HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-12-28, Page 88 The Zurich Herald.. M EAT •�� ARKET We would like to call your attention to our stock of meats poultry . sausages, bolognas, etc. Nothing but the very best and choicest hoods kept on hand. W;e use all our cus- tomers the same. Give usa call. • • i 0 YUNtiBLUT DE CIIE T. rSICEZEZIM.1111215X1IWNIMMICIERWELMOILIZMI1116113231=11r ,Winter Is ‘7.nmigg Winter will soon be here and with it conies the thoughts of a new cutter. Our stock this fall is complete, in all styles. rrhey are glade to last. Call and see therm before snaking a purchase. Now is the time to have your old cutter repaired and painted. F. Hess Se. Son, Zurich - Ontario. J IT'S NO TRICK to sell a poor article at holf price --but it cannot be done on GOOD GOODS. This Season as before, I will try to give you Money's Worth. ....All kinds of .... HOLIDAY GIFTS generally found in a first-class Jewelry. Store. Prices Right .. Goods Right F. W. HESS • Jeweler. 5b YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNF. COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone snnring a nket, n and desolation mny gnlekly assert:tin our opinion free whrther ua invention le probably patentable, ('onatnunlra. ions etrtctiyconttdeutlal. itwdbok an 181ens Sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Nunn & Cu. reeetva %pedal notice, without charge, h. the . Scientific e 1 L handsomely ilh,atratrd weekly. Lnhcrst c'n ot:,tton or rtny eclentinc Journal. 'Peons. 4;:1 a yep�ar ; font ,rtenths, %1. Enid by all newsucelere. MUNN & Co 3GlBroadnay, New York ra 'nrh Oftice, ✓r' ' a*. wnabinrtton. 1), ft Mr. J. J. Merner, wife and fami- ly spent Xmas with relatives in (o derich. Miss Jennie Hardy of Exeter was the guest of the Misses 1 ,ickbeil on Christmas Day. A sheet of ice in a field near the village has afforded a lot of amuse- ment for the young folks. Why don't somebody build a skating rink? Mr. W. 'Uttlry, fireman at the grist mill, had a nasty fall on Tues. day evening. In endeavoring to adjust a shaft he slipped and fell on a pipe, breaking one rib and bruising a number of others. "Billie" will be,laid off from work for a few days,$ While coming from in Hensall with load of freight on Monday, a local teamster had an upset which will cost somebody dearly. He had his sleigh piled rip with boxes, contain- ing oranges, lamp chimneys, etc., sand in some way landed the whole 1.)ad in the ditch, The goods were b tdiy damaged and the driver nar• rowly escaped serious injury, IF-MMANI EL Cki[Il�Cli ■ evangelical Association. SERVICES AND MEETINGS WILL BE HELD IN TEE EI1fl(ANUEL EVANGELICAL Oiineore, 2URIOIi, ' AS FOLLOWS : Sunday School at 2 p. m.; Preaching Service, German, 10 a. m. ; English Service, at 7 p. m ; Senior Alliance, 7,30 p.rn. Tues- day evening German Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock ; English Prayer meeting, Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock ; Choir Practice, Friday evening at 8 o'clock; Junior Alliance, Satur- day afternoon, at 3 o'clock. REV. A. D. GISCHLRi%, PASTOR. MEMEMEMBEMENENENEXEMEXEMBENEW NE LOCAL NEWS t 9 cents a lb., cash, paid for hides. Ezra Tiernan, Dashwood. Miss Victoria Johnston visited friends at Berlin during the week, Miss Amelia Axt of London spent the Xmas holidays at her home here. . Miss Melvina and Mr. Norman Bock of London spent the holidays at their home here. Messrs. W. Wentzel and Chas. Eilher visited at the home of C. Either on Sunday.' Mr. Hy. Magel returnee! from Detroit on Saturday, where he spent the past month. Mr. A. McLeod, principal of our public school, is spending the holi- days at his home in Bayfield, Misses Maggie and Emma, Schnell of Detroit, visited their home on the 14th con., during the past week. Mr. Hurley Weber, of the Bell telephone Co. staff, now at New Hamburg, spent Christmas at his home here. Misses: Pearl Nicholson, Minnie Best and Eleanora Hartleib visited friends in 5ebringville and Seaforth during the holidays. Dr. OVENS, M. D., London, Surgeon eye, ear and nose, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Hensall, on Thursday, January 10th. Hours 4 p. m. to 9 p. m. Glasses properly fitted for relief of failing vision, gestrain, headaches, etc. Deafness and nasal catarrh treated. 230 The Christmas Tree festival in the Lutheran church on Monday evening was well attended. The church was prettily decorated with Christmas trees and bright colored fixtures. The program rendered by the pupils of the Sanday School was very interesting and much ap- preciated. Among the best decorated shop windows, displaying Christmas wares and !goods, in the village is the one at Mrs. McCormick's confectionery store. A life -like Santa. Claus is the centre of at- traction, and young and old alike have feasted their eyes on him. The drapings anclother fixtures aro also very prettily done. SOHOOL MEETING. A meeting of the ratepayers of S. S. No. 7, Hay, was held in the school house here on "Wednesday. The attendance was not very large. which is a matter of regret, as educational matters should arouse more interest among the residents of this section. A report of the expenditures and receipts for the year 1906 was presented, and other matters pertaining to the school houses etc., discussed. Mr. Simon • eararas, of the Goshen Line south., was elected school trustee for three years in place of Mr. John Pfaff, whose time had expired. