HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-04, Page 4Ea J. 1). QOOXE') I3A-11l s'1tx laoiter; lgotary ]Pta.bile,'Elreusa4l. At ZurLalx(;74el1er'a ()faro) c+7 p i it lc, 241443.1R, lalletl'DF ?OT, HAYS BLAIlki teeters, Selicitoese Notaries abltot, Goderieh, Canada. W,1'roudfoot;' %v, G. Hays. el, P. Beds+. BUSINESS OROS. ,:?� l ^^!'1:\ ♦: 4th, 907 lzst S. PHILLIPS, LICENSED AUG. l:ioneer for tlto Counties of ' Huron end Berth. Farris stack sales ai Sileoialtiy„-, Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay, Ail orders left at Trot 23, Oon. 2, Hay, or addressed to krensa l P. O:; will be promptly attended to. OR, F. A, ,i' FeL,LER , DENTIST, GRA- iaate of the Royal College of Dental Sueeeone, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Dripaitieen,t'of, Dentistry, To-. route Uiiavatsity. Painless extraction of teeth,• Plato work a speciality. At Dominion 'House, Zurich, ovary Mon- day. 1-236 el, `u'ELLER, l)ONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. Deeds, Mortgages, • -Wills and 'other Legal Dacuments care- u11y and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zueieh, Ont: A.1:fiDREVV BESS, DIVISION COURT `CLERK. Village and .Farm Property insured, Ali the leading Companies represented. Agent for. Accident and Sickness Insurance. FOR SALE.. 'WARM PO SALE -7a aores of choice .ILS • land on the 14th Con., Hay Town- ship. Good brick house, hank barn, 40x. GO. Good water and well fenced. Will sell on reasonable terms. Apply at prem- ises or to William Stelek, 4tf Zurich. REGISTERED SHORT HORN BULL for sale, 2 years old. He is a stere, sire and will be 13o1,1 reasonable, ' Apply to Lot 21, Con. 14, Hay, Ellmor Klopp, Zurich k- 0. ULLS FOR SALE.—Four Choice Shorthorn hull calves,. "eleven to f fteen months old, for sale. Good. indi- viduals, good colors and. registered pedi- grees. Also one registered cow, 5 years okl, A. G. Se, -x tr, Hensell, Pr 0 , I:o3 IL, Con. 2, L. R. S., rs' Ins Meetillgs 1.43► 4Ef'44*., ,irt P gRE66 .••r,DI d/� � j .y�•O 1Mrs Watson of Braandon,, lYisiting relatives here at regular meetings of thio. 15t9aifZ Huron Farmers' Institute Will beheld,: at. EZETER, JANUARY lith BRUUEFI.E,LD, JANkUARY 18th '' EXETER. Atthe Exeter afternone meeting the •epetikers will he W. Elliot, Cult,'on `aThe Cult,ivatien of our Fatima"and: '. • Gardhouse, High field on ,'Cane and Management of Horses "", ynd addresses by M. Y. McLetlei and E. S. Philips. A lady speaker in expected at both after- noon and evening meetings. In the' evening'' Mr. W. Elliott will speak on ,Things we ought to think abort" an t Mr. J. Gardhouse "en "How to improve Present Farm Conditions.'' BRUC;EFIELD. In the afternoon Mr. Elliott. of. Galt, will 'al)ea on ''The cultiva- tion of oiir I'leen s" and Mr. Gard - house on x (titre and Management of Sheep" . 1 ,dresses will also be given by .In34Porrester, of Clinton. and W. Lec!vis, Crediton, In the evening Mr. Elliott will speak on : ,"Things we ought to think'.abteet" and Mr. Gardhouse on °°how to Improve Present Farm- ing Cti7itiozis. The;nfternoon meetings will corn- mence at 2 o'clock sharp and even- ing meetings at 7.30 sharp. W. D SANDERS R. GARDIN.ER Pres. Secy. 22-3t•..•Tuekersiaith, N TJIC13. Notice is•',ier*'by that the 32nd Aenual MVleetiog.o{ lie Members of The ifay Township Tia+r ier;3 Mutual Fire In. suranee Company will be }geld at the Town. (Tall, Zurich, on - x eeeday, January Sth, 100x, at One•o"eloc>: p. m. I IISLvnr• 1 . • Tike alms the Directors', Auditors' and Trea.snrer's:its • orts, Elec- tion of Directors reel such, other `business a .tray be neoesste for ~the good and well fare of the Company, ' - All members are regtiested to attend. J.ACOB KELLERM A.NN, Esq.. President. HENRY EILBER, Secretary til O -Ma l NAT l O .N . Pursuant to the Municipal Act lnlhlic notice is :hereby g:.en that a meeting of the Electors of the Municipality of the Townshipl of Play, will be held in the Township'}Iall, in the Village of Zurich, on Dionday, Dec. 31st, 1005, at the Itour -from one to two. o'clock p. in., for the purpose of nominating candidates for Reeve and Counoilfora for the Township of Huy, eferthe year 1607, and in ease a poll is de- manded, polls w:ll he opened on. Monday, January 7th, 1007, in the several "porlinrr mibdi visions of tt_e Township. Said polls will be kept, open from 0 o'clock e. tn., un. 