HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1906-12-28, Page 5The Zurich.. 1eratrl HOTELS. 0 0 0 ro 0 0 1111 gt Excellent Semple Rooms 01 for Commercial Merl. tb 5B �! 6t 93 THE GD ti) et $+ @;t COMMEHC1 Il HOTEL * * e ZURICH tH * 0 0 * 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. P. RAU, PROPRIETOR. 2 Strictly up-to-date in modern im provements. Dining rooms is sup- plied with only the very best. Bar contains choice liquors and cigars. ¶ 11 1i If ¶ els0000** bsUk't *Apt3p04~t30000@tfdt'+i *0* the Mon -anion 1bouse. This House has recently changed hands, and is now one of the :most orderly and best con- ducted Houses in the Province. t'1 o getter Nable in the Dominion. R. R.Johnston&Son PROPRIETORS, 1 1 ..L�offnlan' Jubilee Laundry . . We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAILORING IN CONNECTION HOFF AN MiliSfireEfareaSIMEIZeeeasfaitallel XMAS IS COME\ 6! and now is the time to look up your Chris tin as Gifts This is the place to come to first for your Xmas shopping. All kinds of Toys and Fancy Goods also new Currants Raisins and Peels, :and a choice lot of Candy, Nuts andfancy cakes. R. N. DOUGLAS, Blake. n y s Weak Kidrtoyq, surely point to weak kidney Eaves. The Kidneys, like the Heart, and the Stomach, fi:c1 their weakness, not in the organ itself, Lu5 in the nerves that control and guide and strengthen them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is a medicine specifically prepared to reach these controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone, Is futile. It is a mote' of tinir, and of money as rre71. If your back aches or is weak, if the urine Seattle, oris dark and strong, i f got t have symptoms Of Brights or other distressing or dangerous kid. ney disease. tri Dr. Shoot's Restorative a month E'abiets or Liquid—and see what it can and will dolor you. Druggist reconnnend and sell � `1ti r. rp' Nest' s:r r r. five J. J. MERNER. DASHWOOD Mr, Andrew MussorarrivetLsafe- ly back to the old town on Wednes- day evening of last week after working at Kimberly, B. C., since last March. Andrew says he likes working out there and will return again before spring. Mrs, D. Schrader was taken violently ill one day last week caused as it was supposed by eating some chocolate drops. For some- time her life was dispairecl of but we are glad to know that sho is now alright again. Some kind of religous people are now holding meetings in Hartloib's hall, each day and evening with what success we do not know but hope for the best. Arthur Kellerman, student at North Western College is spending his Xmas holidays at his home here. The auction sale of the farins and property of the late John Winken- weder on Thursday last was largely attended and good prices were realized. The homestead was pur- chased by Joseph Willert and the 50•aore farm by John Stephens. The stock and itnplements were all well sold also. As a warning against the practice of boys and girls hanging on sleighs and fastening hand -sleighs on be- hind teams we quote what we were an eyewitness to on Friday of last week in o;t,r own little village. Several sleighs were fastened unto a team sleigh with the expectation of getting a riche . when the team would be driven away hut the horses began tea back up and the little folks behind got mixed up and the smaller ones could not get out of the way and got under the the sleigh, and had it not been for a passerby wonld no doubt have been seriously hurt. Parents should use a little discipline at home and Village Trustees would be justified in passing et by-law prohibiting such practices and then sec that the law is fully respected. John Hall of London purchased several good horses in this section hist week for which he paid e. good figure. The annnal school -meeting was held nn Wednesday, preceedings will be given next week. We have heard of several aspir- ants to the different municipal offices and likely by nomination day the pot will be a -boiling good and strong. The Xnias season has brought the usual budget of visitors. On tiatnrday night the stege from Parkhill upset (waged by the icy road which canned the wheels to slip of the track into the ditch the wheels have to be used as their is no snow at the hill. Luckily no one was hurt. Tecob Kellerman placed it. breed new organ in the home of F. Wil- lert on Monday. