HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-04, Page 2OMMETIU,46 fNTIREL:' NEW. Plan cif $Gid Pacific Coast Eccrisis ompany Absolutely Safe olrl thea of "nothing new under ,antic" is completely put to flight by the )? Ass Creast Securities Company, Uf Pui'tia,. Oregon, la handling the stock of the "sea inn& Copper, Company. This egg/pony, wbos' :r fi ie."l5, are business Mee of 11kanY years, Istiertettee, have perfected it plan, whereby' the & ester's money is under his own central etrtd,he does not take the stock until earning exici accrued dividends are satisfaotery. A sea ,booklet, "Something to Set Y01,1 rbink- ftrid;°t has Just been issued for free distr'1bu.• doa>a;; andit is valuable to auYone contem- fafatfax': investment r -4,orporate enterprises. Aleve Military Step for Japan: (J'apau :Gazette.) The. Saspanese army has decided to dlscoa- ffis Brie the German system In the march step aseiL adopt a new system in oonneotion with to revision of the infantry drill book. Ac- cording to the old system, infantry : on the syr -ch ought to raise the feet,: high and step Messily• swaying the hands fore and aft. step undetr the now system is very light mut the march maye be permanently contin- uf1& as the feet are not required to be raised tea" sigh and the hands are tp be freely ex-' tom. Zech infantry regiment is to send ta, representative to the Military Model Col - /Sews to study the new step system. A SALLOW sasses weak blood, generaldebility, impaired clarion. No one need have thesm—so long as exert an excellent blood and nerve remedy as THaD£ MARK SEG ISTEfi5D. rxblets.are to -he had. They -supply the blood, *nth red corpuscle: end retoro health, clearing Ile- act—purifying the whole syttem. They lauiid up brain and muscle, and make life worth living. 50c.' a -box -6 boxes, $2.50. Fi ffm ,Fllcod Tonic and Mira Ointment are asp r rr4ent for blood' and skin troubles. TRY 'th w). .!s e&srgists—nrfronr The Chemists' Co, ofCanada, rruetaal. liamason-2'ormato. . . .Ball Player's Finish 'The 'ending of a bail player's career feat in it much: the same "traged?r,;;that accompanies the los of 'voice :liy. the ginger. At one fell swoop the play ei and fi`i.s family drop from comparatx'tre lus- rimy, ease and ability . to have all ib,1 .ect€inrxy pleasures of Iife and' fall 'dor ,aen'lsebirin g •like , actual poverty. Often- times poverty is encountered before the ,.trait of the struggle is reached. The still sung 'couple, after several years of :gcrocrd 'Jiving, travelling, seeing the world, .etsjoying' all the fun insight, suddenly .:aaame with a splash "to the fey water of ellsoor living; poor clothes,inability to pay Suer theatre; 'tickets and- trips about, and ssafisiltty 'perhaps to muck more than may" the rent of a. small flat—for the lath 'player who has 'never done anything bat: play ball and who has, not saved iiti-s?nkoney is against a .hard-propo ition Before he can learn a trade : or find sarrtething to carry hint safely- along. • "DACOVAL" Retones and builds up the nervous system., gives nat- ural vigor, purifiesthe blood, ezr'as constipation,,kidney troubles, sore li ticks and neuralgia, Sold only by mail. Send postal note or coin. Price 50c. and huge 2f -cent stamp. The Morrison Spe- cialty Co., Box 224, Windsor, Ont. '.The Drunkard's Contribution. (Country Life in America.) ""rhe eighteenth century in England was geotorlously an age of ale drinkers and wino moers and your English squires were topers cal. Hence a large proportion of the English 4:Cassware of the eighteenth century was in t'lhe form of drinking, glasses, mugs and desantars. Frown as we may upon the plc- tbsre-n of midnight wassail and boisterous eatvfviviality, with brave toasts and frothing 0AI:rapers, making the Christmas holidays c ae grand, sweet "booze," the can not .xsy that we owe these merry roisterers =met for the tall ale .glasses, the graceful dti Banters and the slender wine glasses which they have bequeathed to us. Qep lna.rd's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Boni Scouted .at Home. (Pittsburg Despatch.), When Count. ,Boni De Ga toilane ascended t<.fia sneaker's tribune in', tiro :' chamber of dieputies half tae members'•'abrbptly left the athaee• The incident is illuminative. It ro a•otorka the world • that behind the gayety and 'miter of Paris there is la sober, moral and t#-setuslrious bulk of the yi}atten .as sensitive ,argon honer and decency as any other. It ;also chows that European heiress hunters „sX0 considered in much the same light at Brrttiet'"as they are in this oountry and that •act.b1im opinion abroad .views the abominable oenduet of Castellano with as great abhor- ursooe as we do. aser► • Atinard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. " or- er, sir," remarked the weary way- farer, "1 was not always as you see one sow. 1 was once cheated out of a for- tune." "Row was that?" asked the gerupathetic listener. "Tile man who frad it refused to allow me to marry his daughter," replied the weary wayfarer. FRiRS. AdION '1`0 THE, SEE OICIYiISSXQI ER,:'ATT .WA lits is` a valuable report of JG ,Pages, 'Meaning izxtere5lin; reading for fur-; re. The report contains a summary of Business trarlsacted, a:; reprint, of the. ezixstitution, by-laws and regulations of `(he .eSssoeiatiur),, tIM methods of keeping. ker xd5 rw 1s tel ed seed.l. the e nag os end addleeseso£ -seed growers who are produeers'of -•registered seed, and instruc- tions as to the methods of growing and selecting seed grain: and other seeds of various kinds, Hart ITT of the., report contains pa- pers' and addresses by the following per- Dr, erD , Jame., W Robertson, Manager, 1.1acdonald „Agi,fcuitural College, Ste. Anne de ; eI•leylx'e,, Que.; Hon. Sydney A. Bsher f' of Agriculture, Ot- te,wa; °}Ion. R.,r'Motherwoll, Minister of Agriculture, Regime, "Wheat Grow- ing in the Canairi.lair West;" Prof. R. Harcourt, 0. 4 0:;, _Guelph, "The Re- lations between Soil Conditions and Crop Improvement;" Dr.. Charles E. Saunders, Experimental Farm, Ottawa, "Quality in, Wheat;" Prof. F. T. Shutt, Chemist, Experimental . Farm, (1) ' "Soft Wheat Problems," (2) "The Action of Certain Sinut Pieve-etives. on ',the Vitality of Wheat;" Mr. John Buchanan, 0. A. 0., Guelph, "Some Effects jn Varieties of Cereal. Carps Arisiiie,ltiom Different Conditions of Growthy?' . W. T. Maeoun, 0. E, F., Experimental 'Farm, Ottawa, "The Improvement of the Potato;" Mr. Geo. Robertson,' St. Catharines, Ont., "Some Results in Hortrojilture from the Selection of Seeds," N111. L. S. Klinck, Macdonald Agriculture College, Ste. Anne de Belleva<ie, 14e.; "Methods of Storing Seed Cotni ' t(Mr. W. L. Smith, Toronto, "Row. Betel to Encourage the Dissemination of iklibelass Seeds." The Seed Contro`l's Aet, 1905, contain- ing a repaint of thi6' act. with general explanations and ` etructions. Circular on Stara Testing, giving an outline of the Objects of testing seeds for purity and,vatality and some general notes apll'ixoa,ble t'o'`the condition of the trade inseeds. Geo. H. CIark, Seed Commissioner. THEY KNOW IT. Thousands of people know that the or- dinary remedies for piles—ointments, suppositories and appliances—will not The -best of them„ my bring passing relief. Dr. Leonhardt's •:Hem-Roid is a tab- let taken internally that removes the cause. of Piles, home the cure is perman- ent livery package sold Carries a guar- antee with it., I4 is perfectly 1ia'rmless, $1. All deal- ers, or The Wi]son T`y1e Co., Limited, Ni- agara Falls, Out:. •.a He' Many'Bret., Partsles worelit trouble, ' ; w ere, e 0 dreani�, a i . 