'tll 5 o'clock! A. n.., and no longer. Diatul at Gi.r ehthin IOth day of De- c(:iiber, A. 1). l ':v;. FRED HESS, SYS., P;,4 imnin� 015'ter. NOT 11NATLON. Piles get chick relief from Dr. Shoop's. Magic ,Ointment. :Remem- ber. i,t"s Macle;,arone for Piles -and it works with.,ertainty and satisfac- tion. ; Iteflin . painful, protruding, or Miring", pit'es pisappear like magic by i.Cat.nueY , Try and see ! Sold by 3 J. Merner: THE,SPECIAL, SCHOOL TAX. Inapt toy,'=.? „in, for'. on is rat "ayers in rural,iera;,pns who are not' quite eleakt, 4 'to the Meaning of the °aSpet itil ' Tax" levied npon them for schode4neeposes writes as fol- lows ;'? ri Two leia'reeere,rade by the town- ships for schools. 1st..—The general rate or tax is the rate that is levied equally over the x whole township to raise the $300 for principal and $200 for each as- sistant in each school" section. 2nd., -The "Special TeX"' for schools in -the remount required for the Sec- tion in excessof the $300 for prin- cipal and $200 for assistant. Take two sertions"with one teacher each, No • : i needs $425 and No. 2 needs, $490 for all experts s. .No. 1 has ti..special tax on it;s s ction to raise $125 and NTo.: 2 to :raise $170. Both sections get X800.; from the "general tar" on tri v ship. Prablii T!`nt=^e is herei,y given that a ;tag _seting of the E.eetore of the Police Vil- .lage o? Go4uh '- l be held in the Town 1I:,.1, ilt 111 ti ia'.u,-e of Zurich, on Monday, 14reeteii er 3 s lt, nele, at the b.our from 7.80 4 3.3t3 li. "rr+ 'for the -purpose. of nominat- "i .• Pi alino f'an t ea forthe- "Police Village r,f Zurich, fon the yeatr, 1007, and in cane a' spoil is deanaturled, a poll. will be opened in Ale Clorlt'ti Office, Town :Raul, on Monday, ,renuary 7th, 1£Ta7, Sid poll will•be'keptl ,open from 0 o'G sok a. an. , until 5 o'cloek f:. m., and no longer. Dated at arch this.LOtll day et De -1 comber, A. t)., .1006. ERFD. HESS, SR., Returning Officer. I MARKETS Wheat.. ... . Oats Barley Peas, Flour L 85 2 00 Bran . . .............. 17 50 1Z 50 Shorts 20 00 20 00 Butter . ...... 21 w' Egge•• 21. `2 , Lard . -1.1 11 Dried Apples.... 7 7 Sett Onions.. 4e 47 Large Onions, bis 90 90 Turkeys. „ , 12 1a Chick 3" Old. Henry Dutslts , , , 0 i Geese.. 6 0 White Beans, bus, , .I. 25 , 1 25 -Clover Seed, buys 6 75 7 2i Haag, Per tori , f, 00 < 8 00 Potataa>ees. .,.,�y (, r Y , ,)fl iFJ liege (1.'£r cwt) • • , 6 00 6 25 08 f•,70 35 87 , 40 45 70 7 > Cough, Remedy The 4 tch.e s Favorite 10oughat, Oole s, Croup and Wisbov, g Bough. 7Chl retUedY14,1Mone for its cures oyer a iarga Part o"f,;t ,oa'divilize5 world. It can emaya4 lay cepep,ded upon. It contains no o Marna rttr otlaet, harmful drag and may be g epos db a, ,,' a llently to a baby as to an adult ,' a •3t.;cts; Large Size, 50 eta. sally Herald ekiy Star and. the Sc1a ,wa13"6 eoxi: o 6 Yid " , hopes are entMer eine 1 wedding was sole ii1iiz., (ad'a tt e i vangelical church;:' on Ohr#Stp 'a Dag, when Maas Lydia, ;owns' ° r.of Mrs. Rosina FM100111- E11; n- oir., av , ited in marria te. Mr. I?nse astable of , etnilton, forage „ci .el f this village. The bride:, even away the H. Eilber M. ,J The ceremony evils a '0e41br find created uste a stir in :Mir f1;1 ge. Mr ancl}I rs. Eux taill.e ;'make them'-;4;oine. in Hamlal , e4,:r. e Saulter, who taught. e during the last tern;i„ 'n Toronto. Miss Robin tet' succeeds her. >a. Mclsaac is kuru low eo'very. Mr atl{; rs- W, YearlVSglhb -at= ed their St1 'er wedding annzversary on Dec 22nd. About ,7Q.guests helped to Make the event t n enjoy able one. Croup can positively be••.stepped in 20 minutes. No vomittpg. noth-. ing to sicken or distress yit'ctr child, A sweet, pleasant, and safe-, Syrup, called De. Shoop's Croup C11re. does the work and does it quickly.. Shoop's