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Thos. Barnwell. who has been visiting his brother, 3, E. Barn" well, has returned to Kincardine. He has solrl his farm in Bruce coun- ty and will locate in the west. The council met on Dec. 15th and wound up the tininess for the year There is a balance of about $400. notwithstanding that two steel bridges have been built turd the a- butments of the Parr Line bridge hart also to be renewed at a cost which was equivalent to building a new bridge. Beeve MGDiarmid, Clerk Barnwell rind Thos Wiley met in the town hall on Tuesday and appointer) John Sparrow and George Beatty to attend the final sntnming np of the vete by the clerk in connection with the local option by-law vote. Mr, and Mrs. John McLeod who have been residing in Port Dover returned to Bayfield to reside. 4190bas..Diehi of'Portai;e 10 Praire who hos been visiting at bis home here left last week to visit relatives in Bruce county. A pretty marriage was seleritiz., eclat the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Stephenson Parr Line on Christmas Day when their daughter Miss Alice was united in the hob, bonds of wedlock to Mr. David Armstrong, of near La Riviere, -Man. After the ceremony all present sat clown to a sumptuous wedding repast. Mr, and Mrs. Armstrong, left on the evening train for a short honeymoon trip. Your correspond- ent joins in wishing the young couple a happy and prosperous married life. Catarrh of the nose and throat, should lead ,on to at least esk us fora free trial box of Dr, Shoop's Catarrh Cure. Nothing so surely proves merit as a real, actual test -- and Dr. Shoop, to prove this, earn- estly desires that we let you make that test. This creamy, Snow White healing balm, soothes the e and nostrils, and'quiokly peerities a foul or feverish breath. Cal] *aid investigate, J J Mentor, BLAx The following report shows the relative standing of the pupils of U, 5. 5, No. 9, Sttinley, for the Month of December. The report is based on regularity punetnality and general deportment and the names occur in order of merit, V. Maggie Ester, Ruth Keys, Viola Edighoffer. 1V Isabel Manson, Flossy Cap - ling, Thomas Shorritt. . III. Gordon, Mansell, Ethel Zapfe, Mary Douglas. Sr II. James Esler, Jakie Bren. nertnttn, Peter Gingerioh. Jr II. Emma Becher Emanuel Moyer, Pearl McBride. Sr pt II. John Meyers, Percy Zirk, Sophie Oesoh. Jr pt II. Lorne Munson, Nancy Brennerman, Allan Desch, Pt I. Clarence Hall, Pearl Moyer. A family re -union assembler] at the home of R. Allan on Xmas Day, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk with daughter Veva of-Fkirgrove, Miele, are at present visiting friends in this neighborhood, Tho Christmas Tree entertain- ment held in the church on Xnias Eve proved a decided success. The church was crowded to the doors. The children acquitted themselves honorably and Santee Claus proved himself in tench with the occasion. The proceeds amounted to about $27 This is the first of the kind ever held hero but we hope they shall be hereafter an aunual event. Messrs. Roht. and D. Manson of Winnipeg are at present visiting at their home. Miss Jane Eller of. London, is • spending her Xmas vacation at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Linderfeld of London spent Christmas with Mrs. L.'s parents M. and Mrs. Thos. Johnston. Quite a number from the com- munity took in the Xmas Tree held in the Evangelical church, Lnrieh. Xinas night and were delighted with the entertainment throughout. Mr. and Mrs. A. Douglas and Miss Lizzie Johnston spent Xmas with friends in Hensall. BAYFIELO. Mia. Laura Richardson is expect- ed to sing at the Chri mas service next Sunday mornin in St Andrew church. Mr. David