HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1907-01-04, Page 1Vol,. VII. No. 24 WINTER TERM OF THE Clinton Business College (Affiliated with Winghani Busi- ness College.) OPENS JANUARY 2nd This is the most modern, thor- ough and successful institution of its kind in Ontario. Excellent staff of teachers; unexcelled equip- ment; large attendance; actual business school. During Novem- ber we had 20 times as many calls from leading. concerns for Bookkeepers, Stenographers and Telegraphers as we had graduates to send. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Our handsome Christmas Catalogue sent free on applica- tion to GEO4,SPOTTON - Principal Thel. 'of Zuric LOCAL NEWS. ibcr a cMra4s-4".4s.4v."s4-Ti• Mr. and Mrs. Ellmor Klopp visit- ed the former's parents at Stratford last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gabel of Bervie are visiting at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. H. Thiel. The Ginn Club held an interest- ing .hoot on New Year's Day. Some extraordinary scores were made. School re -opened yesterday with Mr. A. McLeod as principal, and Misses P. Nicholson and M. Best, as assistants. Mrs. W. M. Holtzman of Mild- may, accompanied by her daughter is visiting at the home of Mrs. D. Surerus, Sr., who is ill A very enjoyable party was held a ,•t t)ie home of Mr. J., ,4„..8 ..,,71,;031,-..con.,`on.Tuesday .0Y64.kg report a splendid time. Mrs. ;John Voelker of Pigeon, Mich., visited her sister, Mrs. S'4. B. Battler recently, and is now vis- iting friends in Milverton. Mr. H. Zapfe has made: an ex- change of hogs recently and has now a splendid improved Yorkshire which be will hold for service at his farm, Town Line, Stanley. Election of officers for the Evan- gelical 5. S. will take 'place next Sonday morning, in connection with the morning service. The subjects for the Evangelical church for next Sunday are: Gods care for his people, for the morning and Self -Consecration, for the evening. Come end bring 3 our friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witrnan of Walkerton, accompanied by Miss Algia Weseloh of Waterloo, -were visiting the letters uncle, Mr. H. Weseloh, for a few days this week. Mr. Eli (; eii cr (1 N.,D., ie visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Geiger,, et present. Mr. Geiger bas been absent from Zurich for twenty-three years and notes a big change in the town and people. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Howald celebrated the twentyfifth anni- versary of their wedding last Thursday evening. An enjoyable time was spent by those present. It is the wish of their many friends that they may enjoy the pleasures and comforts of many more Sears to come. While' filling the trap at the shoot at the Fair Grounds on Tues. day, Mr. W. Schenck was accident- ly. hit by a stray wad. He7 was protected by a screen of Heavy planking, only a few inches of the 'top of his hat being exposed, but the wad took a downward course :cutting a gash on the side of his head. A few stitches soon closed up the wound and he is getting along all right. A despatch from Ottawa says: An extensive scheme of electric railway building is contemplated by the Stratford & St. Joseph Ra- dial Railway Company, which is applying to Parliament for a char- ter to build passenger and freight lines from Stratford to Avonton, thence to Downie, Fullerton, Rus- seldale, Farquhar, Exeter, i eese -Zurich and St. Joseph, thence lou-. therly to Grand Bend, in the etown- ship of Stephen, or from Exeter westerly through the most oonven- eniirpt places tb fit. Jason)), and from St, Joseph to Grand, Benet, thence to Parklill, Miss Ida Prang of Olin .apedt the holidays at her he/11e` in the village. Mr. Hy. Eioher, jr , of near Elkton, Mich,, is visiting friends here at present, Miss Ida Well left on Wednesday last to visit her sister axd relatives in Saginaw, Mich. eMr. Robt. Williams, of the Sov- ereign Bank staff, visited' friends in Detroit over Sunday. Mr. Meno Surerus and wife, of Cavalier, Dakota, are visiting .the former's mother, Mrs. D. Surerus. Mr. Chas. Cann of Exeter called on friends in the village last week. He recently returned from: the west. Mr. Christian Eichler, formerly of this Township, died last week near Pigeon, Mich., the interment taking place on Friday last. Mrs. L. Bossenberry accidently fell off the slippery walk one day last week and bruised her shoulder. She is getting along well. The Rev. A. D. Gischler will con- duct a series of special meetings in the 14th con., Evangelical church. begining next Tuesday evening at 7.30. Mr and Mrs. John Feist and daughter, and Mr. Chris. Brown, of Kilmannt;h, Mich., visited at the home of Mr. Jacob Brown, Goshen Line, last week, Final Notice.