Croup Cure is.;for Croup alone, remember. It does'not claim to cure a dozen ailments. It's for Croup, that's all. Sold by J J Mer- ner. The school concert was. a. big success. The pupils u-ucgtiitted themselves most creditably. The nomination for reeve, 'deputy reeve and councillors was held in the:Town Hall here on Monday. The attendance was large and much' interest was manifested by those present. The nomination resulted as follows Reeve—Saul •Sweitzer, fly Willert ; Deputy Reeve—Win. Anderson and Jacob Kellerman ; Councillors -Stephen Webb, W Yearley, Mich, Finkbeiner, W. D. Sanders. Sam. Lereszeater, Fred Wuerth. To stop, . d with .'Preventics" is safer th it it run and cure it aafter wa en at the sneeze stage" . will. bead ofeW .� colds a raid perhaps g1, :�''y^^v' you from nia or Bronchjfe: Preventies e little' toothsome candy enlil 'tablets selling in 5 cent and 25 t boxes. of you are chilly, if yet •'Begin to sneeze,' try •Preventics. They Will surely check thecold, and please you. Sold by J J Merner. HENSAL.L. Mrs Shirray .and daughter have returned from 'a month's visit with relatives in Detroit. Messrs. David and J. S. Wren of Toronto visited their home here over the holidays. Cut this•out and take it to J 3 Merner's store and get a free samp. le of Chamber'lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. These tablets are far superior to pills. being easier to tale limp` more "Plea sant in "effect': They correct disordero of the stom- ach, liver and bowels. W. Geiger, medieal student, Toronto, and , brother, Edmund, who teaches at Victoria visited their parents here over the holi- days. W. Stoneman and family nosy° occupy their handsome 'new resid. encs. Arthur McAllister, first :year medical strident Toronto Univer sity, spent the` holidays at his: home here• Word has been received here the death of Mr:W. J. Miller, Nth was a residsnt of Hensall a shor time ago, The deceased left fox' High River,; Alta., where he can. ducted a hotel . for a short time - But ill health compelled him to give up this business and he left. for California a few weeks' aro; hoping to benefit his health by the change of cliinate, • but it was of no avail. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Miner in her bereavement. Mrs. Robt. Drysdale is seriously i11 at present. Messrs. Geiger and Hudson are in the race for the reeve's chair. For any disease of the skin we can recommend Chamberlain's 13aI- ve. It relieves the itching end burning sensation instantly and soon effects,a curd. This, salve is also ittval'j ale for soi1e; .nllpples.' For al by 4• Merner, ; ' Wishing Ali a right and Prosperous New Year. 1-I. WELL, = = = Zurich, Ont. The Old and Reliable Kalbfleisch's Saw & Planing Mils.... I. wish to thank iuy customers for their patronage during the past year, and wish to announce that 1 am on hand with a large stock of Hastings Brand S. C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES and all kinds of Building Material. It will be to your interest to call and see me if you are going to build. It is my aim to combine good work with good material. I also do CUSTOM SAWINC and PLANINC Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday., F. C. KALBFLEISCH, 1V1ilis 14th Con. ZURICH lag aye put into stock,. a Ville assort- 'ment of Candies Nuts, Figs, etc. They are manufactured and put up by the:McCormick Mfg. Co., London, and are all first-class goods. Give us a call when in need of anything in this line_ Everything in the line of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, FANCY CAKES, : BREAKFAST FOODS, FLOUR., FEED, STOCK FOODS, ETC. Fine ,and Coarse Salt, $1.4o per Barrel. 8. Rannie & Son. 0) 0 0 SEASONABLE GOODS W e have in stock 0 0 yo Root Pulpers and Slicers, both cylinder and side- - wheelers. Magnet Cream Separators, -- tlae best in the country. Machine Bevel Jacks.: We also handle - • rrM od. Savoring Machines. Sty" Cutters Horse Pow - 11. Ce Gassline En- All kinds of . . 'waging Implements. - CALL ON US BEFORE YOU BUY. fes. . HESS & SONkbt>rll's Old Stand - - ZURICH.