1' >�'140 'tali es'stix attended, arch a'ei zd, ' And'tawnl nit? that she emlled.on, •rear Their statue iri rtearlet pride; while, sweet and clear,. The thr.p.shes,4 all the trees with music threwdi - Not wistfully, as those' who mourn their reads' But glad, 3.s if her presence hovered near. And who- shall doubt but that she does return To Breathe the fregranee' of her blossomed bowers, And whisper ancient vows amid the fern, Where be white heart -since 'opened like the flowers; Or tint. each year, when earth itgtvarm with spring. Somewhere she walks apart-romb; tbering. —Charlotte Becker, iu the Coelnopolitan. Teething abies are saved .suffering :and mothers given rest --hen one uses Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure Quickly relieves-eregulates the bowels - prevents convulsions. Used 5o years. Absolutely safe. At drug -stores, 25c. 6 bottles, AS. National Drag& Chemical Cm,,L,imited, Sole Proprietors, Melareal. 41 What Socialism Fails i"oSee. (Chicago Ohsowele )kµr If the right 01 private ptopeiity in the Inenms by which the nritititpdb Wt• useful- and seful-and convenient things were:, p. educed were taken.avvay the motive tq';T55aintain' their excellence and to eiroduoe them at. the least cost would disappe'ltr • Deterioration and privation 'and high cost Would, take the place ni<.` exeellence and abundance and vines idss, ,to the:. vast injury of th-e masses,,,rif the people, whom the socialistic tire:0m s promitve to benefit. Private producers uurs'l sell on s'n`ar- row margin and ecenoinize on cost of production in order to bring their pro- ducts within the reach 'e.1 the greatest possible number. No !;loch force would be in operation to secure the most abun- dant supply to the greatest member un- der :public ownership of the means of pro deletion. There miter, therefore, be less sup- ply, inferior quality, •higher ,prices, no 1 eff0±bt t'c; rites ritiw wants and general eetelioit1ie' tie• i scion in place of the (J-tallrlu ,; ionarla You leu w� ! Thnc't1dt'a , tlnloes' net uccessartly mean �lier to t wrong with with your hea'd'l, That •beilay ,u nrrtet' look to some other organ for try tile. Is' the ache In the forehetid; a it it :cease 11 you press it? -"one It is 0 n That e dati headache. , d oh ne'r ilei a side of, the lie'a�'='nly? That is what the doc- tors call " mc,gfii 1i " ilotb 'these forms arise from lack o� , ]exp , in. ,the system. Is youe h"eadaclle g4no;f ,•',tad accompanied by sloit- ness or? constipation? -That kind of head I'd duo to liver and etomacit disorder, Nxne,li s;dreehee in ten arise from these causesi „ b l ore are two methods of treatment. One'i:; to talfe headache powders. It is like truing aap to A.este pain by taking chloroform, 'The 'Mice Is to correct filo or- gans' which iss° t.,:l it derangement are caus- ing the . troublj,. 'Vast is the Bilean wayl Bileans' Cone lirr$riorhe by their beneficial operation on!lt`tc, dl.:aetive system, the liver, and thebloed, Mrs, G. 12. 7Jka:'!c of 85 Blevtaslaco, To- ronto. ronto. says ' t.;: at t'1 °d acutely '!'Poor head- ache. The att'arl.y \c"re most violent and made in so fli ' oouid hardly do, anything. q, The headache tuh3, ac.ompanted bY,^;di8estive trouble, heartburn; ::nd constipatloh,. 'and it seemed as if I wel`e going from bad to ;srsorse. 9 Until I tried 'deans I was unabtt3';t4 get anything which give me relief. Bllean,s, however, acted :'like magic. They no -'only cured the headache, but also relieved me of indigestion, heartburn and conetlpition. No family should be without a box of Bileans on the shelf." Bileans are a. cure for all digestiyb.and liver disorders,;, constipation, piles, deiility, anemia( blood impurities, adrifts, rheumatism, wind spasms, femalecolds nd ailments. and irregularities, sallow complexions (due,• to bile in the blood), dizziness, etc. A11 druggists and stores sell at 50c a box, or free from the Bilean Co., Toronto, for price. 