—A11 parties still owing the firm of A. Charlesworth & Son must settle their accounts by Thursday, Jan 10th, 1207, or they will be handed for collection and all collection charges added,. Leo. O. Charlesworth. A quiet wedding was celehrated at the ,home of Mr. Martin Wurm,. Bronson Line, on Wednesday of last week, when their daughter, Miss Edna, was united in marriage to Mr. Daniel Oswald, son of Mr, Chris. Oswald. We extend.;•�est wishes to the young coupl. rs" J, C. Kalbfleisel seriously i41,wit h pleuris; Fever:r ladies' bel pan have .sage by callin office. ;1't spent the `-Tew Yer 'aliol ci - • at his 'home here. Mr, and, Mrs. George Chiclega Dile, visited rel the Saublel ring the pa Mcssra. Flick it Q Joh Durst of Colborne were �, s; o Rev. A. D.:,Gasohler for ahtiays last week. Messrs. Leine and Roy L gar , .r of Berltx visited:;at the hem their sister, MT'S, Kteva A. D. schler over,'New Years. vr, Messrs. Frank Bossenberry and Louis Weber furnished music for the dance at the home of Mr. John Schnell, 14th con. on Tuesday' evening. : Those present were well repaid for attending as all had en- joyable time. Mises Diana and Phoebe Rick- beil<;and ::Mr. Alf Gellman were guestsat the home of Mr.. S. Hardy, Exeter, on Sunday. Misses Annie and Emma :Heide - man of Detroit are vieigng their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. geideman of this village, at present. The band ushered in the ,year 1907 on Monday night by rendering a number of selections at; various places in the village. The different bells in the village also were rung. guns shot off and kindred ,' noises welcomed the new year, Mr. Geo. Schoellig, who left for Detroit some weeks ago, recently hander. went an operation at la,rper's Hospital in that city. A stone, measuring four and one -halt inches in circumference, was xetnoved from his bladder. Notwitb,4anding his age of 72 years he with ` od the operation admirably and b rends. here will be pleased to that he expects to leave the ll in a short time. •�tFiar"r .edding.w o. a of Mr, an McArthur, 2nd eon., Ha_ day of last week. at when their daughter, Mis .H:, was united in Merritt living brothers, add fo it three, multipl. add to it the number or sisters, multiply thee& nonnt, five, it liv n,g .hy ten, add the nninber of deaths' .'f broth- ers and substract 150 from the re- sult. The right figure will be the number of deaths, the middle `the number of living sisters, and the left the number of living brothers Try it and see. bt iees- noon; Violet e with Robert P. Bell, of the Zurich Road. Rev. Mc. L. Smith performed the eerernony in the presence of a large riennher of guests. The happy coup- lit'°l'ef't on a short honeynmen trip, lifter which they will reside on the gsbom's fine farm in Tuckersmith neynm boa all ,. end Pros=' dew Year. 10,47C'd� oe Is an import your serious a? special care;"' stock and al ues and J.1 quarity, vxd�0 4..0" socks, fejt shoes etc. Come and exam- ine our coodE ., e-erything xi. rU1_ )ers o� a li C. F The Sfiloernan. ourrow g e st Stor NE ' TO ALL take this opportunity of thanking our many friends and customers for their very liberal sulpo:rt and pat- ronage toward us during the past year, and hope that the year 1907 may bringmany new e,ustomers to our store. Our aim shall • always be, as it has been in the the past, to supply our trade with the very best goods obtainable at the lowest possible cost; and by so :doing we hope for a good share of the trade for :the coming year. Again thanking you and wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, I remain Yours very truly, J. P1 EETH, !i