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The financial statement for the Township of Hay for the year 1906 has been issued. From it we cull the following particulars: The to- tal receipts were $22504.58, and the total payments for all purposes were $22337.48, leaving a balance of $167.10 on hand, Taxes uncol- lected for 1906 are $317.93. The various ditch schemes are all in good financial shape, only one be• ing in debt to the -Township—the Zurich Drain Ditch, which was oleanrd out last summer. Zurich Police Village has a balance of $49.52, but aecounts against the village still unpaid will consider- ably reduce this balance. FROM THE LUMBER DAMPS, A number of the bons returned from the lumber camps last week to spend. Xmas at their homes here. They report everything in first-class condition in the camp and all con- tented lot. Mr. II. I3. Little has assumed the position of head cook and had to put up the Christmas turkey for the sixty hungry men in camp 4. All the other men from Zurich and vicinity who have gone up there are in the best of health and like the camp life well. The work of hauling the logs will begin next week and this will keep a .zing of men busy :for about two aid a half months. Jake worn) will be top loader of one of the gangs which shows that the Co, knows a good man when they see 'tills,. <.^—r n,ra•, . .a t!w sax,n.Wr, ,�,�, �j'^r r,4s�F"rr Who. ti., !.?.r?�4� W:� ;''.t� 4i c ryRa ..�.. a`�r2 o .L;�h.!:a�a'.F!in�}'•x . a'Si, a °.sic : .PS: F. iN r!ctfs us ,F -e> o. zokT s,' r;x ,a•aq;` Twp tore! ollowing our usual custom, after a big sea= son's business, all broken lines of Winter Goods will have to be cleared out and the profits sacrificed. This Store is noted for rapid selling at close prices, and these are now more in evidence than everbefore. 36 in. Flannelette We have still some of that 36 Inch heavy fancy stripe Flannel- ette at 8cts. per yd. Other Bargains All Millinery Goods includ - ing the newest trimmed Hats, etc. to clear at half price. Fur Coats, Ruffs, etc. We have done a tremendous business in ladies' and men's Fur Coats, ladies' Stoles, Caperines and Boas, and the balance of our stock goes at a big reduction. Dress Goods We are over -stocked in some lines and will dispose of them at greatly reduced prices. Boys' Suits. Boys- Suits, sizes 32, 33 and 34, at half price. Ladies' Cloth Coats Ladies' Cloth Coats at half price, and some, not the latest style, but serviceable, for $1.00. Leather Coats Men's best Saranac leather Coats at $5.00 each. ris Have just returned from Toronto, and have secured some special goods suitable for Gifts, and also some staple Dry Goods at very tempting prices. These *;argains will be passed on to you at very small profits. ap Underwear heavyweight fleece - line c irts and Drawers at 40 cts. c h. Snaps in Groceries • Best selected Raisins at lOcts a lb. Best cleaned Currants 4 lbs for 25c Best roasted Coffee 12i cts a lb. Green Japan Tea, usually sold by other dealers for 35 cts., our prir'e 25 cts. per ib. mensolonervaelms Dade=to=order Suits Some big snaps in Suits, made-to-order, that are usually sold at $17.00 to $18.00, our price is only $12.00. Soule Dinner Setts At very low prices. These will have to be cleared out at once, and you will get the benefit of the cut price by buying now. Dearlers say that those who have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are quite loyal to thein and can not be persuaded to take any substite. Get a free sample at.J, T. Merner'sstore, give then a trail and you, too, will want thein in perference to any other. They cure stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. The following plaintive note was picked up near the fair grounds :-- “Dear L— the reason I didn't laff when you left at me last night in the postoffice was because I have a bile on my face and 'rant laff, if I tuff it will bust, but I love you old sweet thing bile or no bile. lair or no laff, you ]snow that. p• m.— Burn this up." On Monday lasta farmer living not far from Zurich brought a colt to L. Prang's blacksmith shop to be shod. The . animal was gentle enough until the floor of the shop was reached, when it refused to enter. Neither persuasion nor force could budge it an inoh. Every person who eagle along tried some new and sure way bat it was of no use. One man came along and it looked as if he was going to carry it in bodily but he succeeded no better than the rest. It broke loose and ran away but was captur- ed again and brought back to the shop. When nearly all methods of getting it into the shop had failed, another person came along and by tapping it gently on the back with a stick it went in like a 'veteran. PT e le's . hart and tiardw ess re llouse A Happy New Year to all Best Goods at Lowest Prices for 1907. G. 114RT The People's l-lardm Are. Zurich. and •lar'ness blouse.