6,.boxes for $2.50. VICTORIA CROSS IN PAWN. Hero Who Won It Found Dying Before It is Sold. After a brief spell of fame it seems to be the predestined fate of the Victoria cross hero to sink into a position so re- duced that it is impossible to find his whereabouts. Many are the romances, which fate has woven around men who, after a daring feat of arms, have been rewarded by a grateful: sovereign with the proudest possession of a soldier. . But none of them is more pathetic than that of a distinguished officer whose Victoria cross was to hare bee sold next week in a .London auction tom. Fifty years ag he performed such feats of heroic the Crimean that he received a natio raise and a grateful queen pinned. -Jlreast the bronze Minard's Lx , iniitecl. Sirs,—I ha . oiir' MINARD'e LINIMENT fb last 25' years and whilst I have stonally used other liniments, I can :ely say that -I .have never used any e ; al to yours. If rubbed between the hands and in- haled frequentiy it will never fail to cure cold in the head in twenty-four hours. It is also the best for bruises, sprains, etc. Yours truly, Dartmouth. J. G. LESLIE. • cross that is worth so little and yet is worth so much. Afterward he rose to high rank in the army and retired.. Ten years ago mis- fortune overtook him, and as a last re- source he raised a few pounds by leaving his beloved cross in a pawn broker's drawer. Then he . departed and nothing more was heard of him. A Victoria cross is never sold until at - ter the death of the Man to whom it has been awarded. The auctioneers searched the Somer- set house registers for days, but the gal- lant officer's name was not to be found. At last, three days ago, his death was presumed and the cross was advertised for sale. It was to have been sold next week, but yesterday afternoon, quite by accident, the auctioneers heard that the officer was still alive, although serious- ly ill, And so the cross will not be sold. Pos- sibly a friend will recompense the pawn- broker to the extent of its valte and .send it along 'to the officer in order that .he;sn y see it again before he dies.—Lon. doh Mirror.• -=vie► Minard's. Liniment Cures Distemper. xli",by the socialistic vis - THEN IIE WORE UP, Sad. Ending of a Man's Flirtation in the Taxis►. "I Iiever was much given to flirtation," sail the twrmvelilin„ man, "but I bad a narrow c 1 ;D,p last simmer frgen falbimg fixirn gi' e ,, "1 was xid,iny .Groin Hannibal, Mo., to Springfield, J11; on a. Wabash ta'ain. 1 sad ruett o:' " window on the right side of',one, sha infg my seat, tt 1 „ r ti SO. t. t two iir'�' xn o women, i s bne. e4r4to -wv1liulow,wee a;;ood-- Lti3kia7g pel+sa JiSth' a ,bine silk gown 'and n pleasgx;t fzt4:al expressionu. Once as she looked.retie I detecte'.i tinetly- friemdly't-li tk,1e in her eyes. I was astonished*. But riot futally. A niam's egotism trill • never let him feel wholly surprised when a woman shows signs of being pleased with trine "I thought at last I have found some - One who detects a good thing at first sight without the necessity of any of the preliminary stages of acquaintansae. The next time I looked her way—which wasn't long—there was a friendt» twinkler hi. any own eyes, in response to which ai suggeebion of a smile visitaed the trlcorners�anth. of the woman's well-shaped "I sat up, fixed my coat collar so it set just right, adjusbed by four -in -,band and tried to, look unconcerned. Within five. minutes that strange person and 1 were smiling at each other like old acquaint anees. "About this time a tall, lanky person walked into the ear, spoke a word to fire vebnen accompanying the one of the hiendly proclivities and then sat down beside me. We drifted into conversa- tion, with tit freemasonry of buvolutt- tary seamtaxes. "Soon he said: 'I'm the sheriff of this ,county. I've got a couple o' crazy women, taken' 'eon to the 's'1u,m. You Wouldn't even know they was crazy, neither. "drat ,woman over there with the blue dress is once of 'em: "Well, X have known some keen hu- miliations in my life, but that was a trifle the keenest."