Reid Platt, bots of Go eel in marriage at Dec. 11th by Rev. 3, Gladys tyre nnit- antse on 'gen. Jas Attwood is sti? I;ery ill. Chas Ferguson and'. Harry Fal- coner have arrived home after a- nother season's sailing on the lakes Robert King and two daughters are home from the west on a visit. A social and suppe rwili be held in the town hall on the evening; of Dec. 28th, The following officers were elect- ed for 11107 by the Canadian' Order of Foresters : Chief ranger, T. W. Cameron ; vice -chief, Ben Spencer ; ebaplti:in, James Campbell; record- ing secretary,.T. J3, Brownlee; fin- ancial secretary, 3 Fraser; treasur- er, John Whiddon ; senior wood - ward, R. Elliott ; junior Woodward, A. Elliott ; senior beadle, J. Spencer ; junior beadle, D. McDougall. EXETER W, Dignan has purchased a blacksmith business in Lucan and has taken charge. John Matheson, who formerly conducted a general store in Exeter north, died at Ayr after a year's illness, .. ' Norman Patterson a few days ago loaded and unloaded 40 tans of coal besides drawing it from the station to the power house. Mr. A. MoDenell has returned from his trip to England. On the way home ho met with a painful accident while tying a horse in a boat. The animal pulled batt;; and smashed one of the finders on his left hand to such an extend that it had to be amputated at the first joint. Mr, Bawden has also return- ed bringing along a number of horses. Thos Acheson, the genial pro- prietor of the Central hotel, became the happy father of twins on Mon- day of last week. N. D. Ht'trdoui N recovering from his recent severe illness: The knittingg factory for Exeter is now nearly an assnred fact. A. Hooper of Clinton has .sold his house in town to Win. Rivers. To have beautiful, perfect, pink velvet-like lips, apply at bedtime a light coating of Dr, Shoop's Green Salve, Then, next morning, notice carefully the effect. Dry, cracked, or colorless lips mean feverishness, and are as well i11 appearing Dr. Shooli'S Green Salve is a soft, creamy, healing ointment, that will quickly correct any akin blemish or ailment, Get a free triol box at otic store and be convinced. Large Glass Jars, 25ets. .J J Merrier. Figures That Tell --the tale of success, strength and safety. A new Canadian record accomplished in 4Y years: Assets, over . . . . . . . • Deposits, over Capital, Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, ovel, , . Your account—large or small ---is invited. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received Department—Interest paid 4 times a year— $25,000,000 75,000,000 5,250,000 in the Savings 26 The Sovereign a k of Camel Zurich Branch = J. SNEL,L,, Ilgr. HENSALL. Dr. Blackall has returned from his trip to the west and was in the village last week renewing acquain tances. The friends of James Murray of this village, will regret to learn that he is seriously ill. W..I;. Hoggarth is coming- very near the top as a breeder of fancy ponitry, as at the late Show, at Guelph, and the first time he ever exhibited his White Rocks he won a 2nd 5th, 7th and 8th and two specials in a class of 120 of the finest birds to be found in Canada The Show this year consisted of over 4,000 birds, and was admitted by both Canadians and Americans to be the befit one seen in Anterica. On Tuesday afternoon of last week Wesley Moore had the mis- fortune to get his hand badly crushed while working at the foundry. Mr. and Mr. Forest and Chas. Curry arrived home last week from the west and intend spending the winter with their relatives and friends, who are pleased to see them again. Miss Mabel Sparks, who has been attending the Model school at Goderich is home. It is reported that B. S. Phillips has disposed of his farm on the 2nd cnn., Hay, to a Mr. Whiteford, of Uncle Sam's domains, the price be- ing l6550. Mr. Phillips intends moving, to Hensall. A meeting to organize the Hen sa11 Hockey Club, was.held in the Queen's Hotel there was a gond at tendance. The following officers were chosen ; Hon, Pres , H. J. D. Cooke, Vice., Cleo. Joynt ; Pres., A. H. King ; Vice, N. E. Cook ; Sec'.