Resolute
Toronto despatch: Tho report of the
official investigation held by Command-
er Spain, Dominion 'Wreck Commission-
er,, assisted by Captains Thomas Don -
telly and , John Trowell, on the founder-
ing of :;the steamer Resolute. near the
western entrance to Toronto harbor on
Dec. 31.d, was handed out` yesterday.
The finding of the court absolves from
blame all those Connected with the na-
vigation : of the vessel, declares that the
Resolute was in a sound and seaworthy
condition and holds the owners respon-
sible,' only for the .fact that First Mate
Haney (lid nota hold, the necessary quali-
fications required by the departmental
regul 1tio_^.s.
I reeetatation' , to Capt; ;Sentimore at
Huntsville foe Saving Vries Slocum.
Huntsville de i atoh A pleasant event
occurred in the . ad office of the Hunts-
ville & Lake e o t ?Il eys ; Navigation Com-
pany here
om-panyhere in the Tiresome of the Presi-
dent, Mr. C CI s;Shaw, and several mem-
hens of tbe,sterif,,' when Mr. Mackie Itin-
ten, on behalf Of tile donors, principally
residents of `r onto, presented Capt.
.Tor. Sertimorc cif the Florence Maine
with ata address and thirty dollars, be-
the- at subscription made by some of the
guests at`Poi't Cunnington, Lake of Bays
its nppreeulttioe of tae bravery shown
icy Capt. Sentimere, whose prompt ac-
tion in swimming to the rescue of Miss
Slocum, who ,wase spending the summer
there, undoubtedly • 'caved her from a
watery grave.
John Graham, a burglar, escaped from
jail at Portage la Prairie.
Persia's- new oonstitutionn mill be sign-
ed in the course of a Jany or two.
The State militia has been •culled ewef
in Missouri to suppress a ratio" war.
The Dutch troops in the East Indies
have won a victory over the Rajah Goa,
Frank Cooke, a Fort William jeweller,.
was found dead at the rear of his store.
The Toronto St. George's Society pro-
vided 500 poor families- with a Christ-
mas dinner.
Right Hon. Augustine Birrell is men-
tioned as a possible candidate for the
Chief Secretaryship of Ireland.
Sir «&lease P. Howland, of Toronto,
is er••iticeully i'll, although bis eondition
showed some improvement yesterday.
Munsou & Allen, of Winnipeg, have
been given charge of the Canadian Nor-
thern legal business west of the lakes.
Forty. -seven of the Toronto candidates
nominated for aldermenie honors signi-
fied their intention of staying in the
Mayor Coatsworth, Messrs. R. 13..
Noble, James Lindala and Jaynes O'Hara
are the candidates' for the Toronto May-
A Duluth despatch says that after a
week's battle with heavy seas the Can-
adian steamer Ionic has reached Port
The body' of Delaval J. Beresford, who
was killed in the Encieniin wreak, must
be sent to Maxieo before being skipped
to Ezinlrand.
The body of Stephen Duggan was
found in a shed at the rear of ' 700
Dundas street, Toronto. at 2 o'clock
this morning.
It is expected that the Right Hon.'
James Bryce will be named head of the
British delegation to the next Hague
Peace Conference.
Charles Wank, the German. arrested
at Ottawa for bigamy, was let off on
suspended sentence, as it was thought
he erred in ignorance.
It is likely that the trial of Franklin
J. Harrison, of Buffalo, on the charge of
bigamy, will be transferred from Ni-
agara Falls to Toronto.
Dick Ecclestone; a lad. fifteen years of
age, was run over at 12 o'clock by one
of the motors' in No. S mine, Michel, B.
C.. and instantly- killed.
Three passenger coaches and it dining
ear on the "C. P. It. were derailed and,
burned near Itenora. All the passengers
escaped without injury.
"An Englishman," writing to tine Lon-
don Standard from Manitoba, says he
has met Englishmen endeavoring to cone
eead their nationality i,n ,order to im-
prove their chances of obtaining employ-
. Superior, M. C .R,, trackman, is in the
hospital at St. Thomas, with a broken
jaw, badly smashed face and minus one
eye as a result of being struck by the
mail train 'at Waterford this moaning.
He will recover.
The wife and child of Samuel Boynter
and the wife and child of Wm. Brim -
stead were last night burned to death
near Norfolk. Ve.. while the two hus-
bands slept in another part part of the
Herbert Crossthwaite, 26 years of
age, of Toronto. died Monday from spin-
al, disease, contracted while attempting
to make a dive at Port Dover a year
ago last July. Crossthwaite was well-
known as a commercial traveller and in
sporting circles.
Walter Hightower, a planter at At-
lanta, Gay., yesterday shot and killed: in
seantliy Mies Bessie Jones, aged 18 years,
end then fired a bullet into hie own
brain. He died several hours Wee. High-
tower had a wife and three small chil-
The list of municipalities •in which
voting will take place one week from
next Monday on the question of loom'
option is now complete. The number
of placers is one hundred and seven, and'
the number of licenses affected two•
hundred and forty-eight.
Five hnusdcred horses and mules w'eme-
burnecl'im Hamper Bras' Wetly 5iable p,t
Atlanta, Ga., ycsbemday moraine:. The -
loss is about $10.0,00. The fire Imo stamt-
ob 'by safe-bio.ivers, who etplodied the -
rate :n the office, the shock reusing tale -
overturning cif a lamp,
'Because his etffeetionate advances-
Were repelled, Thomas Claris, a Cuban
negro eegarmaker, a boarder in the 133rd.
street, �V'ew York, home of Mrs. Clara.
Wells, 33 years old, also colored, cut the -
woman's throat with a razor, slashed
his own throat, and then jumped froth.
a -window three storeys. to the pavement,.
The woman will recover,
Joseph Wairen, 25 Centre avenue;
John Warren, 25 Centre avenue; John'
Milligan, 4 Leonard venae; Fred Masnkh,.
77 Nelson street, With the aametst of
the for-egoiirt nn•en the pollee sued �1ae4
niggiht tiaat t:hotse implicated i.ru the sen-
sntionai robbery at David Wood's,. 104
Addiaiclez street east, 'Toronto, •on Settee
day were captured.
William 'Wilkinson, an elderly man,,
was held up by three men on his way'..
hoine to Eagle -place, in Brantford,
Ont., and relieved him of 835
and several parcels of presents. The rob-
bers relieved Wilkinson of Iris .goods at
revolvers' point, bindfclded and gagged
him and left him ina lane at the rear -
of the '1etaseey-T-Inrris works. ` Ti is the
second affair of its kind within thea
last week.