—011icato News. Dear .:rr her Your little ones are a constant care in Fall and Winter weather. They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and what it has done for so many ? It is said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in children. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. his guaranteed to cure or your money is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle, and all dealers in medicine 'sell .314 Se.9 r I ''this remedy should be in every household. • Tedious FuneralSermons, How long kl';tda 'funeral sermon be? We aelced t 1,,r' half a ,frozen ?.exeint, po • .4;tga lie a a edrtweirsatioa'we a:in' the post- office ostoffice in refereuee to the outrageous length of a sermon preached at a recent funeral. The general opinion seemed to be that ' fear' funeral' sermons ought to be over fifteen minutes in length, At a time of that kind' the less said the better. I'ety are, ooarcernecl other than the immediate fatuity and they are hav- ing troubleenough without being com- pelled to sit and listento any lengthy service no matter 'how interesting it may, be to the rest of the audience. Fifteen minutes is as long as any man ought to preach and Isis voice should never' get above a smooth conversation- al' tons—Washington Register. d*4' Only the magit;ian's wife doesn't care if her husband:' is tricky. Hints" for the Sick Room. Keep bottles as far as possible out of sight. ' Never leave medicine, drink or food uncovered in the sick room. T ave the bed a foot or two from the ws.1L Plenty of ventilattion, but no air di- reet]y blowing on the patient. Everything fresh and clean, with the purest of soap and plenty of warm I water. Each individual disease requires a t peculiar diet of its own. Tobacco should never be used in the sick room. Use kindness, but firmness, toward the patient. To assuage thirst and cure feverish- ness apple tea is a notable drink. It is made by slieing up raw apples into a jug, filling up the ing with boiling wa- ter, as in tea making, then sweetening to taste. When cold this apple tea will, be found pleasingly tart and refreshif;,f,', Nowadays doctors forbid gouty pa' tients to.eati any kind of sweet ;feiii'w , but regonrntendthem to eat i1t llrn dozen :walnuts a, day. There is' e that; xvalti tw are' moat useftr0;lif s`sleiects tic tai: Case;S of elu'dlll b riielit1iS lslii. ,SIl��o ih+r 17nrs tlnai(t ri'f T pain ,, eh a11�1,ciRii7]71YL'�rl(�'�l���r. ISSUE NO. 1, 1907. FARMS FOR SALE. CI•I Ap UNDER MORTGAGE; LARGE farm in the County of Bruce, with good buildings; 120 acres cultivated; only $200 down or secured; immediate possession; title per - feet. Apply • at once, London Loan & Sav- ings Co., Loudon, Ont, LHBAP UNDER MORTGAGE, ONLY $800 down or secured; 90 acre farm in the Township of Mesa, County of Middlesex; good frame buildings; immediate possession; title Perfect. Apply London Loan Company, Lon- don, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS, FA11ER'S SONS THE FARMERS' MANUAL contains a ser- ies of special lessons in farm bookkeeping, with full instructions, separate rulings and printed headings for grain account, poultry account, cattle aoccunt, hog account, -labor account, dairy account, expense account; department for each kind of grain, cash received account and cash paid out account. The Manual also contains a complete insect department, a veterinary handbook, a per- fect system of horse -training according to the methods used by Prof. O. W. Gleason, besides the farmers' legal department. 