- Treay,. R, (1- ()Amore ; Manager, F. W. Smallaoombe, Hensall curling club held au organization meeting last week. There was a good attendance and the curlers entered on the prelim- ary arrangements most enthusias- tially. The following efficient stab*' of officers were elected Hon. Pres., Geo. McEwen, Pres., Alex. Brandt, Vice -Pres., T. R. Hobkirk, Treas. H. J. Billings, Sec. W. McKay. CURE FOR SORE NIPPLES. As soon as the child is done nur- sing, apply Chamberlain's Salve. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the child to nurse. Many trained nurses use this with the best results. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by JJ Meitner. If a poor num steals it. lottf of bread to keep l.hiinself and family from starving, the officers of the law will give him a sentence of from one to thirty days, with hard labor. If a rieli man robs to bank: or steals thousands froin the pnb- lic purse, he is allowed .his liberty and has countless friends to ap- plaue1 his action. The rich man is designated us a sharper and the noor man is called a thief. Surely Shakespeare was right when he said : "Through tattered clothes small vices do appear, robes and furred gowns hide." Cha ber1ali ) .1 Cough e e The Children's Favorite --CURES"•- Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. This remedy is famous for its curet over z nlarge Dart of the ai viid world. Et can l a nlli•nvs be depended upon. Et contains no opium or other harmful drug and may ba given as eonlldontly to a baby no to an adult Price 26 eta; Large Size, 50 ate, Born. Scriwarnr—At Blind Line. Hay, on Dec. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm, 11,son. RADER—At the Town Line, Step- hen. on Dec. 2iird, to Mr. end Mrs. L. Rader, a son. Married. m' sm ELLIOTT—REBID—At the residence the bride's parents, Varna road, on Dec. 5th, by Rev. J. McNeil, Eva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Reid. to Wellington Elliott, of the Goshen Line. BOSSENBERRY—(hRllfES–At the home of the bride's pa rents, Andrews, Ind., on Dec. 25th, Miss Margaret Grimes to Mr. Addison liossen- berry, of Grand Bend, Ont. THE HOSPITAL TOR !rif- ri SICK ILDREN Pur it Uaree for Every Sictc Child Ontario whose Parents Cannot Afford to Pay Mr Treatment. • eV' }l3 s:' The TroQpital for Sick Children, College street, Toronto, appeals to fathers and mothers of Ontario for funds to maintain the thousand sick children that it nurses within its wally every year. The Hospital is not zt local instittt- f,j,�-" c' tion—bat Proviu- cial. The sick child irore any i a>l - ` i place in Ontario C` *1 who can't afford tc, pay has the same rYt r privileges as the child living iu 'for. "'rntrtn" writ argue onto and is treated DOLT. free. The Havital had last year in its beds and cots :•i5r1 patients -33i of tltese were from 23I places outside of Toronto. The oust is 1.37 cuss. per gt• tient per day, and there were i:>s sick le cuF3 a der in the Flus- pitat 1. tiinee stn foun. elation the Ifospital has treated 12,144 children, About s,50t) of these were unable to pay and were treated free. Your money can put gol- den ol- den hinges on the door of the 1tospital'a uteyey. Every• body's dollar may be the Friend i n /'.. Seed to S o nobody's child. Your dollar may he a door of hope to somebody's chiid. The Hospital pays out dividends of health and happiness to suf feting childhood on every dollar that is paid ly friends of (r little children. If you know of any child in your neighborhood who is sock or crippled or has club f o r t send the parent s mime to the trot- TWO CI*" HOO'r a"8144 pitttl, IIT PLASTIM Seo what can he done for club"foot chi!. then. There were 56 like eases lest year end hundreds in ;il years. NIGW i'ri:rti'Ri BOOKS, JUST ARhiVAD." SERVING BRICATCNAST, ."1ffir+ORr: Ar.`Ta:rt Please sono contributions to J. Rosy. Robertson, t.;hairtnan, or to Douglas Daviel. son, Sec...Treas., of the Hospital for Sick t%hiidren, College Street, Toronto.