400 Dazes. The J. L. NICHOLS CO., Limited, Publishers, (Mention this paper.) Toronto, Canada. Agents wanted. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al- ways be uaod for children teething. It soothes the chart, soothes the gums, cures wind collo and is the best remedy for diar- rhoea. DlI. LEIROY'S FEMALE PILLS A safe, sure ane rellau'e monthly regale. tor. These Pills have been used in Franco for over arty years, anti found invaluable tor the purpese designed, and are gnome. teed by the makers. Enclose stamp for sealed circular. Price $1.e0 per box of ugglsts f or by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of lases LE ROY PILL CO.. Box 42, Hamilton canasta A PLACE TO SULK. Many Who Have Boudoirs Are Ignorant of Their Use. The French people, in naming the wife's private sitting room her "bou- doir" practically recognized her need for being alone. A place in which to sulk was provided for her, and there are times in which even the best tempered of men and women feel that their mood is unfit for Social intercourse. To recognize this is one of the first duties of the newly -married partner. The dark mood will pass, and all the sooner, if the sufferer is left unques- tioned. Queries are quite useless. To be asked what is the matter only as- sists in the curdling process already be- gun, These are times when *he sotrit dwells apart in isolation. To disturb its solitude is to call down ou one's de- voted head the wrath of the household gods ; '140.n * Parried lives are wreeked, from this inability , to understood 'moods. A husband offers sympathy,a young, wife feels convinced her duty is to win hex' loved one from his attrtuie of melan- choly. AlI either of them requires is a little time alone-' , Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cowes. m_a Dramatization Yet to Come. A new light romantic opera, "The Vicar of Wakefield," has been foundtld on Goldsmith's novel and arranged with songs and lyrics in three nets. Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" kir been done into a play. There still re- main Young's "Night Thoughts" and. "Pilgrim's Progress," which no doubt will be turned into Christmas pantom- imes. - N0 MONENT REQUIRED Think of it, a beautiful Ruff of Blue Fox, the most fhshfonabla0ur worn, given absolutely tree. Such an offer was never made before. Tho only reason we can afford to do it Is that we arranged for these handsome Fara' during the dull season in the nurinnor and got them nearly at cost, Tho Suit is 40 Inches lon, nearly !^, d Inches trido, made of trio handsomest nhut -Fox Fur, very rich, soft aud-nutfy. Itis warmly padded hued with the acute Fledgesatin and ornamented wits, four long taiin of Blue Fox also. Such a handsome Fur he never s befna4 orua ye bemrour gluonname atna ia4y,addrose, and youploa gety,alte0lndwo woast',ill rail Just 10 boXes of our fangos Vegetable Now Life Pills at els ,t box. A. grand rontedv and aura for all Impure and week Conditions of the Stool, Indigostton Stomach Trouble, Coddttnatloa, wenknoso, Nervous Disorder., Rboutentltm awl Female TroUbles.Wt.1 grand -Tonle and Life Rudder, Theso•at0 our regular 00o else; they are easy tosell as each 'ouktnlncr who boys n. box of Pills from you receives a priie'ticket.wbieb entitles them to a line piece or Silver- ware! lioh'tmiss the obfinoe ntYour Mc. Send ns your ' order and•we will send the 10 boxes and Prise Tickets by mall, poatsid,- when sold you 'end us the money ($22.601 e.'will and wsend yyon this handsome 13100 FoX Rut' all charges paid, 'Writete-day Address Ilse New Life 1 Unuinet.' d!� Dent K S ergots Connie. IY:ir.b,0I _•... ,av, .15 ;lanuti 'moi 1,—IR.11,511Lif Irv'4 'fid '' * X Ask for 1 AfIGI MATCIiJI;S POR IWWTELS, WAltItliOUSES, HOSPITALS, BSYL1JMS, ETC. eilieNfallarelhpilethafferat